Brother Asked to Correct Bratty Sis Ch. 09


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It was only 9:15 p.m. but I really was exhausted after last night and today. It felt good going out to eat and I knew without a doubt I loved my brother. I probably shouldn't have asked for his shirt, but right now I needed part of him close to me, and the shirt with his scent would have to do. I could give the blue one back to me and keep the red one. I placed the Angry Crab Shack coffee mug on the dresser next to my other mugs.

Stripping down to my panties I pulled his t-shirt on and turned out the lights. Curling up in bed I pulled part of the shirt up to my nose and inhaled his scent. Closing my eyes I drifted off to a peaceful sleep thinking about what Amanda said. Things will work out like they are supposed to.

I woke up a little after six, well rested and showered and dressed for the day. I figured I might be up before Lee but he was already in the kitchen when I went downstairs. He hadn't shaved and had stubble on his chin and face, making him look even more sexy. He was dressed like he was going for a run.

"The coffee's ready," he grinned as I entered the kitchen.

"Thanks, are you going for a run?" I asked as I poured me a cup of coffee with cream and two sugars.

"Yeah, the other day I went for a run and was so sore it reminded me I was getting out of shape," he chuckled. "I kind of got out of my routine since you've been here, plus eating more."

I didn't comment, but shit he wasn't out of shape in my opinion. "More power to you," I giggled, "it's not how I want to start my day."

"I do want to talk to you about letting me teach you how to defend yourself, meaning you need to at least start working out on a regular basis," he chuckled.

"Why would I need to learn when I have you around," I laughed,

"Because I can't always be there with you and you need to know what to do when something happens. It could mean the difference of you getting killed or raped," his smile gone and his voice gruff.

"Yeah right, like I'm going to take down some 6' brute that outweighs me," I snorted.

"I'm serious Ava, it's not up for discussion. I'll start you off exercising and getting your muscles toned then show you some moves that might save your life one day. Enjoy your coffee," he chuckled, "I'll have your exercise program for you to start today when I get back from my run."


The look on Ava's face was amusing when I told her she had to start exercising. I was dead serious and meant every word of it. When I finished my run and returned home, thankfully she was still there and hadn't skipped out to avoid me.

She was dressed in a nice pair of shorts and blouse sitting on the couch flipping through movie channels. She glanced at me all sweaty from my run and grinned. Then she went back to sipping a coke and eating a bag of chips.

I walked over and took the coke and chips from her and dumped them in the trash. "What the hell Lee." she yelled. I didn't give her time I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. "I'm serious Ava, you're going to listen to me or I'll spank your bottom."

She squealed and beat on my back as I carried up to her room and pitched her on her bed. "Now you can put on gym shorts and a t-shirt or I'll do it for you. You will spend 150 minutes a week working out. Either 30 minutes a day for 5 days, or if you prefer 1 hour a day for five days."

"Are you crazy I'm not fat!" she yelled at me laying on the bed.

"You can do it naked with a red ass or you can put on a sports bra and gym shorts and be more comfortable," I told her firmly. I stared at her with my hands on my hips, sweat dripping off of me.

"Okay," she relented, "I'll do it just let me get dressed," she murmured as she got off the bed.

"Good, and no you're not fat and neither am I, but the exercise will tone you up and believe me you will feel better. Get dressed and meet me in the exercise room next door."


Damn he looked sexy all sweaty with that scruff on his face. Obviously he was serious so I got dressed and walked over to the exercise room across the hall. It had a nice view of the water in the distance so I figured I could give it 30 minutes.

"Let's start you off on a brisk walk on the treadmill," he chuckled, "for the first time for 15 minutes. Come on get up here and I'll show you how to set the timer and start it."

I stepped up on the treadmill and he showed me how to punch in 15 minutes, then he started it up. Hell it was just walking, then he made it speed up to where I was stepping briskly. I ignored him and looked out at the water wishing I was at the beach. In a few minutes I was sweating and breathing harder. Fifteen minutes should be about up, I glanced down and saw I had 8 minutes to go. UGH, I could do this I mumbled under my breath.

"Did you say something," he chuckled.

"NO," I choked out and kept walking briskly. When the timer beeped and the machine slowed down, I was surprised how sweaty and winded I was. Not in a bad way, just more so than I expected.

"Good, good, now you can take a couple minutes to drink some water, then you can use some weights and do some squats," he smiled as he handed me a bottle of water.

I slowly drank the water, what the hell that would eat up some more of that 30 minutes he talked about. Wrong. Thirty minutes of exercise time he explained, down time between exercises didn't count.

