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A wife loses track of reality.
6.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 02/19/2021
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Please be warned this story explores hotwife and cuckold themes. I appreciate that's a major turn off for many and reading something else might be a better a choice for you. Still I hope some folk enjoy it.

I think we were a fairly typical couple. By 'we' I mean me Thomas or Tom to my friends and my wife Rachel. Both 25 years old now, we had known each other since high school. Rachel was one of the first girls to 'develop' at school and as a result, there was an endless stream of boys asking her out.

She was friendly when we did meet, but she was definitely one of the 'in crowd' and came from the money side of town. I was just... well 'me', or more accurately still trying to work out who 'me' was.

I was surprised when Rachel asked me out in front of a big group of her friends. I could feel my face burning up with embarrassment which seemed to delight her even more. That quickly turned around, as I politely tried to refuse the offer.

"Ermm no thanks, I appreciate the offer but..."

The entire group looked dumfounded and she interrupted angrily.

"Why in the hell not!"

"Honestly you're just... out of my league."

"Well in that case shouldn't you be saying yes as quickly as possible?"

I got the impression she wasn't going to be easily placated and my polite response wasn't going to work, "Ok then, tell me first why you asked me out in front of all your friends? Do you like embarrassing me or is it because you arrogantly thought there was no chance I would refuse you?"

She looked awkwardly at her friends, I wondered if this was some form of a dare or a joke: how many guys could she get to say 'yes' or something along those lines. It pissed me off; they were a bunch of self-entitled bitches.

"So no thanks I am not interested, and certainly not interested in pretty little rich girls playing silly games."

I walked away, hoping to appear a lot more confident than I felt. She caught me up at the end of the corridor, this time alone.

"I'm sorry Tom, you're right it was a bit of a dare from Gabrielle, I shouldn't have done it."

"Right, fine whatever, you've had your joke, I am sure you all found it hilarious."

"I would have gone out with you though. I like you; you're bright and funny and know what you want."

I hesitated, looking at her suspiciously and making sure her friends weren't hiding nearby.

She saw the look and continued, "Oh my God, you have a really low opinion of me don't you. I might not be perfect, but are any of us? Maybe you're being just a little too pious, the poor boy exceling, top of the class and doesn't need anyone else. Certainly wouldn't demean his working class roots by talking to a girl from a different background."

"You can't blame me given your first approach and it's not about our backgrounds, it's about... I stopped myself, we are just different people."

"So what, I'm just a girl asking you out."

We got married at 21!


Now at 25, Rachel had been acting strangely for a few months. It's not what you are thinking, there was no indication of an affair it was just... well weird.

We talked about sex a lot more, especially about our fantasies. We were kissing and cuddling more, she had me constantly worked up and horny. Then she 'announced' she would decide when we had sex to save any arguments about it. I suspected this was a way to do it less frequently as that was something we struggled with, along with many other couples I suspect. I decided to give it a go and was pleasantly surprised when both the frequency and variety increased. It seemed giving Rachel more control eased our previous tensions.

The variety included lots more oral sex, hand jobs, using toys and watching each other masturbate. I really enjoyed watching her do that and I had always enjoyed eating her pussy. It was so hot to make her squirm and orgasm, she always made a big fuss of how good my tongue was.

Then we started playing about with edging and denial. I wasn't as keen but she was right in one regard, the abstinence of orgasm meant when I did eventually blow a load it was epic, almost mind blowing. The lengthening gaps in between were harder to cope with.

She bought lots of new lingerie, knowing I loved stockings and heels. We would go out for dinner or a drink and she would tease me mercilessly. She bought some toys and we tried a phone controlled vibe in her on some nights out. These were innocent kinks and we were both eager to try things, I loved the new sexual side to my wife. I had no idea where she got her new toy, but it was a 'life like penis' dildo and was... big. It was hot to see her sliding it into her pussy and really getting off on it.

Then she started moaning saying how good it felt and how big it was, "You can play too baby, wank yourself off for me."

I did as she suggested, her writhing body and words were a massive turn on. Once she started to orgasm I shot my load all over her tits.

"Oh wow, that big cock inside me felt sooo good and seemed to turn you on just as much. We'll need to do more of that."

