Brian's Loss Pt. 03


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The safety team is trained in first aid; they are first to start looking at Paco. He is screaming because he's in pain. He was hit by the shrapnel and the fire that caused a second-degree burn on his left arm. Me, my arm hurts like hell. I am in shock. I can't yell, scream, talk, or move. I can cry and think I am going to die by bleeding to death.

I see everyone walking to Paco. Who will take care of my babies? I can't die, not like this.

Lucky for me, my experienced safety team knows to verify everyone is okay. There is always a chance that others can't scream out in pain like Paco is. I hear Terrance calling my name. It seems far away.

I hear Terrance yell out, "I need help over here; Brian's bleeding!"

I am cold, which scares me because it's so hot outside. I feel pressure on my arm, which I assume is covering a bleeding hole in me. I can hear sirens already. Damn, they're fast; they must be close by. I'm still in agonizing pain until the paramedics give me a painkiller. A quick check reveals no more holes in me, and I am whisked away in an ambulance.

The siren is loud, and they took all corners hard. I am near death.

Due to the painkillers, that didn't bother me near as much as it should. However, I did hear several guys tell the ambulance that I should go to Central.

That is so cool that they remember my sister. Another doctor wanted to take me since I am related to Carrie. I don't remember the exact words, but his life was at risk if he mentioned that again. My sister did ask him to assist her; that was cool.

I am given a new medicine, and in seconds, I am asleep.


I wake up, and it's dark outside. I am in the ICU with mom holding one hand and Carrie holding the other. Mom is all cried out already; Carrie seems normal to me.

Carrie explains, "The ICU is empty; we brought you up here to recover a bit and keep the crowd down. I am on leave while you are at the hospital, which should only be a day or two. Once we are sure there is no infection, you will be free to go. You took a good hit from shrapnel. You bled a lot, but you received excellent care from the initial first aid all the way through to the operation. Tuesday afternoons typically aren't busy here.

"Everyone is here but MaryAnn. She is home with the girls. We will swap out with her so she can be here with you. You lost a lot of blood, and it was close for a while. You scared the crap out of us. Everyone is a mess from crying. The danger is over; you will be fine. You shouldn't even be here, but as you see there is lots of room, so they're giving you special care. After all, you are my favorite brother."

Timidly and with a soft voice, "Has everyone seen me? Do they know I will live?"

Carrie looks sad; she has taken more time than she should. Finally, she tries to say something, but in the end, she walks away.

Soon Faith comes walking in, afraid of what she might see. With me smiling, she looks visibly relieved. The crying starts up again, but she runs at me like a toddler, arms straight out. She slows down as she gets closer. My hand is grappled with a stronghold on me.

Faith is mumbling through the crying, "They said you were caught in an explosion. They said you lost all your blood. They said you were near death. Right now, you look fine. I don't understand."

I'm not thinking straight enough to answer that either.

Lucky for me, mom understands, "There was an explosion on site. Brian was assisting and he got hit by a piece of metal. He bled a lot, but he will be fine. Two ER doctors assisted him. Then two surgeons operated on him. For someone that just woke up, he sure looks pretty damn good."

Faith replies, "He always looks pretty damn good."

I turn red from embarrassment, and they laugh like two hens.

Faith tells mom, "We need to get back so Natalie and MaryAnn can visit."

That caught my attention. Where are my angels? Are they okay? Were they left alone?

Two nurses come running in because all my vitals spiked.

Again, mom saves the day, "Stop, he's fine. Faith just told Brian that the woman caring for his children just arrived. He panicked, thinking his one-year-old children are alone."

The two nurses understand perfectly and go back.

Faith sets me at ease, "Your neighbor heard about you and walked over to ask if she could help out. MaryAnn gave her a crash course on the bottles and changing table. She then played race driver getting here. She's worse than us and needs to see you. Mom, come on. You have had plenty of Brian time. Others want a turn."

Reluctantly, mom walks out, with Faith dragging her. They were soon replaced with Natalie and MaryAnn. They both ran at me and hugged me. Natalie had to be very careful of my shoulder. MaryAnn is a mini version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. She quickly swaps from crying and unhappy to furious that I got hurt.

The verbal version went from, "How could you do this to me?" to "Oh my poor baby. Let me hold you and make you feel better."

