Butt Jewelry


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"Riley? Ri?"

Apparently Hailey was trying to get her attention. Riley was too out of it to take much notice. She just wanted to keep getting butt fucked. Keep getting her clit rubbed. Keep making a mess of herself and Hailey's bed.

And she really, really wanted to cum. The need was getting strong, almost too much for her. As much as she wanted to keep this butt slut thing going a while longer, she also just wanted to explode and feel all those lovely tingles through her body, and the nice relaxation afterward. She'd need that too. Her ass was starting to ache, and it would only get worse. Nevermind how it would feel tomorrow.

"K'p g'ng," Riley mumbled.

Hailey rubbed faster. Riley heard her still saying something, but she wasn't sure what. It didn't matter. Those fingers were all that concerned her. And her ass getting pounded into pleasantly achy submission for the first time.

Riley came all over Hailey's fingers, moaning incoherently. She squirmed a bit through her orgasm, but the dildo deep in her butt kept her fairly well pinned.

Riley sank flat to the bed through the end of her delicious and intense orgasm. Hailey followed her, snugging right down on top of her, still buried in her ass.

"Are you listening?" Hailey asked, brushing her lips over Riley's ear.


"You've been ignoring me."

"Haven't. Just... couldn't pay attention. You were fucking me too good."

"I guess I can accept that." Hailey kissed her shoulder. "Feeling ok?"

"So good."

"Excellent. You definitely squirted that time, by the way."

"Did I?"

"You can't argue with me. My hand got soaked."

"Oh." Riley grinned. "You're the secret, I guess."

"Mmm, I like the sound of that." Hailey kissed Riley's shoulder again. "I'm gonna get you some water, ok?"

"Don't leave."

"I'll be back. Sit tight."

"As if I could even move."

Hailey slowly pulled her entire length from Riley's bottom. It was both a relief and a disappointment. Hailey made a noise of arousal as she spread Riley's ass after and presumably examined it.

"Interesting?" Riley asked.

"Very. Got you seriously stretched out."

"Yeah. I felt that."

"Seriously, I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"Nope. You'll just need to carry me tomorrow is all."

Hailey chuckled and moved away. "I'll just have to, if it comes to it."

Hailey slipped away, still bottomless and sporting a bouncing dildo. She was quick to return, and very tenderly helped Riley sit up and sip at least half the glass of water.

The girls snuggled for a while after that until Riley had recovered some. She nuzzled closer to Hailey's boobies as she got some energy back, then suckled on them while Hailey stroked her hair.

"It's getting late," Hailey murmured.

"I know," Riley said, not letting Hailey's nipple go for long even to speak.

"Do you want to... stay the night?"

Riley looked up at Hailey with big, cautious eyes. "Yes."

"It'll be ok with your parents?"

"Don't see why not. They don't even know I like girls. I mean, I didn't either until just recently. No reason they wouldn't be fine with me staying over."

"You think they'd mind if they knew?"

"I... don't know. But it's not something I've been living with long enough to have fully processed it, let alone figured out what I want to tell the 'rents."

"That's fair." Hailey ran her fingers through Riley's hair some more. "My mom basically knows, you know."

"Yeah. That's fine, I think. People at school are probably gonna be figuring it out too, I imagine."


"I think I kinda like it. One of those kinda warm and fuzzy things thinking people are gonna know you're my girlfriend. Just... not ready to actively deal with it, is all."

"... I'm your girlfriend?"

Riley flushed. "Well... we haven't talked about it, technically. Do you... do you want to be?"

"I really do."

Riley's heart had ramped up quickly, and only slowly settled back down. A smile invaded her lips as she rested her cheek back on Hailey's boobs. "Oh good."

"It seemed like early days, but then... I did just fuck you in the ass."

"Mmm, that's where the romance is, alright."

Hailey giggled softly and hugged Riley tighter. "You gonna be ok with Mom seeing you here in the morning?"

Riley shrugged as she leaned even more heavily into Hailey. "It's a small price to pay. At least with her, it's you that has to explain things."


Riley got cozier with Hailey both in school and out. They wore their matching jewelry everyday, and often hung out with Jen and Logan while they were at school.

It was a few days later when the administration threw a wrench into everyone's routine.

Riley and Jen stood at their lockers-pants in fully up positions, rather unnaturally-frowning in silence. Hailey joined them, and gave every appearance of being just as perturbed.

"Hallway monitors," Riley spat in disgust.

