Brother Wolves Ch. 01


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She started to speak. She closed her mouth. "Alpha Alphonso knew. He asked me to hold off and I gave him my word. I don't want to rush you and if you need more time to help your parents, I will talked to the new Alpha and arrange a place to stay. But I will not leave you, either of you this time."

Suni began to cry and Dreya froze, "Momma?" She asked.

Rayan held her. Loving the feel of his woman in is arms. As well has holding his little girl. Soon, Hattie came and took Dreya allowing Rayan a chance to comfort his mate. The two shared a look, and Rayan resolved that this visit would not be rushed. He looked across the room and he and Brecken spoke, We're staying here. Each brother nodded,

Brecken, Rayan, are you OK? Do you need us? A familiar voice popped in.

Aidan, no. Our mates are grieving and we need to be here for them now. We are fine, besides, I thought you two were busy with your mate. Brecken replied.

She's resting. We'll be there in a few minutes. Their communication ended.

The wolves were unaware of the change in the atmosphere, but Brecken and Rayan noticed that the Native American men with the group knew something had changed. Interesting brother, they can sense our presence. Layton sent.

Both men remained invisible when the children with the groups gasped. Not wanting to cause a real stir, the two dragons sought out their were brothers and saw that they were fine.

Brothers they are beautiful. You must bring them to see Mom and Dad, soon. Aidan sent. Layton agreed, then both told their brothers they would go back home for now. Naru looked at Brecken and asked, "You go poof, too?"

"What?" Mari asked wondering what her son was talking about. Brecken smiled and said, "Yes my son. I do. One day I will show you."

Naru was so excited. Mari looked at Brecken and until now she had not said much. "What are you talking about?" She asked.

Brecken smiled, eyes twinkling, and said, "It's a secret between me and my boy. We might share it with you."

The crowd started leaving and the pack members were returning home. Jebutu carried Olivia and mentally checked on his siblings. Everyone seemed OK. He knew Ryelle would want to meet with the brothers. Lavinia wanted to visit with her sister and Lyric, so he dropped his two most important women off.

He drove to the Alpha home. Ryelle and Tasha had not moved in and had no plans to do so anytime soon. The pack was scared, confused, and worried about what would happen with the pack.

The car dropped them off at their apartment. Kas and Damian were quiet; Tasha had Ryelle to sit as she rubbed his shoulders. She and Tasha wanted to check on her grandmother, and she knew Ryelle had a meetings. So they sat for a while and then Ryelle reported to the Alpha office. It was hard walking into his father's office but he stayed strong and entered. He was not alone because his sister and all of his brothers were there waiting.

Soon Bertrand and the MacLean men came over. Ryelle took a deep breath, because they needed to talk. Ryelle walked into his father's office. He smiled, Thomas already assigned some of the Omegas to clear out the office. He personally packed Alphonso's things and placed them in storage. Jebutu, Damian, Betty and Ryelle sat at the alpha's desk. Bertrand and the MacLean brothers walked in.

"Welcome gentlemen, let me preface this by saying congratulations on finding your mates. Suni and Mari are more than pack members to us. Our brother and sister are with them." Ryelle explained. He faced Rayan, "I suspect father knew, and he asked you to wait."

Rayan nodded. "Yes. I understood, but now there is no reason to remain secretive."

"Thank you. He needed them here with him. He loved those two kids and wanted to make sure they were cared for." Jebutu spoke.

Alpha Bertrand did not speak, because he felt the pain theses young men carried. "Do you two promise to bring them here to see us? If we want to see them we can." Damian asked.

Brecken spoke, "They are a part of your family. We will not keep them from you. But they are ours now. We want them with us. We have not had a chance to talk with them, and we are willing to do whatever our mates and our children need. "

"Suni may need to stay. She needs to make sure her parents will be alright." Rayan explained.

