Call Out Your Name Ch. 02


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"Your uncle seems nice," Jesse said at last, keeping his eyes on his lap. "Is he part of the Calberia that isn't supposed to know you're gay?"

I laughed humorlessly. "Yes and no. I certainly haven't discussed my preferences with him, but it looks like one of my parents did. It wasn't exactly a secret so I'm glad he isn't all weirded out about it."

Jesse couldn't help but notice the bitterness in my voice and glanced at me sharply. "What do you mean?"

Sighing, I thought about how to answer the question, knowing I could fib without him ever finding out. Yet, at that moment anything less than total honest was not an option. Lying is always harder on the psyche than telling the truth is, and he was my boyfriend, the one person I should be candid with. I knew Jesse was a good person who wouldn't stop loving me because I had been afraid. At least, I hoped not.

"It's the whole fucking reason I'm in Calberia."

Of course, being the intuitive guy he is, Jesse knew right away how monumental this was for me and sat back to listen attentively. I backtracked and repeated what I'd told him about my mom, step-dad and sisters at an earlier date, and he didn't ask any questions.

"So we were all good up until the middle of January," I finished.

He bit his lip. So sexy. "What happened in January?"

My face started to feel a bit warm. "Uh, my mom found out I was bi in one of the worst possible ways..."

"Bi?" Jesse gasped, shooting me a startled look. "I thought you were gay."

I shook my head and groaned, fairly sure of what was going through Jesse's head.

Bisexual guys can't be faithful. A lot of gay men felt that way. That the bi man they were in love with was just waiting for the right woman to show up. That he had to have it both ways all the time. That once he found Ms Perfect he would jet off to enjoy his fake-straight lifestyle and deny the side of him that loved men.

"No, I'm bi, Jesse," I said, unwilling to lie about it. "But that doesn't mean I'm playing you or shit."

I wasn't like that. Even when I fooled around with Owen I had never lied to him about fucking girls. But that was before I moved to Calberia and met Jesse, and I had no desire for pussy. My attraction to him had been immediate and absolute, and Jesse was it for me.

"Meaning?" he asked warily.

"Meaning I am in love with you, baby boy." I stared straight into his eyes beseeching him to trust me, and I took his hand and raised it to my lips to kiss his fingers. "Head over heels with you and you only.

"I'll admit some of the girls at school have tried to tempt me to get into their pants, Jesse, but I don't want them. Any of them, not even Carilynn Wade." Carilynn was probably the cutest, sexiest girl in school, the one with a lighthearted way about her but something of a slut. She let the guys know she was up for anything.

Jesse snickered, but I could tell he believed the conviction in my voice because his eyes were shining with love just as sure as mine were. "So, uh... when did you know for sure that you were, uh... not straight?" he faltered.

His hesitation was cute, and I grinned. "I was twelve. A set of twins moved in across the street from us. Seth and Sarah Raymond; I had crushes on both of them." I nudged him with my elbow. "What about you?"

"I was thirteen," he answered calmly. "My mother won free tickets to the Granada Theater to see Wicked, the musical based on the bad witches fromThe Wizard of Oz. My sister got sick so she took me. That's when I decided I wanted to act. Mom gave me dance lessons for my birthday, and I fell in love with my dance teacher. He was a hottie."

"Ooh, kinky," I joked. "Did anything come of it?"

"No, of course not," Jesse huffed, but his eyes were twinkling merrily. "You are so totally inappropriate, you know that, Shane? He was twenty-six, and I was half his age. He had a girlfriend."

I laughed, pleased with myself for winding him up. But Jesse was ready for me to continue my story.

"Okay, so what happened? You got caught by your mom?"

"Sort of." I told him about my high school and Danae, my Sacred Heart girlfriend, assuring him once again that she meant nothing to me anymore. In fact, I hadn't even thought about her in close to a month. But because I dated girls in Rancho Martinez I was able to fool a lot of people; nobody knew about my bisexual side except for the boys I'd slept with.

"I knew this guy. Owen. We played football together last year but he was older than me." I considered the old memory that wasn't nearly as painful as it had been in January when I was begging my mother to let me come home. "He was gay but I was, like, the only one of our friends who knew. Gaydar, I guess. So we'd get together every once in awhile. He was home from college and we were, you know, fooling around. Just having fun."

I blushed cherry red. "Owen's mother caught us in bed."

"So that's what you meant when you said there was lots of drama that ended badly?" He was trying not to laugh and I guess from his perspective I could see the humor in it.

"Yeah. The next thing I knew my sisters were telling my mom and she was screaming about me being a freak and a degenerate and cussing up a storm. Anyway, she kicked me out."

