Brooke Ch. 06


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"Yeah, I feel OK, just fatigued, that's all. A short rest should help."

We sat there in the shade for a few minutes, when Brooke announced that she was ready to go. I pulled a bottle of water from the backpack, and we shared it as we walked along.

After another fifteen minutes, we came to the river. It was really beautiful.

"Want to go for a swim?" Brooke asked.

"Sure, if you do. I didn't pack a suit, though," I replied.

"There's nothing wrong with skinny dipping, is there? We can walk up river a little and have some privacy."

We turned and walked off the trail alongside the river, far enough that we felt anyone using the trail couldn't see us. There was a gently bend in the river, so we were out of anyone's range of vision should they come along the trail.

It didn't take us long to strip down, and the two of us walked down the river bank and into the water, which was fairly warm. We had a good time splashing each other and gently playing in the water. I loved the look of Brooke's body when it was wet. The sun shining through the trees and onto her wet body made it look like a photo shoot for a model, which I said to her.

"That's sweet, Steven. Do I really look that good to you?"

"You look that good!"

"Thank you," she replied as she walked over to me and kissed me, while the two of us stood naked in the middle of the river.

I brought my arms around my sister and pulled her body to mine as I continued kissing her.

"I've always wanted to have sex outdoors, Steven. Do you think we could, you know, like do it here?"

"Sure. I have a blanket in the backpack. Want me to get it and spread it out?"

"Yeah, lets."

Brooke and I walked out of the water, and I got the blanket out of the backpack and found a place to spread it out. Brooke sat down on the blanket, and I sat down beside her. I placed my arm around my sister and held her close.

Kissing her, I began rubbing her arms, back, and then her breasts, which I then took into my mouth and gently sucked.

"I owe you something from this morning," I said to her, knowing how much she liked me to eat her out.

"What's that?" she asked.

"This," I said as I gently pushed her onto her back and gently spread her legs apart. Brooke lifted her knees up into the air and spread her legs wide apart, allowing plenty of room for me to get my mouth to her pussy. I immediately went down on her and started sucking away and licking her beautiful cunt. Using my fingers, I pulled her pussy lips apart, while driving my tongue as deep inside of her as possible.

"God, you're good at that, Steven,"

"I've had a lot of practice on you!" I said as I continued eating her.

Brooke was bucking her pussy up against my mouth as I continued eating her. Her pussy was getting wet as her juices started to release, which not only made her more moist, but tasted great as well. I lapped away at her snatch as I gently rubbed her abdomen and her thighs. She had the smoothest thighs I'd ever felt, and I loved rubbing my hands over them.

"Oh god that feels great, Steven."

I started lapping away with my tongue on her outer lips, which was driving her wild. I would do this, and then slowly enter my tongue deep inside of her, and slowly bring it back out. I loved the taste of Brooke's pussy, so I enjoyed eating her. I licked from the bottom of her slit to the top, repeatedly.

As I reached the top, Brooke shouted, "Yes, right there, keep licking there."

I focused on that particular spot for a few minutes, which drove her wild. She started cursing again, loud enough for anyone to hear us who was within a couple mile range. "Keep licking there, shit yes, keep licking there," she shouted.

I continued working my sister until she shouted for me to fuck her. As she said that, I promptly slid up and brought the head of my pre-cum soaked cock to the entrance of her pussy, and gently rubbed it against her slit.

"Stop fucking teasing me, Steven, and fuck me with that thing!" Brooke shouted.

I slid my hard cock into her and fucked her hard and long. We were both breathing heavily and cussing before we finished. There was something about fucking my sister outdoors that was very erotic to me. I'd always been somewhat of an exhibitionist anyway, and doing it in public with Brooke, just made the whole experience that much more exciting to me. To make it better, about this time a group of teenage boys came around the corner in three or four canoes. I saw them coming, but thought that maybe they wouldn't see us, but I was mistaken. They started shouting at each other about the couple fucking in the woods.

"Who the fuck is that?" Brooke asked.

"I don't know, just a group of guys in canoes. Just ignore them. We'll give them something to talk about."

"Fine with me," Brooke replied as we continued fucking on the blanket in full view of the kids.

