Brian's Loss Pt. 01


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I look to see where the bed is. He has his back to me. I turn off the light and make my way to the bed. He isn't talking. I expected he would ask about his demon spawns. Nope. Okay, I have my back to him. Now he can roll over and grab me. Nothing. I wait. Nothing. I listen closer. He is asleep.

What the fuck? Was that whole story true? Time to test the waters. I, um ... move in my sleep. Mmmmmmm ... yes, I like that. I roll over and put a leg and an arm around this large, sturdy man. Oh my, this feels awesome. In minutes, I am asleep.


3:30 AM, and one of the piglets is whimpering. Argggggh. I get out of bed, change a diaper, then she doesn't want to sleep. She is tired, so I walk with her. Still awake. I start a soft singing. I love to sing country songs. I'm not good enough to sing professionally, but I am better than the average person that can sing. Patricia finds country music soothing and is soon asleep. Brian is in the doorway, that surprises me.

Brian says in a whisper, "I heard an unusual sound; I had to investigate it. I come in here and find you singing. I had no idea you were so good."

He yawns, then turns and shuffles back to bed. I put the piglet back in the crib and rush back to catch Brian. He is getting into bed again. I am quick to turn off the lights and get into bed; however, I'm not used to this room. As I rush to get in bed, I run into the side of the mattress, which causes a stabbing pain in my knee. I shout out in pain as I fall into bed.

Brian is quick to roll over and ask, "What? What happened? Did you hurt yourself getting into a soft bed?" He sounds amused.

I reply, "Fuck you! It's dark in a strange room. My foot went under the bed, my shin hit the sideboard, and I hyperextended my knee a I fell down. DAMN! That hurts like a motherfucker. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch." I have actual tears on my face from the pain.

Brian is quick to get out of bed, something I don't like. He turns on the lights, then gets a towel and a bottle. What the hell is he going to do to me?

To set me at ease, Brian says in a soothing voice, "I can help. Trust me."

My hands are on my knee, where the pain is. He moves my nightgown up past the knee. I help him and move it all the way to my pussy. I sure hope he can see me.

His hands gently move my knee, which causes more pain, although there is a blanket under my leg now. I was hoping for ice.

Brian is quick to say, "Hang on a minute; I will be back with some ice and another pillow, so you can sleep with it raised."

Like lightning, he is gone in a flash. Who knew such a clumsy act is getting me exactly what I want? It's so worth the pain I feel right now. Brian comes rushing back into the room. He has a bag of ice wrapped in a paper towel. Ooooooooh, that's cold.

Brian says, "Alexa, set a timer for fifteen minutes."

Now he looks at me, "I played a lot of sports and had this happen a few times. The ice does wonders. When that is done, I will give it a quick massage. I guarantee that will make it better."

Cocky little bastard, we shall see. We engage in small talk for fifteen minutes, where I hear about the new Project Manager they hired to replace me. He has a lot of learning to do. Alexa buzzes; he tells her to shut up, and then the ice is removed. It feels better now. Brian grabs the bottle he brought in earlier, pumps a liquid into his hand twice, and then quickly rubs his hands together.

I know he's heating the oils with his body heat and friction; I, too, know a thing or two about massages. It's one of the tools that mom taught me. Brian starts above the knee and uses a prolonged rubbing of the muscles. He's too harsh, in my opinion. Generally, they want us to be firm but loose. Brian is firmer than I was taught. My skin feels like it's on fire as he manipulates me. Up and down my leg, he goes with his firm grasp. My muscles are responding, and it feels terrific.

Wait, this is wrong. This shouldn't feel so good. Is he looking at my peach? I left it uncovered just for him. YES! He's trying to make me think he isn't looking. HE IS! HE IS! Awesome! We both smile, yet I believe it's for two very different things. We are both getting what we want.

After he finishes, he puts the ice pack on and then cleans up. I hear him take a shower. I haven't moved; my nightie hasn't moved an inch. I want him looking at me. When he comes back, he is going to take me. I'm going to make it easy on him.

When Brian comes back, he is white; I was expecting light pink from a hot shower. He took a cold shower to calm down ... good luck with that. My breasts are almost bursting out; my nipples are hard and easy to see, sticking out. Brian turns off the lights and gets in bed without incident.

I start by saying, "You obviously know this room much better than I do. You're able to get in bed without injuring yourself."

