Camping in the Smokey Mountains

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A brother and sister reignite some passion from the past.
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"Could you please roll that window up!?" Julia's mom shouted back to her over the din of the wind blowing by the car.

"Well then can you at least turn the A/C on!?" Julia shouted back to the front seat. Julia saw her dad click on the A/C before reaching over and clicking the switch to roll the window up for her.

"Sorry sweetie! It's know, this thing has a hard time going up these mountain hills!" her dad called back to her. "We can keep it on for a bit I suppose."

"This thing," Josh said disdainfully, "is a piece of crap and should have been replaced a long time ago!"

Their dad tilted the rear-view mirror to look back at Josh. "Hey, this thing has taken you on countless camping trips, so you watch it!" His dad's voice was stern, but he was clearly smiling underneath his bushy mustache.

Josh was Julia's older brother, by two years. Every summer since they were kids, their parents would take them on the annual camping trip. This year's destination was the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. Every year they made a point of going somewhere different, putting along in their parent's green 1988 Isuzu Rodeo.

Julia had just completed her second year of college at University of Wisconsin-Madison - Josh his fourth. The two were practically inseparable when they were kids; despite being two years older, Josh would always find time to hang out with his little sister, even if it meant dressing up and playing "tea party."

However, these days, school and life had become so chaotic that it was hard to find time to do anything together. They were luckily if they could find time to grab lunch together in the student union building. These little family vacations were always a welcome respite after a demanding spring semester.

"Are we there yet?" Julia whined in a childish tone, mostly joking.

"Oh great. Don't you start missy!" Julia's father tilted the mirror again, looking back at her.

Julia stuck out her tongue and then smiled, the dimples in her cheeks showing. Her nose and cheeks were already showing freckles. Her brown hair, still a bit frizzy from having the window down, lay across her shoulders. She was wearing a snug fitting pair of Daisy Dukes, perhaps a bit small for her these days.

After a few more hours, the family had finally arrived at the trailhead. Josh stretched as he got out of the car, squinting his eyes against the bright midday sun.

"Kids, would you guys mind grabbing the tents and the cooler? We'll grab what we can and when we get up there, mom and I will setup the tents and you guys can come back for the rest." Josh and Julia's dad instructed, pulling his ball cap into place.

Julia and Josh both groaned and marched around stubbornly to the back of the car, opening the lift gate. Josh took hold of the heavy cooler and Julia grabbed the tents.

"We're going to start heading up there then," Julia retorted, passing by her dad who was rubbing sunscreen into his arms. "Since we have to make forty million trips."

They hiked up the trail, which thankfully was mostly in the shade from the canopy of trees. It was still about 90 degrees though and it was a miserable uphill climb.

After about twenty minutes, they finally arrived at a spot that looked like a pretty good campsite. There was a slight clearing in the trees and in the center, a ring of rocks for a campfire.

The siblings set down their payloads and sat side by side atop the cooler, taking a short rest. They waited there quietly, catching their breath and a short while later saw their parents coming up the trail. They both waved, letting them know where the campsite was since it was a bit off trail.

Julia hopped up from the cooler with a surprising amount of energy and clapped her hands together.

"Ready to get the rest?" she asked Josh.

He nodded, wiping the sweat from his brow. The two started to head back down the trail, passing their parents. Julia noted the one folding chair her mom was carrying.

"Gee mom, don't strain yourself," she teased before bounding merrily down the trail.

"Where do you get all this energy?" Josh asked his younger sister, trailing a few paces behind her.

"Hm? Oh, you know - I guess just these family trips always get me excited. Being out in nature, the smell of the campfire, no schoolwork to worry about."

They reached the car and gathered up what they could, knowing this would easily take at least one more trip. Again Julia skipped off towards the trail, her brother in tow.

"Hey Josh..." she prompted, breaking the silence.


