Cabin Pressure


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Reflexively, my eyes cycled once again through the other participants and found them all most deeply engaged in the same exercise. Amazingly, all three women were reacting the same way, heads back and mouths open. Under my leadership, the men were apparently scoring points. I was proud, not to mention horny as hell.

It was time for a little reward. I pulled my hand free from Val's breast and opened my zipper. Before I could go any further, Val took over and undid my buckle and pants button and freed my cock and balls from my shorts. The damned thing was standing upright like the Statue of Liberty we would soon fly over.

I looked around. All three women had performed the same act as Val, and I saw three cocks poised and waiting. All parties were really copying everything Val and I did, to a "T". The Women looked to Val, who reached over, while my hand was still on her pussy, fingers inside and palm on her clit, and slowly wrapped her fingers clear around my shaft and began a slow up and down stroke. Genie, Marie and Patty followed suit. This was bizarre, but beautiful. I worked hard to re-concentrate myself on the task at hand – turning Val on to the point of begging to get laid. My cock was giving orders.

The inspiration struck me to rise and stand before her. Doing so, my pants fell to my ankles and my shorts clung to my lower thighs. Val, freed from my work on her pussy, immediately took me into her mouth and began a luxurious montage of tremendous feelings in my brain. Her lips were moist and glided over the head of my dick with just enough friction for a delicious sensation. But when she pushed further, she must have closed her cheeks down somehow for it felt like I was entering a velvet tunnel. All down the sides of my cock I felt the warm smooth touch of her.

To my amazement, and sheer pleasure, she pushed once hard, and I felt the head of my cock enter her throat. It was compressed, the slightest touch raspy, just enough to really get it pulsing, and I felt my balls against her chin. It was my turn to let my head drop back, mouth open, and utter a deeply satisfied groan.

An after thought hit me and sure enough, upon checking around, I saw that all three other women were doing the same thing. Will, looking over his shoulder at me, actually winked and mouthed silently, "That's a first!"

We all enjoyed this action for several minutes. The gagging sounds of the women were muffled at first, as if they were trying to silence themselves, but soon they were making no such stifling attempts. The noises grew so loud out of unrestricted pleasure and effort that I wondered how long it would be before someone in Coach heard us and came to investigate. But that was no longer a concern. I was getting blown professionally at thirty-seven thousand feet, moving five hundred miles an hour across the country. Could it really get any better?

Crossing the Country

Val milked my cock and balls like they'd never been linked before. It wasn't long before the first signs of impending eruption arose. A rumbling began deep in my balls, a threatening explosion with a clear course to a finale that could not be mistaken. I put my hands to the sides of Val's head and whispered, "I won't be able to take much more of that."

She nodded her head up and down as if to agree, but then put her hands behind my ass and pulled me in even tighter. She'd hold her breath and suck me down for a few seconds, bounce me back an inch or so out of her throat and leave me there for a moment, while she took a few breaths, then pull me back in with her hands on my ass. I'd never had this kind of action before and I was mesmerized, as well as swelling beyond any size I could ever remember.

I looked back at the attendants and they were totally immersed in similar action, though Genie was on her knees before her standing man. Accommodations. It was obvious she was doing her absolute damndest to follow the lead Val. She gagged more, but persevered. She wasn't quite as deep in her penetrations, or as long in holding him down, but I saw the look out of the corner of her eye at Val. The student winked at her teacher in pride. These women! What did they have going?

Tony was in heaven. Marie too was looking and winking occasionally at Val, but she took to sucking cock like a milk machine on a cow's teats. She was relentless. She was easily taking Tony's cock down her throat, holding it for seemingly endless time, then pushing it back out, only to take a single deep breath and pull him back in again. And again, she winked at Val. And again, these women had something on us men that we'd probably never understand, but forever crave. I looked back toward Patty and Will.

Will was flying high in more ways than one. I couldn't see their union, hidden by Will's ass between me and Patty's head, but I could sure hear the aggressive gagging and the slap of skin each time Will's balls slammed up against Patty's chin. It was as if they'd both discovered something new and craved all they could get of the experience lest they may never have the opportunity again.. They were relentless, and I admired Will's staying power with all that action.