"I mean really," Jen said.

"Dick move," Hailey concurred.

"How are we supposed to show off our butt jewelry if they've got fricking narcs with nothing better to do watching everywhere?" Riley complained.

"I think that might be the point," Hailey said.

"Well obviously we know that," Jen said. "The point is... well, fuck 'em, basically."

"What was so wrong with us being fashionable anyway?" Riley said. "Frickin' adults. Think they know everything. Think they're the only ones who get to decide what's acceptable."

Jen shrugged. "To be fair, no one would bother with butt jewels if our parents didn't hate the idea."

"True," Riley admitted. "But still, though."

"Frickin' police state," Hailey said.

Riley and Jen grumbled in agreement, still glaring at the nearest volunteer 'hallway officer.' Logan walked up, joining the three girls. Jen greeted him with a long kiss, then all four of them spent time staring daggers at the lone visible do-gooder.

"I had a thought," Hailey said cautiously.

Riley turned to her. "Yes?"

"Well... I don't know if it's actually a good idea. But I was thinking about it last night. And if the school's gonna be like this about butt plugs... it might be worth it."

"Well don't leave us in suspense," Jen said. "Tell us."

Hailey chewed her lip. "I'll tell you at break," she decided. "I need to think some more."

"That's so dirty," Riley complained. "You know we're all curious now."

Hailey kissed Riley, then skipped off. "Break," she repeated.

"Your girlfriend's a bit of a tease," Jen said.

Riley still had eyes on Hailey, appreciating the way she moved even without her butt being as visible as she was used to. "Depends on her mood," Riley said, half to herself.


At break, Riley immediately sought out Hailey, who in turn dragged Riley to a deserted classroom. Riley's interest was piqued when Hailey pulled her leggings down with no more preamble than, "Watch the door."

Riley took up station near the door, but almost exclusively watched Hailey rather than the small window to the hall outside. She was pretty sure Hailey wasn't trying to be sexy, she hadn't teased hardly at all while taking her pants off, and even while standing there in her panties, she seemed too focused on some sort of task to even flash her butt properly.

It didn't take Riley long to decide to help out with the latter. She sneaked over and tugged Hailey's panties down to optimal jewel-showing height. Hailey whirled her head around in initial surprise, but then only snorted in amusement as Riley resumed her ostensible lookout post.

"Sorry. Should have thought of that," Hailey said.

"Mmhm. But this crackdown has everyone all confused."

"So unnecessary."

"I know! Haven't seen any butts all day, until just now. Or any jewels."

"Butts I can't help. But jewels..."

Riley's eyes widened as Hailey pulled out a pair of scissors. She hadn't much been paying attention to what Hailey was doing with her leggings, but when Hailey started carefully cutting them, Riley got both interested and concerned.

"Whatcha doin', babe?"

"Well... we can't show off as much anymore, right?"

"Not looking good."

"So what if we just had something a bit... subtler?"

"Like what?"

Hailey tested her handiwork for a moment, poking a finger through a small hole she'd made in the butt of her leggings. She then rather unsubtly popped her butt plug out and managed to just barely squeeze it through the hole without ripping it wider.

"There. Perfect," Hailey declared.

Riley frowned and stepped closer, abandoning all pretense of keeping watch. "Ok, but... now what?"

"Now I put them back on, obviously."

It all started coming together for Riley as Hailey stepped back into her bottoms. She pulled them up, keeping hold of her plug, then once she was settled, pushed her plug snuggly back in her ass.

"Oh wow," Riley breathed in awe.

"How's it look? Good, I hope, 'cause I kinda can't turn back time on that hole I made."

Hailey's jewel was nicely visible, even with her leggings all the way up. Since it was now through the hole in Hailey's leggings at its narrowest point, the base of the plug did double duty for not going all the way inside Hailey, nor all the way through the hole in her pants.

In fact, the plug was pinning Hailey's leggings even tighter to her butt than usual. The curves of her ass were visible as plainly as if she was bottomless. Not the skin itself, but the entire shape of it. And right in the middle, her gleaming little bum jewel.

"That's amazing," Riley said. "It's perfect!"


"Yeah. It's so hot. And not really as noticeable from a distance unless someone's really looking for it."

Hailey grinned over her shoulder. "Subtlety."

"Yeah, you're right." Riley cupped Hailey's ass in both hands and ran them up and down a little. "Your panties are kind of a problem though. They're kinda bunched up and ruining your lines."

