Brian Ch. 13


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After they had laughed themselves out, they had another pregnant pause, as they were lost in thought again with visions of wild sex, except it was with Dylan and not Daddy. Both of their pussies were becoming tingly and they opened their legs so that the waves would gently lap at their sensitive pussy lips. To each of them it felt like tongues lapping them, and when a particular larger wave it them, it only intensified the feeling.

Brooke rolled her head over at Beth and watched her naked sister lying there basking in the sun. She was beautiful to her. A very sexy woman. Her body reminded her of her mother and what she might have looked like twenty years ago. But she had seen pictures of her mother in her bathing suits in there photo albums at home. Beth was very much like her mother, very sexy and very beautiful.

"What do you think about mom, Beth?" Brooke asked. "Would you want to have sex with her, eat her pussy and play with her ass?"

Beth didn't say anything for a few minutes. Brooke watched her face and her face broadened into a smile. "Yeah, I would. I have thought about that several times. Even before I made love to you. I think it would be cool. There could never be anyone to take the place of you though." Beth said as you opened her eyes to look at Brooke.

Brooke was not paying attention to Beth as she looked at her. Brooke's eyes were intent on watching the water gently caress Beth's pussy mound and she was fascinated watching the water move her pussy hair around. She still didn't have that much but what she did have was moved slightly as the waves moved it around. Beth watched as Brooke's tongue darted out and gently licked her dry lips. Beth could also tell all this sex talk was getting to Brooke; her nipples had grown fat and were sticking out hard from her cone shaped tits. Now it was Beth's turn to stare at Brooke as she watched her sister's tits move up and down as she breathed.

Finally Beth couldn't take it anymore and reached out to gently caress her sister's breasts. With a shake of her head, Brooke realized that Beth was touching her and she looked at her younger sister.

"Mmmmm, that feels nice. The only thing nicer would be if your tongue was licking them and your mouth was sucking them. Of course, I would like both your mouth and tongue on other parts of my body too, namely my pussy, clit and asshole."

"Baby, I would like that also. Of course, I would like for you to be doing the same. I would like you to lick and suck me until I am dry." Beth was staring into Brooke's eyes as she spoke.

"You know what, we are going to have to get fucked here shortly. We are either going to have to do each other or have Daddy fuck us. Not sure which, but both sounds good. When we get home, I think I am going to fuck Dylan and then I am going to fuck mom. If we work it right, we will fuck everyone. What do you think?" Brooke asked.

"I think you are right. I am so horny and us talking about fucking Daddy, Dylan, and now mom has got my pussy worked up like you wouldn't believe. What do you think we should do about it, sis?" Beth replied. Then she gave a wink to her.

"I don't know. I guess since we have already picked fruit of dinner tonight and the firewood is done, there isn't much else to do. I guess we could go back to the cave and fuck. Unless you want to lay here some more and talk about how we are going to get Daddy and then Dylan and then Mom. Not necessarily in that order after we do Dad that is." Brooke roared with laughter.

Beth was first to act. She rolled and swung her leg of Brooke until she was straddling her waist. She lowered her pussy until she felt her sensitive clit come to rest on the prickly hair of her Brooke's pussy. Then she lowered her head until her lips met Brooke's. Her lips parted and her tongue gently reached out and touched the dry lips of Brooke's. Brooke's mouth opened and Beth's tongue darted in. Their tongues touched and swirled around each other's and then retreated.

"Ok, I think we should go fuck. I want to eat your pussy and drink you juices. I am going to make you scream and cream. But first I gotta go pee." She started to get up but was stopped when Brooke's had grasped her arm.

"No, don't leave. I want you go now. Pee on me." Brooke stated staring into Beth's eyes.

Beth stared back and then asked, "Are you sure. You want me to piss on that pretty little pussy of yours?" Brooke nodded her head and then Beth sat back down on her sister. They both stared into each other's eyes.

