Brothers Love Soothes Little Sister

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His sister depends on him for so many things.
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Todd is stretched thin between work and caring for his high school sister. He helps her grow up in more ways than one.

Everyone in this story is 18+

Enjoy! xo DG

A Brother's Love Soothes His Little Sister

Chapter 01


Her education was bought and paid for as was the substantial roof over our head. Our parents saw to that. All I really had to do was be there for my sister.

That was easier said than done. Our age difference added to the challenge because my sister Traci was an Oops baby. Meaning my mom had her at a late age. She also gave birth to me at a young age.

But now they were gone, and I was Traci's sole caretaker. Barely responsible for myself, I now had another human to consider.

She went to St Martin's Academy, an all-girls school. They called it Miss Marthas and I had to agree. The prim and proper school was something out of the dark ages but Mom and Dad wanted her to get the best education with the least distractions.

None of us wanted to admit what a knockout Traci was. Even for me, her brother, it was hard to overlook. She was around five foot six, tiny waist but curvy hips and ass. She had the breasts to balance out those curves. I would guess she was probably a D, or maybe even an E cup. Short blonde curls framed a pretty face with full lips, dimples, and the palest of blue eyes.

Starved for something other than genteel academia and fellow students, she asked if she could try out for cheerleading. The older girls that made the squad would take a van to the football game of the all-male school that was on the next property.

I was a jock in school and did about every extracurricular activity I could do. So of course I said yes because short of locking her in a closet until she was mid-life, it was time to turn her loose.

After the weekly office meeting, Joseph and I hung back to clarify a few things about a new account.

He stacked his files on the table and said, "Say, how goes it with you and Traci?"

I leaned back in the chair and laced my fingers across my stomach.

"Oh I don't know," I said, trying to keep the anxiety out of my voice but being unsuccessful.

"It has to be tough. Being thrown into a parental role. Then that she's a knockout adds to it... I think I'd have to lock her in the closet until she was 25," he laughed and I winced inwardly.

"I know, right? She's all about cheerleading so that is going to keep her busy," I said, hoping I was right.


"You should just go home, Traci. You can hardly walk so you're no to us."

I scowled at the team captain, also the bully of the class. But she was right. The muscle I pulled at the back of my leg wouldn't allow me to do much in today's cheerleading practice, so I caught a ride home.

I didn't recognize the car in the circular drive but saw my brother's car in the garage. Just in case he had a business meeting, I went around back and came through the kitchen door.

I listened to see where they might be so I could escape upstairs to my room. I looked around. Nobody, so I ran up the stairs. Just as I got to my door I heard a woman's voice coming from Todd's room.

Surprising because I didn't even know him to date much less have someone in the house. I tiptoed down the hall. The door was wide open so I was able to keep to the side to peek in.

Todd was dressed in his suit slacks, a white shirt pushed up to the elbows, and his tie was loosened. I blinked once, then twice when I saw the woman.

She also wore business attire. A very no-nonsense grey suit with a jacket and matching skirt. Her shoes were medium stacked heels of grey suede.

The very unbusinesslike part was her jacket was unbuttoned, flung open to reveal huge bare tits sticking out that my brother was all over. He was bent over kneading her mammoth tits and pinching her nipples bringing those moans.

I cove3red my tits with my hands. Although hers looked huge, mine were much larger. I think it was just that they were loose and free and mine were always bound in a bra.

He squeezed her tits together and bit and pulled from nipple to nipple. Her short trimmed nails dug into his head while she held his mouth on her tits.

I slipped my hand under my cheerleader skirt and into the side of the tight black spandex panties. I had already soaked the crotch of them, so my finger slid right into my wet slit.

He pushed the jacket off her shoulders and it, along with the utilitarian bra, landed in a heap on the floor.

She unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off, then rubbed her nipples on him. I could hear his gasping and her breathy moans.

I hit a peak and gritted my teeth through a shivering orgasm, but I continued watching and playing with myself.

They kissed and their arousal intensified. She ran her hands down his chest to his pants and began to fumble with the zipper.

Something came over me. I eased away from the door and went back to my bedroom.

"I'm home, wherever you are!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and slammed the door.

I heard hushed voices and shadows moving under the door as he hurried her down the hallway.

