California Dreamin'

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Grandpa + granddaughter + weed = California Dreamin'.
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Hello again. Here's another grandpa and granddaughter story for you. Everyone in the story is over 18.

California Dreamin'

His granddaughter's call surprised him. He hadn't heard from her except for the text message that always came after she got her birthday and Christmas cards with the money in them.

She was twenty-two now and had been living with her boyfriend in Amarillo, Texas for the past year. After a recent breakup she had moved back home with her mother and her boyfriend. That arrangement wasn't working out. Her mother was jealous of the attention her own boyfriend gave her, and Brenda didn't trust the man. His hands were just too handsy.

Gene wasn't actually her grandfather. Brenda's mother and his son had lived together since she was five, then split up when she was fifteen. Since the day they met, Brenda and Gene had hit it off. He was her grandpa in her eyes, and he felt the same way.

Brenda was a beauty. She was five-seven, long brown hair, big brown eyes, and a very lean, but shapely body. She had been taking some college classes and working in an upscale department store in ladies' wear.

Gene was sixty-two, but still an attractive man. When he turned sixty, he turned his construction business over to his son, retired, and moved to northern California.

"To what do I owe the honor of a call from my long-lost granddaughter?"

"I was hoping you might invite me to come and visit. I haven't seen you in about four years," she replied.

"Brenda, you're welcome anytime. I thought you knew that."

"I do. I just wanted to make sure."

"Now you know. When are you coming?"

"Uh, I kinda don't have any money."

He chuckled. "Do you have a cash app?"

"No, but I do have an account at Wells Fargo bank."

"Send me the info and I'll transfer traveling money. Book your flight to Sacramento and I'll pick you up."

"There's an airport in Redding," she told him.

"Yes, but it's tiny and connecting flights go through San Francisco with long layovers."

"That's okay. I've never seen San Francisco."

"All you'll see is the inside of the airport. Go to Sacramento. We can visit Frisco while you're here."

"I'd love to do that. You're sure you're okay with me visiting?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know. It's just been a long time," she said.

"I get the feeling there's something you're concerned about."

"I've been living at mom's house. She's upset about how her perv boyfriend treats me."

"She's always been...never mind. I'll send the money as soon as you send me the info. I've got plenty of room and you're more than welcome."

"Okay, I'll send it as soon as we get off the phone."

"Send your flight info. It only takes two hours to get to Sac from here and I've got nothing but free time."

"I will. Love you, grandpa. Thanks."

"I love you too," he replied, ending the call.

The information arrived just minutes later, and he transferred two thousand to her account. It was about twenty minutes later that another text arrived.

'Arr Tues 1:43 pm on AA. Where 2 meet?'

'Starbucks, at the bottom of the escalator near the baggage claim. You'll see it. I'll be the old fart with the big grin.'

'LOL! Ok. C U Tues.'

'Tuesday it is.'

That was just two days away. He'd need to pick up groceries before she arrived. Being a bachelor, he kept little on hand.


He sat at one of the tables at Starbucks where he could see the escalator and waited as he watched for her.

"Hi, grandpa," she said, walking up next to him.

He stood and held out his hands to her.

"I wasn't expecting a blonde. I didn't recognize you."

She ignored his hands and pulled him in for a hug.

"I went blonde a couple of years ago. Do you like it?" she asked.

"I do. I just wasn't expecting it. You've grown up."

"A little. You look great. I love your tan."

"I spend a lot of time outdoors. Let's grab a coffee and get your luggage."

There was no line at the counter, and they were soon waiting at the luggage carousel. She grabbed a medium size red bag as it passed.

"How many more?" he asked.

"This is it."

"You took more than this to Disney when you were ten," he said.

"My ex-boyfriend destroyed all my clothes when we split up. This is everything I own."

"That's horseshit. We'll get you some clothes. Do you have summer clothes? It's hot here."

"Two dresses, jeans, a couple of blouses, heels, and what I'm wearing."

"We'll stop in Chico on the way home. It's a college town. There'll be plenty of places to pick some things up for you."

"You sent way more than I needed for the ticket. I can use that, if it's okay?"

"No, hang onto that. I'll get this."

They went to the parking garage and to his car.

"Oh my god! You got another Z-4?"

"I did. Wanna drive?" he asked.

"Are you kidding? I wanted to drive your old one so bad, but I didn't have my license yet," she said excitedly.