Jesse's mouth dropped open in shock. "Duuuuude! Your mom kicked you out of the house for being gay?"

"Bi," I corrected automatically, but my voice went blank. My head was getting lost in the old emotions of her pitiless denunciation and ridiculous excuses that were all about maintaining her perfect façade and hiding the fact that she had a son who liked sex with men. "She chose to live her pretend life where I'm not there to remind her of how much she fucked up when she married Dad. She has her precious daughters with Whit and I don't exist." I blinked back tears.

"So your mom forced you to come here and live?" Jesse probed the wound curiously, inadvertently hurting me with his persistence in getting the facts straight. I knew he wasn't doing it on purpose. He couldn't see my face in the dark so maybe he didn't notice my distress.

"Yeah, to my dad's," I whispered miserably. "My dad, who never visited me after I turned thirteen, never remembered my birthday or Christmas and now treats me like some stranger renting a room from him. He's either at work or with his girlfriend. I haven't seen him for more than..."

And suddenly I was crying my heart out, my throat a painful, hard lump I couldn't swallow around and my eyes burning with tears that wouldn't stop falling. I put my head against the steering wheel, bawling out my mom's shitty rejection and my father's neglect, and Jesse leaned over and pulled me close so I could sob into his shirt.

"It's okay," he soothed me, stroking my hair. "Your parents must be complete assholes not to realize how lucky they are to have you for a son. You could be out getting into so much shit but you don't. Instead, you go to school and work as if they were checking up on you every day. You always prop me up when I need it when you're the one falling apart inside. I'm sorry for what they did to you, Shane. Really, truly sorry."

I couldn't do anything except weep for a few minutes and try to get control of myself but being in Jesse's comforting arms and listening to his calming sympathy helped. It felt so good to just be held, something I had missed without realizing it. Soon I was quieting, and when I looked up, there was my beautiful boyfriend with tears in his eyes too. One thing led to another, and soon the edges of the arm rest were digging into our sides as we frantically reached for each other and tried to kiss and breathe at the same time.

"Come on," he said, pulling away and letting himself out of the car. He shut the passenger door quietly. I followed, and he grabbed my hand, leading me through the inky blackness around the house to a closed window without a screen. There were no lights on anywhere and the crickets chirped loudly in the silence.

Jesse put his hands on the movable half of the window and pushed inward, noiselessly sliding it sideways until there was an opening large enough to crawl through. "Come on," he whispered again, and he hefted himself over the sill, then assisted me inside. We were in a bedroom, one I assumed was his.

"Are you sure we should do this?" I was a little panicky at getting caught, feeling a definite sense of déjà vu from my afternoon with Owen.

"The family is all sound asleep," he murmured, squeezing my hand. "A burglar could clean them out completely and they wouldn't know until it was too late. Not even my three-year-old nephew will wake up until morning."

"If you say so," I agreed doubtfully.

"I say so, Blondie." He put a reassuring hand on my arm, and the smile on his face was both inviting and possessive. "As long as we keep the moaning down."

I was all set to answer, but he cut off my words with a flurry of small grazes to my lips. Fluttering in my stomach, I held still under each mesmerizing pass until it wasn't enough, and I kissed him hard. He drew me deeper into his embrace but I didn't feel smothered, just very loved and wanted. He plunged his tongue into my mouth and I responded with stolen breath, feeling the empty space in the front of my jeans tightening.

"I know how to make you feel better." Jesse lifted my shirt and I just stood there silently with my arms around him when he nuzzled into my neck. He lost no time, beginning to touch me everywhere and his mouth danced across the bare skin of my shoulders and torso, licking and chewing on my nipples while I tried to hold my groans back. It didn't take long before I was hard and aching for him.

He unfastened the button on my tight jeans and slid the zipper down. There was a growing wet spot on the fabric behind it where the precum had soaked through. Dropping to his knees in front of me, he pulled them down my thighs; my stiff cock caught and bounced as it got free of the denim and slapped me in the stomach.

"Splendid," he breathed in awe, staring at my dick before looking up at me quizzically. "You're a natural."

"Natural what?" I husked, wanting to beg him to take me into his mouth.

"Blonde," he smiled. "Carpet matches the drapes."

I giggled through a groan when he ran his fingers over the slippery head, making me shiver, and then popped them into his mouth to taste my precum. "Mmm," he moaned back.