He put 10 lb weights on each end of a barbell and helped place them on my shoulders correctly and how to stand feet shoulder's width apart. He stood in front of me and showed how I was supposed to squat then come back up to standing position, then repeat 25 times he said with a big grin on his face.

Again I thought this isn't so bad, but as I got closer to twenty I could feel the muscles in my legs and butt tensing up. On the last one when I was standing, he chuckled, "Well lift it up off your shoulders and set the barbell down."

I was able without any real difficulty but it made me realize I really was out of shape.

Thinking we were through I grabbed my water and started to leave.

"Where do you think you're going? You still have 10 minutes left. One more exercise and I'll let you off easy today. That 20 lbs on the squat was really weak. Next time we will up the weight," he chuckled.

"How's this going to help me take down some brute that attacks me," I pouted.

"Get over here and lay down this bench and quit arguing. You should be able to lift your body weight, but we will start with 60 lbs and build up," he chuckled again.

"Here give me your hands, okay right here. Get a good grip and I'll stand here and spot you."

"There now breathe in as you lower the weight and breathe out as you push it up. Let's do ten to start with today."

When we were finished he told me to do some stretches and cool down with a cold shower then drink water and eat a protein bar he provided.

"I'll send a schedule to your phone, and remember I have cameras to check up on you," he chuckled as he walked out of the room.

I shot him my middle finger!

Surprisingly a cold shower, a bottle of water and protein bar I realized I did feel better. Only a little sore from not exercising at all, except from sex, I giggled as I dressed. I checked my phone and sure enough he had sent me a video of exercises I should do each day. Smiling, I thought maybe my big brother is on to something and decided I would give it a 100 percent effort.


I chuckled as I shower thinking how good Ava looked in a sports bra and those damn tight gym shorts. I had gone easy on her today, but I was determined to get her in shape and teach her to defend herself. As far as sex, well I would not make any attempt to have sex with her. It would be difficult but it was time to be her big brother and do the right thing by her.

I was drinking a bottle of water when she walked in the den and I almost choked. She was wearing a pair of red faux leather shorts that button up the front, and a white skin tight top, sleeveless and fully covered her chest and back, but damn there no avoiding looking at her breasts. She was wearing a bra but her breasts still juggled slightly when she walked. Glancing down she is wearing red ankle boots with 3" heels, a red purse with a shoulder strap.

As she walked into the kitchen I saw those shorts hug her ass, and my eyes followed down to her shapely legs. Her phone was stuck in a back pocket, I wondered if she had panties on. If she did it would have been a damn g-string there were no panty lines.

"Going somewhere?" I mumbled to her back as she passed me.

She came back with a bottle of water and stood in the entryway. "Yeah, since you're going to have me working out regularly I thought I would go shopping for some extra sports bras and shorts, and maybe running shoes," she smiled at me.

I couldn't think of anything to say, I was still mesmerized looking at her outfit. "Uh well that's probably a good idea. Remember we are leaving for Tuscaloosa tomorrow afternoon....make sure you have something comfortable to wear during the exam," I mumbled.

"Sure," she purred, "anything I need to get you?" She smiled.

Yeah a fucking cock cage I thought to myself. "Uh no I'm fine I think, but thanks for asking," my eyes locked on her breasts.

"See you later," she giggled and turned and walked away.

As soon as the door closed I lifted the laptop off my lap. My dick was hard as a rock. Thank goodness it covered my erection while she pranced around. I leaned my head back and took a deep breath and let it out. Fuck she had to know what she was doing to me, another reason she needed to learn to defend herself. Guys, hell women would be drooling over her dressed like that!

What the hell did Lisa say to her? I needed answers. Pulling my phone out I sent a text to her that I needed to talk, and to please call me.

My dick was still hard ten minutes later when Lisa returned my call. I answered on the first ring. "Can you please tell me what you and Ava discussed yesterday. She acts fine but she won't tell me what you all discussed except to say you talked to her. Something about letting her emotions get the best of her. It's kind of like nothing ever happened and I'm confused," I rambled.

"Lee I won't tell you everything that happened yesterday, let's just say when you and her have sex quit throwing the 'love' word around. I'm not saying you don't love her, hell she's your sister, but leave out promises of love when engaging in sex. In other words just fuck and enjoy each other. It's confusing sometimes for anyone, but especially someone as young as she is," she lectured me in a stern voice.