I thought I would smell like sex and didn't want Todd to guess what I did. I don't even know why I did what I did at the end but didn't dwell on it.

I pulled an oversized t-shirt over my head and only wore a thong. I left my bra off which was something I normally did not do.

I did enjoy the feeling as I bounced down the steps to the kitchen.

Todd was in there slamming pots and pans around. He would be mad if he knew I spoiled his fun on purpose.

I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you," I said sweetly.

He grumpily said, "I love you too, Po."

I had my cheek on his back and my tits pressed into him. I had to smile because he used my nickname, Po short for Posey. I got the tag because I always giggled when my dad called flowers, posies.

HE patted my hands that were currently above his belt. "Are you trying to butter me up for something?"

"No, just hugging you because I love you. Just needing to be close I guess."

His body relaxed at my words. "I get you. I need that too myself. We need to take care of each other, Po."

I stepped back, feeling success. "Yes, we do."

I began to set the table. He must have noticed my braless state because he watched me out of the corner of his eye. My shirt wasn't tight, but it did hug my tits and then drop off of my hard nipples. I normally never went braless but knew he wouldn't call me on it.

I mean, what would he say? Don't show me your tits, Po?

After dinner, I rinsed the plates and leaned over to load the dishwasher. I made sure I gave him a good view. I turned to walk back to the table for the remainder of the dishes.

I leaned across the table for a plate allowing my shirt to gape and give him a view of my bare tits.

"Did you want anything else?" I asked innocently.

He blinked and looked at me in a daze. His cheeks were flushed and he licked his lips.

"Uhm, no, I'm good, Po."

I smiled and continued to load the dishwasher. Normally he'd have left the kitchen as soon as we were done eating. He cooked and cleaned.

When I was done I took him out to sit on the deck to watch the sunset. He still seemed dazed.

"I noticed a car in the drive today when I got home from school."

He blinked and looked at me. "Uhm yeah, a coworker was here."

"Oh okay, I didn't see him."


"Oh? A girlfriend?"

He thought for a moment. "No, not at all.

I lifted my legs onto the chaise and leaned back. I knew my tits would be pushing through the thin white knit and my legs would be bare to my waist because of the thong.


I plucked at the front of my shirt as though for modesty, but what happened was I tightened the shirt across my tits. My nipples poked through obscenely.

"What were you doing home from school so early? I thought you had practice."

Well, crap. I blinked back tears. Why did he have to bring that up?

He saw me start to cry and said, "Did something happen? Why are you crying, Po?"

"I- I-," I stopped because my bottom lip was trembling so much.

He came over and pushed my legs over to sit on the chaise.


"I pulled a muscle," I choked back a sob, "and the team captain sent me home. Said I was no good," I wailed.

"Ohhhh, Po." He pulled me into his arms and sat so I was on his lap. "Don't cry. If you couldn't cheer, then you weren't much good to them right?"

I sobbed harder and he held me tight. I burrowed my face into his neck.

"Bbbbut she didn't have to be so mean about it," I said, my voice shaking.

He cradled me against his chest and toyed with my short blonde curls. "Sometimes I forget how much of a little girl you can be."

I still hid my face knowing my nose and eyes would be red and I'd be ugly.

"I can't help it. She hurt my feelings," I wailed and started crying again.

"Oh, Po," Todd hushed me.

Suddenly I realized I was on his lap and in his arms and my tears dried up. I snuggled into his hard body, and thinking I was looking for comfort, arranged myself more comfortably against him.

I pressed my unfettered tits into his chest and squirmed a bit at the same time. Bingo. I felt his hard cock against my hip. My bare up. My shirt had ridden up to bare my ass.

I sighed deeply, which moved my breasts into his chest. I didn't hear but felt the vibration of his moan. I lifted my head so my lips were near his ear.

"Thanks. I don't know what I'd do without you," I said sincerely.

"You won't have to find out, love. I'll always be here for you."

I softly kissed him on the cheek. "I love you."

He stroked up and down my side, trying to avoid the side of my breast. A couple of deep breaths thwarted his efforts so that his fingers wrapped around my breast. I noticed a short hesitation then he moved his hand back to my side to keep rubbing. I shifted just a fraction and pressed my ass harder against his cock.