The young men shared a look. Betty left out in search of Thomas immediately. She found him sitting outside with Hattie. Betty joined them and soon their other children came around. Each o them had found their mates. With Alphonso's permission, they moved and lived in other places. As wolves, they were careful and often hid their true nature. Here at home, they could shift and be free. Soon, Thomas and Hattie were surrounded by several of their children. Suni joined her siblings and she was just as worried about her parents as well. Soon, Thomas wanted time alone. He took his mates hand and told their children they wanted time alone and they went for a walk.

"Hattie, I hate that he is gone, but he was ready to go. I know he's with Eva and happy now. I'll miss him, but I will go on." He exhaled, "Suni has no excuse to stay here. Rayan only stayed away out of respect for Akeemo. She needs to go on with her life. She needs to go with him." Thomas exhaled. "We need to convince her to go."

Hattie smiled, "Old man, I knew you would get it. Come on, let's talk to our youngest daughter." She suggested.

Suni talked with her siblings. It had been a while since they had visited, and not all of them could come. But she loved seeing her brothers and sisters. She just wished it was for a happier occasion. They talked and Suni learned that each one was content. She was not. Her thoughts drifted to him, her mate.

Her sisters asked about her mate. He was so handsome. They were amazed at how much the pack had changed. Dreya was simply beautiful and her mate had better take care of them." Several of her siblings conveyed.

Suni laughed and told them that she and Rayan had not talked yet, but her wolf claimed him. He had visited the compound numerous of times, and she felt that he was a good person. Alphonso liked him and that was rare. Suni sighed. He was too handsome. and could never really want her.

Her brothers scoffed and reminded their sister that she was beautiful. Besides they wanted to get a chance to vet this guy. They were not leaving until each of them talked with one Dr. Rayan MacLean.


Mari was at her small apartment. Naru was napping and she wondered about the gorgeous man from earlier. She was old enough to know better, but a lifetime of teaching was hard to dismiss. Her parents warned her to never trust them. She was wary. Alphonso despised them, so much so that Abettia was banned from claiming a fair were as her mate.

She shrugged and dismissed those thoughts. Alphonso was changing. He had opened up. He accepted Suni's mate. Rayan visited often and often sought Suni. Her friend was incredibly reserved. She could not believe a man like the doctor would really be interested in her. Marui had to admit, she agreed with her friend. They were omegas and had a child without being mated.

As she contemplated, someone knocked. Strange, no one visited her. She moved to the door and her wolf went wild. He was here. Mari didn't even bother to ask. She just opened the door.

Brecken stood smiling. "Hello Mari, We need to talk. I'm glad you are not one to waste time."

"Well, Brecken. Come in, and let's talk." Mari stated, stepping aside.


Suni was home with her siblings. For the first time in years, the house was full. Mom and Dad were still out and her sisters had questions. Dreya was being spoiled by all of her relatives and getting to know her cousins. She was the youngest, so all of the pups were extra careful.

Soon, her siblings retired and Suni stepped outside.

"I don't want you alone like this. It's much safer inside." A melodic voice interrupted her thoughts.

Suni smiled, "Rayan, hi. I was hoping you would stop by."

"There is no place I'd rather be." Rayan answered as he moved to stand beside her. Suni's heart raced. Her "Suni, let's spend tomorrow together. I really want get to know you." Rayan whispered.

Suni sighed, "OK, I have to help serve breakfast, but after I'm done. I'm all yours." She blushed. Rayan laughed.

"Sweetheart, I like the sound of that." Rayan teased. Thomas and Hattie walked up and were not surprised the find the young doctor at their home.

"Hello, Rayan, not surprised to find you here." Thomas greeted the young doctor.

Rayan smiled, and Hattie smiled at the couple. They were so adorable. She nudged Thomas who invited the young man inside. Entering, the four sat and talked. Rayan realized that Thomas was no longer confrontational as he was in the past. He seemed to accept the mating.

"Suni, come help me fix drinks for everyone." Hattie suggested leading her daughter out to give the men a chance to talk.