The teasing increased; I found some of it erotic but felt some of it was straying toward controlling behaviour. Full intercourse was also becoming an increasingly rare event. She sensed my discomfort appearing one night in a French Maids outfit that I hadn't seem before. Much to my surprise she was up for sex, it had been a while and with all the teasing I was fit to burst. Due to the long period without and the prolonged foreplay I came very quickly.

Rachel sighed, "That was a little quick baby, I was hoping for... oh never mind."

Before I knew it I was apologising and had my head under her little maids dress and was licking and kissing her to multiple orgasms.

Our fantasy talk got around to other people. Who would we most like to have sex with, hypothetically of course? Hers were some films and sports stars, I was thinking about Kate Middleton when suddenly an image of Rachel's mum flashed into my mind, I had the good sense not to mention it. I think I scared myself and knew it was totally inappropriate. I should explain that Rachel's mum Marion was an absolute bombshell even at 48. She was ultra-fit, had been a part time catalogue model when she was younger and had a classic look about her. Think Sophia Loren in her late 40's, all dark and voluptuous with mesmerising large eyes, always dressed and made up perfectly.

Throughout all this time Rachel repeatedly told me how much she loved me and she was lucky to have someone so willing to experiment and consider her enjoyment. She would often say I was the most wonderful husband in the world.

It was with that background and my state of constant arousal that our long awaited extended holiday was due. We had a cottage booked for a whole month in Brittany, a short ferry hop over the English Channel for us.

I had gained agreement for a extended break from work and was desperately looking forward to it; hoping to gain some much needed relief and lots and lots of sex. Rachel's mum was coming for some of the trip and had split the cost, she hoped her husband Reg would be joining us.

The cottage was stunning, it was so tranquil and quiet, my whole body seemed to relax and adjust to the pace of the location. Her mum arrived the following day, seemingly Reg couldn't get away from work. He needed to attend a senior manager's seminar on hedge fund management, it was all a mystery to me. He was very wealthy, but certainly put the hours in to earn it. The biggest surprise was Marion had brought along an alternative guest: Nigel. He was a big guy and so fit it was hard to guess his age. He seemed pleasant enough as Marion made the introductions.

We helped them with their bags and left them to unpack and get settled in. I was surprised at how friendly Marion and Nigel seemed to be, they clearly knew each other very well, looking very comfortable together. Marion was flirting outrageously with him, and I noticed Rachel seemed to be doing a bit of the same.

We went out for a meal that night, Rachel wore a gorgeous summer dress but was somewhat overshadowed by Marion in an ultra-modern flowing prussian blue evening gown which shimmered in the candle light.

When the girls went to the ladies room I couldn't resist but quiz Nigel, "So Nigel, you guys seem so familiar and get on so well, are you and Marion, you know...intimate?"

He laughed loudly, "I like a guy that is direct; I have known Marion since her modelling days; we both worked the catalogues for a few years before realising we weren't going to go any further. Oh and to answer your question... yes we are... very intimate indeed."

"Oh shit, right, what about her husband Reg?"

Nigel never flickered, "I am really good friends with Reg, I actually introduced them and suggested they went out. He knows about our relationship and is cool with it."

Our conversation was interrupted by the girls returning. I noticed a look pass between Nigel and Marion. I was quietly trying to process the awkward situation and information as the others chatted naturally. Later at the cottage I got the chance to ask Rachel about Nigel, she knew all about her mother's relationship. They had dated before her mum got married and only saw each other about once a month these days, it had been more frequent when they were younger and seemingly her dad was fine with it.

Rachel explained that her mum realised Nigel was never marriage material but he could offer her some things her father couldn't... a big cock and great sex. I was totally astounded by the frank admission.

I was hoping to get some action out of Rachel that night and had barely gotten her out of her dress when we heard cries of passion from Marion's room, shortly followed by the noise of a headboard banging into the wall.

I was shocked but Rachel just laughed, "Wow... lucky mum."

We had little choice but to listen to the nearby copulation, from the sounds coming out of Marion the great sex seemed to be accurate. Rachel pushed my head down to her pussy, adding commentary: about how her mum was getting a great seeing to, and that she must really be enjoying his massive cock.

My hopes of fucking Rachel were once again frustrated, after her second tongue induced orgasm, she masturbated me as we listened to Nigel and Marion still fucking up a storm; the guy had stamina I had to give him that.


