Bullseye: A Target Romance

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Sexy man and woman meet and get naughty in Target.
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All I needed was toilet paper. That's it. And the only reason I went to Target that day, instead of Costco, was because I forgot my Costco card at home. It's a bit out of the way for me to go there and I'd had a hell of a day at work but boy am I glad I went to Target.


All I needed was toilet paper. That's it. And the only reason I went to Target that day was because I had stolen a roll from work and it was about to run out. 'Stop being a lazy ass' I said to myself. I live just down the street and even though it was a stretch to go, boy am I glad I did.

* * *


There is an open space, first row of cars, only a few spots away from the entrance. After a long day at the office, I do not want to do anymore walking than necessary. I press on the gas slightly and make my way around the rows of cars to try and snag the spot. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a white pick-up truck headed straight for my spot. I speed up and right as the truck is about to turn down the aisle, I take a sharp turn into the empty space. I look in my rearview mirror and watch the man swear and hit the steering wheel as I do a victory dance in my mind.

He backs up and heads a few rows over to another spot, farther to the left of the front doors. I kill the engine, grab my purse and hurry into the store, hoping I don't see the man again.


"Perfect, space right in the front. Score!" I say under my breath as I head into the parking lot. I see the space, right in front of the entrance, and it has my name all over it. As a second thought, I see the little Mazda speeding right for my space. I try to accelerate but I am too slow. She pulls in right as I turn the corner to go down the lane, taking my parking spot. "Damnit," I say and hit the steering wheel. I back up and go to another space down the lot, not that much farther away but I am fuming. It's the principal of the thing.


"Shit shit shit shit, I am so sorry," I say apologetically to the man whose crotch I just ran my cart into. "The carriages got stuck together and of course you walked over to help right when they came unstuck and...oh my god this is so embarrassing. Are you okay?"

The man is doubled over, one hand holding himself protectively and the other facing me, palm up. While he catches his breathe, I am dying on the inside. I just stand there staring at the top of his head, waiting for him to get up and yell in my face and then walk away. After about a minute, he finally stands up straight and raises his head. When we look at each other, our eyes meet and I can't look away.

He's about half a foot taller than my five foot, seven inch frame and his blue eyes are piercing. His caramel hair is wavy and frames his face without looking shaggy, and I notice a small gold hoop in his right ear. He has broad shoulders and is in shape but he doesn't look like a body builder, which is very hot. He is wearing relaxed, dark wash jeans, a black V-neck t-shirt and a black leather jacket. Even after being assaulted by me, he looks calm and comfortable. All of that manliness paired with Timberland boots sends a heat through my body.

I try to keep my breathing even as I watch his eyes fall on my breasts, a nice pair of D's that can command a room, but I fail miserably. I can feel my pulse quicken as the rise and fall of my chest becomes slightly more noticeable. All the same, I savor the moment of him looking at me and let the rest of the world fall away. And then he speaks.


Holy shit, she is beautiful. She just rammed a metal cart into my dick but I can see her clearly. She is only a few inches shorter than me, which is surprising because at six feet and a few inches, I tower over most women. She's got crazy hair, this dark brown curly mess around her head that somehow hides and highlights her strong chin and cheek bones at the same time. I tear my gaze away from her deep chocolate eyes for a moment to look at her mouth. She's biting her bottom lip in that sad way you do when you know you've done something wrong but I find it slightly arousing. I let my eyes fall to the dip between her breasts and I hold back my own lip biting.

She's wearing a cream colored blouse over black pants, light pink flats and a matching blazer. I hardly ever look at a woman's clothing this closely but the way the fabric hugs her body is mesmerizing: top buttons undone to show off her tits but not in a slutty way, fitted at her waist, accentuating those wide hips, relaxed leg.

After a minute of shameless staring (shameless because I know she's doing the exact same thing) I finally speak, and it is word vomit. "Uh...watch where you're pushing that thing." Once the words leave my mouth, I mentally slap myself across the face because I couldn't have said anything more goddamn stupid.

"Oh yeah," the woman says shyly, clearly taken back by my asshole comment. "Sorry again. I guess I'll just be going then...Sorry." She gives me a half smile and walks away, her wild hair bouncing and hips swaying.