I stretched my arm across him and wrapped it around his neck, which twisted my body to push both voluptuous tits into his and roll my ass on his cock.

He groaned more audibly this time.

"Are you okay," I asked innocently.

"I am love. I am."

I drew my knees up and he distractedly began to stroke my thigh from knee to ass. My nipples hardened and poked into his chest. Each time his hand smoothed over my ass, my pussy got wetter.

I yawned and squirmed my soft body against his.

"I'm getting tired. I think I'll go to bed."

I started to push up and turned my head to kiss his cheek, but he turned his head towards me at the same time and my lips pressed against his. Neither one of us jumped back and I increased the pressure and then slowly backed off.

When I stood up my shirt was still pulled up which bared my ass. I casually tugged it down and turned.

"Night," I said, smiling. "Thanks."

He nodded.


I was frustrated all day because of the interruption when I had Jenn here. I never thought Traci would be home so early from school. Jenn and I considered each other a friend with benefits.

Then Traci showed up in the kitchen in a t-shirt and thong and nothing else, which just added to my sexual frustration. Sister or not, she has some fantastically huge tits and an ass to lust after.

But still and all, the fact remained she was my sister.

I intended to shower after dinner so I could take care of myself, but with Traci so upset, I couldn't leave her. She didn't handle things well at times and acted younger than her age. I do think some took advantage of her because she did look younger. Dimples, curls, and pale blue eyes tended to do that.

I finally relieved myself in the shower before bed but exploded with visions of my sister naked underneath me.

Traci texted for me to pick her up on my way home from work. I was glad she felt better and could get back to her cheerleading practice.

They weren't quite done when I arrived so I sat in the parking lot and watched. It was clear why they bullied Traci. She was the cutest and shapeliest by far.

I knew she wore sold bras, but even they couldn't contain the bounce when she cheered. Her skirt flipped up revealing her round ass, hot even though it was encased in tight-knit panties.

By the time she ran for the car, I had my cock pushed down enough to conceal my excitement. I don't know what came over me lately. I went from her being my sister to seeing her as a woman. A full-blown sexy girl woman.

One that had no clue of the power they yielded to a man.


I was so glad to see Todd waiting for me. I knew he was watching and made sure he enjoyed the virtues of his sister.

I slammed the door and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.

"Thanks for the ride!"

"Of course, Po. Anytime."

I spread my legs and piled my bag on the floorboard between my feet.

"I need a shower. I'm stinky from practice." I rubbed my thigh. "I think I pulled that same muscle again too." I frowned.

"I have some good muscle rub to put on it after you shower. Make sure you get it nice and warm under the water."

I looked over and saw him swallow hard.

"Okay. It's so hard to do that in the shower sometimes. Bending and getting in the right position for the water to squirt in the right place," I said, watching him.

He gripped the steering wheel and shifted in his seat and just nodded. When we pulled into the garage, he held back until I was in the house. He thought he hid his hardness, but the bulge in his lap told all.

I took a warm shower and pulled on an oversize t-shirt and pink panties with bunnies. I wasn't sure where he went but padded down the hall to his room. The door was open and as I went in, he came out of the bathroom, freshly showered with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"I just came for the muscle rub."

"Oh right!" He went back into the bathroom and came back with a tube.

I decided to push my luck. I sat on the bed and rolled onto my stomach.

"Can you do it for me? I can't rub it on the back of my thigh."

I couldn't see him but felt him hesitate. When he couldn't come up with an excuse, he came over and sat on the edge of the bed. I turned my head on the pillow.

"Thanks," I said, smiling.

He sat at my knee, facing me. The towel split, revealing his thigh up to the knot at his waist. I don't think he noticed because he was concentrating on my leg. I reached back and pulled my shirt up. His groan was low, but I heard it.

The towel lifted between his legs when his cock hardened. I willed the towel knot to loosen. I watched and willed it to just drop to the floor, but it stubbornly refused to move.

He cupped his hand and ran the warming muscle rub from my knee to below my ass.

I moaned and he stopped, then started rubbing again.

"Mmm, oh that feels so good, Todd," I moaned sexily.

His breath hissed between his teeth. "Good."

He made long slow strokes. The warmth of the rub and the warmth of his hands heated my pussy. His manipulations were so close.

"Sort of to the inside too."


