Brian Ch. 18


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Wendy's pussy was now on fire. Between her mother's kiss, watching the over acting blond bimbos having sex on screen and everything else that had happened today, she was going into sensory overload. As she leaned back into her chair her eyes were drawn to the screen. The action was heating up as much as her pussy. Wendy's hand wandered down to rest between her legs and began to likely stroke the inside of her thighs. When she heard a moan beside her she saw that her mother was doing the same except her fingers were already stroking her clit and pussy lips. Wendy moved her hands further up her legs until she too was stroking her clit.

As the movie heated up the ladies were pumping two to three fingers inside the hot pussies. They had to stop twice to put more tokens inside to finish watching the movie but by then they were almost on the edge. The scene that finally got them was when two girls attacked a third while wearing strap-ons. The one poor girl at the center of attention was either really enjoying what the others were doing to her or she was just a good actress. As the girl in the movie finally let loose her orgasm Augie and Wendy came with her. The jerk in their seats as their probing fingers pushed them over the edge. They rolled toward each other and kissed as they rammed fingers inside their heated pussies and the other hands stroked their clits. Their soft tongues were dueling inside their mouths. Finally they came down off their high and tried to stand up. The movie had quit by the time they were able to move and they walked shakily back to the counter. By the time they got there they still had visible beads of sweat on their foreheads and you could see sweat stains under their arms.

The young clerk watched the women slowly move toward her and began to ring up Wendy's purchases. When she finished she gave the total to Wendy and Wendy handed her a credit card. The sales clerk reached for the card and gently brushed Wendy's finger and with her extended finger ran it under her hand and across her palm. She felt Wendy shudder when she took the card.

After the transactions were complete Wendy signed the receipt and picked up her purchases. Wendy smiled at her and the girl smiled back. Augie broke the silence of the stare when she went to introduce Wendy to her. "Cookie, this is my daughter. Wendy this is Cookie." The girls shook hand and then I as in an act of old, Cookie brought Wendy's hand to her lips and kissed the back of her hand. Then she moved Wendy's fingers to her lips and she sniffed her fingers and then licked the dried pussy juice from them. Wendy rolled her eyes from behind her closed eyelids and softly moaned. Cookie repeated the same action with Augie as Wendy looked on.

"I recognize your taste, Aug, but hers is different. Must have taken care of yourselves and not each other this time," she said to Augie. "Anytime you want to come back and see other things, I can arrange for a manager's discount, Wendy. Just let me know," she said now looking at Wendy.

Wendy blushed and suddenly found something interesting on the counter and stared. When she looked up she could see her mother and Cookie in a passionate lip lock, and as they parted she saw that Cookie had her tongue in her mother's mouth.

"How did you get the name of 'Cookie'," Wendy asked.

"Well when I have sex I tend to get my cookies a lot and then I am always happy to give you lots of cookies also," she replied. "Come by sometime and I will heat some up for you." She winked at Wendy and Wendy again found something interesting on the counter. As her mother and her took their purchases and headed for the car, Wendy's face was still bright red. If she had been standing naked in front of a mirror, she would have seen her engorged pussy lips was the same color as her cheeks.

The ride home was spent with idle chitchat. The main thing Wendy wanted to know was how her mother knew this nymph and just how well she did know her. Augie went on to explain to her that she had met her after Wendy's father had passed away and she was feeling particularly horny one night and drove here to find something to relieve her itch. She struck up a conversation with the young girl and began to ask her questions about which was the best toy, what was the best lubricant and other dribble. Augie told Wendy it had been a long time since she had to rely on manual methods. Augie explained that she talked with the girl and one thing led to another and Cookie had gone home with her that night. Augie laughed when she told Wendy that the girl's nickname was the truth. Cookie had cum so much that Augie had to wash the sheets the next day. She winked at Wendy when she asked her if she wondered how that big stain got on the couch got there. They had sat on it drinking wine and it wasn't wine that made the stain. She was in a sixty-nine with Cookie when she found out she was a squirter. She finished up her story when they were pulling into Augie's drive way.

