Brother Asked to Correct Bratty Sis Ch. 11


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I waited in the kitchen drinking a bottle of water when he came back dressed in a fresh pair of shorts and t-shirt. "I thought I told you to put some clothes on," he said in a stern voice, as he sat down across from me.

"Sorry, but I plan on going back out to sunbathe later, I still need to tan my backside," unable to keep from smiling. "I can't believe this is happening, I need to call Mom and Dad and let them know."

"Calm down," he chuckled, "what exactly did he say to you."

"Oh my God," I gasped putting my hand over my mouth, "I hardly remember, I was so excited, something about meeting with him next week after the 4th. Oh, and he was sending me an email."

"Well there's your laptop, maybe you need to check," he chuckled again, pushing my laptop toward me.

I opened my emails and there it was, I clicked on it and looked it over and turned my laptop where Lee could read it. He sat there for a moment not saying anything making me nervous.

"Well, what are you thinking? It says meet him at 1 p.m. on the 6th in his office. That's a good thing right?"

"Oh, sure it is. He just doesn't give any info on what they are offering. We need to think about this, and make sure they give the best deal. Without a doubt your going to be admitted for this fall, they just need to understand there is nothing keeping you from going somewhere else, if they are not willing to provide some incentives for you to go to school there," his voice remaining calm.

"But that's where I want to go, Nick will be there next year also. I don't want to go anywhere else," I pouted.

"You and I know that, but they don't. Do you realize few people score as high as you did on the SAT. You take the SAT again in August and I'm sure you will do as good if not better, and that score goes on your record. Almost any school would be glad to have you, so we will milk them for the best deal," his voice more cheerful as he smiled at me.

"I still can't believe all this is happening, thanks to you," I giggled. "I need to call Mom and Dad and let them know."

"Hold your horses," he laughed, "lets wait until we meet with.." he paused to look back at the email, "Melvin Huntington, then you will have more you can tell them."

I jumped up and hugged him around the neck, "Thanks for everything Lee. I'm going back out to the pool to sunbathe," as I kissed him on the cheek.

As I started to rush out the door, he hollered, "Don't you need to eat some lunch, it's noon time."

"I'm too excited to eat, I'll eat something later," I called back as I went out the door and headed back to the pool. Dropping my robe, I couldn't stop giggling. I picked up my phone to call Nick, but decided he might be busy with his Dad, so I decided to text him the news.

Damn't I couldn't cover my own back well with suntan lotion, but my back was fairly tanned since the one piece suit was pretty much backless. Lathering my butt with suntan lotion was not a problem, or the back of my legs. Laying down I made sure I had a cold bottle of water and my phone near me. The sun felt warm on my backside and I laid there smiling thinking about how wonderful things were going.

I must have dozed off, my phone ringing woke me up. It was Nick calling me. "Hi Nick, I guess you got my message," I giggled.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to having at school with me," he chuckled, "you know I have an apartment there and you could live with me," his deep voice and the thought of living with him sending tingles down my spine.

"Oh my God, that would be great!" I squealed. "But what would your parents say, they may not be crazy about some chick living with their son."

"That's my decision, but they won't have a problem. I've already been telling them about you and they are anxious to meet you," his voice husky. "What about your parents is that a problem?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure," I pouted, wondering how my parents would respond. "I think they are going to be so excited about me going to school they will accept it."

"Listen I've got to get back in the meeting, we just finished a late lunch and the meeting is about to start again. Thanks for letting me know the good news. I love you Iowa," his voice sent chills through me. He said he loved me.

" you too, Nick. Uh...Nick one last thing. Lee wants you to call him when you can, he wants to talk to you," my voice was low and I know sounded nervous.

"Sure, do you know what he wants to talk about?" his was calm and he didn't seem concerned about it.

"No....not really...I think I might have made him mad at me," I mumbled.

Nick chuckled, "Well tell him I'll try to call this evening, I would like to talk to him also."

"Uh...Nick I'm sunbathing naked....should I send you some pictures?" I giggled.

"Hell yes! I should have Face Timed the call," he chuckled. "Send the pictures."


