Buying a Lap Dance From His Sister

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He just had to know if she'd do it.
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Author's Notes: If it's not made clear enough in the story, all of the people participating in sexual acts in this story are over the age of 18.

Please, don't forget to comment, rate, and if you like it, favorite the story. Constructive critique and feedback are always welcomed.

This is the re-edited version of the story, published because, as many people have correctly pointed out, there was a pretty embarrassing mistake near the end.


Charles gulped hard, audibly, the loud movements of his dry throat briefly drawing her attention.

Michelle took a glimpse of her brother's figure, standing in a rather strangely rigid way a couple of feet away from where she was sitting. Her fleeting gaze quickly scanned his body bottom-up until she noticed the odd expression etched on his face, upon noticing which she returned her brittle attention to the magazine she was reading. "You need something?" she asked, in a rather dismissive and disinterested manner.

She loved her older brother, of course, as most younger sisters do.

But, truth be told, she couldn't bring herself to care about his private affairs.

"Nope, I'm OK," he replied nearly instantly, almost spitting the words out as he forced them out of his mouth. "Don't mind me." he hastily added to make sure her attention, however fleeting, won't return to him, at least for a few moments.

He didn't need much more than that to decide what to do.

"Sure Jen," she replied in a carefree manner, her eyes not leaving the pages of the magazine she tightly held in her slim, nicely manicured fingers for a moment.

Just as she did every time their conversations reached this point, and just as he hoped she would do once again, she now turned to paying absolutely no attention to him. However, unlike what he usually did in these situations, he now very much paid a lot of attention to her, instead of likewise ignoring her.

Harsh dryness continued to grip his throat as his gaze remained focused on his sister's well-sculpted figure. He could feel the beating of his nervous heart reverberate throughout his body as his eyes quickly but thoroughly scanned all of the inviting curves of her feminine body.

She was hot. He had no idea how it happened, since even a few months after her 18th birthday, he could only see her as the annoying brat he had always seen her as, but as the months of her last teen years passed by, something happened. Somehow, she finally bloomed, and it was impossible not to notice, however awkward and ashamed of himself it made him.

At first, the reason he felt that way was actually because of her age, rather than because of their relationship. Not that he wasn't repulsed by the fact that he found his sister attractive, but the fact that he was attracted to a woman who, well, could even call herself a "woman" for just a few months at the time was rather disturbing for someone so obsessed with the rules of society as he was. Not to mention, the Torres siblings were never particularly close and so, although they always liked each other and never had any serious problems with each other, at times they thought of each other as peers and friends, rather than siblings.

It was only recently, with her entering the final moments of her life during which her age will end with the word "teen", that the fact that he was getting hard almost every time he looked at his little sister started bothering him more because of who she was.

Looking his little sister's body over, it wasn't hard to believe that the rumors he heard could've been true. For a girl with his little sister's looks, the temptation to do something like that would surely be great.

At 5-foot-2-inches, she might've been a little shorter than most, but that was the only flaw in her looks, if it even was a law at all, as more than a few men, he included, found short women to be particularly attractive.

Other than maybe that, his little sister had a body that looked like photos of it should be plastered in dictionaries next to definitions of words such as "bombshell" or "sexpot." A beautiful face with big, expressive brown eyes and plump, full, naturally red lips. Long, slender, shapely legs perfectly complimented by her black stockings. Similarly slender arms ending with delicate small hands. Exquisitely curved hips situated just above a big, round ass, parts of which were spilling over into his view even though she was sitting with her legs closed, the whole thing just begging to be slapped and spanked.

Flawless, milky skin all over nicely contrasting with her long, straight, jet black hair.

And, of course, her big, round tits, which completely dominated her body. Undoubtedly bigger than her head, the only thing he was unsure of was justhow much, he knew he would have to force himself to stop looking at them. It was completely obvious that she didn't wear a bra today, and with the black T-shirt she wore doing effectively nothing to hide them, he could see just about every inch of her large breasts as they proudly jutted out from her chest, almost meeting the leg she was resting in front of them on the other leg's knee with how big they were.

