Camp Free Ch. 6 - Day 5 (Pt. 1)


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I began to stroke Matt's dick. It was a good size. Somewhere between 7-8" long. It was thick, not so thick it was scary like Chris, but thick enough it felt good in my hands. His foreskin was cut and his pubic area was well groomed with a small patch of public hair growing around the base of his shaft.

Matt closed his eyes and moaned.

I stroked him for a while, but I wanted more. So I slipped back into the water and climbed between Matt's legs. His erect dick was now right in front of my eyes. I propped myself up on the rocks to be more comfortable. Then I reached down the cup his balls with one hand, wrapped the other hand around his shaft and kissed the head of his dick.

His dick twitched when I kissed it.

"Mmmm, you like that?" I asked Matt.

"Mhmm" He moaned.

I continued to kiss the head of his dick until I eventually opened my mouth and took just the head into my mouth. I sucked on it lightly and felt it twitch again. This time I could taste some pre-cum on my tongue. It was a nice flavor, at least for cum. A little sweet, a little tart.

I pulled the head of his dick out of my mouth and kissed it again. Then I put it back in my mouth and sucked a little more of him inside of me. I repeated this, each time I took him back in my mouth I would take a little more of him.

Eventually I had all of Matt's dick in my mouth. My lips were pressed up against the base of his dick. I held it there for a moment, feeling Matt's head barely starting to push into the back of my throat.

"Mmmmmm" Matt moaned as he put his hand on the back of my head and pushed himself inside me a little deeper.

I'd never sucked a dick this big and I started to feel my gag reflex kick in. I panicked and quickly yanked his hand off my head and pulled my head up. I coughed a couple times and caught my breath.

"You okay?" Matt asked, worried about me.

"Yeah... Just never taken a dick that deep before." I said giggling.

Matt laughed, "Sorry. I won't do that again." he said as he laid back again.

I resumed sucking Matt's dick. This time my hand was wrapped around his shaft and moved up and down with my mouth. I would occasionally play with Matt's balls, making him moan each time.

Soon I noticed Matt's breathing increased. I responded by increasing the pace in which I was sucking his dick. Eventually his breathing became shallow and he put his hand on the back of my head once again.

"Oh, I'm going to cum soon." Matt announced.

I needed to make a decision. Did I want to swallow his cum or let him cum on me somewhere. I didn't know what to do, but I was worried about Matt forcing himself down my throat and cumming. I sucked Matt's dick for a while longer. When I sensed he was right on the edge of cumming I pulled his dick out of my mouth and stroked him furiously. I positioned Matt's dick so he would cum on my chest.

Then Matt let out a loud grunt. For a split second I thought I'd hurt him, but then I saw a long rope of cum shoot out of the head of his dick and land on my chest. More cum shot out and landed on my breasts. Then more cum.

Each time Matt shot a rope of cum, he'd let out this loud guttural grunt. Eventually he stopped shooting cum and sat up.

"Fuck, that was amazing." Matt said to me.

I smiled at him and looked down at my chest. It was glistening with cum, looking almost like a light coat of glaze.

"Wow, look at the mess you made." I said teasingly.

I pushed off the rock and dove back in the water. I let myself sick down a bit so I could wash the cum off my chest.

We were both exhausted. Our hair looked messy, my bun was starting to come out thanks to Matt putting his hand on the back of my head.

"I hate to say this," Matt said, "But we should get headed back."

At first I was sad about having to head back.

"Do we have to already?" I asked.

"Yes, but remember we'll see each other again tonight." Matt responded.

"That's right!" I said, suddenly realizing that I was almost certainly going to have sex with Matt in just a few hours.

We both rinsed off in the hot spring. I made sure all the cum was off my chest. Once I was sure the cum was gone, I got out of the hot spring. Soon Matt got out and we both started the hike back to camp.

"Ugh, another afternoon shower." I said, dreading having to do yet another group shower.

"Why? You don't like them?" Matt asked.

"Eh, it's not my thing. Plus I hate having to share what I did during the day." I explained.

"Oh, right. I guess this will be two days in a row of us going off on our own..." Matt said as if he realized there was suddenly a problem.

"Yeah, so?" I asked.

"Well, we're not supposed to show favoritism towards a camper. We're definitely not supposed to catch feelings." Matt explained.