They were on the road in minutes with the top down and music up. Following the GPS, they arrived in downtown Chico an hour later.

The street was lined with shops where they spent the next four hours rebuilding her wardrobe. After putting it all in the now full trunk, they got in to leave.

"Is grass legal here?" she asked.

"It is."

"Would it bother you if I bought a little?"

"No. Just be responsible with it and don't smoke in the house."

They got out of the car again and crossed the street to the store where it was sold.

"Do you smoke it?" she asked.

"I have, but not in many years."

"Do you have a pipe or anything?"

"Nope. You're starting from scratch."

He followed her around as she browsed for about ten minutes before getting the clerks attention.

"Can I get some guidance?" she asked.

"No problem," the young man replied.

"I'd like a good indica. What would you recommend for a mellow evening?"

"Definitely Northern Lights. It's perfect for a good relaxing glow."

"How about something for fun in the sun?"

"Gorilla Glue. It's a hybrid. You get a great buzz, energy, and won't choke to death on it."

"I need a half ounce of each, a cheap grinder, and this gold-colored pipe," she told him.

"Don't forget munchies," he reminded her after ringing it up.

She turned to grandpa. "Do you have snacks?"

"A few, but we can stop so you can get what you like."

A quick stop at a grocery, then it took another hour to get to his house. After laying her bags on her bed, he took her on the fifty-cent tour. She loved it.

"Dinner first or unpack?" he asked.

"I want to shower and change first, then we can fix dinner."

"I was thinking pizza. There's an awesome Italian place a few miles down the road."

"Give me thirty minutes," she said, going to her room.


He was sitting out on the back patio a short time later when she walked out.

"All set," she said.

He turned to her. She wore short shorts, a halter top, and sandals. Brenda had indeed grown up.

"Wow!" he said.

"Too much? Too little?" she asked.

"No, you look beautiful."

She did get a lot of appreciative looks in the restaurant but didn't seem to notice.

"What's up with all the cowboys?" she asked.

"There's a bunch of 'em around here. It's like a tiny Ft. Worth."

"I'm surprised. That isn't how I pictured California."

"Me either. I expected blondes, bikinis, and movie stars. My brother pointed out I went to the wrong end of California."

"I'm not a movie star, but I'm blonde and bought a couple of bikinis. Will that do?"

"You look like a movie star. I'm really glad you came."

"Thanks. I am too."


Once back at the house, she began putting her purchases away and unpacking. She joined her grandfather on the back patio just before dark. She was wearing a pair of shortie pajamas.

"It's beautiful out here. What's that splashing I hear?"

"Otters. Look at the dock across from us."

There were about five of them playing on the dock and periodically jumping in the lake.

"Are they dangerous?"

"No, but they are wild. I'd leave them alone."

"Can you swim here?"

"Yeah, the water is warmer than the pool at the clubhouse."


"The community has its own country club. Pool, tennis courts, bar, and restaurant. On Fridays and Saturdays, they have entertainment and dancing."

"You've moved up in the world since Texas."

"It's pretty nice," he replied.

"Found a lady friend?"

"I've been out with a few. Nothing serious."

"I'm surprised. You're quite a catch."

"Been there, done that. I'll pass on long term relationships," he told her.

"Me too, at least for now. Someday I'd like to have a family."

"You've got plenty of time for that. Enjoy life while you're young. Brenda, when the time comes, don't settle for less than you want."

"I'm pretty picky."

"Good. Stay that way. What happened to your college plans?"

"Mom and I couldn't get along and after high school she ran me off. I moved in with my boyfriend and managed to take a few courses before he decided we should move to Amarillo. It went downhill after that. I wound up working and paying the bills. No time for school. I found out that while I was working, he was out screwing around. With nowhere else to go, I moved in with mom and the perv."

"You didn't care for him much, huh?"

"He's disgusting. He was all over me and mom accused me of leading him on. Grandpa, I had to get out of there. As selfish as it is, that's why I called you. I can't stay there and didn't know where else to go."

"I'm glad you called me. I have plenty of room. They have a couple of colleges in Redding and Chico State an hour from here."

"You wouldn't mind an extended stay?" she asked.

"Not at all. I'll go you one better. If you'll go to school full time, I'll pay for it."

"I can work and go part time."

