Caitlyn's Treatment Ch. 10


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So finally he pulled up a chair between Beth and Kayla and they got down to it. The four of us didn't exactly know what to do what with some kind of marital dispute going on but it was too early for us to dress in the French maid outfits and we had nowhere else to go. Finally Kayla took charge of us and said we would order in some dinner, maybe just some salads or light sandwiches cause none of us was very hungry. Which is what we did while they talked things out.

It went like this:

Beth: "So there are 4 areas to be aware of. The basics of course are just that you collect from the winner bidder. Whatever the bid is. He gives you a check. No cash. Jevon won't accept cash. So you get a check sometime over the 3 days. Easy. Just you have to be discreet about it."

She stopped and gave him a long stare. Something told me she wasn't confident of her husband's ability to be discreet.

"Be discreet. Don't approach the guy when he's busy with his girl, or he's with the guys or just taking time to himself. Find a good quiet time and just very respectfully say – now listen, cause I want you to say it just like this – 'Brother Jevon asked me to see if you could write that check now.' Except..." she paused for thought "...except maybe 'Brother' Jevon is not the right thing since its coming from you."

She thought about it again with these little crinkle lines between her eyebrows (which by the way are prefect.) It must have been pretty important to get it right.

"Maybe 'Mr.'...that's it 'Mr. Jevon' and add a 'Sir' somewhere like 'Sir. Mr. Jevon asked me to see if you could write that check now.' Yeah. That works. You got it?"

Jack: "Sir. Mr. Jevon asked me to see if you could write that check now. Easy."

She looked at him dubiously but decided to go on.

Beth: "OK then. Just, for God's sake, be discreet. No jokes, no trying to be anyone's pal. BS Jack. I mean it."

I was learning that the BTS brothers were very big on discretion, which totally made sense to me.

Jack: "I got it. Believe me. Now what are those 4 areas? That's what I think I need help with."

Beth: "Right then. It's pretty simple. There are shares, swaps, lends and tips. And really you only have 2 of those to worry about, swaps and lends."

"Tips are strictly between the brother and a girl. If he tips her she keeps the money and Jevon doesn't even need to know unless... Or what do you girls say we make things simpler and just pool all the tips? Like all the guys just give in to one big tip jar and we can split it up at the end?"

She had turned and addressed this to the four of us cause naturally it wasn't up to Jack. Kayla and Kristen immediately agreed and Maureen and I just went along and it was decided.

I sort of wanted to ask then "Why do the girls get tips?" Then I remembered what Beth had said earlier about lez. But I figured probably for other things too like just serving dinner or getting drinks. Not that I needed the money and I really didn't want to ask that much to begin with.

"OK, then. Better. And it will keep Jack out of any disputes around tips, which is to the good."

I think she meant again she didn't trust him that much.

Jack: "Got it. Don't need to do a thing on tips."

Beth: "Second item: Shares. Shares are easy for collection too cause it's really the same as any other winning bid. Just collect the amount from whichever brother gave out the bid, which you know you're going to be keeping track of for all 5 of us. But shares are when 2 guys join together to bid more on a girl than either would spend on his own. They share the cost and then they share the girl over the 3 days."

Jack got his shiny grin again.

Jack: "How does she get shared?"

Beth: "Pretty much however they decide and you're not involved with that." She looked at him hard. "Not involved with it in any way, so just leave it alone. You just collect whatever the bid is same as for any other girl."

Jack: "OK."

I think he got her message from her tone. But you know what really hit me then for the first time? Had people had been saying all along that this was 3 days? I thought maybe I had heard it before. But when? And where would we be staying? And I had just the one dress. Not to mention what Mom would have to say about it! Of course I couldn't say anything then, so I just got pretty nervous inside.

Beth: "And shares are really simple in our case because lots of time a girl doesn't get shares put on her. I mean the guys are not allowed to bid shares on every girl. And for us there are shares only on Kayla and Kristen, cause the sister thing is going to get the bidding going pretty high on them and this is a way to force it even higher."

"But for me, Maureen and Caitlyn, there are no shares allowed. Jevon decided last night. Maureen and Caitlyn because they're virgins..." She paused to look over at us and smiled and we both smiled back. "And me because..." she blushed a little "...well because I'm me and will get a good price without shares and that'll keep me fresh...or at least fresher."

We all laughed although I was pretty unclear on what she meant.

Beth: "So shares and tips are really nothing much for you. What you have to worry about are swaps and lends."

"So first swaps: it's like 2 guys win bids on girls, or maybe more than 2 guys if the girl is under shares. Anyway the guys decide to swap girls for a certain amount of time – usually for a single night but it could be anything from an hour to all 3 days even though that doesn't really ever happen. So they swap."

"Just means he takes his girl and he..." and she crossed her arms pointing in the air to 2 fictitious brothers for the example "...takes his. Easy. And it's like shares because some girls can't be swapped. For us it's the same, only Kayla and Kristen have swaps on them. Me, Caitlyn and Maureen are out of swaps for the same reason we're out of shares. Virgins, at least the 2 of them are virgins." She smiled again at us.

Jack: "Ok, so Kayla and Kristen both shares and swaps. You and the 2 new girls, no."

I think he was regaining some confidence after being bitched out by his wife.