I watch her leave, frozen in place like a statue, but my brain can't make my legs move. It isn't until an old woman scolds me for blocking her motor scooter and tries to run me down that I find my feet again. I mumble an apology, take a cart and start on my way to the household aisle.


I cannot remember for the life of me what I needed here in the first place. I go up and down aisles, not really looking at anything, just thinking. I left that gorgeous man as fast as I could to save at least a shred of dignity if I ever see him again. I shake my head to try and clear it but that hottie washed away any sane thoughts from my brain and replaced them with very dark and dirty ones. Like me bent over my kitchen table, him lying on my couch naked, soaping up together in my bathroom... "Toilet paper!" I scream out loud in the stationary isle. A mother and her two daughters stare at me as I turn the same shade of red as the thank you cards they are looking at. I give them an awkward smile, apologize, and slowly back my cart out of the section.

"You really should watch where you're going, ma'am. Wouldn't want anyone getting hurt."


She is making it almost too easy. As I turn out of the grocery section, I see that fabulous ass backing its way out of stationary and I can't help myself. "You really should watch where you're going, ma'am. Wouldn't want anyone getting hurt." She stops in her tracks and whips around, smashing metal with mine. I am holding onto the bar tight so there is no kickback on my end but she pitches forward. When she raises her head, she looks like a deer in headlights. "I'm sorry, I was trying to be funny," I say warmly. "You know, after earlier when you tried to kill me."

She blinks and relaxes slightly, then laughs a little and smiles. She has a wide smile, full teeth and dimples, and it's radiant. I relax in response. "I'm really sorry about that." She says. I can tell she is being sincere in her apology through her eyes, even if it is unnecessary.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure everything's working fine down there." I wink at her and she turns her face away, but not before I catch her blush pink and grin. "I'm David, by the way." I extend my hand and she takes it. She has long, slim fingers that curl around mine.

"I'm Eliza." We shake and lock eyes and I find myself drowning in hers. A pulse runs through us and she must feel it too because she doesn't pull away. It's only a second but it feels as if we have just shared something deep, too big for words. The moment is lost when the woman in the motorized scooter is beeping behind us. Eliza comes back to reality and pulls her hand away. "I should get going. Sorry again about...before." She smiles and turns the carriage away, letting the old woman by and heading for the home goods before I can say anything more.

I stare at my hand and whisper, "What the hell was that". I resist the urge to run after her, pull her into my arms and kiss her until I run out of air.


'What the hell was that,' I think to myself as I walk away from David. 'We totally just had a moment.' I can feel his eyes on me but I resist the urge to turn around and go back. I cannot rationalize anything so I go for the next best thing: consult my best friend. I take out my phone and press speed dial number sixty nine (she insisted) and wait for the tone.

"I am going to be forever alone," I whisper to my bestie after she picks up on the third ring. "I am the most awkward person on the planet and I totally just blew it with the hottest guy I've ever seen in Target...twice!" I violently throw a twelve pack of toilet paper in the basket and push on toward the bedspreads and pillows.

"Liz, you are definitely not the most awkward person on the planet and you will not be alone forever!" I hear shuffling and the click of a mouse so I know she's still at the office. "Even that bearded guy from Knocked Up got it in with Katherine Heigl!" I laugh out loud and steer the cart into the aisle with the fluffy pillows.

"Thanks, Cat. That really makes me feel better," I say with heavy sarcasm.

"It should make you feel better." I can hear the smile in her voice; she's enjoying this. "So tell me what happened?"

"Well, I was trying to get a carriage but they were stuck together and when he came over to help me, they came unstuck and I smashed one of the carts into his man parts!" I can hear her laughing hysterically but I continue on anyway. "It was mortifying to say the least." I adjust the phone on my shoulder. "Then I saw him again, where he almost ran me down in front of a woman on a scooter. Serves me right I guess. He's gone now and I'm looking at throw pillows. But it's only been about 3 minutes."

"You don't want to see the God walking among us again?"

"I don't know, Cat. I mean I want to see him but I do not want to embarrass myself a third time. He's just too...ugh!"

"You are so worth it, Liz! And own your awkwardness, chica!" I pull the phone away from my ear as Cat starts to howl and catcall me on the other end.