"Do you remember, that one summer, that mom and dad took us to Yellowstone?" she asked, turning around and walking backwards up the trail. Josh's eyes shot up from the ground to meet Julia's. He felt his heart skip a beat.

"Yeah, of course I remember..." he replied, a note of suspicion in his voice.

Julia continued as if he hadn't. "How I caught you jerking off with my panties in the tent?"

Josh looked back down, shuffling along the trail, trying to ignore his sister.

"And how I said I'd show you mine if you showed me yours? And how that night, we..."

Josh cut his sister off, "Yes! Yes! I remember! Of course I remember!" He stopped walking. "But I thought we agreed that we'd never speak of it again?"

Julia giggled at her brother's frustration and spun back around to continue walking.

"Yeah, we did, but - I dunno. Something about this place reminded me of it."

Josh could feel his face burning red with embarrassment, as if it wasn't hot enough out.

The two finished making their way to the campsite and completed the final trip down and up the trail in silence. When they got back, both tents were setup on opposite sides of the campsite.

"Gee dad, did you put the tents far enough apart?" Julia asked sarcastically.

"Hey, I was just doing it for you guys! Wouldn't want you guys hearing any 'strange noises' coming from mine and moms' tent" he said with a laugh.

"Jerry!" their mom called out, smacking his butt playfully.

"Ewww, gross!" Julia whined, covering her ears. "We don't want to hear about your guys' 'nighttime rituals,'" she stammered.

Their dad continued laughing heartily, having obviously amused himself quite thoroughly.

The rest of the afternoon was spent sitting around, drinking around the campfire pit, recovering from their car ride. It was still too hot for a fire, but their dad was already preparing for the evening, gathering kindle from around the site.

"Are you still dating that Abby girl?" Josh's mom asked him, peering over at him above her sunglasses.

"No. She was a bitch." Josh replied sternly.

"Ah, she dumped you," his mother retorted, pushing her sunglasses back up and leaning back in her chair. Julia giggled. She rubbed Josh's back from where she sat.

"There there, someday you'll find someone that can stand your World of Warcraft playing," she teased, but with a smile letting him know that she did actually care.

"And what about you, Jules? Any boyfriends we should know about?" their dad called out, keying in on the conversation, carrying a bundle of sticks in his arms.

"No dad! I'm being a perfect angel and focusing on my studies!" she replied, half-joking and half-not.

Their dad dropped the bundle of sticks next to the campfire pit and started building a mound of them for the fire.

"Good, because if anyone was to touch my baby..." he cast the idle threat out into the ether, trailing off as he did.

As the light faded the four sat around the campfire, chatting about life and school. They roasted hot dogs over the fire for dinner and enjoyed gooey smores for dessert.

It was getting chillier, and the fire provided a comforting warmth. Julia stared at the glowing coals, her mind wandering.

"Well, I think I'm gonna hit the hay," their mother called out from across the fire, standing up from her chair and stretching. "Don't stay up too late!" she called to her kids as she strolled over to her tent.

"Moooom, we aren't little kids anymore," Julia protested.

Their dad rose from his chair and stuffed his hands into his pant pockets.

"You two gonna remember to put the fire out before you head to bed?" he asked.

Josh nodded to his dad and with that, their dad followed their mom into the tent on the other side of the campsite.

"You don't really think they're going know?" Julia asked her brother, a look of slight disgust on her face.

Josh shrugged and his sister shuddered.

"I've been meaning to ask," he started, catching Julia's attention, "About what you said to dad earlier. Do you really not have a boyfriend?"

Julia shook her head.

"Nope! That was actually true - school has been kicking my ass and I haven't even had time to think about boys."

Josh smiled. Some part of him felt relief, but he wasn't quite sure why. Or maybe he just didn't want to admit to himself why.

Julia looked back towards the fire. "I was worried you were gonna ask about what I brought up earlier," she stated as she gazed into the flames.

Josh swallowed, his adam's apple bobbing. He gave no response.

