Britney Ch. 51: Gown South


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Waving with a nasally whine he felt like kicking the goat. Taking the risk of snatching up a single rose Lance darted away leaving Hans to the leftovers. Feeling safer on the wood porch Lance stood terrified of the immediate future. His ass and hip were bruised. He was thankful for dull horns.

Hearing the front door unbolt he turns expecting Abigail. Instead he found a short thin bearded man wearing a brimmed hat. Lance felt his heart shrink. He had a gun. A shotgun at that. Pointing it at the ground the man spat on the porch planks.

"Did you not read the No Trespassing signs?" He grumbled.

"Forgive me Mister Freeze. I mean Friese. Sorry I like Batman. I-is Abigail here?"

"I am." Abigail slips into the doorway patting her Father's shoulder. It was obvious that Abigail had also taken a bath recently. Her hair was still wet. Thoughts of the pond stimulated him. His little Mermaid. "Hello Lance Foxx. Did Hans harm you?"

He looks at his hip wincing. "I don't think I'm bleeding out. Your guard dog caught me by surprise."

She giggled as Morris hovered without expression. Studying Lance he didn't respect a man that didn't follow rules.

"I didn't know any other way to be honorable toward your family so I took the risk of coming here. I..." He lifts the single rose grimacing, "I had 11 more but Hans ate them." He doesn't move closer merely extending the rose for Abigail to claim. In doing so a thorn pricks his thumb. "Ow! There's the bleeding out. I should have snipped the thorns I was in a hurry."

Mother Friese nudges Morris aside and steps out on to the porch in her dress. Her hair pinned back. "Morris? Put the gun away. Abigail? Put your rose in a vase I will attend your caller." Morris grumbles and retreats. Abigail smiles sheepishly and winks before heading into the house. "I am Abigail's Mother, Penelope. You may call me Penny." She reaches closer obtaining his bleeding thumb. With tenderness she lifts it to her lips to suck the blood from his wound. His eyes popped out of his head. Her big blue eyes were stealing his soul. She sucked on his thumb a bit longer before winking and releasing his hand. "There! All better?"

"I might have a cut on my..." He bites his tongue starting to look at his ass over his shoulder.

"Do I need to take a look at it?" She whispers somewhat flirtatiously.

"Sure!" His eyes still bulge as her bright blue eyes lower to his crotch.

"My! Your eyes are not the only thing bulging this day." She looks behind her for safety before whispering, "I knew you were looking at me through the window. It is called a mirror."

"Shit! Sorry."

"Did you like what you witnessed?"

He swallows dramatically, "Bulging eyes don't lie."

"Abigail tells me you went swimming with her. We hide nothing from one another. Merely from Morris."

"I love Mennonites." He grins.

"Be careful what you say around My husband. Abigail may be your date."

"Can I take you to the Prom too?" He chuckles.

"You are indeed the charmer as Abigail has spoken of. If only I could." She bats her lashes as Abigail returns to join them. Acknowledging her return Penny excuses herself. She palms her Daughter's shoulder and whispers something into her ear that makes Abby blush. Going inside Penny seals the door behind her.

"What did your Mom just say?"

"She told me I should check your backside for open wounds." She giggles and continues her blushing.

"I like your Mom."

"Did you enjoy watching her rub lotion on her body?"

"Fuck! You know too?"

"I am not offended. I will be ready to go with you to Prom. Nothing fancy. I have no money to purchase a Prom dress."

"I'll squeeze the money from somewhere. I want you to look like a Disney Princess."

"You would do this?"

"Hell yes. I really like you Abigail."

"I think you really like my Mother as well." She giggles pointing at his crotch as her Mother had.

"You two notice that an awful lot."

"Like Mother, like daughter."

"I like both." He challenges her swagger.

"We shall see. Did you still wish to ask my Father's permission?"

"Should I?"

"No." She giggles, "He appears grumpy and stern but he is easily persuaded. How will you know my dress size?"

"You're the size of my sister's friend Tara. I'll ask her and hopefully get it right. What's your favorite color?"

"I favor blue as my eyes. As my Mother's eyes."

"Trying to drown me?"

"If I were it would have been when we were skinny dipping. Thank you for my rose. See you in a week?"

