Bridge Partners


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Their plane couldn't have been further along than just over the Atlantic the Saturday morning that they left when Cecilia frantically called me. "Will, I just in the last hour found something out. I talked to John Tipton, the male part of the pair that is at the most competitions that Garrett and Linda go to. He does not seem to have an ax to grind even though Linda and Garrett beat him and his partner Judy Smyth most of the time. He told me something very interesting."

"What?" was my intelligent reply.

"He said - and it just came up in casual conversation, I didn't tell him anything about my suspicions - that every break Linda and Garrett go off somewhere, and when they return they often have a change of clothes and their play improves significantly."

"How long are the breaks?" I asked. "Are they different than in the novice matches?"

"Yes, they're different. Twenty minute morning and afternoon breaks, and ninety minutes at lunch and dinner after which play resumes. Also, no one ever has lunch or dinner with them or sees them at lunch or dinner unless you and/or me are there," she huffed.

I wasn't sure if they could "do it" during the twenty minute breaks - although I knew Linda well enough to know that it was possible if she was sufficiently motivated - and certainly oral sex or finger fucking were possible even if not full-on intercourse. However, they certainly could do it at the lunch and dinner breaks. Neither of them were big eaters and they could get enough sustenance in ten minutes. I must have been speechless for a long time because Cecilia said "Are you still there Will? Earth to Will!"

"Yeah, I'm still here," I mumbled. "Is any follow-up possible?"

"John says that Judy might know something. She's apparently out right now but should be back this afternoon. I'll talk to her then," Cecilia responded.

"Let me know," I mumbled then terminated the call.

I couldn't really concentrate after Cecilia's call so I did some mindless cleaning of the garage and then took a shower and would simply try to watch a ballgame on TV until Cecilia called back. I was out of the shower only about fifteen minutes when Cecilia came storming through my front door. Cecilia and I were by then so friendly that we acted like family, and if a door was unlocked just opened it.

The look on Cecilia's face was hard to read. It was definitely determined; aside from that I couldn't tell if it was angry, contemplative, thoughtful, or what. I normally could read her, but not this time.

I stood to greet her. She more or less dissolved into my arms. After a minute or so I held her biceps, moved her away from me, looked her in the eye and asked "What did Judy say?"

A single tear formed in Cecilia's left eye then she spoke in a quiet voice. "The only reason that I'm not more upset is because I have had an eerie feeling for the last several years that they were fucking. On two occasions Judy saw them coming out of one of their rooms at the lunch break. They didn't see her, and she didn't want to characterize their looks - but from what she described to me they were 'just fucked' looks. The only good thing is that she's never told anyone, including John; she's not a gossip."

My heart sank - but only for a few seconds because my attention was diverted by Cecilia slapping me across the face - not real hard, but hard enough to make me take notice. As I looked at her with a puzzled expression she calmly said "Over the next eight days that they're gone we have some decisions to make. However, right now the only decision you have to make is what position you're going to fuck me in. I'm not going to dissolve in tears or question my femininity or attractiveness, and I'm not going to just wring my hands. We really like each other - let's see how much we like fucking."

I really can't explain my mindset in the half hour or so that followed the "We really like each other..." statement. I do know that I was shocked by her actions, and impressed by her body, when Cecilia had her sundress off within seconds, no undergarments to be found. I don't know how she did it but she got my pants around my ankles while she was planting a scorching hot kiss on my lips. With strength that I didn't think that a five foot one, 103 pound, woman could muster she pushed me back on my couch, pulled my pants completely off, and shoved my strangely already half-hard cock into her mouth.

Linda was not big on giving blow jobs so I wasn't used to them, and due to lack of experience Linda was not really good at them the few times she did give them (usually after much alcohol consumption). Cecilia, on the other hand, was a master. She had me hard and ready to blow in two minutes flat. That wasn't what she wanted, however, so once I was so hard that my dick was palpitating she jumped on me, and held my dick while she shinned around until my cock was buried to the hilt in her extremely snug and active pussy.

I couldn't believe the difference in my sexual encounter with Cecilia compared to what I was used to with Linda. While Linda was an awesome sex partner even when I wasn't doing my favorite thing on earth - namely fucking her tits - Cecilia was even better in her own way. The manner in which she rode me while I was seated on the couch was other-worldly. I blew a monster load within minutes of her tight pussy simultaneously reciprocating on and squeezing my cock. She shook so hard in orgasm that I thought that she might be having a seizure.

It took a long time before we both were fully cognizant after our first mating. When we finally were both with it, and smiling, Cecilia pushed one of the very long nipples on her little tits into my mouth. "Gum me up good, stud," she cackled. While Cecilia didn't come close to matching Linda overall in the tit department I'll have to say that her elongated nipples (which must be squished when she wears a bra) really were delightful, and she seemed to enjoy me sucking on them as much as I enjoyed doing it.

After I sucked each nipple for about five minutes, Cecilia broke away, stood up - with my cum leaking out of her cooch - and with a big grin said "Wow, that was fun. Now we need to talk. I suggest naked, in your bed."