"Goodbye, Cat!" I yell into the phone and then end the call. My best friend, Caterina, is the loudest and most obnoxious person on the planet but she has always been there for me. I pick up a checkered pillow in various shades of blue and toss it into the cart, thinking of Cat as I choose it. I take a left out of the section and stop in my tracks.

David is standing at the electronics counter, chatting with another guy about TVs. I stand for a minute and watch him, letting my mind wander and feeling my stomach fill with butterflies. 'How can I have feelings like this for a complete stranger?' I think to myself. Suddenly, a thought pops into my head, a very naughty one of David hoisting me up on that display case, ripping my shirt open, and kissing his way down my body until...


I hear a laugh and my instinct tells me who it belongs to before I even see her. Eliza has exactly the kind of laugh I would have imagined, one that every guy loves: it's rich and warm, melting from her throat with a cool confidence that other women wish they had. The ability to own a laugh is hard, but she's got it.

I am one line over from the pillows and the bed sheets, just listening to her talk on the phone and recount the story of her running into my "man parts". I am enjoying the sweetness of her voice when I realize she's complimented me. "I don't know, Cat. I mean I want to see him but I don't want to embarrass myself a third time. He's just too...ugh!"

I smile but decide to make my way towards the electronics when I hear the conversation ending. I know she will see me anyway when she finishes with the pillows but I don't want to scare her away. So I will let her come to me. I start looking at TVs and talk to the guy at the display counter. After a minute or two, I feel eyes on me and turn back to where I left Eliza. She's standing by the end cap, staring at me but not seeing me, obviously lost in thought as she gnaws on her bottom lip. Her eyes come back into focus and we lock onto each other for a brief second before she freaks out and pulls the cart back into the aisle.

I don't want to lose her so I quickly thank the sale associate and tell him I will come back if I have any questions. I decide to go the opposite way she did and walk up through the toy section, around the sporting goods, and finally catch a glimpse of those voluminous curls in the shoe department. I make my way over cautiously, so as not to scare her, and pretend to bump into her again by accident. It doesn't work.


I try to escape David by going to the one place I didn't think he would go to: women's shoes. But of course I am wrong because David and I are facing each other, our carts touching at the front, both of us standing behind our own. "Are you following me?" I ask with a playful yet stern tone in my voice.

David feigns surprise and laughs lightly. "How could you accuse me of such a thing when I caught you red handed, obviously thinking rude thoughts about me while I was innocently looking at TVs?"

I instinctively blush but instead of turning away, I put my hands up and say, "Guilty". A flicker of something glides over David's gaze, as if he wasn't expecting that response. Honestly, neither was I, it just sort of came out of my mouth. I watch that spark in his eye turn dark, from rosy pink to blood red, and I can feel the heat radiating off his body.

"I'm curious. What were you thinking about, Eliza," David asks, taking a step around his carriage and closer to me.

I take a step in the other direction and now we are both facing each other, standing on opposite sides of the middle of the carts. "Wouldn't you like to know," I say with honey dripping from my mouth. I have no idea where this vixen is coming from but I like it and I decide to go with it. I turn around and bend over to pick up a pair of shoes from the lowest shelf, paying extra attention to stick out my ass.

When I stand back up, I turn around to find David towering over me, his eyes filled with hunger. He pushes his body against mine until I am pressed against the shoe rack. He runs a hand from the top of my leg, up my arm, swooping around my neck and tangles his hand in my hair. A moan escapes my lips and I find myself leaning into his palm. He lowers his mouth to my ear, brushing it with his lips, and whispers, "Tell me you don't want this". I close my eyes and lean my head back, at which point David makes his move. And oh God was it a good move.


Just the act of her tilting her head back to expose that perfect throat got me hard as a fucking rock. That small submission, this small gesture saying 'yes I want this' was all I needed. I hold her face in my hands and press my lips to hers. It is hard but not aggressive; a kiss that is sweet on the outside but doesn't block the pounding need flowing between us. She pulls her hands up and grasps my jacket, which makes me deepen the kiss. I run my tongue over her lips when she parts them slightly, tasting the fruitiness of her lip gloss. She meets my tongue with hers and we go from kissing under the bleachers to full on porno make out session. In the shoe section at Target.