"I'll have my Dad pick you up. My Mom can bring me to get your dress to you." He steps away holding his bruised backside. On the bottom step her turns, "Hey! II think the school is looking for chaperones. Maybe your Mom might be interested. To keep an eye on us." He sticks his tongue out at her.

"She would watch us...very closely." She returns the favor.

"Counting on that." He marched away with confidence. Until Hans chased him to the tree line. Abigail laughed very hard. Penelope did as well peering through the front window caressing her breast while Morris sat in his favorite chair reading the Bible.

"A chaperone you say?" Penny bit her lip pondering the idea. Open windows allowed her opportunities. Morris was half deaf. His hearing aid turned down. It was a good thing. Lance had no idea what he had just arranged.

On his way back down the path he received texts from Styles and Evan. Both had done as he had and convinced the parents of Matilda and Gretchen into allowing their daughters to be their dates. The boys were happy.

Back at Gown South Dress Emporium...

"You look divine in that dress." Vivian York the sole Employee and co-owner this day admired Dawn Lawrence wearing a deep green dress that showed off her curves. A long slit up the side gifted her milky white legs a chance to shine.

"Your cleavage is going to fall out." Nancy Barker joins them trudging along in a dress she herself had shockingly fit into. A red dress with bits of white accenting it.

"You're one to talk Boulder Boobs." Dawn chuckles, "Or should I saw Bolger Boobs?"

"Funny!" Nancy brightens up looking into a mirror, "Wow! The Brothers are going to die when they see me in this." She turns to Vivian, "I have two Prom dates. Twin brothers."

"Oooo! Aren't we the lucky one. Good job." Vivian lightly claps and shares a thumbs up. That alone helped Nancy overcome her reluctance to find any dress.

"It's really tight over Bonnie and Clydia. You're right I might topple down the mountain side." Nancy chuckles at Dawn.

"Do you think Kimber will like my dress?" Dawn was indecisive looking at herself in the mirror. Vivian taking an interest in being overly helpful jumped at the chance.

"Why don't I take pictures of you to send your dates for their approval?"

"Good idea." Dawn looked at Nancy for an agreeable shrug. Dawn points at a chair where her cell sat. Vivian hands it to Dawn allowing her to set up her camera. Three separate shots were taken. Full frontal, entire backside with profile over the shoulder, and a side shot revealing leg.

"You should be a model. You know the poses." Vivian smiled handing the cell back. She then stepped to Nancy claiming her own offered cell in ready. "Say cheese when ready."

"Cheesecake." A full frontal with her chest lifted made her laugh. Another pose as Dawn had from the back she expels, "Cheetos." They were having too much fun. Nancy turned silly for her final pic turning seductively with a finger between puckered lips and a yearning expression. Dawn opted to say "Chester Cheetah." directing the shot.

"You two are adorable." Vivian sighed and shared glances at the photos with the girls. As Dawn and Nancy fired the pics off to their dates Vivian frowned at the absence of the other girls. Stepping away she went to the other set of changing rooms finding only discarded clothing. Worried that they had slipped out she quickly changed her tune realizing how stupid that would be leaving their clothing behind. Moving to the front windows she spots strange white streaks and spots on the showroom window. "What in the world?" Concerned she steps out of the store and ventures to the exterior glass for closer inspection. Eyes widen as she considers the possibilities. Definitely not birds. Then a loud set of moans caught her attention. Looking behind her further out in the lot she realizes people were bolding fucking.

"Oh my goodness." She watches cautiously to be certain nobody was going to be distressed by the public display. Vivian couldn't resist an extended look seeing Rita being held up against a truck fender well being pounded by a handsome male bottom. Another man literally standing in the bed of the truck standing over her head jerking off. Vivian couldn't move. Terrified of her Husband who ran the Tuxedo shop seeing and dialing the local police she inched next door to peer into the window. She spotted her Husband behind the counter dealing with a customer while three other men stood near the changing rooms. The expressions on their faces seemed awfully evident that they were in the throes of ecstasy. She could only see their upper bodies which led to suspicion. Moving to the furthest advantage of the Tux store windows she found her missing girls. All of them were on their knees wearing Prom dresses. Tits hanging out with the zippers in back clear down to their asses. Sophia sucking one man. Tara another. Brit and Cryssa sharing the third.