Cecilia helped me remove my shirt and socks - the only articles of clothing I still had on - and then jumped into my arms and requested that I carry her to my bed "And feel free to finger-fuck me while doing so," she chirped.

I did!

I'd like to describe the rest of the week for you in great detail, but unfortunately my mind got muddled by too much sex, and I have a great difficulties with the time line - at least for the rest of Saturday, Sunday, and when she made me take off work on Monday. I also have trouble believing that everything that did happen really happened.

What I do remember is: having more orgasms per hour than at any other time in my life; that Cecilia was up for anything; that fucking her anus (my first anal experience) - which she insisted upon several times - wasn't as much fun as fucking her pussy, but close to it, and her naked ass was world class; and that Cecilia had a plan.

With Garrett and Linda due back the next Monday Cecilia's plan included the two of us fucking as many times as we could until Sunday at 6 a. m. and then taking days off sex Sunday and Monday to get ready for their return Monday late afternoon. I voiced no complaints - in fact Cecilia probably thought that I was completely subservient because anything she suggested during the time our spouses were at the World Championship we did. It wasn't really that I was subservient - it's just that Cecilia was so much fun and had so many good ideas that I couldn't possibly think up anything better.

During this time we each talked to our spouse once a day - before their first card session of the day. We were pleasant and didn't let on about anything, not their cheating over the years, and not our on-going fuck fest. They were both upbeat because they were really doing well. In fact, when we talked to them Saturday - the last day of competition - they were in first place and their excitement was palpable.

While recharging our sexual batteries the Sunday before our spouses were due home, and before our phone conversation with them that day, Cecilia and I sat in my living room, spaced apart so that we wouldn't start molesting each other, to have a serious pow-wow.

"OK, stud, how are you going to handle this Linda-Garrett cheating thing once they get home?" she interrogated.

"I'm not really sure. To be honest with you I love Linda and it's hard to think of a future without her; but by the same token I don't want to be a wimp or a patsy either," I replied after a good deal of contemplation. "Plus, I'm confused about how fucking you several dozen times figures into it."

"You're probably quite a while behind me in your thinking since I've been almost sure about their cheating for two years even though we didn't have confirmation until eight days ago. Let me tell you what I intend to do - although it still depends a lot on you since you can completely screw up my plans," she said.

"Let's hear it," I smiled.

Just then our cellphones rang almost simultaneously. I went outside to take Linda's call while Cecilia took Garrett's in the living room. Linda was ecstatic. They won! They won the fricking Mixed Pairs World Championship! She was so high on joy that it seemed like she might reach the moon at any minute. I received a summary of the entire competition, including a blow-by-blow of the winning hand, and the accolades that she and Garrett achieved. Then she said how much she loved me and missed me and promised me a triple-header of titty fucking when she got back, which would be the first one ever. I promised that Cecilia and I would be waiting at the airport to pick them up Monday afternoon "and our banners will not be too embarrassing."

When I went back into the house Cecilia was terminating her call with Garrett; of course he was as excited as Linda was. Once Cecilia pressed the red button on her phone she jumped into my arms and gave me a big kiss. "What was that for?" I chortled after she jumped back down and sat on the couch.

"That's an expression of joy because what just happened makes everything easier, that's why Will."

"How so?"

"Just before the call I was starting to tell you what I planned on doing - and now, assuming your cooperation, I can accomplish it. After the excitement of their victory eases up - including after a victory party that we give them - we tell them that they have two more years for Bridge and then we produce babies and the time for Bridge has expired. After that only local Bridge games, mostly friendly, that fit in with our kids' schedules."

"What about the next two years?" I inquired.

"The next two years every time that they go to an out-of-town competition we stay home and try to fuck each other to mindlessness until they get home," she responded with a big grin on her face.

Many things instantly flashed through my mind in the next minute. While some of those things were seemingly irrelevant to an ultimate decision the important things that repeated themselves were: I loved Linda; fucking Linda's tits was my most fun ever; when I was ignorant of Linda's extracurricular activities I was not just content in my marriage but very happy; Cecilia was a good friend and an even better fuck than she was a friend; and assuming that Linda and Garrett never got together again sexually after they gave up Bridge I would be very happy staying married.

After about five years of thought ran through my mind in about 60 seconds I smiled and said "I'm in," getting me a big hug from Cecilia. Then she left, giving me a quick kiss and telling me "I've got to stay away from you until you pick me up to take us to the airport Monday afternoon because we both have to recharge and if I'm with you I'll attack."


After Cecilia and I picked up Garrett and Linda from the airport - with, as promised, not too-embarrassing banners - the following occurred in the next two plus years:

-I got my triple-header the Monday night I picked Linda up from the airport. It was even better than I thought it would be, and solidified in my mind that Cecilia's plan was the best course of action.

-We threw a great congratulations party for Linda and Garrett at a local country club. We invited all of our families through first cousins, and all of our friends - more than 200 guests altogether. Both Linda and Garrett were thrilled, and eternally grateful.

