Caleb's Story Ch. 01


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"Okay on the condition that we stay married until after the baby is born. I don't want to the kids knowing their mother screwed around and got pregnant."

"I don't think you will get away with fooling them, but good luck. You'll have to sign a letter that you will never ask for child support and admit the baby is not mine. I'll make it public if you give me any shit.

We agreed and spent a good evening with the kids. When they went to bed I was deciding between the couch and going to a motel.

"You don't want to have the kids see you leave or on the couch. Come in the bedroom with me. I won't bite you. I'll even leave the door open if you are afraid."

I went the bedroom. Lisa followed me and closed the door behind us. Leaning against it like she was blocking my leaving. I heard her click the lock so the kids wouldn't be coming in from the outside. I stood my ground. I wanted to see what her game was. She went over to her dresser where she kept her gowns. She took out a gown and laid it on the dresser. Then she stripped down naked.

I was peeking. I could see her swollen tummy again like she showed me earlier. I got a quick look at her cunt from behind when she bent over. I always loved that view. From the side view of her tit, they looked larger and the nipples more distended like they got when I was the one knocking her up. Lisa turned around to face me naked.

"So, what do you think? Do you want to fuck me?"

"No, I don't think so!" I did want to fuck her, but I wasn't falling into that trap.

"Okay, you can't say I didn't offer. You always said fucking me the first half of my pregnancies was the best fuck you ever had." She picked up her gown to drop it over her head. "One last chance. I'll bet you want it and are just to stubborn to admit it."

I shook my head no and got under the blankets in my T-shirt and boxers. She put on the gown and got in her side of the bed without putting on panties. She knew that got to me, too. She didn't like to do it because she said her pussy hair tickled her thighs when she didn't wear underwear. I was on my back. I should have known better. She had my cock starting to rise. She turned off the light and slid my direction. I hoped she would stop. I wasn't surprised when she didn't.

Lisa laid tight beside me and put her thigh so it laid just below my stiffening cock. It's not like she didn't know she had gotten to me. She gave it a little nudge.

"Are you sure you don't want to fuck me?"

"Okay, I do. But, there are just too many bad things going on to let it happen. You know, like some other man's baby in your belly that isn't mine."

"I won't tell if you don't!"

I had to laugh. We laughed together. Lisa slid her thigh up on my stomach. When she moved in down again her cunt lips engulfed my cock. I tried to move away. She stopped with the head of my prick inside her.

"Still don't want to fuck me?"

I wasn't sure what to answer. Another lunge at me and Lisa would have me buried in her to the balls. I'd be fucking her. My only chance would be to get her pissed at me. It was worth a try, and I was about to ram myself in her on my own.

"You pussy is really opening up early for this baby. Your cunt is hanging open like a rose in a bouquet the week after Valentine's Day.."

"Oh, that's just from Ken. He hasn't fucked me since Sunday. You should have seen me the first of the week."

This was the first time I had ever heard his name.

"Trouble in paradise? He hasn't fucked you all week?"

Maybe that was why she was so determined to get me to fuck her.

"No trouble. He has been at the main headquarters all week. Then his wife invited herself there to spend the weekend with him. He didn't know how to tell her not to come. The fucking whore couldn't take a hint."

"Oh, there is some good female logic. The man that has my wife carrying his child is spending the weekend with his wife, so his wife is the whore."

I must have pissed her off in the wrong way. She pushed her self up and impaled herself on my cock. I thrust up into her twice and rolled her on her back. I stroked down into her hard about a half dozen times and pulled my dick out of her. I don't think anyone ever short fucked her before. She was just getting started and I took it away from her. She squirmed on the bed.

"You might as well come back and fuck me. You can't get me pregnant with Ken's baby growing in my womb."

Unlike her, I hadn't had sex since the last time we did it. It had been a while and she was making sure I was getting a good view of her open pussy. I think the times when she was pregnant with my kid, that was what made it more exiting. Fucking her with Ken's baby in her belly, not so much so. I got back in bed with her.

"If you don't leave me the fuck alone I'll will be waking up on the couch in the morning." I informed her.