"She is my youngest. Quite possibly the last child Hattie and I will be blessed with. Suni is shy, but fierce. I can see that you love her and I can accept that. The fact that you stayed back, when I knew everything I you wanted to claim her earns my gratitude. She is afraid, and won't want to leave us. You have to be string for her and reassure her that she is a family with you. She knows this, but after everything with Alphonso, she holds a lot inside." Thomas stopped speaking.

Rayan listened, and he really respected her father. Thomas Blackmon was strong, but his strength was a quiet strength. Rayan waited; he had no intention of ever disrespecting the man before hm in any way.

"I admire both you and Alpha Alphonso. I hate that I never had the chance ti learn all he could have taught me, but I know that I can always count on you and Hattie. I won't lie, because a part of me wished he had never touched Suni, but a part of me is grateful because I now have a beautiful little girl to raise. I want my daughter to know her father, her family. There is so much that he did not share with me. But he loved Suni and Dreya; he loved this pack. There is no way I would allow Dreya to grow up and not stay in touch with everyone here." Rayan explained.

Thomas nodded, "He was a good person deep down. Life has its way of dealing raw hands, and we either learn to adjust or let life beat us. I'm glad that over the last few years, Alpha let go of a lot of the hurt." The two heard the women returning."I expect to hear from the three of you often." He smiled.

Rayan smiled, "So, does this mean I can call you Dad, too?" He asked.

Thomas laughed, "Thomas will work." He stated looking stern. Rayan laughed as Hattie and Suni entered the room. The four talked, and Rayan placed his arm possessively around Suni's waist. Thomas and Hattie pretended not to notice. Soon, the hour grew late and everyone needed to rise early.

"Well, we will leave you two alone." Hattie stated, taking Thomas's hand.

Suni and Rayan smiled and walked out. Suni turned, "Momma, check on Dreya."

Hattie told her that baby was fine, and soon Rayan and Suni were alone. "So, what time will you report in for breakfast duty? I think I might help out." Rayan added.

Suni grinned, "Early, so just sleep in. I'll be there when you come down." She added.

Rayan smiled, "Ok, my love. I'm going, but not before I kiss you good night. Rayan moved and pulled Suni closed. For the first time, he kissed her gently. His heart soared, as his body flamed with desire for the beautiful woman in his arms. Suni wrapped her arms around his neck, responding to him passionately and with pure love. Soon Rayan and Suni pulled back, staring only at each other. The world around them ceased to exist, and Rayan knew. There was no way, he was walking away from her again.

"Love, I'll see you early." He kissed her once more, and then Suni watched as he walked away. Ryelle had assigned both Rayan and his brother's rooms in the alpha's home, so Rayan retired to his room. When he arrived at the alpha home, Brecken had not returned. He was certain he was talking with his mate, so Rayan showered and retired.

Son, I think you have some news? A familiar voice interrupted his thoughts.

Ma, let me guess, Layton? Yes, we have met our mates, and my mate is perfect Ma. She is so sweet and quiet with a beautiful little girl. You'll love her when you meet them.Rayan replied.

I like this girl already. A baby, you say. I need to meet her soon. Bring them home, Caitlyn ordered.

Yes,Ma. I will. As soon as I convince her to take a chance on me, I'm bringing them home.Rayan promised. Besides, you need to ask Brecken about his mate?He added and then disconnected.

Mari laughed as Naru begged Brecken to play with him. He was so engrossed in her son that he barely acknowledged her at all. There was no question Naru asked that he did not answer, except one. Soon she called it and lifted her son to put him to bed, but he reached for Brecken. Brecken spoke, "Listen to your Mom, son. She might not let me visit again."

Naru nodded and reached for him once more. Holding him tightly, Brecken whispered and Naru smiled. He went to his Mom and she put him in his bed. Brecken waited. Soon she returned.

"You are mistaken. I won't be a good mate for you." She stated plainly.

Brecken waited. Mari became agitated. "Look, Brecken, you are so much more than I deserve, and I don't want to hold you back." She exhaled. "The fates messed up and are playing a cruel joke. A guy like you can't really want a girl like me." She concluded.

"Are you done telling me why I'm wrong?' Brecken asked.

Mari nodded.