After about thirty more minutes, the two decided it was probably time to retire. Julia headed into their tent while Josh poured water onto the fire, a hiss of steam filling the air.

Fireflies danced around in the dark, visible now with the flames extinguished. Crickets chirped and off in the distance a gentle stream could be heard, babbling over rocks.

Josh entered their tent, zipping up the tent flap behind him. His eyes had finally adjusted to the dim light being given by the moon. Julia was already snuggled in her sleeping bag, laying on her side. Josh verified she wasn't looking and pulled off his shirt, pants, and socks, and tossed them into the corner. He crawled into his own sleeping bag and put his head down on his pillow, looking up at the shadows of swaying tree branches, dancing in the moonlight on their tent's shell.

"Why did she bring that up?" he asked himself, thinking back to earlier in the day. He had been laying there for a while, his mind replaying the events over and over. "I thought we had agreed never to talk about what happened...and now today, of all days, she brings it up?"

His thoughts were interrupted by a slight rustling coming from the sleeping bag next to him.

"Hey, Josh," Julia whispered, still facing away from him, "are you still awake?"

"Yeah. What's up Jules?" he whispered back.

"I was just thinking about what I said earlier today and...well, I'm sorry if I upset you. I know we said we'd never talk about what happened that night and-"

"It's fine," he replied, cutting her apology off. "I'm not upset."

Julia was surprised, she was sure that he was mad at her. She rolled over to face him, reading his face.

"Are you sure?" she asked faintly.

He nodded, a gesture easily visible now that the clouds had started to clear from the sky.

"In fact..." he started, not sure how, or even if, he should finish the thought.

"In fact what?" she asked

"Well, I was just gonna say that I think about that night a lot sometimes," Josh stated, almost immediately regretting having done so. "I mean, not like ALL the time...not even that much really, just-" his stammering was cut short by Julia's soft voice.

"Me too," she replied. A silence fell, even the chirping crickets outside seemed to get quieter.

Josh's heart skipped a beat for the second time that day. He wasn't sure what to say.

Julia rustled inside of her sleeping bag again.

"I'm cold," she pouted, looking into Josh's eyes with a sad look. "Can I get in your sleeping bag?" she asked, pulling her best puppy-eyes.

"S-sure," Josh replied. The juxtaposition of her request and their previous conversation made him a little nervous.

Julia crawled out of her sleeping bag. She had swapped her Daisy Dukes for a pair of slick, orange, exercise-type shorts. Josh's sleeping bag was big enough to accommodate two people, though he was usually just in it alone.

Julia unzipped his sleeping bag and started to shimmy inside, facing away from her older brother. She finally settled and reached to zip the bag back up.

The two lay spooning in Josh's sleeping bag, not saying anything at first. Josh's heart was pounding. Julia's was too. Both of them were thinking about that summer.

Julia shifted her hips trying to get comfortable, inadvertently grinding them against Josh's crotch. Almost immediately he could feel his dick getting harder.

He wasn't the only one to notice the erection; Julia felt her brother's cock growing stiff inside of his boxers, pressing against her butt.

She pressed her hips into his once more, more deliberately this time. She was testing his reaction, but still trying to move in such a way that she could just play it off as trying to get comfortable.

Josh thrust back against his sister's hips in response. His cock grinding against her crack.

She repeated the motion several more times, slightly more purposeful each time. In turn, he thrust back against her each time, their movements becoming quicker.

Julia was now breathing a little more heavily, her breath audible over the humming of the crickets.

She reached down into the sleeping bag and shimmied her shorts and underwear down, just a bit below her ass. Josh noticed, bringing his hand down as well.

He cupped one of her butt cheeks in his hand; Julia's skin was unbelievably soft, her flesh squishy and pliable. He squeezed and massaged his sister's butt before reaching down further. Josh guided his hand between her thighs, his fingers brushing over her smoothly shaved pussy lips. He could feel the immense heat emanating from his sister's privates.