Beth: "Right. But for the sisters here's how swaps will work. Say they go on shares, which is what Jevon expects. Then each of the girls has 2 owners. So now there are 4 brothers altogether. Probably each of them wants some time with each of the girls. So he takes part of his share of the one and swaps it with one of the other guys for part of his share of the other sister. And when he does that each of them owes BTS 10% of the cost – the winning bid – on whatever new sister he's taking."

She paused before going on "Like say me and Jevon win Kayla for $30,000 and you and Maureen win Kristen for $25,000. Then I swap one night of Kayla to you for one with Kristen. I pay 10% of the Kristen price and you pay 10% of the Kayla price. That needs to be collected. Got it?"

Jack: "Aaaah. And how will I always know if ...."

Beth: "Oh please. It will be obvious to everyone. The guys don't exactly hide it cause they're proud to get the girl or they wouldn't do it in the first place. And of course we'll always be able to tell you – like if it happens in the middle of the night or something."

Jack: "OK I think."

And she gave him the stare again at that. But then went on.

Beth: "It's really only complicated when you have a mix of shares and no-shares girls because when a no-shares girl gets swapped it costs 15% of her price not 10%. The brothers complain sometimes about it but that's been the rule so long as I've been around. Hell, Jevon says it's been the rule so long as he's been around and that's almost 20 years at this point."

"Plus, I forgot, there's a limit of 2 swaps per girl maximum, which is for our protection. Doesn't make much difference in a 3 day even cause there's not really time for more than 2, but in a week event it matters and needs to be monitored. Anyway, because our only swaps girls are both shares girls, meaning the lovely K sisters right here", and she smiled over at them, "there should be no problem. Just add 10% of the girl received to each guy's amount."

Jack: "Yes. I...well doesn't sound too complicated."

But I couldn't tell if he really was confident or not.

Beth: "You sure? Wait and just come to me first if you get confused. Don't bother Jevon or the brothers unless you're 100% sure of what you're doing. OK?"

I could see that Jack wanted to stand up for himself and be the man of the family right then. I could also see that he was unsure enough of himself to nod weakly and agree to what Beth told him.

Beth: "OK then. That leaves lends. Not too hard. But say I win Kayla and you don't take any girl. Now you want some of her. That's a lend. If I agree to lend her to you then you then owe BTS 20% of her price. Could be a lend for a day, a week an hour or forever, they're all the same, 20%. Also the 2 swaps limit includes lends. Like a girl like Kayla could be swapped once and lent once, but that would be her 2. No more."

"I think what's really going to happen is that the sisters go on shares to 4 guys and then each guy does a swap of his part of his girl to each of the other 2 guys – the ones with the other sister. That's be 2 for each girl meaning that they would only be shared within the 4 brothers – no other brothers would get a shot cause the girl would be maxed out at 2. Four swaps at 10%. Right?"

Her math might have confused him again; I know it confused me. But he didn't let on if it did.

Jack: "OK."

Beth: "Jevon sets the limits on these and he can change them too, but hardly ever changes one after we've begun. So for us I have zero lends. No swaps, shares or lends on me. Whoever wins me is just stuck with me for the whole time."

"But Caitlyn and Maureen even though they have no swaps they do have 1 lend each. Could be to anyone whether he has his own girl or not. Usually the lends go to the guys without a girl of course, but could be to anyone. Anyone who wants to cough up the 20% that is. No exceptions."

Jack: "Got that too. Lends. Got it."

Beth: "OK then. That's it. You've got it all?"

Jack: "Think so."

He wanted to seem confident in front of us.

Beth: "Good. Prove it. Say it back to me."

Jack: "OK."

And he giggled, which was a little girlish of him I thought.

He looked down at his notes. He'd been scribbling into this little pad the whole time she spoke. We all thought he was going to choke. He hesitated. Tried to start but fumbled up his words. Hesitated again to look back at his notes. And then:

Jack: "You, my lovely wife, are the easiest. Collect the winning bid. No swaps, shares or lends"

"Then your 2 virgins, Maureen and Caitlyn, are next: no shares or swaps but they do get 1 lend apiece. Costs the guy 20% who gets the girl."

"Then the complicated one, for the sisters K. They might have shares on them but that part won't make any difference to me in what I collect. If they get swapped it can only be for each other cause none of the rest of you have swaps on. So they swap and I add..."

He hesitated briefly and looked at his notes before he went on.

"... 10% of Kayla's price to the bill of whoever receives her. Same for Kristen. Plus they have lends on them, but only 2 even though the virgins have one. Or really I think swaps plus lends is a limit of 2 for them. Thing is the guy who takes any of you in a lend has to pay 20% of the girls price."

He paused again but you could see he thought he had nailed his dismount, as the girls on my high school gymnastics team always said. I was pretty impressed with him then.

"That it?"

Beth took her time doing it but finally broke into a big grin.

Beth: "Maybe you'll get to keep your nuts after all."

Jack: "Thank you sweetie." He was beaming.

Beth: "Yeah. Just make sure though that you remember all this once things get hectic. You know it's like the middle day and 5 brothers have you running errands for them, and you need to get all the liquor stocked, and Jevon needs some different cigars, and maybe one of us girls needs a new blush or lipstick, or even a whole new outfit like if our guy wants to take us clubbing. Or....well you get it."

And he looked a little less confident again.

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devilspydevilspyalmost 10 years ago
Water, drink your water

All the stuff for Jack not to fuck up went right over my head. Still wanting a story of what happened between the hot MILF wife mother and John. And is John still seeing the mother?

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