Buried Treasure Ch. 91-95


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"My wolf likes feeding you, and Doc warned me you might get sick if you eat too fast," she told me. I sat in front of her, eating piece by piece as her other hand rubbed my fur. Chase and Doc left, seeing things were going well with me.

I finished the bowl and drank some more, which brought up another problem. "I need to go to the bathroom," I told my mate.

"Come on then," she said. She led me down the stairs to the basement, and then we went into the tunnels. My wolf liked them, they were like a big cave, and a set of stairs led up into a heated room with lots of cubbies. "We're in the changing room on the other side of the hill," she told me. "You can't see this from the lake, and the trees are thick enough to hide us from the neighbors. If you come here in human form, you can leave your clothes. The doggie doors lead out to the woods." She quickly disrobed, her gorgeous naked body on display, before she shifted into her wolf.

"Oh yeah, that's OUR mate," my wolf said as he almost pranced in my mind. She came up to us, sniffing our neck, then rubbing her fur down one side and up the other. "She's laying down her scent on us, and ours on her. Everyone will know who she belongs to with a sniff."

"And who you belong to," Colletta said. "Follow me." We moved through the multiple doggie doors that led outside. I stopped as I got out, just looking around and sniffing. I trotted to the nearest tree, smelling it and picking up so many different scents. My wolf knew what to do; lifting my back leg, I added my message to the pee-mail tree. I cut off the stream and moved to the next one, my wolf wanting to put his scent over all the others around. "Feel better now," my mate teased.

"Oh yeah. Let's have some fun." She turned towards me, her hips high and dropping down onto her front leg as he tail wagged. She jumped towards me, nipping my leg before I moved away and tried to bite her back. The playfighting went on for a while, as I learned my body and what it could do. I had a clear size advantage on her; since her head barely came up to my shoulders. She was sleek and graceful, and faster than a toddler running naked through the dinner party.

She finally stopped, looked back at me, then took off through the trees. I yipped and followed her, first at a trot then faster as I became comfortable. She seemed to sense when I was getting closer, and with a yip and a flick of her tail, she'd kick it into another gear.

My wolf and I exalted in the sheer joy of running through the woods with our mate. As we ran the trail in the snow, dodging trees and jumping deadfalls, I just wanted to shout to the world how much I loved this, and how much I loved my mate. Reaching the top of a hill, I stopped, raised my head, and howled my joy to the blue sky above. I heard an answering howl far off, and listened for a moment. "You won't sing with me?"

"Too close to humans," she said. "We don't get to let go that often around here. Come on." She took off down the trail again, and I was hot on her trail. I was bigger, and my longer stride ate up the ground, keeping me close to her. She slowed as we approached a ridge, her nose in the air. "Deer," she said.

My wolf was interested, and so was I. I followed her as she circled to the right until the wind was in our faces. I copied what she was doing as we moved along the stream bank, heading for a clearing. "What do I do," I asked as she crawled underneath a shrub at the edge.

"Watch and look for weakness," she said. "You only get one chance, so look for the one that is injured, young or old, or just not paying attention. Once we pick the one, we get as close as we can before running in. I'll go for the legs, and you go for the neck." My wolf was begging to be let out, and we knew she was letting me have the honor of taking it down. She had faith I could do it.

I watched the group which included four does and a young buck. One of the does was older, her right rear leg stiff. "That one, second from the left," I said.

"Good eye. Move around to the left, and when they bolt, keep on her."

I crawled out from under the shrub and used the trees as cover, moving around about thirty yards until I was close to the edge. "This good?"

"Yes. Charge forward in three, two, one, GO!" I leaped forward, my huge wolf exploding out of the trees and causing the deer to scatter. I'd seen movies of wild wolves taking down deer, but I was more than double their size, a good four feet high at the shoulder and over two hundred pounds. The deer had no chance, even against the smaller Colletta.

Our target was slower than the others, and Colletta was like a bullet as she streaked across the clearing. She leaped on the right hind quarter of the doe, her teeth biting deep into the hip. The doe slowed and turned, and that was all I needed. Flying over my mate, I opened my jaws and clamped them over the doe's neck just below her head. The momentum change and a twist of my jaws broke the neck with a loud snap, killing her instantly.