He ran his hands from my knee up, careful not to get near my pussy. I spread my legs a bit and on the upstroke, his knuckles bumped my bunny-covered cunt. I automatically rocked my hips down into the mattress, then up.

His fingers deftly worked on the muscles on the back, then on the inside where he once again bumped me with his knuckles. I know he heard my sharp intake of breath and the next time, my low moan.

His cock held the towel in a mountain that just clung to the tip. I began to will the towel to fall again.

"Mmm," I moaned. "That feels soooo good. Can you do my other leg too? Just in case I'm prone to those muscle injuries."

He chuckled. "Sure. Just in case."

He pushed my shirt higher on that side and managed to cup my ass when he did it. He had to lean, which opened the towel more giving me a view of his fat balls hanging down. The towel was still caught on his cock. But his full balls were now in full view. If he knew it, he made no move to cover himself.

Since he was on the opposite side, when he stroked up on my muscle, his thumb bumped my pussy. I knew my bunny panties were soaked, and if he couldn't smell my sex, he could see how wet I was.

He pushed up higher, to the edge of my panties. When he'd squeeze, it pulled on my pussy. Out of my control, my hips pushed down into the mattress, then raised. Each stroke moved higher and his thumb pressed harder.

I moaned again, my ass now rocking into the mattress.

"Oh Po," I grated.

"Help me," I whimpered.

"Baby I can't touch you, I have this on my hands and it wouldn't feel good on that sweet pussy."

I understood but I needed to cum.

"Show me how you do it," he said, low and graveled.

I rolled on my back, taking my shirt over my head when I did, baring my tits to him.

"Oh god," he groaned. "I've been wanting to see them. They're even more spectacular than I thought. God how I want to titty fuck them."

His words were inflaming. I shoved my panties off, spread my thighs, and stroked my cunt.

He stayed on the edge of the bed, but pulled the towel off and let it drop to the floor. His cock was thick and angry red. Precum drooled out of the tip.

"You know I just shot a load in the shower thinking of you," he said, staring at my cunt.

I stroked my smooth soft pussy lips. They were so swollen and wet from my juices. My fingers spread them wider so he could see my swollen pink clit. I knew I could cum with just one touch, but I wanted him to watch and enjoy it until it was his turn.

"Look how wet I am for you, Todd," I said, spreading my lips with my fingers. "My pussy is swollen with arousal. You did that. I could cum right now with just a flick of my finger. You have me so hot."

I had both my hands between my legs, which pushed my tits together. I reached up and tweaked each nipple, then pinched them together, pulling my tits up. He groaned.

"God I want my mouth on them."

"Not now, this is a show for you," I whispered, stroking my cunt while I raised my ass off the bed rhythmically, as though I was getting fucked.

"Oh fuck, Po. You're driving me crazy."

I flicked my clit and it shot through me like an arc of electricity. I was so high from him watching. I mewed through the first waves, then my body arched as I rammed two fingers inside my cunt and fucked myself through the orgasm.

I fell to the bed, gasping, shuddering as the sparks flamed.

"God damn, baby."

I opened my eyes and took a couple of shaky deep breaths. I moved to my knees next to him and held my tits to his mouth. He devoured my nipples.

"Let me go wash my hands at least," he said.

"No, I'm in control now."

He groaned. "I don't want to know how you got this experienced going to a girl's school."

I pushed him back on the bed, his cock standing up for attention. I cradled his balls in my fingers and teased them on my fingertips. I lapped the head with my tongue wanting to taste his precum.

"Mmm, so good," I murmured. "I'm going to suck your cock. I want you to cum in my mouth. I need to taste my brother's seed."

He groaned and thrust up. I took his cock into my mouth, my tongue running around the rim. Then probing the hole. When he groaned I knew I was giving him the most pleasure.

I held the base tight and fucked him with my mouth. I sucked his throbbing cock into my steamy mouth. I hefted his balls in one hand and squeezed his cock with the other. I vacuumed him into my mouth, then grazed my teeth down the length.

He thrust faster and I let him fuck my mouth at his pace. He grunted louder, his body shuddering. His cock throbbed hard and I swallowed the first couple of spurts then let it cover my face with his hot juice. His shouts reverberated off the walls and got louder when he saw his cum splatter my face.