Caden's Tale Pt. 02


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Thursday and Friday went quietly. Nobody came to see me about anything but business. Jeannie walked by a couple times Thursday with a frightened look on her face, but by Friday she seemed to have recovered. Now it was all about Friday night.


I walked through the office around 3:00 p.m. Friday. Most everyone had already cleared out. I walked past Jeannie's desk area and saw her still diligently working on something. I asked, "Why are you still here. Most everyone else is gone probably home getting ready for tonight."

She barely looked up but said, "I want to log in all this disaggregated material on our newest client. If I get it in now it'll all cohere over the weekend and be ready for you."

I leaned in and hit 'control', 'alt', 'delete'. I said, "I don't want it to be ready Monday. I will probably be too tired after the weekend."

She harrumphed at me, "Now I'll have to start all over Monday."

I laughed, "Good. Now go home, take a nap, and then get ready for the party."

She stood up, saluted, and said, "Aye aye captain."

She was dressed differently; no tweed suit, no jumper, she had on pretty brown blazer, dark brown pleated miniskirt and crisp white blouse. She was wearing glasses and not contacts. She was being different. Had I done that?

I helped her with her coat and watched as she left the office. I felt good. Jeannie made me feel good.

Later that evening I pulled into her parking lot. She was waiting in what seemed to be her customary place at the big glass door. I got out of my car as she came down the concrete steps. I closed my driver's side door and stepped to the sidewalk. I held up my hands, "What do you think you're doing young lady?"

She stopped and just looked at me. She said, "I don't..."

I said, "Turn around and go back upstairs. Your apartment is 303 I believe. Go back upstairs, back inside, take off your coat, and sit wherever it is you sit. I'll be right up. I'll knock. You wait. I'll knock again. Only after I knock the second time are you to come to the door."

She looked confused so I cleared it up for her, "Anyone as beautiful as you needs to keep their date waiting. Since I'm your date I expect to have to wait. I'll pretend to grumble under my breath. It'll remind me how lucky I am to have such a lovely woman on my arm tonight. When you open the door I'll say something like 'my, my, aren't you beautiful'. Then I'll help you with your coat," I held up the package that held her corsage, "I won't put this on you till we get inside the club. I don't want it smooshed."

She gave me another of her fabulously beautiful smiles, turned and started back toward her apartment. I waited till I saw her at her apartment door on the third floor before I started up.

I got to her apartment door and I knocked. I reached out and checked the time on my wristwatch. I waited a full twenty seconds before I knocked again.

Jeannie opened her door. "Why hello stranger," she said. She stepped back to allow me room to get in.

I looked around her apartment. Here I saw was a woman with impeccable taste. Her living room and dining room adjoined in an L shape. I got a glimpse of her kitchen off to the left. The furniture all looked like Queen Anne's. I didn't really know, but I knew what I saw was stylish but subdued. I asked, "Are we ready?"

Jeannie said, "Let me get my coat."

She got it, and I helped her put it on. I marveled at what she had on. It was more than just a woman's 'typical' little black dress. What she had on took my breath away. Sexy? No! Revealing? Absolutely not! But tailored to a tee, smooth as silk, or in this case I thought satin. Just before I helped her with her coat I asked, "Would you?"

She knew what I wanted. She did a gentle pirouette that revealed everything, that was everything and nothing. The dress came just below her clavicles in front and then relaxed comfortably on her shoulders. The back came to just above her waist. The hem rested demurely just above her knees. In short, she was a 'knock out'.

Her hair was in one thick braid that hung down her back. She had on a hint of shadow that enhanced those enormous green eyes of her. The only word I could think of that adequately described her was elegant.

I told her, "You look elegant. I mean graceful. You're a red headed Grace Kelly." I always thought Grace Kelly was the most beautiful dead woman in the world.

With her coat on and securely buttoned I asked, "Shall we go?"

She nodded and said, "If it pleases you."

Believe me I was pleased. I held out my arm. She rested her hand in the crook of my elbow.