I let go, the deer dropping to the ground as I stood over it with blood, TASTY blood, dripping from my teeth. Carlotta got up and came to me, licking at my face as I cleaned hers. "On a wolf's first kill, he gets the heart," she told me. Using her teeth and claws, Colletta's wolf ripped the abdomen open and started pulling guts out. Sticking her head in, she shook and came out with the bloody heart in her jaws. She tossed it on the snow by me, sitting back to watch.

My wolf didn't wait. Picking up the heart, I bit down on the muscle. It didn't come apart, so I put it on the snow with a paw over it and shook my head until it ripped in two. I swallowed the half, then tossed the other half in the air, catching and swallowing it whole. "I love you," I told her. "I only dreamed of being this happy." That was my human side talking, as my wolf was busy licking her face.

"Let's eat." We split the liver, and she showed me where the tender meat along the backstrap was. We ate our fill, stopping only when our bellies looked like we were pregnant. I curled around her, watching protectively over her as she napped.

A half-hour later, she awoke, and she told me to pick up the carcass and bring it towards home. The deer was a lot lighter after being field-dressed and our meal. I followed Colletta back to the trail, but we didn't have to go far. After she told the Pack there was meat leftover, a few wolves met us and took the burden from me. Colletta led me towards the Pack House but broke off the trail a few minutes later. "Aren't we going back," I asked as I followed the path her paws made in the snow.

"I want you," she said, "and my wolf wants what my human has already had." Turning her head towards me, it was like she smirked before she took off. "Catch me, and you can take me," she said as she tore through the trees.

"Oh, it's ON," I said as I took off after her. She was fast, but I was following the sweet scent of her sex as it prepared for me to take her. It was only a few minutes later when I caught up to her, knocking a back leg and causing her to tumble across the pine straw and snow. I was on her before she got up, her neck in my jaws as I used my body weight to hold her down. "You're MINE, mate," I said as I moved around her, not letting go.

"My mate," she agreed as she raised her hips under me. I had to let go of her neck and hold her back legs with my front paws, finally lining things up before I shoved forward into her. "YES," I said as the sensations filled me like I was filling her.

"Oh FUCK you're big," she said as her tight channel stretched to adapt to me. "Give me a second." I moved around, making sure I had her pinned, and when she told me she was ready, I gave her what we both needed. I was pounding her good when I felt something weird; when I started to pull out, she would whine and get pulled back with me. "It's your knot. Don't pull out, love. You'll hurt me."

"Like dogs getting tied together?"

"Yes. Short stroke me, fuck me hard, Frank. It feels SO good." I quickly adjusted my motion, and now I could feel the knot pushing through her canal. Every time it drove forward, she moaned, and every time it moved back, it hit her g-spot. She came hard on my big wolfy dick, clenching me tightly. Moving my hips even faster, I drove her into another before my whole brain seemed to explode with the orgasms we had.

As it washed over me, I lunged forward and bit her on the right side of her neck. Her blood filled my mouth as my cock filled her clenching pussy with shot after shot of my seed. The bond was throbbing, deepening, and filling me with her joy and love.

I let go of her neck, licking the blood as I pushed her to the ground then onto our sides. I was still tied to her, breathing heavily, and completely satisfied. "My wolf marked you," I said.

"He did. He wants everyone to know I belong to you. It's a werewolf version of a wedding ring."

We rested, listening to the birds and the wind through the trees until the knot receded and I came free. As I cleaned the mess off the fur of Colletta's back legs, a thought came to me. "Love, the first time we were together, you told me that you couldn't get pregnant. Was that because I was a human at the time?"

"No, human males can get werewolf females pregnant, just as werewolf males can get human females pregnant. The tradeoff for our long lives is low fertility. Female werewolves are rarely receptive and conception is difficult; I'd been pregnant three times in over a century with my first mate. The chance of me getting pregnant at this age is not worth thinking about."

"But you COULD have children with me."

"Maybe, I don't know. Someday? I guess it's possible. We're both grandparents; if we don't, I'm all right with that."

"We should get back before they come looking for us," I said. "I need to meet the Pack."