He leaned towards me as I shifted my feet closer, and he sucked my cockhead into his mouth. I felt warm and wet surround it as his tongue slipped out to lick down the shaft to my balls and back up, waking up each nerve along its path. Steadying himself by grabbing my hips he re-positioned his jaw and began to slurp on it, going deeper with every dip. Then he innocently flipped his latte-colored eyes up at me, and the sight of him with his pink lips locked around my hard penis nearly made me cum right there. All I could do was whimper to show how much I liked it because words were beyond me.

I grabbed his head for balance, and he began working on me in earnest. I felt the tip hit the back of his mouth, and he gagged for a second before withdrawing to try again. It didn't matter, his sliding hand at the base was almost as good as his mouth, especially when his fingers surrounded my sac and bobbled the balls inside. My hips wanted to thrust and he let me take control of my drives. All the stimulation was getting to me and I knew it wouldn't take much to make me fly apart.

My balls started to rumble, and I scarcely had time to groan out a "Jesse, I'm cum..." when my orgasm crashed into me. I felt cum racing through my dick to eject forcefully into Jesse's waiting mouth, and I barely was able to contain my scream before stifling it with my hand. Looking down through blurry eyes I watched him swallow like he enjoyed the taste of my semen, moaning in delight. The sight made my knees weak to the point where I would have fallen over if Jesse hadn't been holding on.

He let me regain some sanity and strength before he let go, and I pulled him up into an open kiss. He shared the last of me on his tongue, and then I was pawing at his clothing to get him out of his shirt and jeans. We collapsed on to Jesse's double bed and I licked and nibbled my way down his long, narrow body to find his pretty cock jutting from his own trimmed groin of black curls.

I spread his knees and moved down between them. "Carpet matches your drapes too," I teased him before lowering my head and wrapping my tongue around his scrotum to draw his nuts carefully into my mouth, first one and then the other and sucking on them gently.

"Oh damn, Shane," he moaned softly, his hips lifting off the bed involuntarily. He filled his hands with my long hair to guide me.

I stroked his cock into full hardness and opened to let the mushroom head of his member slip inside and lay heavily on my tongue. Sucking at the tip, I closed my lips around it and tasted his slightly salty precum. It was Jesse's so that made it good. Drawing his cock further into my mouth, I bobbed up and down, feeling the satiny skin stretch. He groaned again and knowing I was giving him such pleasure made me feel like a king.

I was able to get most of him into my mouth and began concentrating on my breathing so I wouldn't gag. One hand gripping his shaft kept time with my mouth, and the other fondled his balls. I pressed my pinky finger into the taut skin between them and his twitching hole, eliciting another ragged moan from him. His hips were on autopilot now, his hands sweaty in my hair, and when I glanced up at him he was nearly glowing. That spurred me on, and I swallowed him on the next down-stroke.

Everything happened at once. Jesse quietly moaned, "Fuuuck, I'm cumming!" and his cock thickened. No sooner were the words out of his mouth than the first splash of cum hit the back of my throat and I hastily swallowed. He was mindlessly cupping my head to try and hold me still while his whole body was thrashing on the bed. I continued to bob over him, pulling his release from his pulsing cock and drinking each emission down until he finally went limp.

After cleaning him completely, I crawled up the bed and lay down next to him. "Are you okay?"

He smiled tiredly and reached out for me, and I rolled into a soft kiss. "Yeah," he whispered, running his fingers down my jaw. "For a bi boy, you're pretty good at blowjobs."

"I aim to please," I giggled back.

We snuggled up together and must have fallen asleep. All I know is that what seemed like only minutes later Jesse was shaking me awake and I didn't want to open my eyes. We were still naked on top of his bed, and the air felt chilly.

"Shane, it's four a.m. Shouldn't you go home?"

"Don't want to," I grumbled, burying my head in his neck like a child. "Nobody's there anyway."

"Well, my mom will be getting up for work in an hour, and she can't find you here."

I sighed, remembering that he wasn't out to his family yet. He was right; I had to get up even if I hated leaving him because the last thing either of us needed was to get caught. It was stupid how parents, with their mixed up values, held all the power.

I gave him a quick kiss and began searching for my clothes. I kissed him again as I scooted through the window and thought about him all the way home. That is, until I pulled on to my street and noticed my father's car in the driveway.

Fuck! What was he doing here? He was supposed to be spending the night at Jillian's.

I let myself into the house in near silence, thanking the sex gods for a front door that didn't squeak and my ability to keep my keys from jangling. I had to pee so badly, but I was afraid that it would wake Dad and bring him out of his bedroom to ask where I'd been. Practically hopping up and down, I made myself undress and throw some briefs on over my naked ass, and then I climbed into bed and back out so it looked like I'd been asleep. However, there was no need for the subterfuge because Dad never woke up.