As Ava headed to the pool I fixed myself a sandwich along with some potato salad. I knew I needed to eat, plus get my mind off Ava and that damn short robe she had on.

My emotions were all over the place as I picked at my food. I could still picture Sandy as she bobbed up and down on the dildo, even now my dick was twitching thinking about it. Shoving my plate away from me, I couldn't eat anymore. The image of her fucking herself with the dildo and her mouth gagged with that panty covered ball was driving me crazy.

Running my hand through my hair, the next image was of Ava stark naked, her body glistening with sweat and suntan lotion, running and leaping on me. FUCK! Now knowing she was laying out there at the pool tanning her naked ass, just ripe for the taking. I couldn't help myself, I had to pull up the video clip of her masturbating and finish watching it.

As the clip ended I knew right then I had to figure out a way to have Sandy and Ava. I needed both of them, and I knew deep down there was no way I could have Ava in my life and be able to keep from burying my cock in her. I had to convince Sandy to accept that, or give up Ava entirely. That's not a fucking option. Think damn't!

Slipping on my running shoes I left a note for Ava I'd be back later, and went out the front door. As I jogged through our gated community I forced myself to put one foot in front of the other. Most of the time running helped me clear my mind when I had a problem that needed solving. An hour later after working up a good sweat and walking back home I found my note for Ava on the table. It appeared she was still out at the pool.

Fuck it, I told myself I needed to talk to her. Grabbing a Gatorade I walked back to the pool and she was in the pool floating on her back, still naked and those flotation devices on her chest were pointing upward out of the water. Her hair floating in the water around her head, her eyes closed. The water was crystal clear exposing her voluptuous body in all its glory for me to gaze upon.

My shorts suddenly felt tighter and I cleared my throat to get her attention. "Ahem..I need to talk to you." Starling her she dropped her feet down in the water and whirled around in the water to face me.

"Oh scared me," she stammered. "Before you get mad I warned you I was going to sunbathe naked."

I chuckled softly, "Yeah you warned me, but I'm going to have to get used to seeing you naked or wearing skimpy outfits. It's not your fault I'm in the situation I'm in, but if you would, get out of the pool and cover yourself up. I want to talk to you."

I could have turned and looked away as she got out of the pool, but what idiot would turn his back at looking at one fine specimen of a female body! Stepping out the pool she pulled her long hair over her left shoulder and wrung out the water, then tossed it back over her shoulder. Her tits bouncing with each movement,as she walked over to the lounge chair and picked up her robe and slid it on over her wet body, making it cling to her boobs and wet hips.

At least I got a good look at her magnificent ass and I could tell she was starting to tan all over her body. "What did you want to talk about?" she asked with a sly grin on her face. I really couldn't fault her since I was the one that came out here knowing she was naked. So I let the urge to spank her ass go...this time.

"Remember I said conversations involving Sandy stay between us?"

"Yes, we pinky sweared on it," she giggled. "What's going on?"

"Tonight I'm going to call Sandy and I want to introduce her to you. It will be a Zoom call and I want to start making friends with her. I want her to come here for a visit and you to encourage her. Become close friends with her for now, and I may ask you to do other things if she does come to visit. We can talk about that part later. Can you do that for me?"

"Sure I'll be glad to, I'm anxious to meet her. You know I'll do whatever you asked me I already told you that." She saluted me with her hand, "Agent Ava is reporting for duty," she giggled.

Standing up to go back to the house the big smile on her face faded when I said, "Remember to run the steps this afternoon," I chuckled and walked off.

Later while working in my office my cell phone rang showing Nick was calling me. Ava had programmed his info on my phone earlier.

"Hello Nick, thanks for calling. I felt we needed to talk concerning Ava," I said in a friendly tone. I liked Nick but didn't know how he was going to react to our conversation, and I didn't want to cause problems between him and Ava.

"Yeah," he chuckled, "I planned on talking with you when I got back home. I guess Ava told you I'm out of town right now on business. I told her I would call this evening, but it looks like I'll be tied up in meetings until late, so I called while we were taking a break. I told Ava to tell you about this past weekend because I felt it was best that you knew all the details and how I felt about her....and well lets just say our unique situation," he chuckled again.