"I thought they probably would be an issue. But, uh, I don't think I can get away without. 'Cause you know, they at least soak up some wetness."

"Oh trust me, I know." Riley kept massaging Hailey's ass. A tentative idea was forming in her head, but she wasn't quite sure about it yet. "So, wanna cut a hole for me too?"

Hailey turned and kissed Riley. "I was hoping you'd ask."

Hailey repeated her careful cutting for Riley's bottoms, then knelt down and ate her ass some to 'make sure it was slippery enough.' There was still lots of lube for sticking Riley's plug back in, but she wasn't about to point that out.

Any further sexiness had to wait, since the bell rang for next period. The girls got themselves sorted out, smoothing their panty bunching out as much as possible, then walked hand in hand in the direction of their next classes, parting regretfully when they had to go separate directions.


Jen was on Riley like glue right from the start of lunch.

"Show me. Show me show me show me!"

Riley smiled, took a cursory glance around, then turned and let Jen examine her butt.

"Oh wow!" Jen said. "That's amazing!"

"I know."

"How come you didn't tell me you guys were doing that? I had to hear about it in a rumour."

"That's a quick rumour. We only tried it at break."

"Could have invited me."

"Sorry, Jen. I didn't know what was going on at first. By the time we'd tested it, there wasn't time."

Jen pouted. "Yeah, I guess. We'll you'll get me sorted out too, yeah?"

"Oh course. Just gotta find Hailey. She's got the magic touch with those scissors."

Jen wiggled Riley's plug a little, which felt quite nice, then turned it on for her, which felt even nicer. They wandered off to find Hailey, Riley's ass buzzing and her gem visible to anyone who wanted to look. Her butt was technically covered more than usual, but the size and curve of it were just as obvious as they ever had been. In these trying days of administrative repression, Riley got more attention than ever before for her daring look.

They met up with Hailey and all found a quiet corner to hang out for lunch. Almost immediately, Jen had her leggings off and handed over to Hailey, who set about cutting her third hole in a pair of pants already that day.

While Hailey was busy, Riley helped Jen get her panties pulled down at the back while keeping them as unbunched as possible. It wasn't an easy task, but they had all lunch if they needed it. Plus it meant Jen got to show her butt gem to anyone who came by, just as if it was a normal day.

Granted, pants had usually stayed mostly on, and they'd be in significant trouble if one of those people wandering by was a person of authority. So not altogether normal.

They got Jen's leggings back and pinned them to her butt with her shiny plug, just the way Riley and Hailey were wearing theirs. They each took a turn modeling for the others and helping each other adjust for optimum effect. They then took a casual stroll around in order to show off the new, arguably safer but still pretty hot look to as many of their classmates as they could.

"So I really think I do have an idea for this," Riley said, having come to a decision since break. "I think you should both come to my place after school."

"What's the idea?" Jen asked.

"She's not gonna tell," Hailey said. "I already tried."

"That's right," Riley said. "It's my turn for secrets. You're just gonna have to wait and see."


Riley actually found it much easier bringing Hailey home with Jen present to help deflect attention. Her parents and brother took hardly any note of Jen's presence beyond a few usual pleasantries, and by extension Hailey slipped mostly under the radar.

There was no reason any of them should have suspected Hailey of being anything other than a friend anyway, but Riley was still new and nervous to this whole 'liking girls' thing. Even if her anxieties were rapidly falling behind her.

Only when they were all three safely locked in her room did Riley explain her idea.

"I got these panties a little while back," Riley said, opening up her underwear drawer. "I thought they might be kinda hot for showing off jewelry. But maybe a little too much so. I never quite worked up the nerve to try."

Riley held up a pair and turned them around in her hands.

"They've got no butt," Jen said, peering closely.

"Well, not much of one," Hailey said.

"Yeah, backless," Riley confirmed. "They go up from your pussy to either side of your butt crack. Leave it open."

Jen snatched the panties from Riley's hands and examined them closer. "Perfect for showing off."

"Exactly," Riley said. "Wear these and we can still have something to keep our bottoms from soaking through too badly, but that don't get all wrinkled and lumpy when our leggings are stretched over them. 'Cause they can just stay up too."

Hailey kissed Riley's cheek. "I love it, babe. These'll do nicely." She grinned. "And they definitely woulda been hot framing our butts too, back when we could get away with it. You shoulda gone for it."