"I'm an idiot," I mumbled, "I should never have used that word during sex with her. Hell she used it just sort of came out. I do love her and now I've messed everything up. I'll just make sure we don't have sex anymore," I mumbled again,

"That's between you and her, but she's going to be disappointed. She still wants to have sex with you. You and her just need to talk openly to each other and decide what you want going forward. Be honest. And go see Sandy that will probably help you both," she sighed loudly.

"Thanks Lisa," I chuckled lightly, "I'll talk to her and make things right. Just looked after this weekend while I'm gone."

"You don't even have to ask, that's my sister your talking about," she giggled.


I giggled as I walked out the door. I thought he would choke as he took a drink of water. This was an outfit I had not worn before that I got when Lisa and I went shopping. All necessary parts were covered but I thought it was sexy as hell. It sure as hell got Lee's attention. Slipping my red frame sunglasses on I headed to the mall.

I found several outfits. One was an off-white Whitney pocket leggings I like so well I got an extra pair in a pink color. I found tops to match the leggings, Whitney Longline bras that showed off my midriff. Picking out two pairs of women's Impact Sports bras one in red the other in light blue. They were padded and wireless with straps that were Racerback. The matching shorts were made of spandex and nylon and had a side pocket.

As I was paying for my purchases I noticed an older man eyeing me. There was a mirror behind the counter where I was checking out with glass shelves displaying perfumes. His eyes were glued to my ass when a woman walked up to show him a top she had in her hands. She noticed where he was looking and elbowed him hard on the side. I bit my lip to keep from laughing. In the mirror I could see they were probably in their 40's, and his wife was damn good looking. I guess guys just have to look even when they have a fine looking woman at home.

Next stop I found a pair of Nike Air Max 270 shoes that were perfect for working out and running. They were white and would go with all my outfits. But damn $160 for a pair of shoes to run in. I need to find a job, the money Lee gave me wouldn't last forever. I still wanted something special for Wednesday night so I kept shopping until I found the perfect Pure Silk lace slip dress nightgown. It came with matching bikini panties and a robe that came down to mid-thigh. It was a Rose Red color.

With my packages I went down to the food court area in the mall to get something cold to drink. As I sat there drinking lemonade my phone rang. It was Nick calling.

"Well hello I thought maybe you forgot all about me," I teased him.

He chuckled, "No, just busy with my Dad working. Just wanted to let you know I may be out of town longer than I thought. Dad wants to check out a new location for another Service Center."

"I understand, business before pleasure, but thanks for calling and letting me know," I replied sincerely.

"Well also to let you know to look for a package from UPS in the next few days. You will probably have it by Friday. I gave my friend your address since I will be delayed getting back home," his deep voice sending tingles up my spine. So yeah the connection I felt with him was still there.

"Thanks Nick, I really appreciate it and good luck on your business adventure," I giggled.

"See you when I get back Iowa, tell your brother I said hello. I want to stay on his good side," he chuckled.

Smiling I hung up the phone and took a drink of my lemonade. I wasn't paying any attention to the people around me until this guy pulled up a chair and sets down at my table.

"What's the matter sugar, boyfriend out of town, maybe you need a big strong man like me to help you with all your packages....and other needs you might have," he smirk, twirling a toothpick in his mouth.

Wearing his ball cap backwards, a dirty t-shirt that probably hadn't ever been washed, he winked at me. His foul breath hit me making me want to vomit. He was about the size of Lee but flabby and stunk like weed.

"Stay away from me," I stammered and started to get up and grab my packages. He grabbed my wrist and stopped me. Now I was scared, other people were staring but not helping. Hell most of the people were women with children.

"Don't be like that sugar, Ole Stan here just wants to show you a good time," he chuckled not letting go of my wrist, squeezing it tight.

My breathing was ragged and I was about to panic when a deep voice sounded behind me, "Let the lady go boy, NOW," he barked loudly.

He let go of my hand but just laughed, "Oh hell officer friendly I was just talking to my gal here."

Looking back was a security officer for the mall. Keeping his eye on Ole Stan, "Ma'am do you want to press charges against this....this gentleman," he sneered at Stan.

"No, I stuttered, "I just want to leave." I was shaking like a leaf.

The officer put his hand on my shoulder calming me. Still looking at Stan, "Boy if I ever find you in this mall again I'll arrest you for being ugly and stinking the place up. Now get your ass out of here now."

Stan had fury in his eyes but kept his mouth shut and walked away. I was shaking and my arm was red and stung where he gripped it so hard. The officer sat down in the chair vacated by Stan.

