But What If I Like It? Pt. 05

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A families sexual adventures.
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Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/11/2022
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Two hours after they left, my daughter, Karen and I joined Ed for our flight home. When I got home from work Monday night I found my daughter, Karen and Greta in the Kitchen.

I asked Greta: "I didn't know you were coming."

She replied: "Donna emailed me and said she felt you would need some company for a couple of weeks."

I said: "That was nice of her."

Greta asked: "Where is she?"

The girls laughed and my daughter said: "Mom is in Africa being paid to fuck some world class black cock. My aunt and another white wife are with her."

We told her all about the island and the offer to go to Africa. I enjoyed Greta's company. When I came home from work one day at lunch time. I found out my daughter and Karen were also enjoying her as well.

The morning she was suppose to return I got and email from my wife, with the information for the Delta flight from New York.

I was waiting at the baggage claim when I saw my sister in-law and Lia, Donna wasn't with them

I asked my sister in- law: "Where's Donna?"

She said: "Let's find a seat and I will tell you."

My mind was going crazy. Did she get hurt; did she decide to stay longer. I wanted to know where my wife was.

I told her: "Just tell me."

She took a deep breath and said: "She isn't coming back and she is no longer your wife. The whole time we were gone he only spend time with her. We never had sex with him, only other men he offered us to and there were many of them.

By the end of the first week, she had moved in with him. Before that we shared a guest house. Two days ago, she gave me a envelope to give you and an a briefcase."

I asked her: "What is in the envelope and briefcase."

She told me: "Divorce papers and money for you."

I was stunned and said: "How can she be divorced I didn't sign any papers?"

She told me: "In that country, she could do it without you. Also, it's considered legal here, Donna told me the lawyer showed her the law that covered divorce."

Wow talk about a kick in the balls. I dropped Lia off and we went home. My daughter asked where her mother was. Her aunt took her aside and told her. I couldn't eat supper and went to bed.

At some point I woke up and realized my sister in-law was in bed with me. It wasn't sexual, she was holding me.

She realized I was awake and said: "I don't think you should be alone."

We got up and went down for breakfast. The girls were cooking and offered us coffee. After we all ate and cleaned up. My sister in-law and I went back up to my bedroom.

I retrieved the envelope she had given me from Donna. We read it together, in it Donna said: "I am sorry for what I am doing to you and our daughter. But I have fallen in love with my new husband and the way he pleasures me sexually is incredible. For the past two weeks I have been treated like royalty. In the briefcase is the money my husband feels he owes you as compensation for taking me away from you. You will receive the same amount each year I am with him."

The next day we went to my lawyer's office. I gave him the papers from the envelope. After reading them. He made several calls. Indeed, the papers are considered valid here. I asked him about the money in the briefcase. I hadn't opened it. I did so in front of him. Inside was not money. It was bearer bonds. As good as cash and usable in almost any country.

At home my sister in-law and I counted them. It came to ten million dollars US. There was a note under the bonds. It read, 'In my country if you take another man's wife, he must be compensated in an amount equal to her worth to her first husband.

These bonds are only a down payment of her worth to you. As long as she is with me you will receive the same amount each year.' It was signed and a gold seal was attached.

We were both shocked at the whole thing. There was just enough time to get to the bank and get a safe deposit box for the bonds.

She had moved into the guest bedroom that day. It was about month later one day she said: "I need to find a place; I can't keep free loading of you."

I told her: "You're not free loading we love having you here. I don't consider Karen a free loader. Why would I consider you one?"

Two months later when I got home. My daughter handed me a letter. And said: "It's from your ex-wife the whore."

She was not ready to forgive her mother for leaving her. I didn't know how she felt about her mother leaving me. It was a subject we didn't talk about.

I went up to my room and sat on the bed. Did I want to read it or did I even care what she had to say. Then it hit me, it was my fault this had happened. If I never encouraged her to have sex with a well-hung guy. She would still be here with me. I think deep down I knew there was a chance of losing her.