Ch. 93

Heather Rhodes' POV
Arrowhead Pack, Roadkill and Possum's Home

It was great to be home; well, as home as I had anymore. Possum's house was decked out for Christmas, which was just three days away. "Is that your famous chili," Three Tequila asked as we walked towards the kitchen.

"Yep. Beans have been in the crockpot for over a day, and the chicken went in this morning." Her chicken chili had five different kinds of beans, a tomato base, and chunks of chicken breast. It was thick, and I liked it piled on the slices of fresh-baked bread she would serve with it. It had just enough kick to be hot. It was one of my favorites when the Orlando chapter would have potlucks. "Go freshen up; I'll serve it up. You must be hungry after the drive."

"Thank you," I said. I found the bathroom on the main floor, thankful I could get around by myself this time around. The last time I was here, I was just out of the hospital. When I returned, they were sitting at the table, a bowl at my place. Possum was cutting a loaf of bread she'd just taken out of the bread maker. The smell was fantastic, and the butter melted in before I put a spoonful of chili on top. Biting in, I groaned in pleasure. "Mmmmm, SO good," I said.

"You've been away from home cooking for a while?"

"I think Greg was picked to protect me, not feed me," I said. "He could heat stuff up, and I could make basic things like eggs and pancakes and spaghetti. We didn't starve or live off Ramen noodles and Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, but it was nothing like this."

"He treated you well," Possum asked.

"He did. We couldn't go anywhere, not after that woman recognized me in the restaurant. The house was nice, and Greg helped me stay busy. We watched a lot of Netflix, he helped me exercise, and I missed my phone something fierce." They laughed at that. "I know I can't let people know I'm alive, but I miss my friends at school and at the Club."

"You'll make new friends here," Three Tequila said.

"How long am I going to be here," I asked. "Greg didn't know."

"It's best if you make this your new home, make Heather your new life," Tee said. "Chase said the agreement with the Feds they made protects you from Federal charges, but there are still Florida issues. You got kidnapped, and a cop almost died that day. The Sons of Tezcatlipoca are crippled now, but they could come after you after they recover." She reached her hand over to mine. "I don't like being apart from you. You're the only family I have left, and I love you. I'm leaving you here because I think it is best for everyone if you stay."

"I'll be bored," I said. "Just look outside the window! How can I ride in this stuff?"

Roadkill walked in, shaking his head. "Snowmobiles, skiing, fishing, ATV's, there's plenty to do up here. We'll get a transcript forged and get you enrolled in college again. You're getting a chance to start over, to make your life whatever you want it."

"I can't get my parent's estate if I'm dead," I said.

"No, but Chase and Rori have more than enough cash set aside for you that you'll be fine," Possum said.

"And if you're bored, I'll put you to work in the garage. I've got more engines to work on than you can shake a stick at. In addition to two dozen snowmobiles, I've got a dozen ATV's, four boats and fifteen motorcycles that I'm responsible to maintain. I've got a fully equipped shop."

"I'll need a new motorcycle," I said.

"I'll order you whatever you want, custom job. We can work on it together; there's plenty of time to get it ready for riding season."

I blew out a breath, moving one of my stray bangs out of my face. "Sure, so I can ride around here and pretend I'm on the open road," I said.

"We'll figure it out. Change your appearance, wear a helmet, whatever. The Brotherhood won't give up your secret."

He was right; I just wished I could go home. It just wasn't possible; if a woman recognized me two thousand miles away, there was no way I could go back to Florida. "I think I'd like that," I said. "Now I have to decide what model of Harley I want. The Street Glide was pretty nice."

"Plenty of time," Three T said. The early dinner went quickly, and Roadkill kissed his wife and told her he'd be back in a few hours. After lunch, I got on the computer with Possum because "we have to get your Christmas shopping done TONIGHT." By the time we were done buying clothes and things for me, plus the Christmas presents, I was exhausted.

"In the morning we need to give you a physical and check your how your healing is progressing," Possum said. "I'll take you to the clinic at nine, and Doc will be here shortly after."

"Doctor Chase?"

"And Doctor Olson, the man who helped when you were brought here," she said. I relaxed, he was a nice man and treated me well on the flight and when I arrived. "I have to make some phone calls, I hope you don't mind."