We continued like we were before they arrived, with me ramming my cock into my sister, and Brooke cussing like a sailor as she reached orgasm. I could feel the intense pressure on my cock as her pussy spasmed, and then felt the flow of her juices, which I soon mixed with mine as I shot my load into her.

We lay on the blanket for a while, and then I got out our food and we ate our sandwiches and chips. Sitting there in the nude with my sister was still quite a turn on for me, and I think is also was for Brooke. We had a great time together being naked outdoors.

"I really enjoyed making love to you outside, Steven."

"Yeah I really enjoyed that, too. I'd never had sex outdoors either. We'll have to do that again sometime."

"Yeah, I really like this spot. We'll have to come back."

Unfortunately, Brooke and I would never return to the park, and would never again have sex outdoors.

After we cleaned up, Brooke and I started walking back to the car. Brooke had to sit down again on the way, which was starting to concern me, but I didn't say anything to her about it.

Once we got back to the house, we showered and then dressed for dinner. By the time we finished our shower it was time to put the lasagna in the oven so it would be done when Amanda got there. I also heated up some garlic bread and fixed three salads. I had some sorbet in the freezer and thought I'd serve that for dessert.

Amanda showed up a little early for dinner, and brought a bottle of wine along with her. Brooke took the wine into the kitchen as I greeted Amanda, who walked over to me once Brooke was out of the living room.

"I thought the wine might loosen you two up a bit," she whispered in my ear as she brushed the palm of her hand across my crotch.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Amanda? You see this ring?" I said, showing her my new wedding ring. "Brooke and I are married, and she considers you a good friend. It would kill her if she know you were coming on to me."

"OK, forget about it then. I just thought the three of us could have a little fun tonight, that's all," she said as she turned and walked into the living room.

As Amanda walked away, I could see that she was dressed for fun, too. Her shorts didn't even cover up the bottom half of her ass cheeks, and her top barely covered the bottom of her breasts. If she wanted to get laid tonight, all she'd have to do is to walk around campus for a few minutes, and I'm sure someone would take her home. All I wanted at this point was to get this night over with, the Amanda part, anyway.

Brooke poured three glasses of the wine and brought them into the living room, where the three of us sat and talked for about twenty minutes, until the buzzer on the oven told me that the lasagna was done. I excused myself and went out to the kitchen and took it out of the oven, and put the breadsticks in to heat up while I made the salads. After I finished putting the food on the table, I called Brooke and Amanda, who immediately came into the kitchenette.

"I'm really hungry, and I'm sure you'll like Steven's lasagna, Amanda, he's quite the cook."

"I'm sure I will,"Amanda replied. From the way she was acting, Brooke had no idea what had happened at the start of the evening, and I hoped that she never found out.

We took our time eating our dinner and enjoying the remainder of the wine Amanda brought with her. After we finished dinner, I got the sorbet out of the freezer and served that. When that was gone, Brooke and Amanda went into the living room to chat while I cleared the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher. Amanda offered to help, but I insisted that she and Brooke spend some time catching up with each other while I cleaned up dinner. I really wanted to stay as far away from Amanda as I could for the remainder of the evening, which I managed. I took my time finishing the dishes, and then made my way back into the living room. I looked over at Brooke, and she looked very tired.

"I think I need to go on to bed, you all," Booke announced after a while. Looking at the clock I noticed that it was only about 8:45, which was early for Brooke and I to go to bed; however she did seem tired. "You two can stay up and visit some if you want, but I'm really tired all of a sudden," Brooke continued as she stood. She walked over to Amanda and giving her a hug, excused herself from the room.

Amanda didn't linger at all, saying, "Yeah, it is getting late, I guess. Maybe I better be going too."

She crossed the room and gave me a hug before leaving.

"Seriously," she whispered in my ear, "if you ever want a little variety, just give me a call." She reached down and squeezed my cock through my jeans before she turned and walked out the door.

I stood there in disbelief. First, that Amanda would act that way, which shouldn't surprise me after the way she was at the frat party; and second, that I got hard when she whispered in my ear and grabbed my cock. I felt somewhat ashamed about that, but had to admit, even if she is a slut, she's still hot.

When I got to the bedroom, Brooke had already stripped down and climbed into the bed. I got in beside her and held her tight.

"Are you OK?" I asked.