His sister was, simply put, smoking hot. A late bloomer whose curves needed a lot of time to develop, considering how magnificent her breathtaking body was to be.

As his right hand tightly grasped the pack of cotton paper in his pocket, the sound of which crumbling she luckily didn't seem to hear, he gulped once again as he got ready to do what he was thinking about for the last few days.

He was probably... no, he was undoubtedly going to screw up his relationship with his sister with what he was about to do unless everything somehow went perfectly.

Possibly his entire life, as well.

But, not knowing what to think about his sister was even worse.

He was tired of waiting, and now, with their parents out of the house for a while for the first time in who even knows how many months by now, he knew this was his last chance.

Now, or never.

First, he was going to start slow...

"Erm, Shelly?" he blurted out as he saw her gaze rise to meet his in reaction to the loud gulping.

"What, Charlie?" she replied with a slight hint of annoyance in her voice, and a very big sign of it on her previously-expressionless face. She hated when her brother referred to her with a diminutive of her name, any one of them, but "Shelly" was the one she hated the most and made it a point to always pay him back in kind.

Though it didn't have anywhere the effect on him as it had on her.

Which, of course, was why he kept doing it.

"Well, urm," he mumbled, suddenly at a loss of words as the courage to continue left him for a few seconds, before his gaze almost automatically shifted downwards from her rather-annoyed face to again glue itself to the massive fleshy globes which ruled her chest. "Well, this might sound a little pervy," he said as he stared at her giant funbags "but, what's your cup size, Sis?"

For a split second, a complete confusion was apparent on her face, before her mind fully processed what he had just asked and the way he was looking at her. Then, a rather shallow snicker left her mouth. "I assume you meant bra size," she replied, before being interrupted.

"Nope, cup size," he insisted "Tells you much more than just bra size."

"I know exactly what you meant," she said, the annoyance in her voice now completely obvious "Please, don't interrupt me when I'm speaking, and please, don't lecture me about tits. My own, or anything related to any other, ever. I know much more than you ever could. Kind of comes with the territory." she said as she made her massive tits jiggle a little hitting the underside of them with her right forearm, snickering once again, much more loudly this time, as she watched the effects it had on her brother.

"Well, I mean," he stammered before he himself was now, for a change, interrupted by her.

"And yes. It is quite pervy, as you might say, to ask your own sister about the size of her breasts," she said a little triumphantly. Just as she noticed him getting a little uncomfortable, but before he could say anything, she continued "Hell, it's not just pervy, I'd say, just like I wanted to do before you cut me off, that it's just flat-out perverted to ask your own fucking sister to her face, what her cup size is while staring at her breasts like a horny dog."

"Oh c'mon, Shelly," he replied in a tone imploring her to calm down "We're both grown adults. It's just a question I'm curious about. Is that so hard to answer? Just a simple question between adult siblings, nothing serious."

Getting the hint in his voice, she took a deep breath, rolled her eyes slightly, and repositioned herself, freeing her crossed legs and turning her body toward her curious brother, confident that she could get him to stop pestering her if she'll only play along with him a little. "If you're that interested in it, well, I'm 30H. Now, did that satisfy your curiosity, Charlie?"

"Holy fuck," he exclaimed, stunned by her revelation.

"You're not the first person to react like this," she said in a deadpan manner.

"I knew you were busty, but," he blurted out almost instinctively before she cut him off.

"I'm just as busty as I was a minute ago, before you had any idea of what any number on my bras was," she said, obviously experienced with this type of dialogue "My tits were always this big, well," she chuckled "at least for the past year. They didn't get any bigger or smaller, I simply told you their measurements, which happen to be a number which most people believe to be ridiculous. Most people seem to believe cup sizes end at some multitude of Ds or something."

"Yeah, I know," he replied, still close to being breathless "Still, that's a lot Sis."

