Butt**ck, Tennessee Ch. 01


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In a sea of dark faces I saw Cookie's pale white skin standing over the flaming grill. There were seven big steaks on the grill. I waited until he turned and saw me. He immediately grabbed a plate, picked out a medium-rare steak and gave me the plate...it was damn hot so I found a napkin to hold it with.

Fernando, standing next to him, placed a baked potato next to the steak then an ear of corn.

I thanked Fernando then Cookie said to me, "Ten o'clock--be ready!"

I went to the milk machine, filled a large glass then went into the breakroom to eat dinner. The steak melted in my mouth. Cookie might be a lousy lover, and always smells of grease and sweat when he comes to my room...but he grills one helluva steak!

Walking by the bowling alley on my way back to the hotel, I paused and debated about going inside to watch Hoppy bowl. I knew since I had been gone from the hotel when he got off work, and he didn't get his daily blow job that tomorrow he'd have me 'do him' twice which is okay, he's got a nice and clean little dick.

I decided not to go inside. I like Hoppy, and I didn't want to witness the spectacle of him, his right leg two-inches shorter than his left, 'hopping' down the lane.

Inside my room I quickly stripped to my string, bikini briefs, fired-up my laptop and immediately went to my favorite site, peniscocksandpricks.com. Three-times on my knees today had me excited and in need of release.

I found my favorite photo, the one with a naked boy standing with hands on hips while another naked boy, on his knees, had his hard penis in his mouth. I reached inside my briefs and rubbed my dick until it was hard.

Slow down, boy, make it last, I told myself. It's so much better when you delay your climax.

I opened another window, searched the long list of porn sites then clicked on 'Literotica'...then I clicked on 'Gay Male' and perused the latest additions.

Oh good, I thought, BJ Michaels has a new story, so I opened it and began reading.

I guess I like BJ Michaels stories because I identify with them--his main character, usually named 'Johnny' either refuses to admit he's gay, or is in complete denial...most of his stories are the same: someone lusts after 'Johnny' and has to resort to some sort of trickery or blackmail to get him into bed, and once 'Johnny' discovers how much he loves sucking cock and taking it up the ass, he becomes 'the older man's willing bitch'--it took me a long time to admit I am a submissive cock-slut too so I can relate to 'Johnny.'

Oh, I thought, in this story Johnny lives in Atlanta--that's different--he's usually in Tampa...and once again, he's ashamed he is gay and in this story he has to drive an hour to a gay bar on the other side of town where no one will know him.

The plots in his stories sometimes get so convoluted I have a hard time following along, but that doesn't matter, I read his stuff to jerk-off to, not because I think he's a good writer. I don't remember ever reading one of his stories from start to finish--I usually blast a load sometime before or during the second sex scene.

At least in this story 'Johnny' isn't forced or persuaded to wear women's underwear...BJ Michaels has an obvious panty-fetish that he loves to share with his readers. Michaels doesn't seem to understand his readers are gay--not cross-dressers.

Sure enough, during 'Johnny's' blow job of 'Timothy,' my balls grow heavy and I'm ready to cum. I click on the window with my favorite photo and fantasize I'm the boy on his knees with the beautiful cock in his mouth.

I have my dick out in the open now and I'm stroking it like a man possessed. I sit back in the chair, close my eyes and dream about sucking cock while my hand moves so fast, I sometimes lose the rhythm.

"Mmmmmmm..." I moan.

I can't take anymore--I push my briefs down and off then pull my legs to my chest, wet my middle finger with saliva, then rub the tip over my anus...oooh-yes...and at the critical moment I push my finger into my asshole and my balls explode and I thrash about the chair like a fish out of water as stream after stream of sperm and semen shoot up in the air then land on my chest and belly.

"YES-YES-YES-YES..." I cry out with mind numbing ecstasy.

I can hear laughter and excited utterances in Spanish coming from the room next door...someone shouts "PUTA" but I don't care--my neighbors have heard all this before--I am totally focused on my orgasm.

I wait until my breathing returns to normal then scoop up my briefs and toss them in the laundry bag. I smear my hand with the cold semen on my belly and sniff at it...hahaha, I love the smell of semen in the morning...or afternoon or evening.