Brooke jumped slightly when she felt the warm fluid pass over her pussy mound and then on to her sensitive clit. Beth let go her golden stream and flooded her sister's mound. Because she was sitting directly on Brooke there wasn't a stream, but more of a bathing in her urine. Beth knew what her sister wanted and Beth rose slightly until her pee was in a hard stream. Beth looked down to adjust her aim until her piss was landing directly on her sister's clit.

Brooke began to moan as the hot fluid struck her swollen clit. Because her clit was unusually long, longer than most girls, there was more sensitive tissue to coat. The hot liquid struck her clit in a steady stream and Brooke knowing it was her sister urinating on her brought her to a quick orgasm. Brooke's hands shot to Beth's legs as the small orgasm hit her body. Brooke curled her toes and arched her back as it hit. Beth knew that her sister was cumming and took her hands and pinched her nipples and twisted them roughly. This pain only added to Brooke's sensation and the orgasm intensified.

Once all the piss was out of Beth, she contracted her bladder muscles to cause the last remaining liquid out of her body. The pale yellow stream hit Brooke's clit like hard taps causing her orgasm continue for a few moments longer.

"Wow, that has never happened before. All you did was pee on me and I came. That was wild. Thank you, baby. I will return the favor." Brooke spoke and then rose up to kiss Beth hard on the mouth.

The girls then rolled to their sides, stood up and waded into the water to rinse off. After a quick swim they exited the water hand in hand. As they walked up the beach toward the jungle and the cave, Brooke dropped her hand from Beth's and swatted her ass hard. Beth yelped in pain and then looked at her ass. She had a perfect handprint on her tanned asscheek.

"What did you do that for?" Beth asked rubbing her stinging butt.

"Just consider it tenderizing. I am going to have pie for lunch. Pussy pie that is." Brooke said and then took her hands and started to try and grope Beth's ass.

Beth turned around and started to walk backwards fearing her sister was going to swat her again. Beth was squealing and holding her hands out in front of her to keep Brooke's hands at bay. She then turned and took off running for the cave with Brooke close behind.

Once in the cave, the girls fell on each other. For the next hour it was a blur of tongues and fingers as the girls touched every part of the other. They were moaning, crying, laughing and squealing as the girls brought each other off. Finally when the girls' lust was temporarily quenched, they lay back and spooned together on the now sweaty sheets.

"I don't want to wear you pussy out just yet. I got an idea about tonight," Brooke spoke.

"And what kinky thing have you got in store for me tonight, lover?" Beth asked.

"Oh, it is not for you baby, well not only for you. You see I got an idea and tonight we are going to get massively fucked up or fucked. I just figured out a way to get us fucked by daddy. Are you game?" Brooke spoke quietly into Beth's ear.

Beth rolled over and faced Brooke. "Hell yeah I am in. Or should I say he is going to be in, in me and you."

Beth listened intently on how they were going to seduce their father tonight. Once done, the girls were so worked up, they gently caressed each other's body to another orgasm, but holding back slightly. They didn't want to wear themselves out; they wanted their dad to do that.

Brian kept watch for the pirates and hopefully a rescue party. But his eyes kept coming to the girls lying on the beach. His cock was rock hard and he wasn't able to do much in the way of watching for trouble. He knew trouble was frolicking on the beach below him. However, it was a trouble that truthfully he didn't or wouldn't mind. He watched as the girls were basking in the glow of the sun and were obviously talking to each other. Then he watched the girl reach and fondle the other's breast. He thought the girls were going to leave when Beth suddenly rolled over and sat on Brooke. They stayed that way for a while and then went swimming. When they headed up the beach, he wished that he could have gone with them. Anything would have been sitting here with a hard on while two sexy women were below him naked. His will to resist the temptation was slowly going away.

Brian moved down the hill to put more wood on the fire to ensure that it burned through the night. He was going to call it quits for his guard duty for the night. The moon was only at a quarter and was not casting much illumination. This played against him and for him. The moonlight would not allow him to see if there were any approaching ships that could offer rescue. It also meant the chance of attack again by the pirates would not likely happen. They would not risk trying to come on shore through the lagoon without good lighting to guide them. The water was at low tide and without good visibility they would rip out the bottom of their boat. Brian felt he could turn in and get a good night's rest since the chance of attack was low.