"Okay, then. But I'm not sleeping in this fucking night gown. I've been sleeping nude since you left."

She laid on top of the covers. I watched her tits heave up and down as she breathed. I looked at her rounded tummy and to where here pubic hair followed the line of her cunt down between her legs. After a while I felt my cock go completely soft and dozed off to sleep. Lisa stayed on her side, lying nude, on top on of the blankets.

The next morning she was still on her side of the bed. Now on her stomach, one leg was lifted to show a wide open view of her pussy. Even untouched for a week it looked a big as it did when I had just pulled out back in our days before this Ken started fucking her. Lisa awoke to look at me staring at her from the foot of the bed. She stayed in the fully exposed position.

"Let's get up and make the kids breakfast and do something as a family today." Lisa was just too fucking bubbly.

The two youngest were already with the television. I went to wake the oldest. By the time I returned to the kitchen Lisa had come downstairs. She was wearing an old maternity dress that had been a favorite of mine. It had a high waist line to be above the baby and the top made a bra like shape to support her tits. Except her tits were bigger this time and threatened to spill from the fabric.

"Hi, Hon. Do you remember this dress?" She stepped to me a gave me a kiss on the cheek. I didn't answer.

As we made breakfast Lisa was either rubbing her tits on me or brushing her ass up against my cock. Once she stood behind me at the counter with her nipples pressed into my back. It would have been like when she was carrying our last child. One kid in the high chair, one in a baby seat on the table and Lisa wanting me to take her into the other room and fuck her.

This time instead of wanting me to fuck her, she was trying to get me to fuck her. Whatever happened I'd drive back to Phoenix Sunday night and she'd be fucking Ken at the office come Monday. I tried to appear not interested. My cock wasn't near as good at hiding the interest. Lisa knew she had given me a boner and was trying to close the deal. As the kids were finishing she got close to my ear.

"I'm naked under this dress. I'm not wearing panties." She whispered.

A few minutes later we were alone in the kitchen, the kids had gone elsewhere in the house. Lisa sat on the edge of the table with one leg off to the side. She lifted her skirt towards me.

"See, I told you. No panties."

I had to look away.

"Do you remember how you would kiss my pussy when I was pregnant and tell me you were kissing the babies?"

"Yeah, but your boyfriend can kiss his own babies. I don't care any more how many you have with him!"

"Come on. You were doing really good last night before you left me just lying there. You were right at the point of making me cum."

"Well, I'm not going to be stupid enough to fuck with a size queen."

"That's funny you know about that. Ken calls me his little size queen. He likes me to brag about his dick being bigger than yours."

"I learned about size queens on the internet. They have whores and sluts there, too."

"Oh, sorry. I seem to have hit a nerve. It was at a time in my life I would have fucked Ken anyway. The big cock was a bonus."

"That all sure worked out well. I can't imagine how Ken is going to feel when you find somebody with a couple of more inches than him."

"It would have to be almost a foot long. That would be something to see."

"I hear Donnie that I used to work with had a foot long cock and his wife complained to some other wives that he was too big for her. You should remember them from the company picnics or Christmas parties. He's about 6' 5", 240 pounds, she's just at 5' and tiny built."

"I don't remember them. And, I guess they aren't in our ward."

It probably would have helped her memory if I had told her that Donnie was black, and his wife white. They didn't have children. He'd probably knock them out as fast as he could put them in there.

"I'll have to check to see if I still have his number." I nodded.

She didn't say not to call or that she wasn't interested. I had distinctly just told her that I knew of a guy with a large cock and she said that would be something she'd like to see. I could fuck up Ken the way he fucked up me if the idea was at least planted in her head. Maybe when she and Ken were doing it she would wondering what a larger one would feel like stretching her out even more inside.

The breakfast dishes were done and the cleanup completed. We got the kids into her SUV and headed to one of those places with all the games and entertainment that would keep the kids busy for most of a day. And, of course, an overpriced pizza for lunch and soft drinks that could only cost more at a major league sports event or on an airliner.

Lisa wasn't going to let up. The kids were rushing ahead playing miniature golf. A young couple let them play through. The hole was one with a hollow fake tree that was around the cup. The bend in the path gave you some privacy until the next couple came up. Lisa and I had a short interlude there where she had my cock in her about ten years earlier.