It feels as if we stay like this for hours but it is probably only a few minutes. I can smell her soap, feel the heat on the back of her neck, the way her fingers pull at my clothes. I know I want her and need her in a way that is deeper and more intense than just sex, but right now it's my dick that's calling the shots. And he wants pussy. Like five minutes ago.

When I pull back, we are both breathless and flushed. I brush my thumb over her bottom lip and she flicks it with her tongue, sending shock waves to my cock. "Do you want to do something crazy?"

I watch her bite that puckered lip, which is so sexy I think I might explode, and think for a moment before she finally says...



David grabs my hand and we walk out of shoes with purpose, leaving our carriages behind. His strides are long but I match them as we make our way toward the personal items. We weave in and out of shelves until we get to family planning. David gives me a wink and tucks a colored box into his pocket. We start walking toward the checkout area but David is making no motions to get in line. "Where are we going?" We breeze right past it and I see a bright red 'Employees Only' sign straight ahead. "You cannot be serious," I say as I yank on his arm. He stops and turns around to face me.

"We'll just go in and if there's someone there, we pretend we're lost and leave. If not..." David gives me a wicked smile and squeezes my hand.

I take a deep, calming breathe. 'I cannot believe I am doing this,' I think to myself. "Ok, let's go," I say to him and we continue on across the store. We get to the door and David turns the knob easily. I look back over my shoulder but no one is paying us any attention. I step into the dimly lit room and see a round table in the middle surrounded by racks of women's clothing and boxes of new product waiting to be stocked.

Once the door clicks shut, David pounces on me like a tiger. His mouth closes over mine and his hands are in my hair, around my waist, pulling and pushing me with an animalistic hunger. I give into the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck, letting him pick me up off the ground and hold me against the wall. He presses his hips between my legs and I can feel how hard and ready he is, his cock straining to break free from his jeans. David kisses me all over my face and neck and I completely give into him, letting myself enjoy this thrill ride.

Finally, he pulls back. He starts to speak but I put a finger to his lips and reach around to the box in his back pocket. "No talking," I whisper into his ear and nip at the lobe. He groans into my neck and sets me back down on my feet. I reach for his pants and start on his belt and buttons while he does the same for my slacks. I push his pants down his legs and then pull down my own while David rolls the condom on himself.

We stand there for a moment, looking at each other half dressed and disheveled, but we come back together like before: groping hands on skin to skin. David picks me up again and I can feel his hard cock pressing against my ass. I run my hands through his hair and down his neck to push off his jacket so I can feel his shoulder flexing from holding me up. He lifts me a bit higher until his cock finds my opening and he slowly enters me.


'Holy shit. Holy shit! I'm about to have sex with a wild haired nympho in a Target storage room. Like what the actual fuck is going on. She is attached to me like a monkey on a tree, clawing and grinding and moaning and shit, it's hot. I'm about to put my cock in her pussy and I want to stop and say something sweet so she doesn't think this is all I want but...'

My brain is working on over drive but before I can stop myself, I'm deep inside her and she feels so fucking good that everything goes blank.

She has her legs wrapped around my waist and her nails are digging into my back through my shirt, which is so hot it's indescribable. She knows exactly what to do with her tongue and we find a rhythm between us. I have my hands on her ass, my thick fingers bouncing her up and down on my cock, with some booty to spare. I squeeze hard and think, 'God, I am such an ass man.'


'He is definitely an ass man,' I think to myself. 'I mean I have nothing against my ass, I love my ass, but he hasn't taken his hands off my butt since we started this thing. Even with his cock pumping into me and his tongue showing me stars, how is it that all I can think about it how much he loves my ass? I need to relax.'

I squeeze my eyes shut tighter and push the thoughts from my mind. I focus on his touch, his mouth, the feel of his chest through the fabric of his t-shirt. I bite his lower lip and dig my nails into his muscular back, which causes him to squeeze my ass hard and groan. He starts to move faster, pushing me harder against the wall and driving into me instead of bouncing me on top of him. I know he's getting close and squeeze my pelvic muscles to heighten the sensation. "Oh fuck," he moans as he thrusts one last time into me. I feel his cock throbbing as he comes and we kiss hard as he rides his orgasm.