Brian chuckles, "Yes, it's a new Olympic sport. I am working on speed shaving as well. Now there is a dangerous sport."

I playfully slap his shoulder, then say, "Oh Brian, you're so funny and weird. You're also a sexy man with muscles. There are lots of men like that; however, most of them will tell you repeatedly, then tell you anything you want to hear to be in this exact spot: two nearly naked adults in bed together. I have been watching you since I first saw you at work.

"On my first day, several of us are staring at you. An older woman walks by and says to us, 'You have zero shot at that man; he is head over heels in love with his wife. Zero chance. Sorry gals.' We all were devastated. In a way, though, that made me admire you even more. You had morals, a rock-solid reputation, and you were committed to your lovely wife. For any woman, that's about as good as it gets when they look and act like you do.

"Baby, I know you hurt still, and love her very much. Your love will never diminish; the pain will lessen, pushed aside by your love. I, nor anyone else, will ever replace Holly. It just isn't possible. I certainly won't try. I am something different: I am a MaryAnn. I hope that we can start a new chapter someday. Until that time, I think we both have an itch that needs scratching.

"Look. I know you don't love me. I know you still love your wife. I understand; I am cool with that. I haven't known you that long. I just know that you haven't had sex in a while. I haven't had sex for almost a year. I am on the pill, and I want to be fucked. You don't have to tease me or please me. Nope, I'm horny already. I just need you to stick it in me and release your pain."

Brian is too decent of a guy, "I feel like I am taking advantage of you. I don't know if I can do this. I still love Holly; this is like cheating on her."

I pounce on that, "Believe me, baby. If she were alive, there is no way I step foot in your house. You were gaga over her; I didn't exist in your universe. You had the world's best woman for you; but she isn't here, she can't keep you warm at night, can't feed the babies, or change their diapers. You can't fuck her now. I am ready and willing right now."

I add playfully, "I won't force you; I do have some dignity I'll have you know. If you have swung the other way and like guys now, I'll understand. I just thought that being a big, handsome man and me being a shy, cute woman, we could help each other out." I pause. "Okay, I get it. I will just roll over and cry myself to sleep, knowing that I'm not good enough, even for a desperate man. Oh, poor me."

Brian laughs his ass off. That's a good sign ... I think. Brian moves quickly, so he is sitting up. He isn't moving; I think he is making up his mind. I purr to entice him.

Brian sounds sad when he says, "I can't. I can't do this yet. I need time."

GODDAMN IT! I am pissed off. However, that doesn't help me. I also sit up. I push my breasts into Brian. Then I slowly push him back into his pillow. I roll to my side, then pull his arm so his body is next to mine. I continue pulling his arm around me. Ohhhhhhhh. This is nice. I purr again, letting him know how much I like this. I soon fall asleep.

Chapter 7 - Dinner

Point of view: Brian

Two days later, I am hosting all my sisters for dinner. I get at least two a night. The stars aligned, and all four are here. The first topic of every meal is how my angels are doing. What's new with them, and have any milestones been reached. No walking, no talking, and still not sleeping through the night.

Natalie asks with a clever smile on her face, "How is MaryAnn doing? She seems nice enough. I noticed she stays a few nights a week now. A lot of assumptions could be made about a man and woman in the same house at night."

Addison adds in an accusatory voice, "Especially when only one bed is slept in."

Carrie and Faith both look at me with shocked faces.

I ease their fears, "It's more like having mom here; it's easier to coordinate taking the children. We avoid both of us getting up."

Carrie adds, "MaryAnn isn't a bad-looking woman. You could do far worse."

Faith isn't happy, "I don't know. Something is off with her. I can't put my finger on it; I just don't trust her. In a very short time, she is caring for your angels, sleeping in your house, and screwing you. That seems a bit fast for me."

I am defensive, "Wait one damn minute! I have not slept with her yet."

Addison asks, "Why not? Doesn't she want you?"

Now I can grin, "Oh no. The first night she was willing to scratch my itch. She hasn't had a partner in over a year."

Carrie is quick to offer, "I bet you haven't either."

I shake my head no, "Once she started getting sick, that was it. MaryAnn is good-looking and very willing. Part of it is I feel like I am taking advantage of her, as I am her employer. Then, there is the guilt about Holly."