Wendy asked if her mother wanted her to come in and "help" with anything since they were both worked up. Her mother kissed her hard and told her that she was going to go and try some stuff with the toy she just bought and besides Dylan was expecting her. Why settle for fingers and a toy when you can have the real thing between your legs. Augie reached under Wendy's dress and pushed two fingers inside her making Wendy's legs almost buckle. Augie brought the fingers to her mouth and licked them clean. She laughed to Wendy when she told her that a little snack though was always a good thing.

Wendy kissed her mom again and started toward her house with her multiple bags in her hands. Augie yelled at her that if Dylan wasn't too tired when he got done with Wendy to send him her way. Wendy laughed and called over her shoulder that she would send him over tomorrow to take care of her. Augie's only response was that she had better mean it.

Wendy heard her mother's door close as she headed around the pool. She saw the door to the workout room open and knew that one or more of the kids had used it and left the door open. She set her things done and went over to see if they were still there. When she peaked in the room was empty with the exception of several sets of clothes lying in piles on the floor. Her thoughts were of Dylan and what he was going to do to her causing her not to notice the number of piles of clothes and who they belonged to.

Wendy moved through the silent house with only the voices in her head to keep her company. Her pussy was still tingling from everything that had gone on during the day. It was now late; the shopping taking longer than she anticipated but it was well worth it. She had a new pair of black shoes that she knew she was going to catch hell from Brian over. She also had a few new dresses, some pants and some really sexy lingerie that Brian was going to love. However, she bought one just for Dylan and she was planning on wearing it tonight just for him.

As she walked by the kids' room she could hear no sounds coming from them. She moved on to her room and set her stuff down noisily on the bed and then moved to the bathroom to pee. She sat on the toilet and let go her urine. She thought about the time yesterday with Dylan and it made her pussy and clit come back to life. It never really died but it had stopped throbbing finally and now that she was thinking about it again, it began to tingle. She gave her clit a quick rub and then finish.

After she had spent the next hour putting this away, removing the tags and figuring out what needed to be washed before wearing; she finally went to check on Dylan and Beth. First she went to check on Dylan and found him sound asleep wearing nothing but a towel. The towel had come loose on his side and she gently lifted it to look at her son's sleeping cock. Even flaccid it was about five inches long and rested against his thigh. She knew that shortly she was going to make it hard and stand up. Again her pussy let her know it was there and wanting attention. She knew she needed to check on Beth before she went to start her preparation for Dylan.

She moved through the adjoining bathroom and into Beth and Brooke's shared bedroom. She found Beth sleeping on her bed on her back. Both the girls slept very much like her, spread out with at least one foot out from under the covers. Usually that foot got cold and the poor person it was placed against to warm back up was in for a shock.

She moved to check on her and went through her mother routine. She gently brushed the hair from her eyes and then adjusted the covers and made sure her foot was back under the cover. Then on impulse she did something up until a few months ago she would have never thought about doing.

She took the top of the covers and lifted them away from Beth's body. Her eyes widened when she realized that Beth was naked under the covers. She pulled the covers back and left Beth's nubile body lying naked on the sheets. Wendy gazed down upon her sleeping daughter's body and her eyes traveled from her toes to her face slowly taking in her beauty.

When Wendy's eyes started back down her Beth's body they stopped on her large tits and watched them rise and fall with her breathing. The cool night air made her nipples harden and the tiny buds sat up erect on her tanned tits and areoles. Wendy slowly brought her hand out and touched her daughter's nipple and watched it become even harder. Wendy watched Beth's face for signs of her waking. All Beth did was move her body slightly and thrust her chest forward in her sleep. Wendy got bolder and against flicked her erect nipple harder. Beth was a sound sleeper just like her and she slept right through it. Wendy knew that it would take more stimulation before she would wake but when she woke up she would wake up groggily albeit very horny. Wendy continued to flick the nipples and watched as her areole turned her and puffed up as she became more excited.