Natalie flops her body over mine to protect me. In the process, her breast is mashed into my face. It doesn't move. I wrap my lips over my teeth and then start biting her breast. It seems that tickled her. MaryAnn is in the middle of a rant when Natalie starts to giggle like a little schoolgirl. You know what that's like.

MaryAnn stops; she is stunned. This is the wrong feedback; we should be mad and angry. We shouldn't be laughing at her. But, instead, she stops and is watching us closely. She can't figure out what I'm doing.

I stop so Faith can say, "You looked pissed. I threw my body over Brian to protect him. But, unfortunately, my breast smashed into his face." MaryAnn looks amused. "Oh, it gets better. The asshole then puts his lips over his teeth and then starts mauling my fatty breast. It tickled."

MaryAnn is shaking her head, "What are we going to do with him? In TWO WEEKS we are getting married, and he pulls this stunt to save some guy's life. They're calling him a fucking hero for saving Pedro's life."

I correct her, "Paco's life."

MaryAnn is getting mad again, "Whoever, I don't give a damn. They almost got YOU killed, and I DO care about you. I love you, you asshole." Now the tears have started. "You scared the crap out of me. Then I'm stuck at the house when I wanted to be here. I finally get to yell at you, and you're chewing on your sister's breast. That is sooo wrong."

A nurse comes in, "Okay, you two are too loud, out. Send the first two back. They were quiet. You can come back later when your worn out and can be quiet."

After a few minutes, Carrie and mom came back into the room. Mom holds my hand again, and the tears are back in her eyes.

Carries explains to me, "Faith and Natalie went home to relieve your neighbor. Personally, I think they're avoiding MaryAnn. Although between being with your daughters or being here, I choose them every time. You sure scared me. The reports we got on your way in gave me all kinds of nightmare situations. I kept imagining something worse than the worst I have ever seen. None of them made it."

She breaks down crying with her head in her hands.

I try to sound upbeat, "I am young and will heal fast. I bet in a week I will be driving you all nuts because I'm too active. Then, I will be watching the girls all by myself. I have lots of time for planning now."

Mom deadpans, "Oh goodie, he can help now that we're all done. Thank you, Mr. Helpful."

It was a long two weeks.

As predicted, I was full of energy and no partners to help me use it up for one week. MaryAnn took the last week off to prepare for the wedding. My sisters didn't come over. They didn't trust themselves to not have sex with me.

They also had a long list of things to do. It was a lovely week.

On Friday, about 2:00 PM, my neighbor came over with two flutes and a bottle of Champagne.

Denise is leaning against my doorframe. Damn, she looks sexy in the short skirt, pushup bra, and a blouse about a size too small. Her hair is curled, and she has five-inch stilettos on. When I invited her in, she walks gracefully into my house, like she owns it, and wears those shoes all the time.

She sits in the center of my couch and says to me, "Brian, we need to talk ..."

Chapter 16 -- Wedding Bells

Point of view: Brian

It's Saturday, the day I get married. I need to shower, take a bath, and feed my daughters. I am tired; I was up late last night watching movies about my angels. They have grown so much. Three houses away, there is a mother and two college daughters that need money. I have done free work for them several times to help them out. When I asked them to help watch my babies for my wedding, they were all in. When I told them how much they would make, they all burst out in tears.

Three days last week, they were over to meet and learn about my girls. Carrie's friend Mary will be Carrie's date, but they have her number if anything comes up. I have three hours before I need to be at the church for the last run-through. I make a full pound of breakfast sausage, and a dozen scrambled eggs, along with eight cups of coffee. Ding dong. Right on time, my babysitters are here. I drop the toast.

I get a hug from each of them. I rush them into the kitchen so we can eat hot food. All three of them are excited to watch the babies for the day. The girls all walk now and have been saying simple words for a while. No two girls understand the same words; they each have a unique set of words they use. The playroom has a ton of toys to keep them interested all day.

Once they start playing, I do the dishes. Valerie caught me and sent me away to get dressed. Because of that, I am first at the church. I am nervous. Soon everyone shows up, we do a run-through. My side did it first, then we go to my room. Then MaryAnn repeated what I did. We're not allowed to see each other.

Typically, you do this the day before, but the pastor was sick. What can you do? He's the one that tells us where to go, what to do, what he will do, and what order it will be done in. It's better when we're there together. He gets sick, so we do it in shifts and adapt. Such is life.

