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At that, my mother walked in the room giggling and playfully slapped my dad. This caused the paper to fall enough to see a huge grin on my dad's face.

"You pervert," my mom teased my dad, who laughed, and then looked at me. I shook my head in frustration not having a clue what the big joke was.

"I gave your father shit because he's probably thinking about when we dropped the kids back home last August," my mom said with a smirk, rolling her eyes. "Your charming ex-wife wasn't expecting us that early and was sunning herself in the backyard. Believe me, that woman looks as fit as ever in what was too revealing to even be called a bikini. I slapped your father then as well for ogling her ass."

"Hey, I was just looking at her to talk, being polite. And she has nothing on you at that age." My father blew my mother a kiss and they both giggled.

I wasn't amused and just snorted. "Well, if she wants to keep up with her sex-capades with Jayleen, I guess she needs to stay in shape."

"Hey, you haven't exactly been living like a monk," my mom scolded pointing a finger in my direction, "And besides, you left her not vice versa. As long as she keeps being the fabulous mom she's been to those kids, who cares how she spends her nights. Todd, I really think you underestimate how hard it's been on her mostly raising those kids herself. Remember, her parents are gone, and she doesn't really have other family there. Just because she isn't your wife anymore, doesn't mean you have to hate her."

"Fine, you too..." I muttered and left to head into the kitchen.

Mom followed me and had an uneasy look on her face. Whatever it was, it was obvious she knew I wasn't going to like it. That weekend just got better and better.

I turned and faced her, crossing my arms and gestured with my eyebrows.

"Um, Todd, Janna really wants you to call. It's important."

I rolled my eyes again and took a breath, so I didn't take out my anger on my mom.

"It's Aiden who you need to talk to," my mom said reaching to touch my arm, like she thought that would calm me, "You really need to discuss something with him - and probably with her."

I scrunched up my face, not really needing to have this argument as I stressed about unemployment. "Then have him call my cell - he has his own phone. I'm not calling her landline if that's what you want."

Her face went serious, almost stern. "Todd William Christian, your son is graduating from grade eight. He very much wants his father there. He's just nervous about asking you himself because he's sure you'll say no."

I shrugged. "As long as she's not there, of course I'll go. I'll text him that myself."

"No, you fucking won't," my mother snapped. I hadn't heard her swear in years, probably since I was in high school. "Haven't you made them choose between their parents long enough? Yes, you. Janna has always been more than willing to co-parent in person with you. I mean this with love, but get the fuck over it and grow up for your kid's sake.

"Fine, she screwed the fuck up. One fucking time in ten wonderful years. You're no longer married because of that, but you are still connected by the kids and we're not always going to be there. What are you going to do when we can no longer be the go-between?"

"What are you talking about," I said half-laughing, "You'll both be around by the time Aiden and Eva move out on their own."

"I have cancer."

My eyes nearly bulged out of my head as my mouth dropped open. I couldn't say anything. I figured I'd just wait, and she'd say something like, 'just kidding.' With what I was dealing with losing my job, I didn't need any more bad news.

My mom just came up and hugged me and I started to cry as she said, "It's terminal. I'll be doing chemo for pain relief but it's in my kidneys and I have a year at most. I was waiting for the right time, but I guess this is good as any. Only your Dad knows, but now that you know, we'll tell everyone."

I glanced up from crying on my mother's shoulder to see my dad glance into the kitchen and quickly leave. He wasn't crying, but the look on his face was of utter despair. I couldn't believe they could be teasing each other about seeing my ex in a bikini, so calmly knowing this was happening.

"Hey, it's life," my mom said when she released me with a serious look in her face. "That's why we're pushing you to keep in mind what's important and that's your own children. As well as getting your life back on track, get a job you like and start living your life again."

She grabbed the landline phone and shoved it in my hand. "Call and talk to Aiden, and then Janna wants to discuss the details. She is willing to do anything to make it more comfortable for you to attend - short of missing her son's grade eight graduation."

I closed my eyes and looked at the ceiling for a moment, and then I looked at her and nodded. I looked at the phone for a moment and realized that I didn't even know Janna's new number. My mom smiled, dialed the number, and patted my shoulder before leaving.