Marion caught me the next day beside the pool, as Rachel was out shopping for groceries and Nigel was still upstairs. I had to try really hard not to glance at her ample cleavage, which was on open display within a perfectly form fitting swimsuit.

"I am sorry if we embarrassed you last night, we haven't seen each other in a while, so it was nice to get reacquainted. I guess you must be a bit surprised."

"Stunned more like."

She laughed at that, "Yeah, I would be too; all I can say is that it's mutually agreed and consensual between the three of us, Reg knows all about it. I think at times it's been a relief for him; he has to put so many hours in at work and has to let me down often. He loves his work and I wouldn't want to get in the way of that. He knows Nigel will care for me, but that we would never betray him."

"Well, I guess if it's out in the open and you all agree, then it's up to you's."

"Thanks Tom, I knew you would understand. I can honestly say it does work for us; I'm not sure if my marriage would have endured without Nigel in our lives. I do want to say how much I love having you as a son-in-law. You have been absolutely perfect for Rachel; you're her rock, so supportive and steady, a bit like Reg is for me. We had a lot of problems with her when she was younger, bit of a wild child really, but she changed completely after meeting you."

"Well thanks Marion, I appreciate the vote of confidence."

"I know she loves you more than anything, she tells me all the time and I love you too."

I hesitated for a second and Marion laughed again, "As a son-in-law I mean."

"Right, good... well thanks, I love you too... as a mother-in-law of course."

She took hold of my forearm, "Having said that, I am hoping we get closer on this holiday; it would mean a lot to me."

I felt a shiver from her touch, "Yeah of course I would like that too."

I found myself having lengthy heart to heart talks with Marion, as we both enjoyed walking around the beautiful countryside, not something Rachel or Nigel enjoyed; both of who lazed around the pool. She talked about both Reg and her relationship with Nigel and asked all sorts of questions about myself and Rachel.

It was on one of these walks when she casually asked if I would mind Nigel escorting Rachel to the theatre in town; going on to explain, "It's really not my thing or yours I suspect, but I know they'll both enjoy it and I thought we could stay in and catch a movie. That's if you can stand even more of my company."

I felt a bit uneasy about Rachel going out without me, but we were all sort of family and getting on so well, so found myself agreeing.

Rachel looked lovely as she came down the stairs ready for the theatre in a fitted evening dress. She gave me a quick kiss and looked excited as she jumped into Nigel's car. I was confused watching them leave together, it didn't feel right, I thought about catching them up but it would have seemed petty, I turned to see Marion standing staring at me.

She seemed to read my mind, "Relax, it's just a night out between friends; just like we're having a night in."

I opened some wine, whilst Marion chose the film, it was called 'The Affair' with Richard Gere and Diane Lane, I had never heard of it. Marion said she'd be back in a couple of minutes as I poured the wine.

When she returned, my mouth fell open; she was in a silk robe with a pair of feathery slippers. The material seemed very thin and hugged every element of her body.

"Sorry, I took the liberty of getting comfortable for the movie, is that my wine?"

She took the glass and turned toward the living room. I could see her bum jiggle as she turned. Shit, I felt my cock twitch! Rachel hadn't been near me since that first night and I was bit wound up. I just about gained control, took a big gulp of wine, refilled and followed through to the living room.

Marion patted the seat next to her, "You don't mind do you, I like to be snuggled up for a film."

I sat, and she did indeed snuggle up as she started the film. The feeling of her body next to me was both arousing and unnerving. As she leant against my shoulder I had another clear view down her impressive cleavage.

I was trying to watch the film, but mainly focused on avoiding an erection. It wasn't helped by Diane Lane looking absolutely stunning in the movie. My battle was lost totally once the affair in the film started in earnest; the sex scenes were really hot.

Marion looked down and smiled, giving my bulge a pat she said, "Don't worry, it's a really hot scene and that's completely natural; I'd be worried if you didn't' respond."

Just then I got a text from Rachel, I froze in panic at the ping due to my compromising situation. The text included a photo of her and Nigel, saying they were having a great date.

"Date... what the fuck!" before realising I had said it out loud.