"Let's give them some time to get frisky. There is no one behind us for several minutes" Lisa seemed thrilled that the young woman might get to enjoy a quick fuck or give a hurried up blow job.

They got about ten minutes and left without us chasing them off. Whatever their plans they must have had time to finish. I was guessing the blowjob. She wasn't acting like she just got fucked.

For our turn in the tree Lisa was bent over from the waist with her skirt over her back. Her big cunt looked good with the lips gaping open and her bulging tummy showing from below. This was my favorite view of Lisa and was hard to turn down. I almost gave in and shoved my dick into her wet snatch.

At the end of the course the young couple had stopped for soft drinks. We both noticed the girl had fresh cum from under her chin running down almost into her cleavage. The blowjob was a good guess.

"Did you see that? That could have been me. You know you want to fuck me, I want you to fuck me. Just because we had a little hiccup in our marriage doesn't mean couples don't work things like that out."

"Lisa! It's that kind of women's logic that fucking drives me nuts. You fucking a new boyfriend on you second day at work, then having him getting you pregnant and bragging about the size of his cock is not a hiccup in a marriage. Your only concern since you went to work has been him getting you knocked up and how much strange meat you can cram in your cunt."

"I don't see why you are making such a big deal out of it. We can still be married and live together."

"Arrrhhh! Okay, let's play another round of miniature golf and I'll let you give me a blow job."

"Fuck you! I'm your wife and the mother of your children. I demand your respect."

I walked away to speak to the young man from the golf course.

"Hey, we gave you some extra time in the hollow tree. I couldn't help but notice that your girlfriend has cum from under her chin down to her boobs."

"I'm not going to say anything to her. He grinned. "I think she noticed and just wants to show off."

"In that case, that's one fine girlfriend."

"Wife actually ... we've got two preschoolers staying with her mother this weekend. Is there someplace her I can fuck her?"

"You can get in behind the hollow tree if no one is watching. No one will bother you. You remind me of myself at your age. Keep fucking her every chance you get or she will find someone to do it for you."

Lisa took a few more shots at trying to get me to fuck her by rubbing against me and, of course, showing me her bare bottom whenever she could. We gathered the kids up about 5 PM and took them to be filled with burgers before heading home.

I had to find Donnie. I didn't have his phone number, but I knew about where he lived. I told the kids I'd be back in a little while that I was going to find an old friend. Lisa told me I might want to stick around. I hope she stayed horny until I could find Donnie.

The street I thought was Donnie's was right, but I got the wrong house. Some fifties aged woman answered the door in a bathrobe. I guess I interrupted her shower. She directed me a couple of houses down and told me if they weren't home I was welcome to wait at her house for them.

Donnie wasn't home. His wife answered the door. I'd forgotten how tiny she was. I asked for Donnie. She told me he had gone bowling with a friend. I reminded her who I was. She said she remembered me. Maybe it was just my mood, but she seemed even more cute than the last time I saw her, except for noticing a little bit of a hook to her nose.

I told her I didn't think I had ever heard her name. She told me it was Cassie, short for Cassandra.

"Donnie may be an hour or so. I can tell you how to get to the bowling alley ... or you could wait here."

As much as I wanted to mess my wife up with the idea of a larger cock the allure of Cassie was not to be overlooked. Her petite size made her really adorable. Donnie was a lucky man. Then I noticed a busted lip and a bruise on Cassie's cheek. She saw that I noticed and tried to hide it from me.

"Cassie, did you fall or run into something?"

"I guess a good wife would tell you that. But, you know, don't you? Donnie hit me!"

Then she started to cry. She shook all over and held her hands to her side. Tears streamed down her face. All I could think of doing was to hug her. It was kind of odd hugging her after being around my wife at 5'7". Cassie looked up at me. I kissed her on the lips. And, she kissed me back through the snot and tears.

"You are beautiful." I told her.

"No, I'm a mess and my lip is bleeding and my face bruised."

"You are beautiful." I repeated. Suddenly I knew I wanted to fuck her. As if I didn't have enough of a problem of my wife being a size queen, I wanted to fuck a woman whose husband had a 12 inch dick.