"About the same as Christina Hendricks," she replied "Won't lie, I like it. It can be a pain in the ass, well, on the back mostly, but overall, there's much more pros than cons to it," she said, the sentences leaving her lightly grinning mouth filled with weak chuckles.

"Yeah, I can imagine," he replied in an utterly deadpan, and a little disgusted, tone, his sister's words and chuckles feeling like cold, merciless slaps awakening him once again to the reality of the situation.

"Any other questions Bro?" she asked, teasingly, bending her body forward a little to allow him a better view of her barely-concealed cleavage.

Suddenly finding himself utterly clueless as to what to say, he knew it was time to go for the jugular. Once again, sounds of cotton paper crumpling emanated throughout the room, coming from his right pocket.

"Charlie?" she asked, a look of confusion and subdued, but still noticeable anger, appearing on her face. She already answered his perverted question with everything he could've possibly wanted to know, what more could he possibly want?

As her mind realized what the familiar sound coming from his pocket was, she immediately understood what the answer to her question was.

She felt her pussy twitch as her blood started to run cold in anticipation of what she now was sure was about to come. So far, she believed she was in yet another iteration of a certain conversation she already had with quite a lot of people since her breasts fully matured.

And, that was true.

However, although her conscious mind still struggled with the realization, she now started to understand that this was about to change into yet another iteration of a completely different conversation which she took a part in many times since her breasts had fully matured, though it was a much more taboo one where the familiar sound of crumbling bills made out of cotton paper figured quite prominently.

"Erm, Sis," he said as he looked into her confused face, unsure of himself and, by now, driven by pure instinct and curiosity "This will sound even more pervy than my last question, but," he froze, not knowing why, as they both took the opportunity to take a deep breath while looking each other in the eyes "Can I see them?" he forced out, as his heart stopped and cock twitched.

"WHAT?!" she immediately yelled out at him in response before she even fully grasped what he had just said.

Just as she was ready to yell at him some more, her brother, startled by her reaction, quickly pulled his right hand from his pocket. In his closed fist was a large stack of 10 dollar bills. Just as her eyes locked themselves on the fat stack of bills in his hand, she saw it thrown right in her face. He threw the bills in his hand at her, the money flying in all directions as they rained down all over his busty little sister.

For a few moments, she watched the green pieces of cotton paper, worth hundreds of dollars, fall all around her and at her, before locking her eyes with her older brother once again. The mostly-neutral expression on her face twisted into a much angrier one immediately as their gazes met, as he could see her anger seeping from the big, beautiful brown eyes.

Without a word, she was screaming at him, demanding an answer.

And she wasn't willing to wait.

"So-Sorry Sis," he started babbling apologetically "I-I just, well, two weeks, two weeks ago, heard you do things, things for money," he said, before taking a few breaths and adding "So, well, I mean, you're pretty, and, why not me as well? Better when it's someone who really cares about you."

For a moment, she was getting ready to say something, before the sentence he hastily added completely took her breath away, leaving her staring at him with her mouth agape and a flabbergasted expression on her face.

"Just..." she finally said as the total silence in the room became too much for either of them, standing up from the chair and shaking off some of the dollar bills which landed on her before "Just what did you hear? From who?"

"I think you know," he replied, a nasty grin forming on his face and confidence growing in his voice "Guys who got to see your tits shake and your ass twerk after they threw money on you like this. Heard a lot from them. So I thought, why the fuck shouldn't I get to see at least a bit of the titties I've been beating my meat to for months as well?"

"You," she said, the obvious fury in her voice almost perfectly concealed by a pretense of calmness, as her mouth twisted into a grin similar to his one "Have about five seconds to apologize, starting now, before I'll put your face down on the floor. With that chair," she added, pointing behind her.

"I have vids of you," he calmly informed her.

After he did so, the mostly-calm front she was putting on cracked.

"You're bullshitting," she insisted, panicked "There aren't any videos."

She was right. He was bullshitting.

But, without even realizing it, her panicked reaction just proved to him beyond any reasonable doubt that his allegations were true.

All of them.