"Just relax Tom, it's a friend's date, they are just having a bit of fun, it's natural. Anyway our situation is more compromising, me in a robe cuddled up against you and you in that condition, we had better not send a pic back."

I wasn't happy, but could see Marion's point, this was all so bizaar. It was another 3 hours before I heard the car outside and thought it would be wise to extricate myself from Marion's cuddle; I went over to the window.

Rachel and Nigel seemed to be talking... wait was that a kiss, it was hard to tell, they were very close. I started to move towards the door just as the car light came on and they both got out.

Rachel was flushed when she came in, but quickly recovered talking about her night with enthusiasm. I noticed Marion had re-knotted her robe covering most of what had been on display all night. I felt both irritated at Rachel and guilty for how close I had been to Marion. The others seemed oblivious as they enjoyed some some wine and chatted enthusiastically about the play.

Eventually Rachel quietly took my hand and led me upstairs. She continued to tell me all about the night as she undressed, revealing her black satin lingerie and hold up stockings. She continued talking as she casually took my cock out and started stroking me.

I tried to focus on my concerns, "Did I see you kiss him?" and waited for the denial.

To my shock there was no denial, just a nod, "It was a peck, a thank you kiss for a lovely night, he was a total gent and I had great time."

The lack of denial threw me and it was hard to concentrate as she pressed her stocking clad thigh into my balls, "A kiss, it... it isn't right, you shouldn't...."

"Sshh baby it was nothing, I knew you were there, it was just a friendly gesture."

I was so worked up, teetering on the edge of cumming as she worked my cock expertly, which was already struggling due to spending the night with Marion.

"I want to do it again, if that's ok?"

Before I could figure out if she meant the kiss or the date, I shot my load all over her stomach and stockings... fuck!

Rachel seemed happy, "Mmm there you go baby, all better now."

Rachel and Marion were all over me the next day, both enthusing about how great a night they had. My thoughts were a jumbled mess, I was becoming alarmed at Rachel's intentions but Marion's motives were a complete mystery to me.

I went for a walk alone which didn't help clear my head, when I returned Nigel and Rachel were messing about in the pool, there was lots of splashing and touching. Marion was watching from a nearby lounger; it was innocent enough, if it hadn't been for the night before.

Rachel saw me and jumped out the pool. She looked gorgeous walking toward me in an olive green bikini which left little to the imagination, the smouldering kiss that followed was mesmerising.

At dinner, Marion asked if I would take her to a coastal view point to see the sunset the following evening. I agreed, before Rachel jumped in saying she and Nigel could check out St Malo at the same time. I hadn't anticipated that and it seemed difficult to backtrack now.

I was surprised to see how much effort Rachel put into getting ready. She had taken her shower and put on her makeup, going all out with false eye lashes, red lipstick and newly polished nails. I saw her slide on some jade French knickers with a matching bustier. Those were covered by a fitted pencil skirt with a split to the thigh, and a steel grey silk blouse; she looked absolutely ravishing!

Nigel looked like the cat that got the cream when she entered the living room, but they didn't seem in a hurry to leave. Marion saw my concern and hurried me away towards our car for the trip to the viewpoint. My mind was elsewhere and we got to the viewpoint without me really noticing where I was driving, just following Marion's directions. We got out with the sun dropping toward the horizon, it was stunning but I hardly noticed. Marion took my arm and guided me to a bench seat.

"We all love you Tom, Rachel more than anyone."

"Are they going to have sex?"

"Yes, yes they are Tom, but not until we get back, she will tell you all about it when we return. Sssshh it's ok, come here," with that she hugged me into her ample cleavage.

"So this was all a set-up, your affection and everything."

"Not really, we weren't sure how things would progress. My affection for you is absolutely genuine as is Rachel's love for you."

"Love and affective, but as for sex... its Nigel's big cock you both want."

"I know this isn't easy Tom, but Rachel needs more, more of what I have been lucky enough to experience and Nigel can offer. We both think Nigel will be as good for your marriage as he has been for mine. She loves you dearly, you are her soul mate, but you can't match him sexually, he is such a consummate lover. To put it in football terms, it's like your local Sunday pub team playing against Barcelona. It's just physical thing, look at me married all these years and happier than ever. I still have a full and loving sex life with Reg. But Nigel fulfils me in other ways, you have heard us."