I surely wasn't good at this, but I led her over for us to sit on the sofa to take away some of the height difference. Sat facing in with her hip against my thigh. I was attracted to her tits. They looked big on her small body, but not really a handful was my guess. A guess although I wanted to try it for a fact.

"I am sorry to start crying in front of you."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"No, this goes back to when Donnie and I got married. He had quite a reputation with the girls, especially the white ones. I heard them brag about taking his big dick. I, on the other hand, had been with three boys for sex, the two I dated were from out of town. I lost my virginity to a neighbor boy. I didn't figure there was any one to to tell. I never said I was a virgin, but played hard to get.

That got Donnie's interest. I thought he was really cute. We didn't try sex until our wedding night. Even when I saw his cock I thought there must be some way I could handle it. I was wet from thinking about it all day, but it was difficult to get it even started in me.

Donnie just assumed that the other girls could take most of him that I should be able to do the same. We got the head of it in and maybe another inch or so. I just couldn't do it. I could barely walk the next day. I felt like I was riding over a fence post. Which was kind like what I had done. Donnie ended up masturbating on my tits and stomach for the next month.

I found out Donnie was seeing some old girlfriends. Everyone was happy. Even me. Then we tried it a couple of more times and I still couldn't take it. I told him maybe we should divorce so someone could enjoy all he had to offer.

We decided to stay married. He masturbates on me, and I think he sees this blond from work. Other than sex we have fun together. The last couple of years he likes to shoot on my face with my mouth open so I can swallow."

To a lot of people this would be too much information. But, not for what I was thinking. First, I wanted a shot at fucking Cassie, but second, and most important if Cassie isn't exaggerating too much this will fuck up my wife and what she thinks is a big cock from Ken.

I pulled Cassie towards me by her shoulders. She leaned into my hug. The angle of it put her hand right by my cock and she had me hard as a rock. Her hand brushed it and then grasped it firmly.

"It's nice to feel one normal again."

I always felt I was a little larger than normal, but compared to twelve inches Donnie wanted to give her I guess I could take the compliment. I started to fondle her tits.

"Maybe I had better think about this for a while. Sorry about teasing you. I don't want to make another mistake Donnie should be home in a few minutes anyway. When are you going to be back in town?"

"If it was to get inside you it would be tomorrow or next weekend. I really didn't have a plans to come back for another three months or so." I gave her my cell phone number.

We heard Donnie pull into the driveway. I greeted him like an old friend. He played along to see what the hell I was up to.

"I'm just in town for the weekend. I thought we could get a couple of beers and catch up."

"Sure, if it's okay with Cass. Is it okay, babe?"

Cassie was fine with him out of the house. I drove us to a nearby bar. Right after the first beer was brought I told him what I had in mind.

"I guess you remember my wife?"

"Yeah. Sure, man. Nice looking chick. What's up? I heard you moved out of town."

"Here's the deal. She fucked her way into a couple of promotions at work with her boss. They turned it into an affair and decided she should have his baby. He knocked her up and she brags to me about him having a big cock. We've worked out the details for me to leave her, but I want to show her what a big cock really is just to fuck up their relationship."

"Oh, man. That's cold. How big is the guy's dick?"

"My wife is bragging that he has nine inches."

"Whoa, you are going to fuck him up then! So, how do I end up showing her mine?"

"We were talking about big and I told her that since she was a big cock princess she ought to see somebody's like yours. She made a remark that she wouldn't mind seeing one that size. So, I am just following up on it. I think if I took you by she would know why you were there."

"I'm I supposed to show to her or fuck her with it"

"My thinking is that is she sees it she will want to fuck it. If not then, we'll let her think about it, and I'm sure she will come around to wanting to fuck it."

"She okay with black cock then?"

"Well, she okay with having another man's baby. Some black cock shouldn't bother her. Let's stop over there and act all innocent and see what happens."

We picked up a twelve pack on the way over. I took Donnie in through the garage. It startled Lisa a little when I came in with another person. Then when she saw he was black the look on her face told us she knew what was up and who it was.