In the bathroom, I run the water in the tub. I feel my legs and underarms and say to myself, "Yeah, I better shave." I find the Lady Gillette razor and shaving cream, sit on the edge of the tub and carefully remove all the unwanted hairs. Years ago I learned it drove men wild with lust when they ran their hands over my smooth, girly-like flesh, and I've kept myself hairless ever since...plus, my dick looks bigger without pubic hair, hahaha...

After a relaxing bubble bath, I pulled up fresh briefs, set the alarm for 9:45, then drifted off into much needed sleep.

The alarm startles me. What the hell? I groggily fall out of bed and go to the bathroom. I piss then slap cold water on my face. I find the baby oil, lower my briefs then lubricate my asshole for Cookie.

Why do I even bother with this? I ask myself. Cookies cock is so short and stubby he has a hard time fitting it inside me...and when he does, after two strokes it falls out and he has to start all over.

He's never once cum in my ass...he always ends up frustrated then kneels over my face and shoves the head of his stump-of-a-dick in and out of my mouth--even then it falls out from between my lips several times before he just jerks himself off and shoots his load either in my open mouth or on my face.

I don't care--he grills one helluva steak!

The usual geezers were sitting on their usual stools the next afternoon when I went to the bar and ordered a beer.

I had just sucked-off Hoppy for the second time that day and wanted to wash the taste out of my mouth. He's a helluva nice guy, but his jizz tastes like corned beef hash and onions.

I surprised the hell out of Packy and the men at the end of the bar when I pulled out one of the twenties Dex had given me.

Packy hesitated before taking it. "Uh, you know, The Preacher wants to pay for your beer," he said.

"Tell him thanks for me, but I'll pay for it," I said, then added with a smile, "...at least the first one..."

I didn't want to burn any bridges in case Dex didn't have the nerve to show up.

Instead of their loud, raucous conversation, the men at the end of the bar mumbled in low voices I couldn't overhear. Out of the corner of my eye I saw The Preacher frowning, and complaining to the other men. I knew he was worried his blow jobs had come to an end.

Truth-be-told, if he climbed off his bar stool and approached me, I would have gone out to the alley with him.

Dex walked into the bar at exactly the time he'd promised. He sat beside me and timidly smiled and said ,"Hello."

I said, "Hi cutie, how are YOU today?"

He blushed a vivid red.

"Packy, please give my friend a beer," I called out, and when he brought the beer, I added, "Take it out of my change."

Dex appeared to me tired and nervous. His hands were trembling; his eyes were bloodshot. I didn't want to spook the man so I kept the conversation light and upbeat.

Finally I asked about work and he mumbled, "It was okay"..."Did you sell any land today?" He blushed again and replied, "No, not today"..."Yeah, but you have a great place to hang out at all day" and he said, "It's okay"...

I began to re-think my desire to meet his father...it looked to me like the old man had sure done a number on his own son when he was growing up.

He drained his beer quickly, and I ordered two more. He began to relax mid-way through the second beer...he even managed a weak smile when I said, "Packy reminds me of the baboon in the Cincinnati zoo who grabbed the little kid."

I decided to turn it up a notch and placed a hand on his leg. He flinched, but didn't say a word. I stroked his thigh and when I put my hand on his crotch he had a hard-on...I squeezed it and I heard him sigh.

I leaned closer to him, squeezed his cock harder and whispered, "If we go out to your car I can take care of that for you."

Suddenly, and seemingly out of nowhere, he blurted out, "M-My Daddy wants to meet you!"

He blushed a deep red one more time and softly added, "I told him about you...he wants to meet you...he told me to invite you to dinner tonight...do you want to come to the house and meet him?"

I smiled, and gave his hard cock a couple vigorous strokes then said, "Sure, that sounds nice...but first let's go to your car so I can take care of your, uh, problem."

I couldn't believe it--for the second straight day the most beautiful boy I've ever seen willingly took my cock in his mouth and was giving me the greatest pleasure I ever experienced in my life.

I was so happy tears welled in my eyes. No one had ever treated me with such respect as Pretty Boy has the past two days. If I hadn't felt so guilty I would have enjoyed it twice as much.

I tried hard to forget the phone conversation I'd had with Daddy an hour ago. How he said he'd had Sheriff Graft do a background check on Pretty Boy and how the Sheriff came back and said Pretty Boy had no wants or warrants--no brothers or sisters--and his parents had been killed in a car accident four years ago.

Then Daddy said, "No one in the world would miss the boy if he went missing!"