"I agree and she did tell me, and just so you know I'm happy for both of you. My situation is a little different in that the girl I'm seeing may not be open to me having a sexual relationship with my sister. Ava crossed the line trying to get me to have sex with her after I had explained that to her I wasn't going to risk losing Sandy," I chuckled, "she seemed to think since you were okay with it, there shouldn't be a problem. I had to spank her to make her understand I still make the decisions in this house. She can be stubborn at times if she doesn't get her way, but I think she understands now."

"Lee I just told her I had no problem with you and her continuing your relationship, because Vicky and I intend to continue ours, at least for the time being. What goes on between you and Ava is your business. I respect that, and not only that but feel free to correct her if the need arises. I think I can see already she can be too stubborn for her own good at times," he chuckled. "She didn't have time to give me the details but she did say she made you angry and seemed sorry about it."

"Well, I love her, but she can be a handful at times," I chuckled, "I've had to push her to let me train her in self defense after the incident at the mall. She seems to be getting with the program now, so maybe I can concentrate on that until I get a better handle on my situation with Sandy."

"What's this about the mall?" His voice went up and appeared concerned.

"She was approached by some big dirt bag and scared her, thank God a security officer intervened and put a stop to it. Needless to say I'll feel better if she learns a little self defense and how to best handle some situations. Lets face it, there are a lot of creeps out there ogling pretty girls and things can get out of hand quickly."

"Well since we are together now she needs to know if something like that happens and she doesn't tell me I'll turn her over my knee and wear her ass out. Please do whatever is necessary, shit I wish now Vicky had some training. I may have to look into it for her."

"We can talk more when you're home, but I'm glad we talked, and Nick....I'm really happy for you and Ava. Take good care of my sister, she's crazy about you."

"Same here, she blasted into my life out of nowhere and I intend to make a life with her. I look forward to getting together when I get back home. Hey, give Ava a slap on the ass for me for trying to force you to have sex with her. Tell her it's a warm up to what I'll do if she doesn't obey you," he chuckled as we ended the call.

I didn't feel I needed to run the steps again since I had gone for a run earlier. I sat down on the top step just to watch and make sure she did them.

"You didn't have to come just to watch me, I told you I was going to do them," she mumbled as she stared down the steps toward the bottom. The stairs were wide enough for 3 to 4 people to go up and down there was an old man and woman fixing to start up the steps.

"Remember, down and back three times," I grinned at her. I could tell looking at her she was toning up, especially her legs. Her white shorts and sports bra stood out against her tan skin. She had her hair in a ponytail, she took a breath and started down the stairs, causing the older couple to look up at her.

The old couple was moving slowing up the steps as Ava came toward them. I held back a chuckle as the old man watched Ava coming down the stairs toward him. The corners of his mouth turned up into a big smile as they got closer. Ava passed them and got to the bottom and started back up the stairs. Before the old couple got half way up the stairs Ava was jogging past them. The smile the old man had on his face when she was coming toward him grew bigger as she passed them. He now had a shit eating grin on his face as his eyes locked on her ass.

His wife nudged him and said something, making him mumble something back to her. She grinned and giggled. His eyes going back to Ava's ass and grinning again.

Ava started back down as the old couple neared the top, now both of them were staring at Ava's chest as she started back down.

When they reached the top they walked past me a few steps, then turned and watched Ava going down the steps. I heard the old man whisper, at least he thought he was whispering, saying "As soon as we get home I'll race you to the bedroom."

"Hush," she told him, "you're talking too loud you old pervert," and giggled as they hurried up the path much faster than they had been moving. After they were out of sight I had a good laugh, the sight of Ava's gorgeous body had triggered their libido. I couldn't blame them, my cock was straining to escape my boxers as I watched her finish.

I was really surprised how well Ava completed the exercise. She was breathing hard and leaning over with her hands on her knees catching her breath. Finally getting enough oxygen in her lungs she straightened up and grinned. "Well.....I told didn't have to watch....I was going to do them," she huffed, sweat running down her face, with her hands on her hips. Obviously proud of herself.

Getting up I put my arm around her and started walking back toward the house with her. When I told her about the old couple, she giggled, "Well maybe someone is getting some dick I'm sure not."

