Bustyland Ch. 04


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Her green eyes were wide with the feeling, her expression hovering somewhere between hunger and bliss. Her tits wobbled on her chest and he balanced himself on one arm as he thrust so that he could grab one of the airbags with the hand of his other. He groaned at the feel of her pillow in his palm whilst her cunt wrapped so wonderfully around his dick.

His pace was soon quick, and Julia did not seem to mind. Indeed, she rolled her hips back against him, her green eyes wide. She appeared to be enjoying herself every bit as much as he was.

"Oh God... don't stop..." she moaned, her eyes glinting. She shivered under his grasp and Mark ploughed her ever-more relentlessly. His cock hammered into her cunt. "Oh God yes!"

He groaned as she went quiet, her eyes rolling back and her pussy clutching at his prick. Short, ragged breaths were pulled into her lungs as she came around his cock. Mark could only stare on with lust.

When her eyes refocused she giggled, pulling him down for a kiss. His hips still moved eagerly inside her tunnel and she slightly rolled her hips as he did so. She broke the kiss then to grin at him. "Come inside me."

Mark did not need telling twice. Grunting, he sped up his thrusts, until he could tell he was seconds away. He moaned a warning, and Julia hunched forwards as his dick twitched, rocketing ropes of hot, sticky jizz into her womb. Pleasure clouded his mind and Julia watched on in delight.

When he was finally spent, he slumped down on top of her, groaning happily as he buried his face in her wonderful tits. The busty ghost stroked his hair tenderly. "Thank you, Mark. Thank you for everything."


Kevin collapsed back into the pod of the ferris wheel and breathed out shakily, a long, shivering sigh drawn from his lungs. His head hurt substantially less, and his limbs, though shuddering with adrenaline, were calm. Jessica rested opposite him, her chest heaving, and Kevin surreptitiously eyed her magnificent hooters as she gulped down air.

For a while they said nothing, simply relishing the fact that they were alive, and though Drew had disappeared neither of them cared enough right then to worry. If he came back with help then they'd deal with that then. At the moment, not being dead was reason enough to celebrate.

But there was still so much unexplained. Why had Sally turned on them. Why was Drew a clown? Why had Amber lost it, and why were the women hunting them? But none of it mattered. What mattered was that they had survived for now.

"So what do we do now?" Jessica said, and he snapped out of his reverie. "I mean, are we stuck up here? This pod's going to end up back at the bottom at some point."

Kevin grimaced, glancing out. They were near the top of the circle's revolution. It had taken a good twenty minutes to get that far, but that meant it'd only take another twenty minutes to reach the bottom. The tiniest tendrils of light were snaking their way up on the horizon.

"It's almost dawn," he said, pointing at that faint brightness. "Maybe we can escape then."

"Like some sort of fucking ghost story?" the redhead said, raising an eyebrow. She sighed, shrugging. "I suppose it can't hurt to hope. Maybe you're right. That fence was too freaky to be real. Maybe this is all a ghost story."

"Doesn't make it any less scary." Kevin sighed quietly, resignation in his voice. "If anything, it makes it less likely we'll get out of here. This place has already got Paul, Drew and Sally. Fuck knows where Mark and Jack are. If they got Sally they probably got those two as well. We're fucked, Jessica. Fucked."

She sat forward then, a stern expression setting on her lovely face. "Don't talk like that. I've saved your ass too many goddamn times to have you piss yourself and jump off this ferris wheel. Fuck, Kevin, you're a pervert, but you've got a good heart. Hang in there."

He laughed. "A pervert with a good heart. Suppose it's better than nothing." His eyes dropped then. "Listen, I'm sorry for spying on you last night. I know what a creep it must make me seem."

Jessica sighed, managing a small smile. "It's fine, Kevin. But I have to ask... why were you staring at me through the door? You know that's kind of fucked up, right?"

"Yeh, I know. I shouldn't have done it. I don't really have a reason." He shrugged half-heartedly.

"Now that's bullshit. People always do things for a reason - you just don't want to say. But come on, Kevin, we're probably going to die here. You might as well be honest. Heck, if all you want to say is 'well, Jessica, I just wanted to see if I could steal a glance at your tits' then just say it."

Kevin grinned. "I guess you nailed it."

"Fuck, Kevin, they're just tits. You never seen a pair before?" Jessica shook her head with a wry smile.

"No..." he replied, his eyes downcast. "Um, not really. Only on the internet. A girl let me touch her chest once, but only for a second and only through her sweater."

Jessica paused, narrowing her eyes in thought a moment. "Seriously?"

He shrugged again, managing a small laugh. "Yeh. It's kind of pathetic, I know. Sorry."

The redhead stared at him for a few seconds, and he sat there in uncomfortable silence. Was she annoyed all over again? She'd wanted the truth.

"Fuck it," she said with a sigh. "If we're going to die anyway..."

Kevin's eyes almost bulged out of his head as Jessica reached for her sweater, pulling it and the t-shirt beneath over her head in one smooth movement. Her massive tits, constrained in their pretty black bra, were revealed to his disbelieving stare.