Natalie takes that one, "Oh, stop it. There is no way Holly would stand here and tell you not to have sex or get a girlfriend. If she were here, that's entirely different. However, ..." She starts to tear up.

Faith asks, "Are you any good? I mean, can you please a woman with just sex?"

Carrie laughs out loud and is animated as she explains, "I can tell you never had a friend that sleept with him. For three months I had to listen to Blair go on and on about what a stud Brian was; he isn't afraid to eat pussy and has enough to get the job done. Big brother is no porn star; however, he left her quite happy every time."

Addison confirms, "I knew a friend of a friend he dated for six months. Their sex life wasn't the reason they broke up. Oh no, big bro has sister envy. Girlfriends must be better than his sisters. Of course, they all fail."

OH MY. OH MY. How do I get out of this? I don't want to discuss this. There is a shred of truth here. I love my sisters, and they are better looking than most women. Then add how nice they are, and it's hard to find a better girlfriend.

I have tears in my eyes as I stand up, "Fine. Go ahead and talk about me all you want. Do the dishes when you're done. I'm not hungry anymore."

I walk lethargically into the living room and sit on the end of the couch. With me making a scene and being unhappy, all the babies start to cry. Good, that will keep them busy for a while. I hear them talking about me, how cute I am, and how MaryAnn might be good for me. I learned more out in the living room sulking than I did at dinner. I fall asleep.


I am woken up by Carrie as all my sisters are walking single file into the living room. I would bet the babies are fed, bathed, changed, and in bed. No TV or music; this is talk time. Carrie pushed me to wake up and so she can snuggle up under an arm. I pull her to me and wrap an arm around her.

I ask, "Is this another pick on me session?"

Natalie is defensive, "We weren't picking on you. Those are all facts. Well, and several years of observations. We're not here to pick on you or make you sad. We came over to help with the babies and spend some quality time with you. Would you care to tell us a bit more about MaryAnn? You knew her from work, and she is generally around when we aren't. We don't know much about her. Can you help us decide if she is good enough for you?"

I blush, "She is too good looking for me and much too bright, as well. She loves the babies; she is here when they wake up; changes them, feeds them, and bathes them every day. Together, we play with the babies on the floor. Those little angels are getting close to crawling. That reminds me, I need to get some doorway gates and electrical outlet plugs soon.

"I go to work. The babies take a nap. She uses the pool, suns herself, makes lunch for her and the babies, plays with babies, then changes and nap time. She will start dinner; I finish every other day. We alternate feeding the babies dinner, cleaning, and then nap time so we can eat. We may talk a while, take a swim, and then at the worst possible time, one of them will start crying.

"I find her pleasant to be around. She can talk intelligently on many topics, and she knows a bit about sports. She's no mega fan like Carrie, and certainly not a sports hate monger like Natalie. She is much more in between. I find it comfortable having her around, and soon, I should be ready to resume my sex life."

All my sisters "Ooooooooooooooo."

They are so childish.

Faith teases me, "Big bro gonna make his wittle man happy. Three minutes of hot sex."

I laugh at her, "I have never spent less than thirty minutes."

Carrie looks at me in disbelief, "Even your first time? No way."

I laugh at her, "I jacked off three times before I went on my date, "She was impressed with my stamina. It's not that I had stamina ... I had no cum left!"

They all get a good laugh from that.

As Addison stops laughing, she looks around the room and says, "You know, I really enjoy being around all of you. It's been nice playing with babies and spending time with you. Otherwise, I would probably be at home binge-watching some awful TV show."

Faith adds, "Yes, I love cooking for more than one person. It's a waste cooking for just one, I end up throwing half of it out."

I look at the center of the floor with my eyes down, "I would be dead, if not for all of you. I had zero will to live. You kicked my ass, dragged me yelling and screaming back to the living, and forced me to deal with my children. I was never worried about them; I knew all of you would care for them. It's just so hard to live some days. I miss her soooo much."

My eyes have tears, my bottom lip is drooping, and I feel the oppressive sadness weighing on my will to live. I want to hide and cry. Carrie is already at my side. Both of her arms come up and wrap themselves around me. She pulls me tight into her breasts and her body. I know she is my sister, but wow, her breasts feel fantastic.

Natalie comes over and sits right on my lap. She is wearing a skirt and a thong. She sat straight down on my cock. Fortunately, she missed. It ran the length of her pussy, with just the tiny piece of material protecting her.