"I don't know, Steven. I got a little dizzy during dinner, but thought that might be the wine or something. Then, while we were sitting in the living room, I got light headed again, and thought I better come on to bed. Did Amanda leave?"

"Yeah, she left. I think I better take you to the doctor tomorrow and get you checked out."

"That's probably a good idea. I felt good all day long, other than getting fatigued while we were hiking. I'll see how I feel in the morning."

I thought about calling mom and talking with her, but didn't. Brooke and I both fell asleep, and slept soundly all night. I guess the hiking and the sex by the river wore us both out.

Brooke didn't go to the doctor the following day, because she said she felt fine. We spent the next week just messing around the house, and I started looking for work. I eventually found a job at the school in food service. They had several openings, and I selected a position in the Athletes' Kitchen. They have a kitchen and dining room just for the athletic department, and I knew that Brooke's meals were included with her scholarship, so I thought it would be good if I could work in the kitchen, and then maybe we could spend some time together when she came in for dinner with the team after practice each evening. I also got a job at a substitute cook at a Mexican restaurant downtown. That was something that might come in handy, especially if we were running short on cash, which shouldn't happen with our inheritance and all, but a little extra spending money never hurt.

Brooke started the voluntary conditioning with several of the members of the f'ockey team in mid June. They worked out in the gym for the first hour and then they ran conditioning sprints outside. They weren't allowed to get out field hockey equipment and use it, or have the assistance of a trainer or a coach due to NCAA regulations or something like that, Brooke explained; but the girl leading the conditioning workouts had everything outlined for each evening, and Brooke was sure that one of the coaches set that all up.

Brooke would come home in the evening exhausted, especially that night.

"How was the work out this evening?" I asked her.

"Exhausting," she replied. "Kathy really worked us tonight. Shit, Steven, this is just voluntary conditioning. What the fuck to you think it's going to be like once practices start next week?"

"That rough?"

"Yeah, that fucking rough."

"Tell you what. Why don't you get undressed and I'll run the bath for you? You can soak while I get your dinner ready."

"That sounds like a good idea, but I'd rather have you soak with me if you wouldn't mind."

I jumped at that. Getting in the tub with Brooke sounded great to me. We hadn't had much physical contact in the past week due to her schedule and mine. She'd come home exhausted, eat dinner, and then go to bed and sleep all night. Tonight was my night off, so I was able to be home.

"Sounds good. I'll run the bath water. You get undressed."

Brooke went into the bathroom and I went onto the adjoining bathroom and started the bath water. I filled the tub and added a little bubble bath before going into the bedroom to get Brooke. I found her curled up on the bed, fast asleep. I shook her gently and asked if she still wanted her bath, and she said yes and got up on the side of the bed.

I pulled her up, and we walked into the bathroom, where I undressed and we both slid into the tub.

I sat down first and had Brooke sit between my legs, facing away from me. I pulled her back to me and put my arms around her and kissed her neck.

"Umm that feels good, Steven. I've missed being with you like this."

She slid down a little and rested her hands on my thighs as I massaged her shoulders and arms.

"Oh yeah, keep that up, brother."

I continued rubbing Brooke's shoulders and neck area, and down her arms as well. She leaned forward and asked me to rub her back, and I complied. I rubbed from her neck to the top of her ass, back and forth, while reaching around her and gently rubbing her tits.

"God, Steven, you're gonna make my cum from a back rub."


"Yeah. I'm really sexually charged now."

I continued rubbing Brooke's back, arms, and tits for several more minutes, when she suggested we take it to the bedroom, which I was more than willing to do.

I drained the water out of the tub and then dried Brooke off and led her to the bed.

"How long has it been since we made love?"

"Nearly a week, I think. I've missed you, Brooke. I'm sorry our schedules are so fucking busy, I really miss being with you and making love with you."

Brooke turned me around and had me lie own on my back on the bed, and climbed on top of me, and started kissing me. We made out for a long time, enjoying each others tongues, and rubbing each other's bodies. We rolled around on the bed for a while touching, kissing, and sucking each other. I had Brooke roll over on her stomach, and when she did, I noticed a fairly large bruise on her right hip, about the size of my hand.

"Did you have a collision with someone today?" I asked.