I know, I know, I'm a bad, bad man, but I don't have a choice...only now can I sit comfortably after the spanking Daddy had DeeWayne give me five-days ago...he said if I wasn't able to lure Pretty Boy to the house he'd have DeeWayne use the whip on me again and I'll never-ever forget when that happened a few months ago--I wasn't able to go to town for two-weeks.

I moaned out loud. His wet, warm mouth and snake-like tongue gave me sensations I'd never before felt.

Yes, I know...just yesterday I wanted to introduce him to Daddy--I wanted Pretty Boy to take my place, but now...I don't know...I really, really like the boy.

I vowed to myself I wouldn't let Daddy hurt Pretty Boy...heck, what I know of Pretty Boy so far is that he loves sucking and fucking and that's pretty much all Daddy wants him for anyway...Pretty Boy might actually like his new life!

I was parked facing Main Street thirty-feet away, and was keeping an eye out for people walking by...no one had noticed us yet, but when I saw Hoppy stop and stare I knew he saw Pretty Boy's head bobbing up and down--Hoppy smiled a huge grin, stuck out his arm and gave me a 'thumbs-up'...I smiled back at him and gave him a 'thumbs-up' of my own.

Then it happened--the sensation started deep in my groin then my balls swelled then my back arched and my body almost jumped off the seat...Pretty Boy held me still as my hips bucked and jerked and explosion after explosion rocked my body like never before...so much semen and sperm shot out of my prick I was afraid Pretty Boy might drown.

I kept cumming-and-cumming-and-cumming-and-cumming...I could hear Pretty Boy gulping down every mouthful I gave him...I didn't care who might be watching us now--nothing mattered but emptying my balls into the beautiful mouth of the prettiest boy in town.

To hell with it, I thought, if I can cum like this every day it will all be worth it.

I intentionally saved the last mouthful of jizz he'd shot in my mouth and immediately kissed him when his body came to rest. I forced his lips open with my tongue and the sperm and semen oozed into his mouth. If it bothered him, he didn't show it.

On the contrary, he eagerly kissed me back with his own tongue lapping up everything I offered him. I knew then it wasn't the first time he'd tasted his own cum.

I had coaxed information out of Hoppy about Dex and his 'Daddy,' and he'd made some nasty accusations.

I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into by going to the house, but my life over the past few years had been one misadventure after another, and quite frankly, I figured I couldn't do any worse...in fact, I welcomed the idea of staying somewhere longer than a few months.

Yesterday, I had noticed the fading welts of a spanking on Dex's ass, and it actually aroused me.

Dex was about to fix his slacks when I stopped him and asked, "May I please hold your balls on the drive to your house?"

I'd never seen someone's eyes open so wide.

"OH...uh, yeah, sure, that would be nice," he stammered.

I threw my left arm around his shoulders then dipped my right hand inside his tighty-whities and found his balls.

I cradled his scrotum in my hand, and said, "Ooooo, they are nice and heavy--manly balls!" even though they really weren't.

Nothing seems to empower a man and feed his ego more than having someone holding their balls for them.

He told me it took close to an hour to get to the house. "We're out in the middle of nowhere...our closest neighbor is twenty-miles away."

That was the first time I felt slightly nervous about my decision. Again I wondered what I was getting myself into.

I rested my head on his shoulder as he drove. From time to time I kissed him on the cheek which seemed to please him no end. He sighed whenever I applied the slightest pressure to his balls.

I was confident I had Dex wrapped around my little finger...now I'd have to see what I could do with 'Daddy' and the mysterious 'DeeWayne'...

We were approaching the back of a road sign, and the second we passed it I turned to read it:

The first line read - "Welcome to" the third line said "Tennessee" --the middle line had read "Butte Rock" but someone had spray-painted it black so the sign now read: "Welcome to Buttfuck Tennessee"...

I rested my head again on his shoulder and fantasized about 'Daddy' taking me over his lap and spanking me and I had to fight the urge to squeeze my hard-on.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Having the character read ur stories and make comments was hilarious. Nicely done. So far so good, is there more to come...? KAMS

63lsmith63lsmithalmost 8 years ago

Will be looking for chapter 2.

baikalisanbaikalisanalmost 8 years ago
Any chance

U could seperate points of view? Was a decent start for a story but a bit confusing till I realized what was going on!

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