"That takes forever. Go full time. In nice weather you can drive the BMW. In the winter, you can drive the Jeep. It's safer."

"Grandpa, are you really serious? You'd do that?"

"I'm dead serious. Check into the schools. Figure out if that's what you want."

"Thank you," she told him, giving him a hug.

"You're welcome."

"Can I use your laptop to check it out tomorrow?"

"Sure. The password is Br549. Be sure to find out enrollment dates. You'll need transcripts and stuff too."

"I will. Grandpa, I promise I won't be a problem."

"Just pick up after yourself, don't smoke in the house, and for god's sake, don't drink and drive."

"Cross my heart," she said, hugging him again.


When he got up the next morning, she was sitting at the kitchen island looking at programs offered by Chico State.

He looked over her shoulder. "Nursing?"

"With a nursing degree I can make a good living and find work anywhere I go. I'd love to do that."

"Can you handle blood and guts? I was a medic in the Air Force. Some of it was pretty disgusting."

"I doubt nursing would be the same."

"I don't know. I spent four years working beside nurses in the cornfields of Illinois. I wiped more asses than they did, but they did some gross stuff too."

"I won't have a problem with it."

"What else have you looked at?"

"Mostly business stuff, but there are a lot of business majors drawing unemployment. Nursing is a great option."

"Do what you want. Don't settle."

"I'm thinking career, not just diploma."

"You have my blessing," he said. "Hungry?"

"I had some fruit already, thanks. Want me to fix you something?"

"No. I do coffee only in the morning. Want a cup?"

"I'd love one."

He pulled a drawer open. "Pick your poison. There's a little of everything in here."

She stepped over next to him and looked through the assortment of K-cups.

"What's the blueberry like?"

"Smells like blueberry but tastes like regular coffee. The vanilla crème cappuccino is good."

"Okay, I'll try that one."

"Anything you'd like to do today?" he asked.

"I thought I'd do the application for school this morning. Maybe a swim this afternoon. What are you doing that's keeping that dad bod in such good shape?"

"I bike three days a week if the weather permits. There's a gym in town. I can add you onto my membership. Do you have a routine?"

"I did in Amarillo but not when I moved back to moms."

"What did you do?"

"We had a small gym at our apartment in Amarillo. I rode a bike too, but he destroyed that with the rest of my things."

"He sounds like a real gem."

"Yeah, at first he was."

"After you finish your application, how about we tour the area? We can set up your gym membership and get you a bike while we're out. Did you pick up any workout clothes?"

"No. It didn't occur to me."

"We can do that too. Maybe have dinner, then an evening swim."

"Maybe finish the evening with some herb?"

He chuckled. "They still call it that?"


"Sounds like a plan," he said.


After a light lunch they headed out in the Jeep. He showed her around the community and then the town. They stopped in at the gym and he added her to his membership. From there they drove to Redding and Big 5 sporting goods where she picked up several outfits to workout in and a mountain bike similar to her grandfather's, and the needed accessories. They stopped for dinner in town before going home.

The bike was already setup, and they rode around the block together to check it out. Once the bikes were put away, they went to their rooms to put on swimsuits. Gene was already in the lake when his granddaughter walked out. He was glad he was.

Her blue bikini was skimpy and left little to the imagination. The top was barely big enough to cover her nipples, and the small triangle at the crotch wasn't much bigger. It was a thong, and her ass was completely bare.

She saw his surprise and blushed.

"This is more revealing than what I'm used to. The girl in the shop said this is what they wear here. It's a micro-g-string."

"It is that. The ones they wear at to community pool are a bit more...modest."

"Should I take it off?" she asked. Gene started laughing. "I meant put something else on," she said blushing.

"No. It's fine. You'll need a different one for the pool."

"My other one isn't any bigger."

"You're fine. My palpitations should slow in an hour or so."

"You're sure?" she asked.

"I'm sure. I forgot towels. Can you grab a couple?"

"Where are they?"

"The closet just outside your room."

She nodded and went back inside. He watched her as she did. From the back she was essentially nude. His trunks got a bit tighter.

They swam for about twenty minutes before climbing out and drying off. Both showered and met up again a while later on the patio. Gene wore athletic shorts and a t-shirt. Brenda wore her shortie pajamas.

"You come out here a lot," she said.

"Unless I'm in bed I'm generally out here."

She held up the bag with the weed in it.