He moved down to the fire and threw several more pieces of wood causing the fire to brighten up. The sparks caused by the wood landing on the fire flew into the air. Brian silently laughed to himself at their beauty and then continued to poke the fire to make sure it was glowing brightly. Brian made a walk down the beach staying close to the wood line to observe for tracks coming from the water's edge to the jungle. The pirates could have snuck someone on to shore without him observing them. Once he felt that all was as safe as he could make it, he started back to the cave.

Heading back made him more fearful that a possible pirate attack. He had been in combat, both officially and unofficially after twenty years of military service. He had killed, almost killed himself, and did more damage than most soldiers did in their service. But heading to the cave absolutely terrified him. Yet, at the same time, he was excited. He knew that he would be going to sleep in a cave with two very beautiful and sexy women. He knew they were going to be naked and expected him to sleep with them. That is what frightened him. He wanted to make love to them but these sexy women were his daughters and fathers just didn't do that.

As he approached the cave he was sweating in the night air. Hopefully the girls would be asleep and he could quietly slip into the cave and find a mattress that was unoccupied. He thought if they were already asleep, the temptation to join them would disappear and he could just lie down and go to sleep. Then he would slip out the next morning before they woke. Of course he would have to deal with these naked goddesses running around naked. His cock gave a lurch and he felt it start to rise when he thought about the girls lying naked on the beach like earlier today. He reached down and felt his hardening cock and gently stroked it through his shorts. "Mmmm, it feels good but I would rather one of the girls do it," he thought. He shook his head as if he were trying to shake the thought of one of his daughters stroking his cock.

He stopped in front of the cave and listen for a moment. He was trying to hear if the girls were talking. If he heard them, then he thought he would go for another check of the perimeter and return when he thought they would be asleep. He quietly listened and when he heard nothing, he gave a sigh of relief and entered the cave.

The girls were far from asleep. They were lying side by side and listening intently for the sound of their father approaching. The girls knew that if he heard them he would not enter. They were like a pride of lionesses waiting on their prey to come into range before the attack. Each of them lay there holding hands. When they heard their father outside the cave entrance, their bodies began to become aroused. Both of them felt their pussies' begin to cream and their nipples became sensitive. They hoped that their father would want them as much as they wanted and need him. If he did not, they resigned themselves to the fact that the only sexual release they would get would be either from doing it to themselves or doing it to each other. Both girls found that they had discovered that they liked to have a woman make love to them but the feeling of a hard cock sliding into their tight pussies could never be replaced by a tongue, fingers or toy. Unfortunately, they didn't have a toy to use, so it was either a finger or fingers, and a tongue to do the business. Of course, they had their dad's cock and by hook or crook, they were going to get it.

Brian quietly slipped into the cave and stood for a movement to let his eyes adjust to the low light level in the cave. Once his eyes adjusted, he scanned the room to find a sleeping place. Where he thought he would find an empty sleeping mat, he only found the hard rocky floor of the cave. He continued to scan around and found the girls had adjusted the sleeping arrangements inside. Everything had been moved further in the back of the cave out of the direct opening of the cave. Brian would have rather had the sleeping arrangements there so he could hear the noises of the jungle but also knew that it would echo in the cave and he could hear just fine. "Damn," he thought.

Brian continued to look around and then slowly moved back to the rear of the cave. Hopefully he would find a blanket or something to act as a ground cloth and something to throw over him and we would sleep outside the cave. He had slept under far worse conditions but given the opportunity, a soft warm mattress was always more welcome than the hard ground any day of the week. He scanned around and found nothing to use. Evidently the girls had taken everything and used it for their sleeping arrangements.