And my staying power was at an end. Val sensed this and pulled me in hard. When the first shot did not yet materialize, she pushed me back, took a breath, and began a series of about ten quick plunges on my cock, pulling me all the way in, then pushing me back so only the head of my dick remained warm and wet in her mouth. She repeated the sequence, faster and faster, until she sensed, correctly this time, that I was beyond the point of no return. She pulled me hard and deep back down her throat.

My world rolled. I felt no gravity. I knew nothing of the place we were. My eyes closed and I saw lightening crossing my "sky." A rumbling in my loins became a volcano of sperm erupting into some warm and wanton place. I shot the biggest blast I think I've ever managed. It flew way up into my "sky." Bolts of lightening followed it. We were floating.

Another blast erupted. Something pulled on my ass, something soft but demanding. I was being swallowed whole. I felt a twirling motion, like the beginnings of a whirlpool, pulling me round and round, slowly sucking me in. I moaned so loud and long it should have brought a throng of rescuers from Coach, but all it brought was similar cries from three other guys in first. We were putty, being molded, reshaped, twisted and twirled by a tornado controlling our cocks. We gave ourselves to the moment, to the women – there was nothing they could have asked and we would not have given. Life was so good.

Ten minutes later, we were all exhausted, lying back our seats. Even the attendants had taken the two empty seats behind Tony and Marie and flopped down, used up. There was no sound, just breathing, long, deep, oxygenated lungs full of life giving air.

Finally, I heard Will say breathlessly to Patty, "I never knew you could do that."

Patty said, "Neither did I."

Will said, almost with a tinge of guilt, "I don't, I don't know what to say. I never came that hard in my life. I hope..."

I looked around through the seats and saw her put a finger to his lips and say, "Don't worry. I loved it, much to my amazement, I loved it. I don't think I ever felt so, what I am I trying to say, so in touch with you. You were part of me. It was like when we are making love, but different somehow."

Will said, "I've got to take that new client in LA. And you are coming on every flight."

They chuckled together, then hugged only like two deeply in love lovers can. Over Will's shoulder, Patty winked yet again at Val, who I saw when I turned quickly, winked right back. Just what the hell is it with these women?

The flight attendants were first to rise, and one by one, all eight of us began taking a little personal time in the can, freshening up ourselves or our seats, exchanging a little small talk, and acting more and more like average passengers, if commiserating flight attendants and First Class passengers who've just conducted an orgy can do such a thing. It was more like a house party – not a swingers party because there was not the slightest indication swapping was in the wind – but a party all the same.

Tony and Marie were fresh out of school and on a training junket for their new company, a rich foundation that had wooed their high grades and wealthy background names. They laughed at the hypocrisy of it all and marveled at the world they were entering. I didn't have the heart to tell them what they'd done on this flight might never be done again.

In such a short time, they'd become like family. I'm sure I wasn't alone in feeling a protective instinct over them, if not an admiration for their worldly naivety too. This young couple, totally at ease with each other's bodies and yet totally uninvolved emotionally, were icons of the next generation to take the business world by storm. I made a mental note to study up and prepare myself for a whole new set of challenges in marketing our boats to their clan.

Patty and Will were from Bean Town, a lawyer and a teacher, what a combination – educate and adjudicate. Recently married for love instead of hormones, as in both their first marriages, they found themselves hell bent on not letting a marriage go stagnant again, and they'd promised each other that all the marbles were on the table at all times, no inhibitions permitted. Given their recent performance, I'd say they were bloody true to their wishes. They'd probably last a hundred years.

The flight attendants were friends, more like the youngun's than the rest of us. They frequently found themselves on the same crew, and when they did the trips went much faster. I can't imagine why. They were from California, but laying over in New York for a couple days.