"Would you like to do the honors?" she asked.

He took the bag and looked at it. "That doesn't look like any grass I've seen. What we had looked like tobacco and cost five to ten bucks."

Brenda grinned and pulled a small table in front of her.

"You guys wasted most of the plant. I'll show you." She demonstrated the grinding process and filled the pipe. "Do you have a lighter?"

He grabbed the lighter next to the charcoal grill and handed it to her. With a practiced hand she lit it taking a long draw, then a second, before handing it to him. He followed her lead and coughed almost immediately before handing it back.

"You'll need more than that."

"In a few minutes. I've always been a lightweight with this stuff."

She took two more big hits and offered it again. His second try was more successful, but he still coughed. He offered it back.

"I'm good. Put it on the table." Gene was feeling a mild euphoria very quickly. Brenda was laying back in her seat smiling. "That's good stuff," she said. "We'll try the Gorilla Glue next time."

"What was this?"

"Northern Lights, it makes you mellow and relaxed."

"What does the Gorilla do?"

"It's a hybrid. You get a buzz but it's different. It's better when you're more active. Rather than chill it's kinda stimulating. Are you feeling it?"

"Yeah, it's a nice feeling. About like after a couple of beers. Are there stimulants in the Gorilla stuff?"

"I suspect they regulate it pretty well. What you buy in the store will be just weed. If you buy on the street, there's no way to tell what might be in it. I've got munchies. Want anything?"

"No, I'm good. It's never done that to me."

"You didn't smoke very much."

"I smoked enough. I'm good like this."

"I'll be right back."

She went inside and returned a few minutes later with a large bowl of popcorn. They relaxed outside quietly for quite a while.

"What do you do for fun?" she asked.

"Read, write, fish, hike, take pictures."

"Mom said you did glamour photography at one time."

"For a few years in my thirties."

"Were you good at it?"

"Not bad, I guess. I didn't go hungry."

"Do you still have a camera?"

"Lights and camera but it's been years since I've used anything but the camera."

"What kind of glamour was it?"

"Mostly boudoir. Women wanted pictures for their husbands or portfolios."

"Why'd you quit?"

He chuckled. "After about the third husband threatening to shoot me, it felt like the wise thing to do."

Brenda started laughing. "Did you give them reason to be upset?"

"A few times, I suppose," he chuckled.

"You were a ladies' man, I hear."

"So, did you get your application sent off?"

"I did. Why are you changing the subject?"

"It was a long time ago."

"Are you ashamed of it?"

"No, I'm not. It's just not something I feel the need to discuss with my granddaughter."

"Mom said it was a different girl every night."

"Your mom wasn't there. That's hearsay. They were women, not girls."

She laughed out loud.

"Didn't you ever fall for any of them?"

"There were a few that left quite an impression over the years, but things just never seemed to work out."

"I've had three boyfriends. In the beginning, they each seemed perfect. They were attentive, caring, you name it. Then after a while each of them changed. I became less and less important. All three cheated."

"Just so you don't get the wrong idea, I was a dog. I admit that. I had sex with married women, but I was never a cheater during a relationship. And I was always honest with the women."

"Okay, you've redeemed yourself," she said.

"Thank you? How about you? Were you honest?"

"I'm a flirt, but I never crossed any lines."

"Good for you."


The next couple of days were spent hanging around at the house. On Saturday evening they went to the country club. Brenda was surprised when her grandfather almost kept up with her on the dance floor.

"You're a good dancer," he told her as they walked home."

"So are you," she replied. "Wanna try the Gorilla when we get home? We can dance some more."

"Is this stuff going to wipe me out?"

"I think it's more likely to give us energy."

"Okay, but I'm going to change into my jammies first," he told her.

"Me too. Oh, wait. I put mine in the laundry hamper. I'll wear a nightgown."

Both changed when they got home and Brenda ground some of the untried stuff. She did her two hits and passed it to him. He did the same and passed it back.

"This is less harsh than the other stuff," he mentioned.

When she exhaled, she nodded. "Yeah, but it is stronger. I can feel it already."

She offered it to him.

"I'll pass," he said.

Brenda went in and grabbed her phone and put on some music then came back outside. She took two more hits then stood.

"Dance with me?"

"A slow song?" he asked.

"Sure, why not?" He stood and joined her. "Are you getting anything unusual from the weed?"