I opened the letter and held it without reading it. Then I put it down went down stairs and fixed a very stiff drink. Back in the room I took a big swallow and started to read.

It said: "Ian I need to come clean with you. You must think it is your fault for encouraging me to have sex with a well-hung man. That is not the case. I had been fucking guys with big cock before we meet. The first ten years of our marriage I was faithful to you. But you were away on a two-week business trip and I got drunk with a girl I knew before we were married. We ran into each other at the drug store. She was buying condoms and lube. I asked her if she was getting ready for a wild night.

She said let's get a drink and I will tell you about it. Turns out she was stripping two towns over and doing stag parties. The more I drank and listened to her telling me about her wild sex life the more turned on I got.

I ended up going with her and striped naked. I loved all the men looking at me and knowing they all wanted to fuck me made my pussy drip. There were twenty-seven guys there. Before the night was over, I fucked or sucked off most of them. They preferred me over my friend

because I forgot to take off my rings. They got off having sex with some guy's wife.

When I gave in to you wanting me to fuck a well-hung guy. I gave in because I was tired of getting fucked behind your back. When Jack told us about Ed, I agreed so quickly because now I could fuck a guy for money with you knowing about it. Seventeen years of hiding it from you would be over.

When I went to Africa, I intended to come back at the end of two weeks. The end of the first week he took me to a sex show in Amsterdam. You remember the sex tape we watched with Linda Lovelace that is illegal in the states. That is the type of show it was.

While Linda looked out of it. These women looked like they were really into it. I talked to one of them and she confirmed she loved it. I was so turned on I agreed to do it right there in the club on stage in front of the whole crowed.

My husband enjoys seeing me doing that and I have fallen deeply in love with him. So now you know I was a whore before we met and have been fucking other guys for money a good deal of our marriage.

All the money I have made whoring is in the attic at the far end behind some old chests of draws. It is yours as is the money I made with Ed that is in the closet. I am the one that set the price as to what I am worth in bearer bonds for my husband to pay you.

While I am confessing my sins. I am not sure you are our daughter's biological father. I did a five-guy bare back gang bang that afternoon.

If you haven't already you should get with my sister. I know the two of you enjoyed fucking.

Take care Donna"

I think this was a bigger kick in the balls, than her not coming back. I knew one thing it didn't mater to me if my sperm created my daughter or not. She is my kid and nothing changes that. No DNA unless one of us needs something lifesaving from the other.

When I went down for supper The three women in my life, yes Karen is one of them.

As they read each had comments about Donna's deceit. When they got to the reference to Linda Lovelace. My sister in-law said: "You have got to be shitting me."

Karen said: "I have heard about it."

My daughter asked: "She did porn so what's the big deal."

Karen leaned over and whispered in her ear.

My daughter then said: "Mom is one fucked up whore."

When they got to the end my daughter was in tears. She hugged me and said: "No DNA, you are my father end of story. If anyone asked about mom. I will tell them she is dead. Because as far as I am concerned, she is."

Nobody was hunger after that and we went to our rooms. A short time later my daughter knocked on my door. She entered my room and said: "Can we talk?"

I said: "Sure what's up?"

She said: "I've been thinking about what the whore wrote about you and auntie."

I said: "What about me and your aunt?"

She replied: "I know you and my aunt have had sex together. She's here and the whore is gone. The two of you should get together and see if you want to be a thing."

I asked her: "Wouldn't that be weird for you?"

She replied: "After what has been going on in this family in the past couple of months and with you and mom for the past couple years. I don't think anything is weird to me now. Except what the whore did in the club.

A couple of times now I have been out shopping with auntie and people have mistaken her for the whore. Neither of us corrected them because we didn't want to have to answer any questions about where the whore was.

So, my idea is and if you and auntie agree let's just let everybody think she's mom."

I told her: "Right now we are very wealthy and I intend for us to move. Why don't we go and talk to your aunt and see what she thinks."