Wendy knew how far she could push Beth before she woke up. When she saw Beth move her hands for her sides to her pussy and begin to lightly stroke her swelling pussy lips, she knew she had pushed her as far as she dared. As she watched Beth sleepily stroke her clit she brought the covers up to cover the sleeping girl. But with one last bit of lust, Wendy lowered her head and kissed Beth's nipples. Her kiss brought a moan from Beth and Wendy saw the covers over her pussy begin to move rapidly. Wendy covered her body and quietly exited the room.

Wendy moved in her own dream state down to her room. She stripped off her clothes and quickly moved to the bathroom. She showered quickly and then made sure that her pussy was clean and smooth by giving herself a quick shave. She toweled herself dry and then moved to the bedroom only stopping to put on the new bustier she bought to show Dylan.

After she got in the bed she remembered her new toy she purchased. She quickly reached under the bed where she had placed it, and then removed it from the box. She reached into the nightstand beside the bed and pulled out some lubricant that always remained there for assistance when Brian fucked her in the ass. She placed new batteries in the toy and lubed it up.

She began to play with her new friend, going through all the settings. Each time she tried a new one it caused her to orgasm. She went through so many of the different settings and having orgasms with each one that she lost track of time. Her wonderful new friend took her to places that she didn't know a piece of plastic could take her. It wasn't as good as the real thing but the newness of it was a great benefit. By the time she had finished all the settings and dozed off the sleep with the toy turned off but resting inside her pussy. She had fallen asleep with the light on, covered in sweat.

Beth slept through the night but kept dreaming of a being watched. The thought of being watched excited her and made her nipples stand up. She felt as this faceless person watched her; they would reach down and play with her hard nipples. She had to play with herself because her tormentor would only watch and play with her nipples. But when her watcher kissed her nipples she came. She no longer felt the presence of her watcher but she still played with her pussy through her dreams.

Dylan had better dreams. He dream he wonder the national wrestling/taekwondo Olympics in front of thousands of screaming fans. As the judges placed his olive branched award on his head, a big-breasted naked girl placed a gold medal around his neck and she shoved his head between her tits as she put the medal over his head. Then as he stood there with the nation anthem was played, a woman was sucking his cock. The woman looked strangely like his grandmother. As he came down her throat she started humming the Marine Corps hymn. In his sleep, he came all over his chest.

The next morning the remaining Williams' women were quiet and reserved. When they came downstairs, they drank their coffee in silence and looked at the table. Dylan came bounding down the stairs with his usual smile and kissed first his mother and then his sister on top of their heads. He looked at them as they say in silence.

What is wrong with everyone? Nobody's talking or doing anything. Somebody die and not tell me?" she asked.

"Nothing is wrong dear, I am just not feeling well this morning," Wendy replied. She was looking at him as if searching for his answer of not coming to her bed last night.

Dylan knew what was wrong with her. "Mom, I am sorry that I slept through you coming home last night. I had planned to talk with you about some stuff but I had a hard workout yesterday and afterwards I fell asleep. I must have really worked hard because I slept all night and only woke up a few minutes ago. I promise I will make it up to you somehow," he told her.

Beth was hung her head even lower so her mother couldn't see her smile when Dylan mentioned the workout. She knew that she was the one that really got the workout. Her ass was still sore and her pussy was still tender. She knew that she was the one that tired out Dylan so he couldn't meet her mother. Against she smiled knowing that she had fucked him out.

Beth finally raised her head and then stood up and walked to refill her cup of coffee. She moved slowly and easily because her ass was so tender and her pussy lips rubbed against each other. Her pussy was tender but not nearly as tender as her first time with her dad, who was a good bit bigger than Dylan. But she had never been fucked in the ass and that is what was the tenderest. Her mother watched her and saw that she did not walk normally and offered her concern.

"Honey, are you okay? You walk like you are hurting?" Wendy asked her.

"I'm fine. I thinking I am about to start my period is all. I'm hurting right now," she turned and told her mom.