"Good, I knew who you were when I saw you the first time last year." Brecken stated.

"What? I never saw you." Mari insisted.

"I know. I was with my brother. He was checking on Suni and I saw you. All I have ever seen is you." He exhaled. "Why do you think each time we visited, I made sure I spent as much time around you as possible. You know who I am, and now we no longer have to wait. "

"Goom, Naru calls you Goom, why?" she asked nervously. Last year after Rayan would visit, Naru talked about Goom and he and Dreya would babble on and on.

Mari scented him, and Brecken dropped his shield. Mari gasped, "What in the hell are you?" she demanded.

"I am a werewolf from Scotland, and I am also part dragon." Brecken stated. Paused, Brecken was silent.

Mari sighed, "Part dragon, what does that mean exactly?" She asked.

Brecken smiled, " I have two brothers that are dragons. When we were young, Rayan and I inherited abilities from them. When we mate, you might be able to speak with them. They saw both of you and Suni as well as the children when they visited at the memorial service. They like you." He blushed.

"Wait, you have brothers that are actual dragons? What do they look like?" She asked. Brecken open the pictures in his phone and showed her the two gorgeous men that were his brothers Aidan and Layton.

She recognized Rayan immediately, but the two males beside him were the stuff female fantasies were made of.

"Darn, there are four of you? Whew!" She gasped.

Brecken laughed, "Ok, I get it they are handsome. I might heed to ban them from meeting you or rearrange their pretty faces."

"No, they are nothing compared to you. You are the most handsome man I have ever seen." Mari answered her eyes glued in the eyes of her handsome mate.

Mari stared at him, dumbfounded. "I ask that you keep my secret. No one can know about us."

"Your brother, does his knew?" Mari asked and then realized that he said us.

"Yes, he is like me." Brecken explained.

"Suni, she never said..." Mari started to say, before Brecken explained further.

"Rayan hasn't told her yet. Please don't say anything until he reveals himself." Brecken asked.

Mari sighed, "Ok. I'll wait. We all have secrets. One day, I will share mine." She noticed the time and yawned, "I need to rest. I have to be at the daycare early. Will you have breakfast with us?" she asked.

Brecken smiled, "Of course. Can I have a kiss?" he asked. Mari blushed but nodded. Leaning forward, Brecken brushed his lips across hers. Mari sighed, and Brecken's wolf surged. Forcing his animal down, and kept his kiss simple.

"Good night, beautiful and kiss my son for me." Mari watched s Brecken walked away. He whistled all the way back to the alpha home. He knew Rayan had returned and went t his room.

Son, I have heard about your mate. When will you bring her and my new grandson home? Caitlyn asked.

Ma, I will bring them home soon, but first let me convince her to accept me. Brecken replied.

OK, Your brothers are bringing their families home for the joining ceremony. I want your mates here. We want to celebrate all of you. And I want to meet my new grandkids. Caitlyn explained.

Brecken laughed, Son, she makes you happy. I love this girl already. Now, both you and Rayan need t bring them son. Caitlyn ordered.

Yes, Ma. Her name is Mari, and I've never seen a more perfect woman. I know you will love her, and I can't wait for you to meet. Brecken explained. Then he yawned.

OK, you need rest. Father and I are waiting, so call if you need pointers. Caitlyn stated. rest, my son. Then she ended communication.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I like your stories, but this was unreadable in places. There were six errors in one short paragraph. Please, get a new editor.

SenieceTaOSenieceTaOover 6 years ago

5 stars only because the beginning touched me and it was written well. You lost me in the 'Present', to many unfimiliar characters, you were dropping names like we knew who they were, but i can live with the grammer and spelling errors nothing a good editor can't fix. Don't rush slow down and let the story line unfold naturally to do it justice...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

You have a great story to tell. The abundant spelling and grammar errors are a distraction....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

What happened? As soon as the story comes to the present it just falls apart. The prolog was great, then it's like you forgot how to type or speak english

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

You have a good plot but all the new people we don't know suddenly being thrown into the mix with no info as to their role is confusing.

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