His sister was doing it. She was doing all of those things for money from her male peers.

As he realized this, he felt something break inside of his mind, as if some thin membrane enveloping his consciousness suddenly popped, snatching him from the dream he was in to make him face the full, merciless reality of the situation he was in.

He was looking at a girl who shook her tits, slapped her ass, and sucked cocks for money.

"Oh there are, trust me," he replied smugly, rather late, winking his right eye in a rather cocky way, which he learned a long time ago could help him make people believe whatever ridiculous stuff he was trying to convince them of "And, well, I'm pretty sure you know all of the people who are gonna see them if you won't do what I want."

By now, he was pretty much running on autopilot.

Shocked and, although he fully expected this result, even a little heartbroken, he was nevertheless a young guy who had could clearly see a sexual experience he had imagined hundreds of times by now coming closer and closer, and his body reacted appropriately. He was hard as a rock and his chest just barely managed to contain his crazily beating heart as he was proceeding with this situation exactly as he imagined doing in his jerk-off fantasies of the last few weeks.

Not that his sister was in an all that different place mentally by now, anyway. She wasn't some naive virgin who just discovered what a penis was for a long time by now. She knew exactly what men wanted, even her brother now, apparently, understood, or at least mistakenly believed she did so, what her position was, and was certain of what was soon going to happen. She was much less thrilled about it, but her heart was beating just as quickly and loudly as his, and she was also looking forward to the inevitable, if only, respectively, due to her nervousness and because she wanted this to be over with as soon as possible.

"Charles," she said, respectfully. It felt weird, but a little satisfying, for him to hear his sister say his name in such a polite way. It felt similarly weird, and much more than a little unpleasant, for her to say his name in such a way given what he wanted from her, but, she knew she didn't have many opportunities with her words in the situation she was in. Keeping the respectful tone in her voice, she added, already knowing the answer "What do you want?"

"I want what the others got, for the same price," he said bluntly.

"You do realize I'm your sister, right?" she said, still trying to get him to change his mind "You haven't forgotten that, right?"

"True, and as a family, there should be no secrets between us!" he said, excitedly "Or, of course, between us and the rest of our family. Which is exactly why I should show everyone those videos, right, Shelly?"

And that was it. She was defeated.

With a heavy sigh, she asked "What do you want, exactly?"

"Everything the dudes from your school got, and then some," he replied, the nervous young man he appeared to be just moments before nowhere to be found "I think I deserve that for all of that cash," he added as he calmly walked past her and sat in her chair "Give me a little show at first. Turn me on. Drag this out a little. A little teasing never killed anybody."

"You're already turned on," she said as she pointed at his rock-hard erection, which seemed ready to rip a hole in his jeans "A lot it seems. Why waste time instead of getting on with it?"

"Because I want to enjoy this for as long as possible, and for all of that money I think I deserve it," he replied "C'mon, I know you were giving lap dances, stripping and turning dudes on before sucking and fucking them. I'm turned on, so just turn me on more."

For a few moments, she for the final time thought about some way to get out of this situation, before, not managing to find any, she accepted it and decided to just do what he wanted. At this point, it was only her reluctance that was dragging this on, and the sooner she started doing what he wanted, the sooner this was going to end.

And besides, this could be fun. The concept of incest always fascinated, and aroused, her a little. While Charles wasn't exactly something to put on the cover of a women's magazine, with his scrawny physique, skinny and slightly gaunt looking face, and a bowl cut which would look funny on a normal guy, but on someone with his face, it looked flat-out laughable. On the rare occasions that her erotic fantasies turned incestuous, it was their father, a former athlete, or their 2 current athlete cousins who starred in them, rather than him.

Still, there was something cute about him, and the confident way in which he now acted was rather attractive.

As he spread his legs and gestured for her to come to him, she obeyed, starting to lightly sway her hips as she did so.

"You better be hiding some more cash Charlie," she said cockily, looking into his eyes as she slowly, seductively circled her hips "This doesn't come cheap, and I don't see all that much of it on the ground."