"Hello, Mary?" said Janna's voice.

I froze for a second. It hit me at that moment that it had been four years. It was hard to believe it's been so long since I heard that voice. "Um, it's me. Can I speak to Aiden?"

There was no reply, but I heard muffled whispers and then my son's squeaky adolescent voice. "Hi, Dad."

"Hey, Bud," I said genuinely happy to hear his voice, "I understand you have something important to tell me."

"Um... yeah," Aiden said nervously, "I guess it isn't that big of a deal."

"Aiden, Grandma told me about it before you called, and I would be thrilled to be there for your graduation. I wouldn't miss it for anything, okay?"

"Okay, thanks," he said quickly, and I was sure my teenaged son was crying.

"I'm so proud of you," I said, and waited but didn't hear a response. "Aiden?"

"Hi, Todd," Janna said talking a deep breath, "You have no idea how happy you just made him. Thank you so much for doing this. I know how hard it will be for you, and I really appreciate it."

So many things were going through my mind at that moment. Trying to process the fact my mother just told me she was dying. The fear of being out of work long term. Knowing my dad was right as far as letting myself go, while Janna apparently looked as fabulous as ever. For my son's sake, I knew I needed to finally face my ex in person. Mix in one hell of a headache because of a hangover and my reaction to hearing the voice I once loved so much didn't go nearly as well as it should have.

"Well, I'm doing it for him, not you," I replied coldly, and knew that was the wrong thing to say immediately.

"Agh?" was Janna's initial stunned reply and then came her angry crying voice, "I know, you wouldn't do anything for me except maybe wish me dead."

She cried loudly. I was going to hang up but didn't, and just listened to her crying. I didn't know what to say. Despite what everyone thought, I didn't hate her; I was hurt. After four fucking years, I was still hurt by what she had done to us.

Finally, she calmed enough to say, "I just was trying to be grateful that your love for your son was greater than your hate for me. I guess I was wrong. Todd, I'm sorry, I can't do this. I will text you the details and how to arrange things so you can keep as far as possible from me. I guess I should be happy that after all this time you were finally able to talk to me again. Bye, Todd."

After hanging up, I was going to open the fridge and grab a beer like I usually did. I reached, but then looked down and saw how my gut now almost hid my belt. I had probably gained at least thirty pounds. Instead of the beer, I got a glass of water and headed back to my room to start looking at employment ads on my computer.

That evening, I was surprised by a call from my son's cell. Normally, Janna gave my parents heads up when one of the kids were calling me.

"Hey, bud, something up?" I said.

"Never once has Mom ever said anything bad about you since you left us," Aiden said sounding upset.

"Aiden, look..."

"No Dad, you look. Mom was always completely upfront that it's her fault you two ended. And believe me, she still feels bad about it." Aiden took a few breaths. "And while you always make these nasty comments about Mom, she does nothing but talk about how wonderful you are. Even when some of her friends talk trash about you, she always gives them shit and sticks up for you. Don't you get it? You still mean a lot to her, and she hates herself for whatever she did. Can't you at least for one day pretend you don't hate her as well? If you can't, I-I-I don't think I want you to come to my grad."

I sighed. Aiden was as honest as he was bright and observant. I was thinking that fairly soon, he was going to learn his last surviving grandmother was dying. I wasn't going to pile his parents not both being able to attend his graduation because they couldn't act like human beings on top of that. "Aiden, I don't hate your mom and I promise to not be rude or do anything to ruin your grad."


While I might have not believed everything my son said, I knew it took a lot of guts for him to confront me like that.

"Aiden, thank you for telling me what you just did. Can you please do me a favor and tell your mom that I'm sorry for what I said today."

"Okay, Dad, bye."