"There you go, Kevin." She gestured towards her chest. "Tits."

He sat there open-mouthed at the sight of the gorgeous woman so obviously flaunting the magnificent orbs on her chest. Despite their predicament, he could feel himself getting hard.

"You can touch them if you'd like," she said with a small smile. She'd barely finished the sentence before Kevin was kneeling in front of her, tentatively reaching out to grasp one of those puppies.

It felt so good under his hand. So soft and squishy, he wanted to bury his face in between the two pillows. The flesh exposed at the top of her bra felt warm in the cool night air, the rest of her tit constrained in her pretty black bra. Slowly, his other hand raised, grasping her other funbag and joining the first in kneading the wonderful globe.

Jessica's cheeks had flushed at his touch, Kevin noticed, and despite the night air things seemed to have really heated up. He gazed into her eyes as his hands still kneaded her lovely tits, and then suddenly she was kissing him.

Kevin's eyes opened wide with surprise as her fingers dropped to his belt, deftly undoing the leather strap and pulling open his jeans. He was hard as a rock from playing with her hooters but he never expected that to be noticed; as it was, Jessica's hand slipped underneath the waistband of his boxers and grasped hold of his rigid tool.

"Fuck this. I'm not going to let you die a virgin, Kevin, and I want a nice, long fuck before I go."

He moved to sit down rather than kneel as she tugged the jeans and boxers from his legs, leaving him in only his t-shirt. Then she stood, her massive tits hanging down, and Kevin groaned as she unbuttoned her own jeans. She pulled them down, taking her panties with them. As she did so, he tugged off his own jacket and t-shirt - he'd have felt a little weird remaining slightly dressed when confronted with such a stunning naked body.

Then she was on all-fours facing him, crawling towards him, her wonderful puppies hanging down. She kissed him, pushing him flat, and Kevin could only sit there in nervous yet rapturous anticipation as the redhead grasped his cock and lined him up with her entrance.

"Ooh..." she moaned, biting her lower lip as she settled down on his cock. The corners of her mouth were twisted with a mischievous smile, and Kevin enjoyed the way she stayed there a short while, his cock nestled in her tight pussy.

After a moment, she started to move her hips, letting her body rise and fall on his invasive dick. Her cunt clutched at his prick, drawing loud groans of pleasure from his lungs, and from the look in her eyes Jessica was enjoying this just as much as he was.

Without thinking, he began to thrust upwards, his cock starting to hammer into her silken pussy. He could not help himself; she just felt so good. At first, she did not complain. Indeed, from her expression it seemed she enjoyed the increase in pace as much as he did. But then she leant forwards and smiled.

"Slow down, Kevin. Slow down. I want to make this last," she sighed, staring into his eyes. With an extreme effort of will, he stopped moving his hips, allowing her to take control again. She did so, slowly rising and falling on his cock, her cunt milking his eager dick at just the right speed to keep him going.

Then she reached for his wrists, guiding his hands to her sinful hooters, encouraging him to take hold of them and press his fingers into the soft flesh. He took the invitation and squeezed them gently, moaning at the sensation of her pillows filling his hands. Her own arms moved to his shoulders, and she lowered her faces to within inches of his.

"Enjoy me, Kevin. This may be the only chance we get. I want to savour it."

He nodded weakly, his mind subsumed with happiness at the sight and feel of this gorgeous woman slowly riding him. Her legs tensed and relaxed at the deliberate, rhythmic movements of his hips. The feeling was indescribable; she was so tight, so warm. Any faster and he'd be barrelling towards climax, but at this pace he would last. He groaned.

Over the next half-hour or so, Kevin was vaguely aware of light spreading across the sky, dawn slowly arriving. Where before it had been pitch black it became a deep navy blue, before growing in brightness until objects outside of the floodlights were clearly visible. Slowly, the ferris wheel turned; it had already completed one revolution but neither he nor Jessica had cared enough to hide. If they were going to die, they were going to die. All the while the gorgeous redhead slowly rode him, bouncing her hips, letting him grab and fondle her magnificent tits. Twice she had rocked her body on his dick, letting herself climax around his tool, and twice Kevin had had to hold back from jizzing at the wonderful squeezing of her pussy as she enjoyed those releases.

This time there was no holding back. Jessica stared down at him with those perfect blue eyes, leaning forwards to hold herself against him. "I want you to fuck me, Kevin. Fuck me hard."

He grunted, thrusting upwards, giving in to the whisperings that had been demanding he do that from the start. The redhead moaned at the feeling, and Kevin - so close to the edge for so long - cried out.

His vision went blurry as he came, his spunk bursting upwards into the redhead's cunt, filling her with his sticky jizz. She moaned at the sight of his orgasm, and he lay there in ecstasy, pumping his seed into her eager womb.