"Yeah, I ran into one of the girls during practice. Why?"

"You have a huge bruise on your right hip." I touched it and asked her if it hurt, but she said that it didn't too much.

"How about I give you a nice rub down?" I asked her.

"How about I suck your cock first?" Brooke replied. "I've missed sucking you off."

I rolled over on my back and Brooke crawled on top of me, and immediately moved her mouth to my cock and started working her magic on me. I had really missed the feeling of her mouth surrounding my cock, and this really felt good. Brooke sucked me and twisted my balls at the same time, which felt absolutely awesome. She got my cock really wet with her saliva, and then started slowly beating me off while she sucked me at the same time. I reached down and started rubbing her tits as she continued sucking me.

Brooke continued on me for several minutes, when I shifted from underneath her and, with her lying face down on the bed, I spread her legs, pulled her ass cheeks apart, and started kissing her ass, all the way down to her pink pucker. I kissed her there, and started licking her ass with my tongue, letting the tip penetrate her while feeling her ass with both hands. The musty aroma mixed with her sweet taste was making me very hard. I licked around her anus to her ass cheeks, and to her thighs. She lifted her pelvis up from the bed enough that I could lick her pussy. I kept doing this for some time when Brooke asked me to take her in the ass.

I moved my mouth back to her ass, and with my tongue and saliva, got her pucker as wet as I could before I moved up and pressed the head of my cock against her pink hole. I spit on her ass hole a couple of times to get it wet, and Brooke reached around, spread her cheeks wide apart, and told me to fuck her.

I pressed my cock into my sister's ass slowly, but Brooke pressed back with such force it drove all the way in.

"Oh Christ, that feels so fucking good, Steven. Fuck me hard, brother."

I fucked Brooke hard and fast, pumping in and out of her ass. It had been a week since we'd fucked, and her ass was so fucking tight I didn't think I'd last very long, but I didn't want it to be over too quickly! I fucked her in the ass several more minutes, When Brooke squirmed, rolled over, and had me fuck her in the pussy. The difference between her ass and pussy was great. While her ass was much tighter, her pussy was much wetter as her juices were now flowing. I fucked in and out of her, and we could both her my wet balls slapping against her ass as we fucked. Brooke started moaning, and then shouting as we fucked hard for the first time in a week.

"Oh yes, God damn I've missed this. Fuck me, brother."

We were both working up a sweat as we fucked, it was so intense. I really had missed having sex with Brooke, and this was great.

"I'm going to cum," Brooke shouted. "Don't you fucking dare slow down until I finish!"

I didn't, either. I continued fucking her hard until I felt her orgasm, which caused her pussy to clamp down on my cock like a fucking vice. That started me shooting my load, and I emptied it into her. Brooke slowed down, and finally let her hands fall to her sides as her orgasm subsided. I spread her legs apart and went down on her, lapping away at her's and my juices, which were dripping out of her pussy. I licked her clean, then crawled up and kissed my sister several times.

"Oh god, thank you, Steven. That was awesome."

"Brooke, you don't ever have to thank me for fucking you. The pleasure is all mine. I love you so much."

We held each other tight as Brooke fell asleep. I wasn't that tired, but I stayed in the bed with her as I didn't want to disturb her.

Over the next week, the team started their regular practices, preparing for their first game, which would be in just six short weeks. The practices were long and hard, and were taking their toll on my Brooke. I'd see her in the Dining Hall, and she looked exhausted. She'd leave each evening about an hour before I left, and when I got home, she was often in bed asleep already. This continued all week, when I told Brooke that we needed to talk when I got home, which we did.

I asked Brooke to come into the living room with me, and we sat down on the couch.

"I've been worried about you, Brooke. You seem to be so tired all the time. You weren't like this after practice in high school. Is this that much worse?"

Brooke started to cry. I reached over and pulled her to me, and she placed her head on my shoulder as she continued.

"I don't know what it is, Steven. I get so tired during practice that I have to sit out for a few minutes. The trainer says that it's normal, but I don't think it is. Then when I come home, I want to wait up for you because I really miss being with you. I miss making love to you, but I am so fucking tired when I get home, I just want to go to bed; and then when I get up in the morning, I'm still tired. Maybe I need some vitamins or something."