Hot Air Turbulence

Val wriggled over to me and pushed me back onto my ass, though not on the seat. I found my butt plastered to the center console, leaving me high and dry. Slowly, and deliberately, all the time smiling and staring into my eyes, she loosened my pants and shirt. Once all were peeled back or lying at my feet, she hiked up her skirt, all the way to her waist, and climbed up on the seats. She stood above me, stooped over by the overhead racks, and slowly bent her knees to let herself down on me.

Now I knew why she had me sitting on the console. She was able to straddle me and kneel on my seat and hers, placing her pussy right at the top of my pulsing erect dick. As she lowered herself further, I felt her fiery wet pussy envelope me, swallowing my manhood with her wetness and heat. I watched her face. She, too, was loving every second and inhaling deeply at each additional inch she took in.

Judging from the sounds of it, the others were following suit once again. I was sure the moans and groans were going to draw attention from Coach, but at this point I cared no more than anyone else. This was shaping up as a phenomenal fuck.

As her body approached mine, we kissed. She stuck her tongue down my throat seemingly as far as she was impaling herself on my shaft. I pulled her head to mine with pressure on the back of it, my other hand slinking up inside her sweater.

The moment came when we were totally connected. I was buried to the hilt in her pussy, and my hand was mauling her tits. She had a hand on either side of my head and her tongue down my throat. We rumbled against each other, as if there were some way we could make more contact, take each other deeper. My cock pulsed inside her like a steam engine.

I took my hand from behind her head and ran it down her back, over her ass and down her crack. With just a little effort, and a slight adjustment by Val to help, I was able to reach her tunnels with my fingers.

She shivered once when my index and middle fingers posted themselves at the openings of her pussy and ass. I left her in suspense for a little longer, forcing her to increase the tempo on my cock. And then I pushed through in both holes at once. My middle finger joined my cock in her gushing pussy, and my index surged through her sphincter and entered her ass..

"Ohhhhhhhhhh..." She moaned so comfortably the others all looked. I could see the youngun's and saw Tony immediately reposition his right hand under Marie's ass. The copy cat process was alive and well. Judging from the additional groans joining ours, the others had all kept in step.

We moaned and groaned and rubbed against each other like this for some time. As we worked, my fingers found the length and opportunity to venture deeper and deeper into her holes. I could even feel her clit rubbing on my pubic bone and each time it did, Val moaned and rubbed it harder.

I knew I was going to outlast Val this time. I had the newfound stamina of a second erection. I had her pinned to my pubic bone at her clit. I had her impaled on my cock, and a finger augmenting the sensations in both her pussy and ass. She was slaved to our moves and about to explode. I couldn't wait.

I heard Patty behind us blow first. She even stifled a scream when she remembered where she was, though it did little to cover her excitement. Will must have been getting the ride of his life for the noise of their movements was serious stuff and threatening to our privacy in First Class. Marie went second, followed quickly by Genie, but Val held out. I was getting worried I might not be up to the task, or that there might be something wrong, when she suddenly slammed her head into the seat back beside my left ear and squeezed her thighs against mine like an Amazon snake.

She plastered her mouth up to my ear and stifled as best she could what would have otherwise have been screams of orgasm. Under the circumstances, she confined herself to gasping calls for me to fuck her brains out. I had no choice but to make every attempt to please her, did I?

We racked our bodies against each other for what seemed like an hour, but was probably closer to five minutes of orgasms. She was insatiable and yet gloriously satisfied with wave after wave of jolting orgasmic eruptions. I felt a kind of joy go through me just being part of the cause of such relief, such animal passion, and before I knew it, I was erupting right up her vaginal abyss with an even greater spewage than before.

And Val loved it. She rocked on me with abandon, still in the throws of orgasm and playing instigator of mine at the same time. We were exhausted when we finally came back to thirty-seven thousand feet.

Cleared to Land

We slept. I felt sorry for the flight attendants, for they had to keep awake. It was after all, their job. I'd like to say I dreamt all about sex with Val beside me, but I simply lost all consciousness, probably in exhaustion, and slept for the first time on a plane. What a difference some sex can make in one's day, or night.