The party was the best thing that happened to me in years. Maybe in my whole lifetime.

When we got to the club a band was playing an assortment of 'calm' country hits, Forties oldies, and a range of 'out of step' rock and roll tunes. I was pleased at the mixture of fast and slow tunes.

Every eye, I mean every single eye was on Jeannie and me when we walked in. Not many people expected me to show up, and to show up with Jeannie Dunlap? Well one can only guess at what people were thinking.

People gathered first in the lobby area where we were treated to crackers and cheese and drinks. After a few minutes munching and imbibing we all made our way to main dining room. I was a supervisor of sorts so Jeannie and I got to sit at the 'first' table. There were twelve people all around. Most were older. Jeannie was the youngest woman. I was the second youngest man.

Everyone either thought they knew or suspected something about Jeannie's reputation, but the wives bosses were gracious. For her part Jeannie was warm and friendly. I surreptitiously listened in to their conversations; she agreed when it was good to be agreeable and she deferred when deference was most in order. All the wives liked that.

I felt oddly uncomfortable. She was supposedly this slut, but there was nothing in her demeanor of the sort. She was the epitome of gentility. She was my date, and she was a hit. I was kind of proud, and it seemed like I shouldn't be. It occurred to me how much I liked her, I enjoyed the envious looks we were getting from the more distant tables. There was a dissonance to the whole thing that didn't make sense.

I'd already had three Jim Beam and cokes when they showed up with the food. We ate the customary 'rubber' chicken, pork tenderloin, green beans with almonds, and parsley potatoes. By the time dessert showed up I'd had two additional glasses of champagne plus a fourth Jim Beam. I've always been proud about my ability to hold my liquor, but I had to admit I was feeling a little woozy. I looked at Jeannie and then it occurred to me; it was time to dance. Oh shit.

Geez, Jennie and I got out there, and I have to admit I really did myself proud. I didn't miss a step. When the band played a two-step I two stepped. When they played a cha cha- I did the cha cha. They played a waltz and I waltzed. They played a fast one and I boogied. At one point I looked around and everyone seemed to be looking in my direction and smiling. Some were even laughing. I looked at Jeannie and asked, "What's wrong?"

She blinded me with those pearly whites. Then she froze me with her enormous green eyes and flashing lashes. She chuckled softly and said, "You're a little out of step, but that's OK. Nobody cares."

I didn't have a clue. I honestly had no idea what I was doing. I only knew I was having the best time of my life. As I vaguely recall it at one point Jeannie and I were out on the floor all by ourselves surrounded by our colleagues and their spouses and they were all clapping their hands. Jeannie and I were doing something, the jitterbug I think, and they were cheering us on. I was dancing my heart out, but Jeannie was mostly just smiling, giggling, laughing, and I think holding me up sometimes.

Around midnight those of us who were still around retired back to the comfort of the thick sofas of the lobby. I know we were all talking about something. I can't remember what. I know we were drinking some kind of after dinner thing. It might have been Anisette. I still don't recall. Anyway what happened after that was kind of murky. Jeannie told me the next morning.


Here's what she told me.

Jeannie said a little after midnight I was too tired to keep up. She let me lay my head on her shoulder and then her lap, and that's where I stayed until it was time to close. She said I snored a little, and once snuggled my head down between her thighs. She said a couple of our coworkers half carried and half walked me to my car where they tucked me in the passenger's seat.

Jeannie told me she drove me to her apartment where some other people she didn't know helped her carry me up to her apartment. She said she undressed me and put me in her bed. She slept on her couch. I woke up a little after 11:00 a.m. with one hellacious hangover. I didn't remember any of it.

I do sort of remember Saturday. I spent all that day at Jeannie's, mostly sleeping and whining. She said she spent most of the day feeding me tomato juice and coffee, and keeping a cool cloth on my forehead. She praised me on my ability to so convincingly complain about the noise and bright sunlight. At some point while I was asleep she took my keys and drove her car to my townhouse where she grabbed a few things for me to wear.