-A week after the party Cecilia and I sat down with Linda and Garrett and told them that if they wanted to stay married that they had two more years of competition and then we were having kids and the only Bridge competitions would be local. Surprisingly they didn't put up any resistance saying that they had fulfilled their lifelong bridge dream, that they definitely wanted to be married to us, and that once kids were in the mix travel competition was positively out.

-They went to an average of one out-of-town tournament a month over the next two years. While they were gone Cecilia and I were together the entire time and we were so comfortable with each other, and so sexually fulfilled, we never even thought about what Linda and Garrett might be doing.

-The supposedly last time that Cecilia and I were to be together, and the last out-of-town competition Linda and Garrett were going to after which both women were immediately going off birth control, Cecilia acted a little squirrelly. She tried to hide them but she occasionally had tears in her eyes after we copulated - and the way she approached things it seemed much more like making love to her than fucking.

-Six weeks after our last encounter Cecilia invited me to lunch - on a blanket in the park on a beautiful spring day. After some light food and banter she got to the point. "Will, I don't know quite how to say this, so I'm coming right out and saying it. I'm six weeks pregnant with your baby."

"Say what?" I gasped, fortunately not belching up my Pepsi.

"The last time we were together I was not on birth control, having had my IUD removed a week before we made love; I know I got pregnant then."

"How do you know?"

"After our last encounters I took Garrett's sperm to a lab to have it tested. While it's possible that he can conceive a child his sperm count is at the very lowest end of the scale; about 20 million per ml of semen. At the same time I had your sperm tested," she went on, devoid of embarrassment.

I was going to ask her how she got a sperm sample from me, but I quickly dismissed that thought after I recalled how many deposits I had made in her pussy our last weekend together. So she continued.

"Your sperm count is 280 million, very high. Plus I just know in my heart that it's your kid. I will have a blood test done after 10-11 weeks of pregnancy to confirm that and to determine the child's sex."

"What are you going to do?" I blurted out without thinking.

"What do you mean, what am I going to do?" she snapped. She took a deep breath and then said "I'm going to have your kid. Especially if it's a girl no one will suspect anything since you and Garrett have the same color eyes and hair, and a girl is likely to look more like me than either of you."

"Will you keep it a secret?"

"Yes, I intend to, unless you and Linda get divorced at which point I will too and claim you," she snarled with her arms crossed and a pouty face.

This was a lot to digest, but there was nothing I could do about it except act happy. I got a big smile on my face and said "I'll do whatever I can to support you emotionally, and if you ever need money I'll help there too." Then I kissed her; she had a big grin on her face after our lips separated.

-Two weeks after my lunch with Cecilia while Linda and I were snuggling in bed after a wonderful carnal session she smiled and said "I have good news and bad news. Which do you want first?"

I winced and then said "The bad news."

"In about three months you won't get any titty fucks for a while," she beamed.

Of course I then knew what the good news was; Linda was pregnant. I gave her a long, hot kiss, and then we made gentle love.

-Cecilia's little girl - the spitting image of her - was born five weeks before Linda's and my little boy - who looked just like my baby pictures - was born. Both Linda and Cecilia took to child raising like naturals. Our families remained close, although there never was any opportunity for hanky-panky and except for Cecilia and I occasionally giving each other a quick surreptitious pinch on the butt no indication that any was even contemplated.

Linda and I had another little boy just two years after our first. Although I wasn't paranoid or suspicious, just to set my mind at ease I had DNA tests on both my little boys and on Cecilia's little girl. I was the biological father of all three.

-Our first born kids were both 2 ½, all four of us loved being parents, and our lives were going great. Both mothers had regained their pre-pregnancy bodies and were as hot as hell. Then Cecilia asked me to lunch in the park again. This time she didn't beat around the bush. "Will; I want another kid, and I want her or him to have the same biological father as my first."

Ten months later Cecilia gave birth to another darling little girl - and it wasn't due to Immaculate Conception.

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miket0422miket04228 months ago

Having Garrett raise his kids and fucking Cecilia for 2 years isn't bad as far as revenge goes.

Considering how many years Garrett and Linda had been fucking it does seem like maybe the revenge was a bit incomplete.

It felt like not revealing their knowledge of Garrett and Linda's cheating made this all feel a bit incomplete to me.

KittyLover80KittyLover808 months ago

A terrific story and an exciting read. Great plot & characters. Thanks for developing this amazing story and plot. 5 Stars.

ZippityDoDaDayZippityDoDaDayabout 1 year ago

Great story as always, love the way you never fail to come up with a new LW plot twist.

BSreaderBSreaderover 1 year ago

Would have been so pissed off they would have been able to tell that I knew if the story was real. A wimp cuckold husband.

goodshoes2goodshoes2over 1 year ago

The first time I read this story (many moons ago), I gave 2 stars. Now, after reading it again, 5 stars. Why? Hell, it's just a story of fictional people. Made me laugh on my second read. In real life, I would have divorced the bitch, however, this is just a story for the entertainment of the readers. So, for pure entertainment, lighten up people and have a laugh.

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