"Now, that I can understand. I think I am about to start too because I'm hurting also. It must be the harem thing they always talk about. You know, when women are sharing close proximity and such, their cycles with begin to coincide together. Now if Brooke comes home and she says she is starting, then we will know it is true," she sat smiling at her youngest. She knew that she was hurting from the almost nonstop sex from the day before. First herself, then her mother almost the entire time while shopping, to include the adult store, and then trying out her new friend all night. She was quite tender herself.

Dylan raised his hands. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. W.T.M.I., way too much information. I don't need to know this, nor do I want to know this. Women problems are my cue to leave. I am going to go and wash my truck and then come home and mow the lawn before dad gets back and fusses at me for not doing it. I will talk with you harem people later." He bent and kissed his mother gently on her lips, brushing his tongue across his lips. Then her turned to Beth and did the same. He walked out of the kitchen singing like he owned the world.

Wendy and Beth sat their lost in their thoughts. Wendy finally broke the silence and refilled her coffee cup. She reached into the cabinet above the pot and pulled out the bottle of Tylenol and set it between them. They both laughed as they looked at the bottle and then at each other. They both grabbed to bottle together and their hands touched. They left their hands together and did not pull them back. They sat there holding each other's hands as they stared at each other.

"Honey, have I ever told you that you have grown into a very beautiful woman. You are absolutely gorgeous. I am very proud of everything you do and have done. You are turning out to be a smart and sexy woman," she told her.

"Thanks, mom," she replied.

Wendy continued to stroke Beth's fingers and continued. "Baby, you are grown up now and there are things that you may do, want to do or think about doing. You know what I mean and what they are. I'm just trying to tell you that if you ever need or want anything from me or want me to do, just ask. I will do anything you ask. I probably am very much like you and want things just as bad as you."

It was the emphasis on the anything that Beth understood. Her mother was basically telling her that she wants her just as much as Beth wanted her. Even though her pussy was sore, she felt it start to heat up. She could feel her pussylips become wetter as her mother continued to stroke her fingers. Even her nipples were beginning to harden and they reached a point where she was feeling them as they rubbed her sleep shirt. They seemed heavier than before and they tended to move more as she breathed, making them rub more against the material. This only added to the heat in her pussy.

"Mom, I will take you up on that once I get to feeling better. I promise. There are some things, well, you know.... Anyway when I get to feeling better, I am going to take advantage of what you just told me." She squeezed her mother's hand and then stood up. She leaned over and kissed her mother on the lips, letting her hand fall to her mom's large tits and gently squeezed them. She wanted to let her mom know that she understood.

Beth broke her kiss and walked gingerly up the stairs and into the bathroom. Once she finished her business and wiped she saw a bright red spot on the tissue. She laughed when she remembered about the harem comment her mother made. She knew she was hurting slightly from Dylan but now she knew it was all him. That made her feel better to know that she could take him now and it wasn't going to bother her as much. She flushed and then went to lie back down. Her abdomen was cramping as she lay there and thought of her mother.

Wendy's pussy was about to erupt. Her conversation with Wendy had made her hot. She basically told her in not so many words that she wanted her youngest child not as a daughter but as a lover. And then when Beth stood to go upstairs to her room, the kiss was wonderful. Even better was the gentle caressing of her tits. Her nipples were still hard and sensitive from Beth's touch.

She finished her coffee and then put the cup in the sink. She gazed out the window and watched the world. She thought to herself that her world had certainly changed in the past few months. She heard the sounds of the birds and music from the wind chimes as the wind blew through them. Off in the distance she could hear the sound of a lawn mower as someone began their weekend chores. When she looked off to the side of the house, she could she her mother outside in her short denim skirt and halter top talking to a young man as his partner was hurriedly mowing the grass. "Mom has the best yard. Those guys must take good care of her," she thought as she went upstairs.

After morning toilet, she discovered another reason why her pussy was so wet. She laughed as she got in the shower and stood under the warm water. "The harem affect is in full swing so far."