I wasn't very hungry Saturday night, but she managed to get me to eat a spoonful or two of scrambled eggs. She drew me a bath, made me clean myself up, and then she sent me home sometime around 8:00 p.m. I left, but not before I made her promise to go out with me again.


I got to work a little late Monday. Actually it was a whole lot late. I'd slept away most of Sunday, and when I got up Monday morning I couldn't find my wallet. I searched high and low. Finally I called work and they put me through to Jeannie. She told me I'd forgotten it but she'd brought it in with her. I asked her why she hadn't called and told me. She said she had. She said she'd left a message on my cell phone. It was then I realized I didn't have my cell phone either.

So it was after 10:00 when got to work. There was an email from Angela, and an in house message from the partners. The partners wanted to see me. I thought, 'Uh oh.'

I skipped Angela's email and went to see my bosses; they were in a meeting, but let me in anyway. My company has two partners; both are older men. One is Gilbert Moravia and the other is William Perth; both men are saints in my book. They stopped whatever it was they were doing and asked me to come in and have a seat. And that's what I did. I was really nervous.

Mr. Perth started, "Caden what do you remember about Friday night?"

I smiled and sort of shrugged my shoulders, "Well I know I had a good time, and..."

Mr. Moravia chuckled, "You were quite a hit."

I grinned but didn't mean it, "Jeannie said..."

Mr. Moravia didn't wait, "You know we have a morals clause in our work contract."

I knew we did, but I didn't think it would count if nothing was happening, I said, "Believe me Jeannie, I mean Ms. Dunlap and I are just office acquaintances. She needed a..."

Mr. Perth interrupted me, "We don't care. We already had this conversation with Ms. Dunlap, and she offered to quit if..."

I interrupted him, "No she can't do that. I..."

Mr. Moravia stopped me, "We already told her no. Now let me tell you what we explained to her."

I sat silently, all ears.

Mr. Moravia continued, "There's no problem as long as she doesn't claim 'hostile working environment' or 'sexual harassment'. We don't think she will. Now there could be a problem if someone else in the office feels because of any relationship she might have with you that she'd get more favorable treatment. If that happened Mr. Meadows we'll hold you accountable. Understand?"

I nodded in the affirmative.

Then Mr. Moravia added one more point, "The only other thing is if any relationship you might have were to leak out beyond these walls. Say if one of our clients, or heaven forbid, some state employee working with human relations ever got a burr up their ass, then there could be a problem."

Mr. Perth added, "What we're saying is you and Ms. Dunlap need to tread lightly. We've warned you. We don't want any trouble."

I was sweating it out. I said, "We'll be careful. I guarantee it."

Mr. Perth said, "That's all."

As I got up to go Mr. Moravia stopped me. He said one more thing, "Caden you're a good employee. You've been an example to the others, but frankly since your divorce, and in truth even before, you were never quite what we hoped for. Friday night we all saw a side of you we hadn't seen. Caden we liked it. Maybe we're wrong but Jeannie seems to be like a tonic. You be sure to be good to her. That's off the record. Treat her respectfully. You understand."

I smiled, "Yes sir I do. I guarantee, no problems."

I left realizing I'd been called on the carpet, but given an 'off hand' vote of confidence at the same time. I went back to my desk. I needed to read Angela's email, and I needed to call Jeannie on her private cell phone.

I got back and opened the email. I was surprised. Angela had been at the club Friday night. I hadn't seen her, but she'd seen me. This is what she wrote:


Dear Caden:

"Caden. I saw you last night. You were so happy. I think I remember Ms. Dunlap. You looked so happy. I admit it; I was jealous. Anyway Caden I wanted to tell you again that I love you. I've always loved you. I miss you terribly. I am so sorry for what I did. I know I made a real mess of things, and I'll regret what I did the rest of my life, but I'm glad you've landed on your feet. Please try to think kindly of me if you think of me at all. Just know that I think about you all the time.

Love, Angela."