When at last it was over, she kissed him deeply, her eyes closed. Kevin was surprised at the passion of the kiss - he thought she had used him, not cared about him - but responded in kind. Any moment with this gorgeous creature was worthwhile. But their sex had been tiring, exhausting even. As day truly took hold of the sky, they fell asleep in each other's arms.


"It's time, Mark." Julia said, breaking his reverie. He was sitting with his back to the stall, Julia cuddled up against him, his arm around her waist. Her tits pressed down on his forearm in the position, and though it wasn't his aim when he had moved to hold her, he appreciated the feeling nonetheless. "It's time for me to go."

"Julia, are you sure you can't...?" he began, moving to stare into her green eyes. "I'll miss you."

She smiled sadly. "And I'll miss you, Mark. But I have to leave. I can't let this opportunity slip - who knows how long I'll have to wait for another? But Mark?"

"Yes?" he said, the corners of his eyes stinging slightly.

"Thank you." She kissed him then, and he responded; a gentle, moving press of the lips. And as they kissed, the feel of her against him weakened and faded. He refused to open his eyes and watch her disappear; instead he kissed her harder, until there was almost nothing left to kiss. Suddenly the feeling broke, and he opened his eyes to find her face inches from his, almost totally transparent. "Thank you," she repeated again, the sound barely a whisper, but her face was lit up with utter joy. Then she was gone.

Mark stood shakily, wiping his arm across his face. For a moment he simply breathed in shakily, then he reached for the door of the stall and pushed it open.

Silence greeted him. The fairground looked run down and abandoned. No figures moved about, no lights were on. No music played. He stepped out into the rays of the morning sun and breathed in the cool, fresh air. Then he laughed. He had done it.

He ran off into the fairground, wondering if any of his friends had made it. He would mourn the dead later - he would make sure of that - but for now he had to get out of here and simply enjoy the fact that he was alive.

"Is anyone there?" he called, cupping his hands. He knew most of his friends were dead; he had seen them perish. But there was always hope.

"Mark? Mark is that you?" a distant voice echoed, and he ran towards it. Kevin's voice.

"Yes! Where are you?"

"At the ferris wheel!" Kevin's voice returned.

He arrived a few minutes later, finding Jessica and Kevin waving at him from one of the pods. Luckily, they were only about fifteen foot from the ground, the revolution of the ferris wheel not leaving them stuck at the very top, and with a little help from Mark they both clambered down. Mark noticed a spark between them that he was sure hadn't been there before, but he ignored it for the moment. Instead, they made their way to the edges of the park.

The fence was low and ramshackle, as it had been the evening before when they arrived. Spotting the gap that they had originally entered through, the three friends hurried towards it.

They had survived.


One year later...

Mark gazed down at the three gravestones, smiling sadly to himself. His three friends - Paul, Jack and Sally - lay there, and he crouched to rearrange the flowers that he had spread across the three plots.

It had been a strange year, especially the nights following their escape. The cops had come and questioned them after Kevin's frantic 911 call once they were back outside the park. Mark had had no answers, but he had told them what he knew. He was sure Jessica and Kevin had done the same.

Then came the news that they had found one other survivor - a boy of his age dressed as a clown, his face beaten in and barely breathing, but alive. Drew.

He'd been declared insane, his mad cackling and threats enough to convince any law enforcement officer that he was responsible for the deaths of Mark's friends. Psychotropic drugs, they had told him. Drew had drugged them all, and chased them through the amusement park, murdering them one by one. He was in a mental institution now, and whilst Mark knew that fate was one that was much too good for him, at least he was under lock and key.

Mark knew that it wasn't drugs, of course. He knew the truth. So did the other survivors of that night. But they had agreed not to tell a soul. No one would believe them anyway; the conclusion of the police was adequate enough to bring those responsible to justice. The three of them knew what had happened, and they shared those memories. That was enough for Mark.

Slowly, he stood up, turning to face the two people standing at the graves with him. Kevin smiled at him weakly, before squeezing the hand of the women who held herself pressed against him. Her own face was wet with tears, and she did not look at Mark, merely regarding the gravestones of her friends with sad eyes. Then Jessica sobbed, and buried her face in Kevin's chest.

Mark choked back tears of his own. It was always going to be hard on this day. He had scars that would never properly heal, but at least he was alive. He was sure his friends felt the same way.

Then he stepped away from the graves, walking briskly around the graveyard until he came to another plot, one he had visited many times since that fateful night. He had one flower left; a single red rose. He gently lay it down on the grave next to the others he had placed over the preceding months, and cleared away the dead flowers to make sure that the earth looked vibrant and alive. A solitary tear ran down his cheek. Then he smiled.

"Thank you, Julia."

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TeeniewhopperTeeniewhopperover 1 year ago

Great job! Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

bummer that the bad guys lost

Shadowforce1Shadowforce1about 12 years ago
Great Series

Keep up the good work would love to read more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Great Series

I hope you keep writing. This was a great story. I rated it a five. Clowns are scary as hell. Can't wait for your next series. I was really blown away. I haven't read too many stories on this site that have been written this well.

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