"So? We went on a hike two days in a row? What's the big deal?" I asked.

"I just don't want people to wonder if maybe we're closer than we should be." Matt explained.

"Ah..." I said, trying to think of a way to cover our tracks.

"I can't think of something to say or do that wouldn't potentially get us into more hot water." Matt explained.

"Yeah, I can't either." I agreed.

"We'll be together tonight, but tomorrow we need to make a point to not go off on our own." Matt said.

"Okay..." I said, mildly disappointed that tonight might be the last time I could spend significant time with Matt for a while.

We arrived back at camp and looked at the clock tower to see it was 3:15.

"Crap, we're late!" Matt shouted as he started to walk faster towards our cabin.

We had arrived back at camp 15 minutes after we were supposed to be back at our cabins for afternoon showers.

Matt and I hurried towards the cabin. When we finally arrived we were out of breath. Without hesitation we rushed through the front door. The common area was empty, but we could hear the sound of running water and talking coming from the showers.

"Well, this is going to be awkward." I jokingly said to Matt.

"Yeah." Matt said as he sighed.

We both walked towards the shower room. Matt was first and I followed. As soon as Matt walked into the room the talking stopped and all eyes locked onto him. When I walked in after him everyone's attention turned towards me.

I looked down towards the floor in embarrassment and walked towards an open spot along the wall.

The room remained silent the entire time. I just wanted someone to talk to break the silence.

Finally, Amanda broke the silence.

"Thank you for joining us Matt and Quinn..." Amanda said in a sarcastic tone.

"Sorry, we lost track of time..." I said quietly.

"Well, we were just talking about what we did today, so why don't you two share?" Amanda said, putting the two of us on the spot even more.

I looked up, searching for Matt. When I found him on the other side of the room I looked at him for an answer.

We were silent for too long, so Amanda broke the silence again.

"Matt, Quinn... What did you do today?" Amanda asked.

I panicked and started talking.

"We... We went for a hike again." I said.

"Oh, again?" Amanda asked.

I nodded. We were acting guilty. Everyone in the room must have known something was going on.

"Yeah." Matt said with confidence in his voice, "Quinn asked me at breakfast if I knew of any other cool spots. So I took her to the small hot spring."

"Well, that's a place you seem to like to take a lot of girls to." Amanda said with sarcasm in her voice once again.

"Sure?" Matt said, brushing off Amanda's sarcasm.

"So... What did you two do at the hot spring?" Amanda asked, looking over at me.

I looked at Matt and he nodded, silenting letting me know that everything was going to be okay.

"We messed around a bit. Matt ate me out and I gave Matt a blow job." I said looking down at the ground once again, embarrassed to talk about the encounter publicly.

"Hm." Amanda said.

"Did you swallow Matt's cum, or..." Amanda started asking, but I cut her off.

"No, I did. I let Matt cum on my boobs."

That must have satisfied Amanda's curiosity as she moved onto the next person. I was relieved it was all over. I tried not to make eye contact with anyone. I zoned out for a while as I rushed through my shower routine.

I figured tonight was likely the night I'd spend with Matt. Even though he'd been up close and personal with my private areas already, I wanted to make sure I was nice and clean for our special night. I washed my body, especially washing my breast making sure that any trace of Matt's cum was washed away. I quickly shaved my legs, and my underarms. I hadn't shaved my pussy since before we got here, so I quickly shaved down there too.

Then I heard the shower heads shutting off. I snapped back to reality and rinsed off the remaining shaving cream and soap and turned off my shower head.

After drying off I waited in line to use a sink so I could brush my teeth and hair. This was hands down the most effort I had put into my personal appearance since I had arrived by Camp Free.

When I finished I went out to the commons area where the others had gathered and waited to leave for dinner.

Eventually everyone was ready, so we left as a group and walked to Dinner. On our walk Chloe walked next to me.

"So... You and Matt, huh?" Chloe whispered.

I looked over at her and gave her a stern look.

"Girl... It's so obvious." Chloe whispered.

I quietly shushed her, shooting her another stern look.

"Well, he's clearly into you. He's the only guy you haven't had a night with, right?" Chloe asked in a hushed tone.

I nodded my head.

"Nice, you're totally gonna get that dick tonight girl. It's so good. You're going to love it." Chloe said, reminding me that she had already been with Matt a few days before.