Carrie starts to tell me something and then stops. I hate when they do that. She looks so sad. They all do. There has been more of this lately and it's annoying me. Nobody will speak to me and fill me in. What else can I do?

I comment, "I am only getting married; I won't change. By the way, these are my groomsmen. They're all from work. My best man is my best friend, Paco."

They know that name. They all want to hug him. That's the last thing he wants. I step between him and my sisters.

I am strong with my words, "Paco is still healing. He shouldn't be here. I assured him he will be fine, Mary's a pediatrician. It's perfect because Paco is still sixteen; he never grew up."

Paco hits me in the arm hard then blushes. My sisters all say, "Awwwww," and of course, he blushes harder.


My groomsmen are all up on the stage in a line, with me on the end, and closest to the audience. My buddies are all dressed up and standing next to me. We are in black and white. Yes, we look like penguins. They play the music; MaryAnn's stepfather slowly walks her down the aisle. She is beautiful with her hair curled and fluffy looking. The dress is amazing and perfect.

We are saying our own vows. MaryAnn wrote a charming poem that is amazing. The girl has obvious talent. Who knew?

The pastor says his part, and now the butterflies are stirring up a storm in my stomach. I am nervous, borderline ill. I need to do this. I must do this. No wimping out now, although that would be much easier.

I steel myself with resolve, then close my eyes.

I ask MaryAnn in a loud, clear voice, so everyone can hear me, "What color are my eyes?"

MaryAnn stutters, "What did you say?"

In a louder voice, "MaryAnn, the love of my life, what color are my eyes?"

MaryAnn is shocked but answers, "Um, they're not blue; I love blue eyes. They're green!"

I step out front and face the pews, then yell out, "Mary, what color are my eyes?"

Mary answers in a loud but oh so sexy voice, "Baby, you have the most amazing brown eyes."

I open my eyes and continue, "Yesterday, my neighbor stopped by to see how I was doing. We chatted about a lot of topics. One was MaryAnn. Obvious, right? I mean, I am marrying the woman. That chat made me understand how much my family truly loves me.

"Many people say it, some mean it, but few get a chance to really prove it. They were given some incredibly damning news about MaryAnn. Do they tell me immediately and ruin my relationship? No. They hinted at not liking my love; but otherwise, they have supported me far more than I deserve.

"Sorry, back on topic. I was devastated at the news I learned. I pulled out some old security tapes and watched my little angels grow a whole year in one evening. MaryAnn ... when standing in my daughter's room, why would you be compelled to say, "Satan's Sisters, Pond Scum Sucking Sisters, and the Demon Spawn?"

I hear lots of shocked responses in the audience.

MaryAnn says, "You don't read lips very well. I never said that; it's not even one of my phrases."

I reply, "You are correct. I can't read lips. I have never needed or used that skill. You got me; I am a zero at reading lips. You see, I had no idea that mom upgraded my security system. It includes sound! I have a thumb drive. Should I show everyone by projecting the movie on the wall?"

MaryAnn is crying, "Brian, why are you saying these mean things about me?"

I again project my voice as much as I can, "You all know I was stuck at home because of my injuries."

I hear MaryAnn say, "So what!"

I continue the scorching zinger, "You explained to your mother how dim I am. You told her what a perfect sucker I was to milk dry after I take over the construction company. However, my neighbor was silent on the opposite side of the fence and heard every word you said. She tells my mom. Sure, they try to stop me from marrying you, but they won't tell me directly because it was a conversation. I believed her. Then watching the movies, I was convinced I WOULD marry a gold digger like your mother. Oh yes, you made a reference to being as good as your mother at milking men of their money. She taught you well."

MaryAnn screams, covers her face, and runs back to her changing room. There is lots of screaming on the bride's side of the aisle. Her stepfather's family is screaming, "About time." Her mother's side is screaming, "She loves you." The groom's side is cheering for me. My family rushes me. They're giggling and crying at the same time.

I scream out, "The reception will proceed. Everyone but MaryAnn, her friends, and anyone on her mother's side, don't bother. Good food, lots of alcohol, dancing, and music will be provided. Keep your gifts! This wedding is officially OVER!!"