Riley shrugged, blushing faintly. "Never quite dared."

Jen was already stripping off her bottoms, damp panties included. She didn't seem to mind Hailey being there and getting to see her pussy, and certainly wouldn't be bothered by Riley. She pulled the backless panties on and adjusted them, then popped her butt plug back in.

"How's that look?" Jen asked, turning this way and that to give Riley and Hailey views from different angles.

The girls nodded approvingly.

"Pretty hot," Riley said. "I think they look better on you than they ever did on me."

"I disagree," Hailey said.

"How would you know?"

Hailey just grinned until Riley rolled her eyes.

"You wanna see, don't you?" Riley said.

"Sure do."

Jen started to pulled the panties down, but Riley waved her off.

"I got more," Riley said.

"You have more of the same panties that you never wore?" Jen asked, somewhat incredulous.

"Never said I didn't wear them," Riley said. "Just never showed them. I go through so many pairs during a week at school I need something for weekends and evenings and whatever."

Hailey giggled. "Bad girl."

Riley, too, stripped bottomless with no compunctions. Both Hailey and Jen had seen everything she had, and for slightly different reasons she was happy enough to get partly or fully naked in front of either or both of them.

Riley emulated Jen, adjusting her backless panties to ride symmetrically up each cheek while leaving the middle bared. She took the time to swap out her vibrating plug for her more colourful gem, since she figured presentation mattered more than vibrational potential.

In fact, with her older plug in and matching panties, Riley and Jen made quite a pair. Hailey professed to preferring the way Riley pulled off the look, but she was biased.

After modeling panties and plugs separately and together, Jen bounced casually onto Riley's bed and nodded at Hailey. "Your turn."

Hailey looked at Riley.

"Yeah, I have another pair," Riley said. "If you want."

"Well I can't possibly be left out of this," Hailey said.

She too modeled her underwear and bejeweled backside for the others, even doing a bit of a slow, swaying dance with her butt to Riley and Jen.

It got a bit crowded on the bed afterward, but Riley and Hailey didn't mind getting quite cozy. There was a bit of an awkward pause while all three girls knew they were horny from school and their butt plugs, and from the sexy modeling show they'd given each other, but weren't quite sure what to do.

Riley solved the problem by sticking her hand down her panties, lowering her eyelids, and sighing contentedly as she rubbed herself.

Hailey and Jen were close behind, just as soon as they saw that it was going to be fine with everyone.

As they all masturbated together, Hailey slipped her leg over Riley's, opening up more room for her to rub her pussy. Riley enjoyed the warm contact and leaned harder against Hailey in return.

Jen kept deliberately more to herself, as much as it was possible on the relatively small seating area they had to work with. She didn't shy away from watching the other two, though.

The three horny teens fingered their wet pussies and rocked back and forth slightly, grinding on their butt plugs. Panting breaths filled the bed until one by one they made themselves cum and got to finally relax after a hard day of getting themselves all worked up from anal stimulation and mild exhibitionism.

"What's kinda funny," Hailey said, still idly playing with herself under her panties, "is even though we weren't showing any skin or anything, I feel like more people were staring at our butts than ever."

"Oh definitely," Riley said. "But you just watch, won't take long for some others to start copying."

"Mmm, that's fine," Hailey said. "As long as we were first."

Jen sighed. "I don't know if I can get Logan to go along. I tried talking to him about it, but he doesn't really want to cut holes in his jeans like that."

"So get him some leggings?" Riley suggested.

"I don't think he'd go for that either." Jen sighed again. "He's such a boy sometimes."

Riley and Hailey exchanged a glance.

"Guess we cunningly avoided that problem," Riley said.

Hailey grinned and kissed her tenderly. "We made the right call."

Jen rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah. Yippee for you two."

"That's not very supportive, Jen," Riley said, mocking a frown.

"Well you're lucky, is all," Jen said. "Even the boys getting in on the bum jewelry thing aren't taking it seriously enough, just generally."

"'Cause they don't have to," Hailey said. "Less competition. Not as fierce."

Jen grumbled and curled up on the end of the bed and tried to ignore Riley and Hailey making out and slipping fingers to each other's backsides. "At least the party's coming up. We'll be able to rock that anyway."


The girls' legging holes idea took off pretty quickly, although in somewhat subdued fashion. Plenty of students who would happily dare to show off bums and jeweled plugs weren't quite willing to cut holes in their clothes to sneak past the draconian crackdown at the school.