The thought of the two of them being together shot pangs of jealousy into my stomach.

We arrived at the cafeteria and I grabbed Chloe's arm.

"Listen, keep this quiet. Please don't tell anyone." I whispered to Chloe.

"I got it. Your secret is safe with me." Chloe whispered.

The two of us were the last of our cabin to enter the cafeteria. We sat down at our usual table and waited for the other cabins to arrive. Once they arrived and were seated, servers brought dinner out to us.

This has started to become routine. Sitting around eating dinner in the evenings in the nude with my classmates. It was still surreal, but was something we were starting to become more comfortable with.

We sat around and cracked little jokes. We made small talk. I could tell from Amanda's tone that she was still upset or annoyed by Matt and I arriving late to the afternoon shower. I tried to ignore it and pretend like nothing was wrong, but it was worrying me. What if Amanda suspected something? Was she going to get Matt fired?

Then it was announced that trivia was canceled. The room let out an audible moan in disappointment. Then it was announced that instead of trivia there would be a rock-paper-scissors contest to determine who would go to the Hot Springs House that night. The room erupted in excitement.

Each cabin was told to select two representatives, one male and one female. Chris volunteered himself for our cabin and everyone agreed. None of the girls wanted to go, but Amanda suggested I should be the female representative.

"No, please!" I begged.

"Come on, do it." Amanda said, "Make up for when you got that question wrong the other night."

The rest of the table nodded and nudged me to go.

"Fine. I'll do it." I said reluctantly.

I was even more nervous. I knew there was a good chance I'd get paired with Matt tonight and what better place to have our first time than at the Hot Springs House?

I stood up from the table and walked with Chris to the front of the room. We were joined by our fellow representatives. A camp admin who was running the tournament handed each of us a rope necklace with a piece of paper in the color of our cabin attached to it. This was to help everyone figure out who belonged to which cabin.

The tournament was simple. Head-to-head style. The first round would be drawn at random. The winner would pick the next two to face each other, the loser would be eliminated. You couldn't pick two people from the same cabin. As long as it was possible, you couldn't pick two people of the same gender.

"If either of us win, we can't pick the other for the next match up." I whispered to Chris.

Chris nodded, but I was unsure if he understood what I was trying to say.

The first two cabins to face each other were announced. Blue (Male) vs. Purple (Female). That was me. My stomach sank and I began to tremble.

I stepped forward and turned to face my challenger. It was James from the basketball team. His mom was white, but his dad was black so he had light brown skin. James stood about 6'2'' and had a muscular build. His 6-pack had a little definition. On top of his head was a brown curly hair that was buzzed on the sides.

"Okay, down down from three and draw your selection on one." the camp admin explained.

"Three, two, one..." James and I said as we smacked the side of our fist against the opposing palm.

I closed my eyes when I made my selection. I couldn't watch.

"Blue has rock. Purple has paper. Purple wins!" said the camp admin.

I exhaled in relief. James turned back towards his table and sat down.

"Please select the next two." the camp admin said.

"Oh, ummm..." I said as I looked at the others in line, "Blue (Female) vs. Yellow (Male)."

The room burst into a murmur when I made my announcement. I was confused. What did I do?

"Well, someone must want the blue cabin out..." the camp admin said, "If blue loses here, they're eliminated."

Faith, a thin girl with dirty blonde hair and small breasts, stepped forward for the blue cabin. Nate, a wrestler with curly blonde hair, stepped forward for the yellow cabin.

The two counted down and showed their selection.

Blue picked scissors, yellow picked rock.

"Blue has been eliminated from the tournament." the camp admin said as Faith walked back towards her table.

"Purple (Male) and Red (Female)" Nate announced.

Chris stepped forward for our cabin. Liz, a curvy girl with light brown skin and shoulder length black hair, stepped forward for the red cabin.

The two counted down and showed their selection.

Purple picked rock, red picked paper.

"Purple (Male) has been eliminated." the camp admin said as Chris walked back to our table.

I was our cabin's only hope...

"Purple (Female) and Yellow (Male)" Liz announced.

The room burst into excitement again as they realized that if I had lost, purple would be eliminated once again.

I stepped forward and faced Nate. His 7" dick hung low between his legs.

We counted down and drew our selection.

I picked rock, Nate picked scissors. I survived.