"Sweet Lord in Heaven." Vivian held one palm to her mouth the other to her chest. Glancing about nervously Vivian realized there were no real opposing factors to discover their deeds. Considering putting an end to things she paced in a circle hearing Rita having another screaming orgasm hen noticing the Man on the truck bed peppering cum into her dangled back head. A beautiful facial for certain.

Seeing the man at the counter gathering his bag Vivian knew he might catch everyone. Entering the store door Vivian intercepts the Man. Rambling about possibly knowing him the guy lingered. Vivian's own hotness kept his attention. Her husband curious leaned on the counter watching. He notes his wife's nipples protruding through her dress and cocks an eyebrow. What was this? Was she interested in this younger man? Surely not. Jared York knew he had her hook line and sinker. He was a buff clean cut man as handsome as any chiseled male model. No way was Vivian interested in this man.

With the girls getting mouth loads right and left Jared heard the three guys gruffly snarl at their unloaded monsters. Leaving the counter to investigate Vivian panicked and abandoned the man who took the time to leave quickly. Vivian headed Jared off at the pass pushing him against the wall kissing him hard on the mouth. Her own hand grasping the contours of his tented slacks. His eyes erupted with a pleasant surprise. As they kissed he found his own hands clutching his wife's ass. Hearing shuffling noises Jared opens his eyes again to see a procession of four young ladies zipped up properly parading right by them. Patting her shoulder to break up the kiss Jared narrows his eyes. Cryssa turned winking at Jared. Cum all over her face. Jared huffed at Vivian. The three men having already been sized waved at Jared saying they'd be back in a week to get their duds.

"What just happened?" Jared choked trying not to laugh.

Vivian melted suddenly and knelt in front of him. Unzipping his fly and dragging her Husband's lengthy cock out she whispers, "This." Vivian York devoured her husband. He let her.

Out in the parking lot the three leaving men observe the earlier fourth man examining his truck for a sticky substance on the sides of his pickup. Literally drawing wet fingers to his nose and grimacing. The three amigos laughed knowing that Rita was on her hands and knees just two cars over getting it doggy style by Tony. She used their tuxedos as padding on the asphalt. Fucking insane the guys just stood and watched. Rita merely waved at them. They waved back. Grant sat in his car laughing.

Inside the store the girls make final choices and await Vivian. They marveled over the texting replies offered by Dawn's date Kimber and Nancy's double trouble the Bolger Boys. Nancy dared to show off the pictures of both brothers showing her their excited cocks. The girls called her, "Lucky bitch." Maybe she was. She needed the booth in esteem.

An hour later Rita Foxx fully dressed entered the store extending arms at her side. "Why are we taking all day?"

Britney strutted toward her Mom and tared at her with a grin. "When was the last time I told you I loved you?"

Taken back Rita poises both brows, "It has been awhile."

All of the girls suddenly smothered Rita with hugs like a huddle at a football game. Rita couldn't stop smiling. Seeing Nancy alone not knowing how to react Rita growls, "Get in here." Nancy crushed Cryssa along the way. It was an even better day.

Vivian finally stepped back into her store through the adjoining entry looking a bit frazzled. The girls smiled brightly acting like perfect angels suddenly.

"Sorry Ladies. Final decisions?" Each brought their dresses to the counter watching Vivian blush. "No alterations needed?" None said a word merely shaking their heads. Also frazzled Jared drifted on to the scene joining Vivian behind the counter to help bagging the dresses in their outer protective plastic. She coyly smiled at her Husband. Love evident.

Rita starts to open her checkbook when Britney stops her. Lifting her own purse she drags out a roll of hundred dollar bills. Stunned Rita winces keeping her mouth shut. The total for six dresses bled into $900. She had money left to buy lunch. Worried by this Rita turned and walked out. The girls giddily joined her stopping at the door as a group to leer back at the couple.

"Happy Anniversary."

Brit turned the Open sign to Closed on the door and shut it behind her. Outside she points at the Tuxedo shop door suggesting the same move. A jingle heard they knew she had done just that.