We went down the hall and knock on her door. When we entered, she was nude and didn't bother covering up. As my daughter talked to her, I think for the first time I realized how much she look like her sister.

There is five years between them, Donna being the older. But they could've passed for twins. I know this gave me pause for thought about being with her. It wouldn't be fair to her my being with her if she was just standing in for my wife.

Before there could be something sexual between us again I really had to get to know her. If we couldn't really fall in love with each other then we would really be just his fuck buddies. It seems that's what my marriage to Donna had been.

The two of them talked and weighed the pros and cons when they were done. My sister-in-law asked me: "What do you think?"

I said: "I like it but I don't want you to be just a stand-in. I think we should start off just dating going to the movies doing things together Going out to dinner, the movies things people do on dates. If we start to really have feelings for each other not just sexual urges but true feelings of love. Then I want us to get married I want us to be a real couple."

I went on to say: "The first thing we will do is I am taking a half a day off work tomorrow. Will go to a realtor we will start looking for houses I really don't want to live in this house anymore.

She is the one who chose this house, I just went along with it. If we're going to be together then I want us to pick out a house to be our home. As soon as we find something I will put this house on the market."

Six months later we were in our new home the old house was just a memory and not a good one. I was amazed at the amount of money we found in the closet. I had never count it as I considered it Donna's. I even never asked her how much she was paid. When we removed the boxes from the attic. They contained more than double the money that was in the closet.

There was also a journal Donna kept detailing all her sexual activite she was paid for. From the first night she went with her friend till the week before we went to meet John. For what I thought would be her first big cock. She had fucked over five hundred different men. Many of them multiple times on different occasions.

Her last entry she wrote that she was glad to finally grant me my wish for her to fuck a well-hung guy. That now she will be able to have guys come to the house to fuck her. She just has to figure out how to get me to agree to let her fuck them for money.

We needed to get more safe deposit boxes. We used different banks, because we needed large boxes and felt renting to many that size from one bank we draw to much attention.

I got a certified letter one day forwarded to our new address it was from a bank in the Cayman Islands. It seems I have an account there I didn't know about. I set up an online profile with them and check my balance. The amount was the sum that Donna and I were to receive for going to the island with Ed.

With all that went on I had forgotten about that money. My sister-in-law, daughter and Karen also received certified letters from the same bank. The next day I plan a vacation to the Cayman Islands so we could see about transferring money from here to there. We had several safe deposit boxes with cash in them and thought it would be safer in the Caymans.

I was now a junior partner in the company I work for and the two owners we're nearing retirement age. I approach them about buying them out. They were both surprised that I would be in a position to do that. I explain to them that I had two very rich uncles who have passed away and left me an inheritance that put me in a position to buy the company.

This intrigue them and they wanted to know how much I could offer when I told them what I was willing to pay. They said: "The company is worth more than that."

I said: "I know, but I will pay you in bearer bonds they're like cash good anywhere and they'll be no money trail for the government. We can write up the paperwork to satisfy the government that you're getting a piece of the profits for so many years, Plus a reasonable amount of upfront money, but in actuality you will have your money now and no need to report it unless you choose to."

They asked me: "When do you want an answer?"

I told them: "Take till the end of the week. If you are not interested it's fine. I will just go into business for myself. As I don't have a noncompete clause in my contract with you."

The next day at work a team of lawyers that represent the company came in and met with them. At the end of the meeting, I was asked to join.

The lawyers told me that they had drawn up a contract for the sale of the company to me with the terms I had mentioned but if the clients choose to say except a substitute payment that was between their clients and myself and nothing to do with their firm.

So, the deal was done a month later the company was mine and the previous owners were paid off. The supposed payments from the profits each year would be sent to accounts here. The accounts had their names but I controlled them. Gradually the money was transferred to the Caymans into an account that was controlled by me.