In the two months before Aiden's graduation ceremony, I didn't call Janna again, but I did start texting her. It wasn't every day, but every couple weeks we'd have a twenty message or so conversation. I think that worked way better, as you had a chance to proofread your words before sending them. Everything was about Aiden's graduation or something else about the children, but it seemed like old times discussing the kids. It became more apparent just how much of Aiden and Eva's lives I was missing only having them two or three months a year. It was more than a little depressing. I also started to realize just how much Janna was doing essentially on her own. I had to admit, my mother was right, my ex-wife was doing an amazing job raising the kids. However, whenever I started thinking of how incredible of a woman Janna was, which was why I was so happily married to her for so long, I then quickly remembered why we were divorced. Thinking of that scene in the bathroom, all of the hurt and some of the anger came flooding back and I just wanted to block out every thought of her.

Even though I now knew, my parents decided to hold off a bit before telling the kids about my mother's cancer. As long as she didn't get too bad, the plan was for them to join me for Aiden's graduation and then head back with both kids. While they were with me for the summer, we'd break the news to them that it would probably be their last summer with their grandmother. While Mom seemed fine most of the time, there were little signs like her suddenly moving slow and sleeping more than usual. I was sure they were there before and I just didn't notice caught up with my own life.

I was still struggling to find work. I put out resume after resume to every place I could think of but never got an interview. I either didn't have any experience in that area or was grossly overqualified. With what I had been saving away as a deposit for my own place, I could use to pay for six out of my remaining ten alimony payments. I hoped it wouldn't come to that, my parents - especially my dad - had enough on their plate without worrying about me.

About four weeks from the graduation, Janna and I were still texting about biweekly without really saying anything about us - not our happy past, separation or anything. It was just about the kids or family memories about the kids - like going to Disney. Janna ended one particularly long conversation with something that seemed rather odd, and had me a little concerned:

Todd, after procrastinating for a while, I'm sending you something that I hope will not upset you. My intention is the opposite, but I am still worried how you'll take it. No matter how you feel about me, I still do care and don't blame you at all for how you treated me. I deserve it after how horrible a wife I was. I just want you to know that and I truly want you enjoy your gift. TTYL

I didn't know how to respond, so didn't. I'm sure I was overthinking, but what could Janna be sending that she worried would upset me. I dwelt on that for days and went through so many ideas. Was it our wedding album? Her wedding rings? Both her diamond bands were my grandmother's that I had been tempted to ask her to return a few times. Was it a wedding invitation, meaning no more alimony?

Fortunately, I didn't have to wait long. Four days after that text, my Dad returned from running some errands with a parcel he'd picked up at the post office, addressed to me. My parents looked at me like they already knew what it was, but seemed unsure of my reaction. They both made an excuse to leave the room as I started to open the box. Inside, carefully packaged, were two thick scrap box albums: one for Aiden and one for Eva.

I took them to my space in the basement, and had tears as I flipped through all the pictures, which meticulously documented my children's past four years. I noticed there were absolutely no pictures of Janna anywhere, which actually wasn't uncommon. When we were married, I knew she preferred to be on the other side of a camera. There were a couple of my parents with each of the kids.

I thought the recent texts with Janna showed how much I missed of the kid's lives. Each album captured so many milestones that I'd missed - like Aiden's first date with a girl. I was upset, and then angry, and then upset again. I couldn't help thinking that Janna caused this; she cheated and then fought to get full custody of the kids. I nearly ripped up one of the scrapbooks, but then stopped myself. Even though I felt it was her fault I'd missed these moments of the kid's lives, I knew she put in a lot of effort to gather and create them for me.

I debated on what to text Janna. I didn't want to sound too grateful, in case this was her attempt to get her claws in me again. On the other hand, I didn't want to be some ungrateful asshole. While I was starting and deleting a message to Janna, I started to wonder if she was still attending scrapbook crops. Of course, that again got me thinking of the last night of my marriage and that bitch, Jayleen. With me out of the picture, I was sure Jayleen had convinced Janna to go full on bar slut like she was. Though my mom was right, it really shouldn't be any of my business, it was still upsetting. Especially since I didn't want my kids to think that type of behavior was all right. In the end, I didn't send any message to Janna. It would be either too nice or too cruel, and that's not what either of us needed before Aiden's graduation.

A couple days later was my scheduled biweekly phone call with Eva. I was surprised at the scheduled time to get a video chat from an unknown number. I took it and there was my beautiful nine-year old daughter, who looked and acted at times like she was going on thirteen.