The girls had figured their father out pretty well. They knew that he would try to avoid sleeping with them. Especially since they had taken to being nude in everything they did. Sleeping last night must have been rough on him. Both girls had awoken at different times in the night and touched Brian in his sleep. They touched his cock and found that he was sleeping with a hard on. As they touched him, he would moan slightly. They were still afraid of what he might do, so after a gently touch they would snuggle closer to him and push their naked pussies up against his warm leg. Before retiring to bed, they made a sweep of the cave for anything used for sleep. They moved everything to the back of the cave and set up all the sleeping pads together to give a softer sleeping surface. They then took all the sheets, blankets and anything that could be used for cover and placed it as liners for the bed. There was nothing that could be used for comfortable sleeping. They knew their dad had two choices: come to bed with them, go sit by the fire and not sleep or at least sleep as uncomfortable as the girls could make him. If he didn't sleep with them tonight and tried to sleep during the day, they had already planned to do "spring cleaning" and wash all the covers and mattresses. Dad would not get to sleep during the day and they would just put their plan into action the next night. Like a lioness on the prowl, they had set up their prey and were closing in on the kill. Right then, the girls watched through slit eyes as their prey walked into the kill zone. He was time to pounce.

Brian slowly moved forward and found the girls sleeping slight apart from one another. He thought that was slightly unusual for them based on the last few days. They were almost inseparable in all their actions to include sleeping. When they were sleeping together, they usually were spooning against one another. One would hold the other and then they would turn over and the other would hold. In their sleep, they were usually cupping the other's breast. It was a very erotic sight, one that Brian couldn't help think about causing his cock to jump. He knew the girls got that sleeping arrangement from him. When he slept with Wendy, his hands were always holding her tits like they were going to get away from him. His fingers were always clasped around her nipples that were always hard. His finger naturally used them as a handhold. His girls would do the same to each other in their sleep. Thinking of sleeping with Wendy and holding her titties, made his cock jump again and he knew he was going to have a hard night's sleep, literally.

Brian knew that he could not lie down next to his girls with an erection. He was about to head back outside to go jerk off to the thought of sleeping with his sexy wife and with the thoughts of his naked daughters before him. He turned and stopped in his tracks when he heard the girls' voices.

"Daddy, are you coming to bed now? We have been waiting for your warm body to snuggle to," Brooke stated.

"Yeah, daddy, we are cold and need something hot to snuggle to," Beth chimed in. It was the way she said hot body that caused Brian's cock to reach its full hardness.

"Yes, girls, I was going to find something to sleep with, but you have everything." Brian set his AK down against the wall, close by in case he needed it. "I guess I will have to sleep next to you two. Move over Beth and I will get in bed."

"No, daddy, we want you in the middle. That way we can both keep warm next to your hot body." Beth was speaking as if it was nothing big that her dad was going to keep his two naked girls warm.

Brian rolled his eyes and started making mental notes of thing he needed to do tomorrow, things that he needed to do at home, how to do the headspace and timing on a .50cal machine gun, anything he could think of to take his mind of the two naked women holding the sheet open so he could get in bed with them. Any other man would have jumped at the chance to be between two beautiful sexy women at once but Brian was not that guy.

When he got onto the mattress and under the sheets the first thing he noticed was the girls were sweating. They couldn't have been that cold. When they snuggled next to him and felt their warm legs fold across his thighs his head almost exploded. "First take the alignment wheel and move it all the way to the left. After that, turn the wheel back to the right counting the number of clicks..." Brian began to recite the method of setting the headspace and timing again.

Brian laid there with mental images of anything but the two nubile beauties lying beside him with their naked bodies pressed against him. He was thinking and everything he could to get his daughters off his mind. He finally thought of his grandmother, naked running on the beach, her white skin in the sunlight, her saggy boobs bouncing up and down. That turned the trick as his cock began to deflate, but at that time Beth moved her head against his chest and pushed her large tits into his side. The mental image of his naked grandmother quickly turned into the image of Beth and Brooke running naked down the beach. His cock hardened while he imagined seeing their tanned breasts sway as their bodies moved.

The girls began to run their hands over Brian's chest slowly, touching most of his muscular chest. Their fingers found his nipples and started touching it gently and playing with the course hair around his nipple. They gently touched and pulled absent mindedly.