It took me three hours to leave the church. Everyone wanted to hear the story, see the movies, and talk to me. At 4:00 PM, we go to the reception. It's an epic party. I purposely don't drink much, even though I have a room in the hotel. I want to enjoy this. Holly's parents picked up the babies for the weekend.

It's funny; they still clinked glasses for kissing the bride. With no bride, I kiss the closest available woman. Everyone has fun with that. Women stand in line to be next for kisses. My sisters dominated my time on the dance floor. Several cousins and women from the other side of the family also danced with me, but they got, at most, one song.

I did talk to MaryAnn's stepfather. He wasn't surprised with the revelations. He vowed to get a great attorney.


My family is the last to leave. They are waiting for me to say goodbye to the last guest. Mom gives one big kiss and smiles widely, while dad hugs me.

Mom asks, "Brian, how are you? Do we need to worry about you flipping out on us?"

I laugh, "No, mom. I have a family that loves me very much, a great job, and the need to protect my angels even more now. I didn't drink much, but I am tired. Somehow, I think I have an honor guard that will be watching over me tonight. Mark and Linda have the children all weekend.

As I walk up to my room, I am surrounded by my sisters. They are all hanging on me.

We're all sleepy; it's almost 2:00 AM. The room is nothing special. There is a nice large king-sized bed. I changed it this morning from a queen to a king, figuring this might happen. I am in a tuxedo; there are several extra pieces of clothing rather than just my normal jeans, t-shirt, and boxers.

Each sister unbuttons a piece of clothing: a jacket, vest, shirt, my pants and then removes the item. They are slow, take their time, and one won't interrupt another. It takes several minutes to disrobe me. They push me down into a sitting position on the edge of the bed. Carrie unzips Natalie's dress. Natalie turns to face me, leans forward a bit, shrugs her shoulders, and her dress slides like silk off her body. She is naked. Carrie has no bra or panties, just a smile on her face with a naughty look in her eyes.

Addison unzipped Faith, followed by Faith unzipping Addison. All four of my sisters are now naked, in front of me. They squeeze together as they descend to their knees. They're all inches from my cock, looking at it with amazement.

Faith is first to shoot forward, engulf my cock, hit my pubes, add extreme suction, then pull back slowly. As she pops off my cock, Natalie shoots forward. She swallows my cock, while adding suction. She is rubbing her tongue on the underside of my cock, and then pulls slowly off.

As Natalie pops off my cock, Faith is next to shoot forward. She engulfs my cock, hit my pubes, adds extreme suction, then pulls back slowly. I love this feeling. It's a bit awkward having them go down and pull off so often. Yet, it's also quite the sight to see four submissive women in front of you. Each is looking up with lust in their eyes and taking turns sucking my cock. Being attacked from four directions feels different, as does each mouth. Their suction intensities are different, as are their tongue actions.

The visuals are off the charts. It takes only a few minutes before that familiar feeling has arrived. I thought I did awesome at holding off my orgasm. However, looking at the clock, I am pathetic. Just six minutes of their four-headed blow job, and Faith is sucking down my load. Carrie is quick to clean me off while Natalie and Faith quickly engage in a kiss followed by an Addison and Carrie kiss.

They each place their palms on the floor, then bend their bodies and necks to see me. Each sister smiles at me, then in a fantastic sight, they all swallow together. I just had a massive orgasm, and now I just saw a tremendous feat. My body responded by making me lightheaded; I am wobbling while seated.

Carrie launches out of her seated position and pushes me back.

Carrie gives orders, "Our baby is exhausted, and his body is giving out. Help me move him up the bed."

I try to help but end up being no help at all. Natalie and Carrie, together, slide my body in the middle of the bed.

My sisters sit on the end of the bed in four different poses. It's time to talk which is perfect with me. It's been a long emotional day.

Addison starts the interrogation, "We need the truth. You lie to us, and you will pay in ways you can't yet comprehend." She pauses. "What happened? Why have a wedding? You threw away tens of thousands of dollars. You risked your children with that woman. This doesn't make sense. Explain to the jury, please. Sorry, habit. Please explain to us what happened."

I knew this was coming, "I was never in love with MaryAnn like I was Holly. I knew I would never find another equal to her. MaryAnn was fun in bed, took care of me, and I thought she loved my angels. Well, yesterday, Denise stops by with a bottle of Champagne. We had a nice long talk where she tells me about the MaryAnn conversation.