"Yellow (Male) lost." the camp admin said as Nate walked back to his table.

There was now just one male left, so I had to pick him.

"Red (Male) and Yellow (Female)" I announced.

August, a nerdy boy with a lanky build and glasses and a bad bowl cut, stepped forward for the red cabin. Katie, a curvy black girl with glasses, stepped forward for the yellow cabin.

The two counted down and drew their selection.

Red picked paper, yellow picked rock.

"Yellow has been eliminated." the camp admin announced, "Red, since you are the last male, who would you like to play against?"

There was no way August was going to pick Liz. They were from the same cabin.

"Purple (Female)." August announced.

I stepped forward to face August. He was trembling with nerves and I could see his small dick twitch as he looked me over.

We counted down and drew.

I selected rock, August selected scissors. I won.

"Red (Male) has been eliminated." The camp admin said, "Before we play our final round, let's hear it for our two finalists."

The room erupted in applause and I could hear my table chanting my name. "Quinn! Quinn! Quinn!"

The camp admin motioned for everyone to settle down.

Liz and I faced each other, counted down, and drew.

I picked paper, Liz picked paper. It was a tie.

The room began to mumble and again the camp admin motioned for the room to be silent.

Liz and I counted down again and drew.

I picked scissors, Liz picked paper. I won.

"Red has been eliminated." The camp admin announced, "Our winner is the purple cabin!"

I jumped for joy and looked over at my table. Everyone in the cabin was jumping for joy and high fiving each other.

"Congratulations on winning a night at the Hot Springs House. You may now leave to begin your journey." the camp admin announced.

Everyone from the purple cabin rushed outside, still celebrating. I was the last to join them and they mobbed me with excitement.

"Way to go Quinn!"

"Knew you could do it!"

I was elated. I was on top of the world. The cherry on top was that Matt was likely going to be my partner tonight. This was perfect. I couldn't ask for more.

"Hey, everyone!" Matt shouted so he could get our attention, "Let's give a round of applause to Quinn!"

Everyone clapped and hollered in appreciation.

"Okay, okay. I know we're all excited about getting to the Hot Springs House, but there's some stuff we need to take care of first." Amanda announced.

"First thing, we're staying overnight. So if there's anything you need overnight, we need to go grab it right now. Think about your toiletries, and stuff like that." Matt said.

Everyone nodded as they made mental checklists of what they needed to bring with them.

"We'll handle the house rules and talk about rooms and partners when we get to the Hot Springs House." Amanda said.

"Everyone Ready?" Matt asked.

Everyone let out a big cheer.

"Then let's go!" Amanda said, waving her arm in the direction of the cabin.

We walked back to our cabin. When everyone went in they scurried about. Most people headed to the shower room to grab toiletry bags and then back to their rooms to grab any other items they may have kept there.

After 10 or 15 minutes everyone gathered in the common area.

"Okay, everyone ready?" Matt asked.

Everyone nodded and looked around at each other.

"Alright, let's get moving!" Amanda said.

Amanda and Matt led the way out the front door.

We followed the hiking trail Matt and I took the day before. Then we took the fork Matt said led to the Hot Springs House.

Hiking at dusk was a little scary, but the idea of spending the night with Matt was enough to make me push through it.

After about 40 minutes of hiking we reached the Hot Springs House. It was located in the middle of a clearing in the trees. It was a large two story modern craftsman style house. You could easily see into the house due to the large windows throughout the house.

We entered the house through two large doors and into the living room. Inside the living room were three couches arranged in the u-shape. Each couch could hold 3-4 people no problem. To the left was a huge kitchen with two refrigerators. Towards the back of the living room were two panoramic floor to ceiling windows that looked into the backyard where the hot spring was. Another large door led out to a back porch.

To the right of the back windows was a hallway that led to three of the bedrooms. To the left was a set of stairs that led to the two upstairs bedrooms.

Matt and Amanda gathered us all in the living room and told us to take a seat.

"Alright, so welcome to the Hot Spring House." Amanda said with a smile, "This is a really special privilege to stay here. It's a really cool experience, so soak it up and enjoy."

"There are a couple house rules. First, the kitchen is fully stocked. Feel free to prepare and eat any food you'd like. Amanda and I ask that we do a group breakfast." Matt explained.

The group nodded.