Jared York had his slacks down before the girls even headed to the Gown South front door. Vivian's dress was unzipped and the skirt up as the door closed. Her panties to her ankles at the chime of the next door bell. His dick inside his wife from behind going to town as they observed the girls getting into their cars.

Both were naked on the floor of Gown South right dead center within ten minutes. The love making was grand.

Happy Anniversary indeed.

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SZENSEISZENSEI4 months agoAuthor

The answer is still yes but not for a while. I've recently decided to completely rewrite literally every series in my portfolio without any restrictions. I prefer the uncensored versions which I can jumpstart elsewhere. I love this site and still offer content here but in certain cases I disagree with their taboo code. If you look over on STORIESONLINE.COM I offer the uncensored versions to 24 series at this point. I leave the originals here for my fans to enjoy but by the time I'm done the series can find value for those who like censored and for those who want it all no matter how gruesome or over the top they might be. LIT will always be my home as long as they allow it, I love the site as you can all tell by the sheer volume of my material.

I still submit MIDNIGHT, SADIE OUTLAW, ENTITY NEST, RAVEN NEVERMOURNE here for now. Others will return in the next few months. COUGAR HOUSE will jumpstart here around April or May continuing where it left off at, I believe without double checking Episode 56. So, 57 would start up on a monthly basis. I have COUGAR HOUSE written up through Episode 120, so it has plenty of catalogue to see print.

Unlike my STARTING FROM SCRATCH series and STARTING GATE. Those two can only be found on STORIESONLINE.COM, that series breaks every rule in the book of taboo over there. I ended SCRATCH here at 178 I think, on the other site it is up to Episode 303. If a fan, look up NASHVILLE PUSSY which I renamed SCRATCH with on SOL. 100% better! Same author ID over there to easily look me up.

BRITNEY is now called TRUE BRIT, but I have only updated that series for a short while so it will be a few years before I add new after GOWN SOUTH. I will get there you have my word. I write daily but it all takes time. Not only do I revamp old much needed series like say FAR PANGAEA, but I write a few new series I don't offer here on LIT. Such as SAFEHAVEN a series about androids.

At any rate I thank you for caring. Come say hi and check out the updates. I do occasionally resubmit updated stories on here as well like STACY PUMA and COUGAR HOUSE but unless a reader goes back for a second helping those might go unnoticed.

I hope that helps Jet! Take care!


Jetfire99Jetfire994 months ago

I was just wondering if you were still planning on coming back to this story. every once in a while, I remember this one, and I want to go back and reread, and I saw that you commented about two years ago that you would definitely continue it. Is that still true? I think it is one of the best ones I have read, and it is one I keep coming back to.

SZENSEISZENSEIabout 2 years agoAuthor

There will absolutely be more of BRITNEY's adventures. For the longest time I held off writing more because I needed to catch up on my MONICA series which is in the same world as BRITNEY. Eventually the two series will cross over at Spring Break in Daytona Beach Florida. If you have not read MONICA, I'd suggest catching up to her. They literally live less that 100 miles from one another but have never met. You will notice many similarities between the two but that is intentional. As a matter of fact, I just recently wrote like 12 chapters in a row on Monica where in one episode I had Brintney's mom Rita make an appearance and see Monica. You can imagine there is a recognition to a point. So, yes check out Monica until I can find the time to delve back into Britney. I've put her off for far too long.

Thank you for being a fan I truly appreciate the confidence you have in me. Thank you, Dear Friend.


MahakalMahakalabout 2 years ago

Just finished reading the stories of Britney, published so far. I hope more stories are coming, its been while since you published new story in this series.

Excellent stories, now you are one of the favorite author & I'm big fan of your stories now.

I liked your writing style, I enjoyed word plays & nuances they create.

I really hope to read more stories of Britney. Especially incest of Rita & Lance doing discretely evolving more secrets & stronger bonding between them which may involve Exhibitionism, Lance asking Keith about what's (who's) off limit (this should have happened during family meeting's serious talk), Britney honoring her bet with Lance. I'm not sure if any this will happen in your stories, but don't tell me now, NO SPOILERS please, I'll wait till the series finishes. And I hope, you finish this series properly.

I really really appreciate your work, thank you for writing.

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