I didn't think I was going to be able to fall back asleep but I had no trouble. My alarm clock went off at six, and I dragged myself up and into the shower. By the time I appeared in the kitchen my father was there.

"What time did you get home last night?" he asked, giving me a severe look.

I cautiously took a big breath and considered my options. Not that while I was in bed I hadn't planned some damage control beforehand, but I wondered how much I could get away with and realized it all depended on how long my father had waited up for me... if he had.

"Midnight." I picked a time I hoped wouldn't be too far-fetched, given that my father wasn't much of a night owl in any situation and most likely wouldn't care enough to worry over my absence.

He didn't react negatively and I relaxed a little. "That's late for a school night," he stated. "Where were you?"

"I picked up my paycheck from Uncle Carl, and then some friends and I went into Santa Barbara for dinner," I half-lied. "One thing led to another and time got by us."

"What does that mean?" Now he was glaring.

"Nothing," I retorted, trying not to sound defensive. "Just hanging out and doing shit. I wasn't getting into trouble if that's what you're worried about."

He nodded, staring at me oddly. It was making me nervous. "I talked to Carl."


Oh fuck! If Carl said anything about Jesse, I was dead. I felt a line of sweat trickling down my back, and I held my breath, hoping my uncle had kept my secret.

"He just wanted you to know that he planned to give you a raise with this paycheck and forgot to compute it into your hours. He said he'll give you a separate check the next time he sees you."

I willed myself to relax and forced a smile. "Oh, okay. Well, I better get to school."

I was halfway to the door when my father stopped me. "Shane, I know you're eighteen and we've never discussed what time you're to be home, but from now on, curfew is 10:30 on weeknights and 11:30 on Friday and Saturday. Understand?"

"Sure, Dad," I answered, thinking that nine nights out of ten he wouldn't be around to know what time I came home. This was just his way of justifying what a fucked up job he was doing of parenting me. I guess I had no reason to complain, seeing as how it allowed me to spend so much time with my boyfriend.


(To be continued...)

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I’m not sure I will continue to read. Bi guys always go back to girls and this guy seems like he will cheat on Jesse with a girl. As a non native English speaker the story is confusing when there are mistakes. Maybe someone could help you proofread after you write the story, if you’re tired.

melonhead94melonhead94about 11 years ago
Enjoying this

How you build up the relationship between your characters slowly and let their emotions shine through instead of just rushing things. Love needs time, and it's refreshing to see them take it.

rabbitfishrabbitfishover 11 years ago
The beginning...

I usually don't comment until I have read the whole story, but I just wanted to get this down...

It took me at least 3 tries to get past the first few paragraphs of this story. (I think the biggest turnoff was the multiple girlfriends, but there were several others.) I kept coming back to try again though, and I have to say it was worth it. There were a few mistakes, but not enough to make this hard to read, once I got past the introduction. The way Shane described himself was really weird to read, and didn't make me want to keep reading. You might want to do some research on how to introduce characters from first person, to avoid that mugshot feel for future stories. It wasn't as mugshot-like as most stories on this site, but I have found several that I like much better. I also feel that when the character's description of themselves isn't the first thing in the story, it often flows better. Another trick that seems to help is to break up the description, and use the bits where they connect to other aspects of the story, for example height in relation to sports, coloring in relation to looking like parents, etc. Hope that helps.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
slow to start...

But so so worth it!

I gotta admit i am so in love with these too, it's all too cute. on that note the bit near the beginning, sort of long distracted ramblings about how nice Jesse is took me a while to get through, i sort of kept dropping it. but once you got into 'real-time' it was totally worth it, really good stuff. Take no rubbish from anyone, you're great, keep going. Can't wait to read the rest of this!

canndcanndover 11 years ago

Have you ever checked your lousy attitude? You could have made the same point a million different ways in a non-agressive, kind and constructive way. Instead you act like a better than thou, nasty S.O.B. And you don't have the guts to sign your name to it.

Anyway, I agree that the story is going well. But, you also have me walking on eggshells and waiting for these two to get caught. And of course we don't know who is messing with them. It did seem crazy that this kid is going to throw away a scholarship for a guy, but lets be honest, he has no parents guiding him and he'd not be the first teen to plan his life around a love interest. I do find it strange that he doesn't have a guidance counselor checking on what he's planning to do at his new school. So far, his uncle is the only one who seems to care. His father should be ashamed of himself for his performance as a parent. I am glad he and Jesse started talking more. I just question what will change next year? Will they move in together and then be able to come out? Or will they live together as 'friends' or stay at home? look forward to more.

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