"I was going to settle back into my room," I said.

"When I heard you were coming, I had one of the girls go shopping for you so you'd have some new underwear and clothes in your sizes. It's all washed and in your dresser."

"Thank you," I said as I got up and hugged her.

"Can I see your room," Three Tequila asked.

"Sure." She followed me down the hall and closed the door behind me. The room looked like I left it, nice and cozy.

She pulled me down on the bed next to her. "So, you and Greg?"

I blushed, looking away. "I don't know what you're talking about," I lied.

"Don't lie to me, Heather," she said. "That house reeked of sex like the clubhouse crash rooms after a party weekend."

When you get busted, admit it and beg forgiveness was my motto. I just hoped she wouldn't tell Mongo, who would sharpen Greg's toes and pound him into the frozen tundra like a tent stake. "I like him! He's hot and sweet, and he treated me so well. I was the one who pushed the relationship, and I was the one who initiated the sex. Despite my parents and the Club, I've been having sex since I was sixteen."

"As much as I'd like to be your mother, I'm not. You're an adult, so is he, but I hope to hell you were using protection. The last thing your body needs right now is an STD, or getting pregnant."

"We did," I said. I didn't mention the first time.

"If you want him to live, don't make it obvious you are in a sexual relationship right away. Greg was supposed to protect you, not fuck you. He might get in more trouble than you, and you'd have to deal with Possum and Mongo." I shivered at the thought. "If he wants to date you, he'll have to talk to Mongo before you are seen together," she said. "Rules are rules."

I shook my head. "Mongo won't understand. Greg's not Club, and he's four years older than me."

"It's less of an age gap than Rori has with Chase; talk to her after things settle down a bit. You know Possum and Roadkill will do anything to help you out, they'll love you like their own. I love you too, but I'm a long way away; don't hesitate to call or skype me if you want to talk." She pulled me into a side hug. "We all want to help you heal and become the woman we know you can be. We can help and advise you, but it's your life. If you fall in love with him and he loves you back, he will do what he has to do to have you," Possum said. "You're an amazing girl, and a man should prove his love with words AND deeds. Don't accept any less than a man who would move mountains for you."

"I think he might be that guy." I got up and gave her a big hug. "I'm tired, Tee. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed."

She gave me a hug. "I'll see you in the morning."

Frank Grimes' POV
Arrowhead Pack Woods

I enjoyed meeting the Pack, some of whom introduced themselves in the woods in wolf form. When we got back to her room, Colletta talked me through changing back into my human form. It took me a few minutes to figure out, but it didn't hurt. She explained to me that the shifts would be painless from here on out, but I should not do it again for a day or two until my body recovered. "Your change was much longer and more difficult than a born werewolf," she said.

I wasn't about to argue, my body was still feeling the effects. The running and the food had helped. "I feel pretty good," I said. Looking at my naked body in the mirror, I was shocked. I'd always kept myself in top shape, lifting weights, swimming and running, but I looked bulkier and more cut now. The scars I had on my body had faded or disappeared; even the wound on my neck looked old and healed. I smiled as Colletta walked behind me, having stripped out of her clothes again. Her hands wrapped around me from behind, reaching down to my balls and feeling their weight. "We should talk about what happens next," I said as her other hand circled my hardening cock. "I need to talk to Chase and Rori, and we should meet the rest of the pack."

"Next, you take me hard and fast as I lean over the bed," she said. "The others can wait." She turned me while keeping hold of my stiffening member, leading me over to the bed. I took charge, pushing her shoulders down so her face was on the bed, and moving her legs until her wet pussy was at the right height. I sheathed myself in one powerful thrust, causing her to scream out her pleasure at the sudden intrusion. "Fuck me, mate. Take me hard."

I did. Changing into a werewolf had done wonderful things for my strength, my senses and my stamina. I took her hard for a few minutes, then after a screaming orgasm, I spun her around so she was lying on her back. She wrapped her legs around me for the next one, then I moved her legs to my shoulders. We finished with her bent in half, her ankles behind my neck as I pounded her into a puddle beneath me. When we came together, I filled my love to overflowing as her channel milked me of every last drop.