Immediately, she pops up, "Holy fuck, that was close. He's got a loaded gun. Why the fuck are you hard?"

Oh my, I want to die. Lucky for me, Carrie saves me.

Carrie uses a loud voice to get everyone's attention, "LANGUAGE! We have been talking about MaryAnn and sex all night. He is young, so he's hard half his life, even without our topics tonight. However, I am probably the cause; since when I hugged him, I pulled him right into my puffy breasts. Sister or not, my breasts are awesome, and every man gets hard from them. The real question is, where are your panties, Natalie?"

Natalie is defensive now, "I always wear thongs with skirts; it's one of my kinks. I get off being nearly naked around people. I just didn't expect to find a loaded cannon in his pants."

Addison is amused, "How big is it? Are we talking huge, or just a pencil?"

Natalie is finally showing some maturity, "You want to know, you go down on him. I will not kiss and tell you about my favorite brother. We have already embarrassed him enough tonight. I will say that if he did whip it out right now, he would not be embarrassed. There, you happy? You want to make him feel worse?"

Addison moves to the arm of the chair, sits down, and pulls my head to her body. My ear is smashed into her breasts. Her arms drive me into her body while her head moves down to rest on mine.

Addison is soft when she says, "I am sorry, Brian. You have had a rough time lately, and I shouldn't be teasing you ... too much ... yet. She kisses the top of my head, then goes back to the other couch. One of the babies is awake; Natalie runs off to get her before waking up the others.

As she is running off, mom walks in through the front door. She hangs up her coat and joins us on the couches.

Faith explains, "One of the babies is awake; Natalie just ran off to get her. We discussed MaryAnn; Brian having sex with MaryAnn; and Brian's sex life, in general. Next, we talked about Brian's cock, and the effects of a woman pressing her breasts into a man; and Carrie confirmed, men like that."

Mom looks up, then flippantly says, "Well, duh, no shit Sherlock. Did you really need a memo to know men love being touched by breasts?"

All four sisters yell at their mother, "Language, Mom!"

She gave them a "Whatever" look that I found funny. Natalie comes out with two babies. She gives me Patricia, she kept Patty, leaving Pat in bed still.

Mom looks at Patricia, "When did you last feed her?"

Carrie answers, "It's been a few hours. I think I better start some more bottles."

Mom asks me, "Do you have baby food yet?"

Natalie is almost angry, "You can't start babies this young on food. The pediatrician was very adamant about that."

Mom asks again, "Brian, do you have some baby cereal. It's put in the milk to make it more filling. They're hungry. Feed them."

Carrie objects, "I'm not so sure that's a good idea. Pediatricians suggest holding off on food for a few months still."

Mom is very direct when looking and speaking at me, "Brian. I am your mother; I raised all of you. You all turned out well. You give that child some starter cereal, and not only will she be happier, but she will sleep through the night. I agree that you should listen to your pediatrician; however, I know the sound of a hungry child. I lived it several times. You probably have some samples, right?"

I nod my head yes.

Mom continues, "Let me show you how it works. You don't use too much, just a small amount."

Mom takes a baby from me, and I follow. She shows me how to add the cereal. It's still mostly milk. The "cereal" is a tiny soggy bit of cereal. Sure enough, both babies slept through the night. Too bad I didn't feed all three. I promise Carrie that I will call the pediatrician tomorrow at lunch, just to make sure. She is not happy with mom. Because of the hostility, everyone is gone within an hour, leaving me all by myself.

Chapter 8 - Next Level

Point of view: Brian

For the next few days, at least two sisters stay over each night. They seem to enjoy snuggling up with me. Yes, I find it weird; however, I also sleep well. It helps that the babies are sleeping through the night. The pediatrician warned me about adding too much and too soon. We are adding just a tiny bit, and that has made all the difference.

Tonight, no sisters. Carrie has a long shift at the hospital, and Faith is out of town for a convention in Vegas. Natalie is buried with dress requests. Addison is working late for a huge case she has. While playing with the babies, MaryAnn learns that I am solo tonight. She stands up and starts dinner.

My sisters have been making the menu, and they generally know who will be here. They know that when they aren't here, MaryAnn stays. MaryAnn has learned that the menu is on the refrigerator. She's expected to cook what they have planned. They purchased just enough food for the available number of people.