With her huge toothed grin, that reminded me of my mother, Eva said, "Surprise Daddy! I got my own phone. Mom got an upgrade so I got her old one. She got rid of our home phone."

I had some reservations with someone that young given complete access to a handheld computer, but I wasn't really there to help with those types of decisions, either.

I put those thoughts aside and just enjoyed being able to see my youngest child's face as we talked. "That's great, sweetie. I'm glad I get to see that smile and those dimples."

We talked for a few minutes about how school was going. She said she was starting to dance at a studio, which Janna had already informed me of during our text conversations. I could see her room in the background and was surprised how much it changed - even the paint was different.

Eva then got a funny grin and said, "So, how did you like your belated birthday present?"

I paused for a second. My birthday was three months earlier. Then I figured out that Eva meant the scrapbooks.

I took a breath, smiled and told the truth. "It was really hard to see how much of your lives I've missed living two hours away, but I was touched that your mom spent so much time to make them for me. You'll have to thank her for me."

"Will do." Eva again had that full-toothed smile. "But you should really thank her yourself - in person. Daddy, she spent a lot of time, I mean a lot of time, doing that for you."

"I know, I remember how much goes into your mother's scrapbooking." I paused for a second, trying to decide if I should pry. "Eva, is your mother still attending scrapbooking crops?"

"Oh yes, she goes at least once month," Eva said, "I think that's basically been her social life."

"Oh, you mean when she doesn't hang out with Jayleen."

My daughter's eyes flashed in anger and I saw Janna's face in hers. "That bitch! Sorry for swearing, Dad, but Mom called her that, and said she will never have anything to do with her again. I mean, she's texted and tried to call, but she just calls you names. Mom said she's a pushy bully and the main reason you had to leave us. Dad, if you're trying to ask if Mom goes out drinking, she quit. She said she won't ever have another drop. Her drinking problem is why you left, right?"

"I wasn't trying to accuse her, sweetie, I just was... curious."

Eva's face returned to a smile. "I understand. Mom's always curious about you. She asks Grandma all the time, when they talk how, you're doing, and she wants to know all about things when we come home after our summer with you. She's surprised that you haven't found a girlfriend yet because you're quite the catch."

"Oh?" I was caught off guard by that remark. Like I said, at times Eva acted older than her age.

"And... if you are really curious," Eva said lowering her voice and glancing towards her door, "Mom's never had a boyfriend either. I've overheard her tell her friends that none of the guys are marriage material so why bother, and that she already found her one, and just screwed it up."

"Oh?" I said and was truly surprised Janna would say things like that.

"Don't feel bad, Daddy, like you she's really happy. As I said, she scrapbooks a lot. And she sometimes, like a couple times a year or so, goes out with a guy friend and not get home till really late."

"A guy friend?"

Eva shrugged. "We never get to meet them and don't know if it's a different one or the same one. I think she's just gets lonely sometimes. I bet you do the same, right?"

"Um, really I think that's personal and it isn't my business what your mom does with guy friends either, you understand?" I stammered, uncomfortable to essentially be discussing mine and my ex-wife's love lives with my nine-year-old daughter.

"I just want you to know, Mom's gone out to kiss a guy maybe eight times, but it wasn't serious because I know she's still in love with you. I think being upset that it's her fault, is what makes her cry from time to time." She frowned for a moment and then smiled. "Anyway, Daddy, I'm really glad you and Mom can talk again, and that we can talk about her. It's made all of us happy. I'm sure her quitting drinking will make that even easier, right? Bye, Daddy, love you."

"Love you too, Eva."

I had to chuckle, thinking of her saying, 'gone out to kiss a guy,' and was relieved she was thinking that and not sex. However, her recognizing that her mother needed to go out and get 'needs meet' showed how brilliant and intuitive Eva was. Nevertheless, I didn't buy that Janna had only eight dates since I left - especially with the kids gone for the entire summer - but was glad to hear she was being discrete. I was extremely glad to learn that she cut ties with Jayleen - at least until the next time she caved in.