"Ma'am are you okay?" he asked in a politely concerned voice.

"I'll be okay he just scared me, thanks for stepping in," I mumbled rubbing my wrist.

"May I see your wrist?" he asked. I stuck my arm out and he gently turned my wrist and looked at it. "I think it's okay, just put some ice on it and that will help. You should have let me arrest the bum," he chuckled.

I looked at him, he appeared to be early sixties, but still fit and in good shape. His name tag said Hank Aaron. Daddy was big on sports baseball and football, so I knew Hank Aaron was a famous baseball player. Black baseball payer, this Hank was white.

I giggled softly, "Sorry, you've got a famous name like I do. I'm Ava Gardner."

He laughed, "So we do Ava, a pleasure to meet you. Seems our parents were hung up on big name stars. I'm a retired cop and work security here at the mall, here's my card. If you ever see that bum again or he tries to give you trouble call me. I have lots of friends on the police force and they will take care of him."

"I will and thanks Mr Aaron," I smiled feeling better.

He chuckled, "I believe two famous people like us can call each other by their first names, call me Hank. Now come on and let me walk you to your car and help you with your packages."


I was working on my laptop in my office when I heard Ava coming up the stairs. I finished what I was working on, then went down to the second floor. Her bedroom door was open and she was putting away things she had purchased.

As she closed a dresser drawer she turned and saw me standing in her door way, and almost jumped out of her skin. "Oh..shit," you scared me, her left hand going to her chest. She was shaking and I noticed her left wrist was red looking.

Rushing forward, "What the fuck Ava," grabbing her left arm to look at her wrist. "Did you fall, what happened, did someone hurt you," I rapid fire asked her.

"I'm okay," she said, her voice shaky, "but I think maybe I want to learn to defend myself. Today I just froze and acted like a coward."

"Fuck! I should have gone with you! Tell me what happened," I demanded in a sharp voice I was so pissed.

"Calm down Rambo," I giggled softly, " Hank Aaron saved me."

"it's no time to be joking Ava," I snarled at her.

"I'm not the Security Officer's name was Hank Aaron," I giggled again, "and he's white."

I was still furious after she explained what happened. One positive thing came out of it, Ava was interested in learning to defend herself.

We spent the rest of the day eating a light supper and tending to Ava's wrist. Using ice packs for 15-20 minutes at a time, every hour or so. By bedtime she said it wasn't hurting. I kissed her on the forehead good night and went back to my bedroom.

I definitely wanted to meet and thank the security officer at the mall. As I climbed in bed I realized I had not had a sexual thought about Ava since she got home from the mall. What's going to happen to us, alone tomorrow night in Tuscaloosa?

End of chapter 9...

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
AmbulAmbul11 months ago

Sandy sounds great, but is still a question mark, even though she shows signs of being submissive. Ava is made for Lee, even though they are brother and sister. There should be a way around this for them, although their parents are a problem. Adoption is an option. The author has set up the story to make this not a viable possibility, and it is probably more realistic the way he has scripted it. It is a wonderful story of love and lust.

bocahalbocahalabout 1 year ago

Ok, now that you have left us hanging you MUST continue the story to see where Sandy and Lee and Eva get to know each other maybe in the biblical sense.

sabrielgoddesssabrielgoddessabout 1 year ago

Okay, so I’m really nervous about Lee & Sandy getting together. He hasn’t really explained his lifestyle, the way that he would want her to be…but she does seem like she might be a natural submissive. I understand what direction you are going, but I still wish it could be Lee and Ava….. together forever.

Jimdog32526Jimdog32526about 1 year ago

Ok, we're all patiently waiting.......get to typing.

Seriously you are a great author.

Rapierwit24601Rapierwit24601about 1 year ago

Loving the story and further character development. But, there are a few issues:

1. “Flying first class on Southwest”??? There is no first class section on Southwest. It’s a flying bus where everyone grabs whatever seat is available. I should know, I use it exclusively for domestic travel. Great points system, no baggage fees and no cancellation fees. The latter is most important as my engagement schedules often change.

2. You need to brush up on your pronoun subject/verb agreement. Too many “her”s and “him”s used as the subject of the verb. That’s either a grammar school mistake or you’re from the Deep South where they almost speak English. Yes, some people talk that way and it’s a great way to show someone educational acumen through dialogue, Your narrator, however is not only not from the Deep South but he’s college educated where that kind of grammar would have been beaten out of him in a freshman comp class.

Can’t wait for Lee and Sandy to get together!

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