My sister-in-law and I stared dating, we were living in the same house, but we had separate rooms. There was nothing sexual in our relationship and as we got to know each other better we did fall in love.

She told me one day: "Going to the island and going to Africa was something I wanted to experience once in my life. I was a virgin when I got married. My husband was a wham bam thank you mam type of guy. Once he got off, he didn't care about my sexual needs.

So, when Donna told me about her deal. I knew I wanted to experience what that was like. But now that I have done that it is out of my system and never have to wonder about what I missed out on."

Several times Donna had tried to call our daughter, but she refused to talk to her mother. Emails she got it from her, she deleted without opening. In conversation about her mother, she called her 'the whore'.

Donna's sister and I got married. It was a simple ceremony with my daughter and Karen as our witnesses. Business was very busy and we couldn't take a honeymoon. Six months after we were married, we were finally able to get away for a honeymoon.

We went to Amsterdam to start our honeymoon. We would be there for four days then to Denmark Finland Sweden and Norway.

After dinner one night while in Amsterdam we took a walk to see the sights. We found ourselves in the red-light district and happened to find the club Donna mentioned in her letter. The cover charge was equal to one hundred US. The door man told us he can wave the cover charge if my wife agreed to perform on stage. We paid the cover charge.

We never expected to see my wife's sister. But there she was walking from table to table stopping and talking to couples. She was nude except for some kind of shields covering her areola's held in place by bars throw her pierced nipples with round balls on the ends.

As she turned, we both noticed what we thought was the scare on her right ass cheek. When she was nearer, we saw it was a brand. Evidently her African husband had branded her to show that she belongs to him. Eventually she went over to a table in front of the center of the stage and sat down with large black gentleman. We realized fairly quickly that this was not her husband.

She seemed to finish the drink she had on the table, got up again and headed backstage. I asked the waitress: "Who is the woman who was walking around and went backstage?"

She told us: "That woman is the only performer this evening and she has already done several shows tonight and will be doing several more before closing."

I asked the waitress: "What's the deal with the women that perform here?"

She explained: "All of them a married woman whose husband bring them here be part of the show."

I asked: "How much do these women get paid to preform?"

She replied: "They are paid nothing, they do it because they enjoy it and their husbands enjoy them doing it and being watched by other people."

I asked: "The woman that is preforming tonight does she com here often?"

She said: "At least once a month her husband brings her here."

I asked: "Is that her husband she was sitting with?"

She replied: "No, that is her body guard. Her husband is not with her tonight."

My wife and I just looked at each other neither one of us had to say word. We turned and left, we had no interest in watching Donna perform on stage,

The next morning while I was in the shower, I heard a knock on the door I assume my wife had ordered room service for breakfast. I dried quickly and put on the hotel robe that was hanging in the bathroom. When I enter the room, I was shocked to see Donna.

I asked her: "How did you know how to find us and why are you here?"

She told us: "I knew you were here because my husband and I own the hotel, in fact the other hotels you are booked into are part of our hotel holdings."

I said: "That can't be a coincidence how did you manage that?"

She said: "Your names are in a database high end hotels use and share information about wealthy customers. I had flagged your names so if you made reservations anywhere, I would know about it.

When I saw where you were traveling. I contacted the travel agent and gave him an incredible discount rate for your rooms. I also offered him free accommodations for a week in any of the hotels in our chain."

I said: "When you leave my wife and I will discuss whether we're going to change our itinerary. I don't like the idea of staying anywhere that you or your husband are involved."

She then told me: "I know our daughter and Karen are trying to start a business and they won't take money from you because it is connected to me. However, if you pick a commercial bank in Boston and give me the information. I will arrange with them a line of credit for her and Karen.

I will guarantee the loan with the bank and compensate the loan officer for approving the loan. I will pay it off and will set it up with the bank that the payments t they make, will be placed in an account in both of their names. They will receive monthly statements showing that the loan is being paid. I know if she has any idea, I am involved she will not take the money.