I admit her email made me pause and think. I read it several times, but I realized I had moved on. I also realized there might be someone else in my life. I deleted what Angela sent. It was time to look ahead. I took out my cell phone, yeah I'd found it, and I called Jeannie.

She picked up right away, "Hello Caden?"

"Yeah. I heard the bosses called you in."

She replied, "They wouldn't let me quit. I'm glad they wouldn't."

I told her, "I'm glad too. Can I see you after work?"

There was a short pause, then she said, "Well I still have an unopened bottle of wine in the refrigerator. Do you like pizza?"

I told her, "I love pizza. How about 6:00 p.m."

She replied, "Six it is. Got to go now," she turned off her phone.

I sat there and thought, 'It had only been a week! Then again, had it been just a week. We'd worked around each other for years. I had noticed her. I'd always enjoyed her presence. I'd even chosen her as a partner a few times for work projects. I had so much to say to her.' I guess tonight was the night.

The rest of the work day went pretty smoothly, at least the work part. All through the rest of the morning and afternoon colleagues were in and out bothering me about 'you know what'. I got the full range of comments and compliments from a simple thumbs up to some pretty racy remarks. Though some struck a chord here and there, I greeted every anecdote with the same bland noncommittal expression. A couple comments I found supportive, but one was negative in the extreme and frankly pissed me off.

The best came from one of the older men, a man who'd been a part of the interview team who'd looked me over when I first came. He was close to retirement. I can't recall his exact words, not like the bad one, but he said something to the effect that, 'well Caden we've all been watching and worrying about you for some time. Friday night dispelled most of those worries. It looks like you've opened up for the right girl. Jeannie's a good girl at heart; she could be good for you,' then I recall he put his finger to his lips and added, 'this is on the Q T mind you.'

The worst came from one of the youngest guys, Lionel Spearman, a no account I never liked. He slipped in my office and dropped off a small package. His remark went something like, 'A gift from the home team. You've got to keep the bugs away.' After he left I opened the package and found a box of prophylactics and plastic bag filled with what I assumed was some kind of antibiotic. I dropped his 'gift' in the trash. My only consolations were; first the guy's work record sucked and we'd been thinking about reorganizing in the spring, and second, at least no one introduced the topic of my 'little bugger'.

The 'little bugger' thing preyed on my mind. If I continued to see Jeannie, and I certainly wanted to, I knew sooner or later things would get complicated. It wasn't the office gossip I was worried about; I was worried about Jeannie's inevitable reaction to my 'inadequacy'. I wrestled with that thought most of the afternoon. I couldn't imagine what would be worse; her seeing me and laughing or worse giggling, or just as bad her looking and then dousing me with some kind of pale sympathetic smile followed by an equally placid but devastating 'supportive' comment.

Somehow I knew I had to find a way, or ways, to keep our relationship totally platonic. I liked her, I liked her a lot; but one glimpse at 'Tiny Tim' and I knew that would be that. My God it wasn't fair. Why had 'He' done this to me?


This is the end of part two. Part three is coming.

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AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

Angst. Crippling confidence dominate an intelligent 'white knight' because of physical shortcomings. A good compassionate guy has to face pity, jeers and rejection due to peer's and potential mate's schadenfreude. ('Is suicide an easier way?)

RanDog025RanDog0253 months ago

At the end of every sentence, a natural pause! Why use Ellipsis'? I taught my student the use of Ellipsis was redundant. Your words indicate the pause, the same as a comma, the word and, or, but, etc. How many novels have you read where the Author used ellipsis 50 times in such a short time? deduct 1 star for the dot dot dots. Load your story into a Text Reader and see how much you like those dot dot dots!

Ocker53Ocker53about 1 year ago

Enjoying it so far⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

How the fuck did his size become office gossip?

Was Angela announcing his measurements to all and sundry?

Anyways, Angela sure did a number on him. He should block and delete her from everything tbh.

Don't keep toxic trash like her around your life fams

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I read some of the previous comments and want to tell some of them to suck it. This is well written for an amateur and is interesting. Do NOT let some whining dickhead deter you from future endeavors.

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