We awoke when the lights came on, and the cheery voice of our gal Genie asked, "Hot towel?"

When I was able to focus, I saw our flight attendant leaning over with a pair of tongs holding a steaming white hand towel for Val. She stirred, then took the towel with a smile she had to work to make. I took one too, but smiled up brightly at the pretty woman's face. Genie was highly sexy in her rumpled blouse and uniform skirt with the wrinkles. I wanted to slide a hand up her thigh. It was right there. Nothing was stopping me. She would probably not mind at all.

How the hell could I be eyeballing another challenge already! I'd just had some of the greatest sex in my life, and just an hour or two later I was hunting again. I was incorrigible, but I wanted her badly.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Morning. This is Captain Lassiter. I hope you had a relaxing flight. I'm sorry to wake you up, but we are entering New York City airspace and will be on the ground in less than fifteen minutes, just under a half hour early. We have tail winds to thank for that..."

He went on about thanking us for using his airline but I hear little of it. I was eyeballing the flight attendant when I heard in my left ear, "Maybe she'd join us tonight."

I turned to see Val running her tongue around her mouth. This was not over yet. Hot Damn! I looked right and saw both kids looking back, Marie performing the same motion as Val. Then I looked back at Patty and Will, and though a bit reluctantly, Patty finally rolled her tongue around sexily too.

The plane landed softly and we all readied to depart. First Class, first off. There were more perks to riding First Class. I would never pay for them out of my own pocket, but if employers or clients were ready to foot the bill, who am I to judge?

As we left the plane before anyone in Coach, Val handed out her card. Even I got one. Not even looking at it, I stuffed it in my shirt pocket to keep my hands free for carryon's. As we walked out the jet-way and eventually into the maze of JFK, we split up. Knowing winks and smiles were passed, and I thought it a bit surprising, not to mention sad, how fast everyone disappeared. Val was met by a driver I presume, he was wearing a black suit and wore a hat and somehow had gotten through security to meet her at the plane. Particularly noticeable was her complete ignoring of me from the first step we took off the plane.

"Oh well," I thought, "It sure was good while it lasted." I cherished the soreness between my legs and told myself once again to never forget a single moment of that flight.

Patty and Will waved and Patty even threw me a kiss. Tony and Marie were long gone, out-stepping everyone in their eager efforts to get to the City. And of course, Genie and Brad had work still to do before they could leave the plane.

I stood there alone, watching the last steps of people I had shared the ultimate experience with, and they disappeared as if none of it had ever happened. With a mix of sadness and exhilaration I had never experienced before, I began to trudge off to the taxi that would take me home to my Upper West Side apartment.

It wasn't until I watched JFK disappearing behind us on the Van Wyck Expressway that I remembered Val's card in my shirt. I pulled it out to shift it to my wallet.

On the front, it said, "Valerie Fitzgerald." Nothing else. The card was thick, obviously a premium stock. I wondered why the hell she had cards with just her name on them. Then it hit me – she was Valerie Fitzgerald, wife of Jacob Fitzgerald, mega developer, political election maker, crème de la crème society leader and philanthropist. No wonder Val was so horny, she probably never even saw the guy he was so busy. Well, I thought, my gain, his loss. If only her card had a phone number.

I walked by a trash can and was about to flick the card away when I noticed something written on the other side. It read, "Cum one, cum all tonight..." And a room number at the Ritz Carlton. It may have landed, and disembarked, but this flight was not over.

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Fly_paraFly_paraover 12 years ago

very we get a continuance from the hotel?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
I would love to do this sometime...

Do people really have sex on commercial flights? I have flown 1st class and coach and can't imagine doing it in either place. (Well, yes, I CAN imagine!) However, in a small 1st class area, if all parties were interested, a small orgy could take place!

Next time you fly, let me know. I am game!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I vote for the hotel continuation.

How long before we see it come out?

cr2001cr2001over 16 years ago
Great flight of wonder

That was a great story. I am really looking forward to the night in the hotel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Let me know...

The next time you fly again! I want to be your seatmate!

Nice story!!!

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