Dropping my hand I swatted her hard on her ass. "Smack!"

"Ouch," what was that for?" A shocked look on her face.

Putting my arm around her shoulder, I grinned at her, "That was a message from Nick, he told me to remind you to obey me or he would spank you hard when he comes home," I chuckled.

Tuesday evening.......

Richard and Lisa had invited us over to swim and cook some burgers on the grill. Lisa and Ava were on floats in the pool drinking wine coolers, while Richard and I stood by the grill drinking beers as the burgers cooked.

"Sounds like you had a good trip and from the pics Sandy is a knockout," Richard joked with me. "I hope it all works out buddy."

I trusted Richard, we were best friends and I told him the situation with Ava, Nick, Vicky and myself. "I don't know what's going to happen Richard, I have been searching for a long time for the right woman and now I found her....I might have to give up Ava entirely. How in the hell do I do that?"

"I must say, it sounds like Ava is in love with Nick and accepts the fact he and his sister are together. I can't give you any advice buddy, except maybe you'll get lucky and Sandy will.....well accept you and Ava having a sexual relationship. I'm not against it if that's what you're asking....I just never had to face a decision like that."

"Hey guys, what's taking so long," yelled Lisa, "Ava and I are getting hungry!" Then they both broke out in giggles.

Richard grinned, "Those two couldn't be closer if they were sisters," he laughed. "Do you think she has told Lisa what you just told me?"

"I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me," I replied as I finished my beer. "Thanks again for letting her stay with you and taking her out to celebrate. I wish I could have been here to celebrate with her. I'm really proud of her."

"If you're not going to bring us food at least bring us more wine coolers," shouted

Ava, as they giggled again waving their empty containers.

After three beers I switched to water, and during the meal tried to act like everything was great. We talked about Ava's upcoming trip to Tuscaloosa and I mostly listened. My mind was on Sandy and I would drift off not hearing what they were saying.

"Lee...Lee, are you still with us buddy," chuckled Richard as he elbowed me.

Shrugging my shoulders, "Yeah sorry just tired I guess," and finished off my bottle of water.

Ava giggled sounding a little buzzed from the wine coolers. "He should be, he's been working my ass off working out, running up and down steps, up and down steps..... hell I dream about them damn steps." Giggling she stood up "See my legs, it's like he's trying to make me an Olympic sprinter." Showing off her tanned toned legs.

Lisa and Richard laughed at her but when Ava's eyes met mine she stopped giggling and sat down. "Sorry...I know it's....for my own good. Actually I'm starting to enjoy some of it." Then being funny she grinned at us, "At least if I can't beat someone up I can out run their asses!"

I even had to chuckle at her antics. Looking at her toned legs didn't help my dick from throbbing, her standing there in a bikini swimsuit, her body getting more tanned since every day she found time to sunbathe naked.

I could tell from watching Lisa and Richard they were admiring her curves and toned muscles. Shit anybody with a beating heart would find it difficult not to look. The conversation started up again and I made a point to contribute.

My phone rang and it was a face time call from Sandy. Thank God it looked like she was dressed, at least the part I could see. "Hey, good to hear from you I was going to call later," I smiled relieved to hear from her.

"I couldn't wait to tell you I am coming to see you!" she shouted where everyone could hear her. "After talking to you and Ava yesterday I talked with Madeline and I'm taking some time off to come visit if the invitation is still open."

Ava was out of her seat sticking her head in where she could see Sandy, "Hey girl wish you were here now," and took the phone right out of my hand. "Lee and I are at a friends house I'm anxious for them to meet you."

I threw my hands up in the air, Lisa and Richard were grinning at us.

Ava stuck the phone in Lisa's face, "Hey Sandy I'm Lisa looking forward to meeting you. I've heard many nice things about you," turning the phone towards Richard, "and this is my husband Richard."

Richard smiled and replied, "Hello Sandy, I'm Richard and I'm still trying to figure out why you're wasting your time with Lee. You could do better," and winked at her.

"For God's sake can I have my phone back," I chuckled as I grabbed my phone back and walked off a few feet.