Josh curled his middle finger, slipping it between her labia. He slid it back until he found her opening and then gently, slowly, wiggled it inside of her.

Julia was wet. Josh's finger easily pushed into her vagina, gliding in with her natural lubrication.

She gasped in pleasure as his finger entered her. It was as though embers of lust were just waiting, and her older brother's touch was all that could ignite them into flames of passion.

Josh wiggled his finger back and forth inside of her, eliciting more sounds of pleasure from her. Julia ground her hips back against his hand, wanting more of him.

Josh too was getting impatient with need. His cock was rock hard, a sizable drop of precum had soaked into his boxer shorts where his tip was forming a tent of its own. He withdrew his finger, not even bothering to wipe off the slick wetness his sister had left it coated in. Hurriedly, he pulled down his boxers until they were around his thighs and pushed his penis down, guiding it under Julia's butt.

She reached down, needing it just as much as he did, trying to help guide him into her. He thrust forward, but the sleeping bag was just too constricting and they couldn't get the angle right. Still, he slid back and forth between her bare thighs, her soft pussy lips sliding back and forth along the top of his length, leaving a trail of her desire along his length.

The siblings' lust for each other had grown to a fever pitch.

Josh shimmied out of the sleeping bag, his boxer shorts getting caught up in the sleeping bag as he did. He emerged, his cock standing at full attention, ready to go. The moonlight provided just enough light for Julia to take it all in. As she looked at her naked brother, kneeling at the foot of the sleeping bag, her arousal increased even more.

Josh reached for the zipper to the sleeping bag and tugged it down quickly. He unzipped the sleeping bag fully and grabbed the top, flinging it open so it lay flat. Julia had already rolled from her side to her back, her sleeping shorts still pulled just partway down.

He reached down and pulled at her shorts, pulling them off and tossing them aside. Next, he went for her underwear - a pair of purple cheekies covered in pink polka-dots. Josh quickly tugged them down, sliding them off of her legs. Julia helped him by moving her legs; it was as though both of them couldn't satiate their lust soon enough.

Still, Josh took the time to drink in the sight before him: his younger sister, now laying there completely bottomless, her legs splayed open. The dark slit between her legs stood in stark contrast to her fair skin - which appeared even more pale than usual in the moonlight. Her nipples were stiff under her white tanktop, visible through the fabric. Julia watched him expectantly; it was all the invitation he needed.

Josh climbed on top of her. As he did, Julia lifted her legs a bit, allowing him to scooch closer and tilting her hips for easier access. Holding himself up above her with both arms, he moved his hips to guide himself to her awaiting entrance. He found it with ease and started to gently and slowly push his hips forward.

The soft, bulbous head of his penis easily pushed apart the ultra-soft flesh of his sister's vagina. Julia let out a soft, pleasured moan as she was penetrated by her older brother's thick cock once more. He slid in easily, thanks to the excess of slimy lubricant that her arousal had left coating her vaginal walls. Josh's hips pressed firmly against hers as his length was fully immersed inside of her fleshy tunnel.

He stayed there for a minute, taking in the sensation. Both of their hearts were pounding, Julia's breath was raspy and laced with desire.

"Holy shit Jules," Josh exclaimed, keeping his voice down, "It feels so good inside of you!"

Julia smiled and made a happy noise, glad that her brother was enjoying the most intimate parts of her anatomy.

"It's just as warm as I remember it being," he continued, referring back once more to the summer when they had lost their virginity to each other.

Julia felt her face flush, though Josh couldn't see it. She too was greatly enjoying the feeling; her older brother's penis, buried deep inside of her, gave her a satisfying feeling of fullness that was unlike anything else. However, this time, the experience for Julia was far more pleasurable and entirely less painful.

In fact, despite the taboo nature of the act, the truth of the matter was that their parts fit together perfectly. Their genitals were functioning perfectly, stimulating and pleasuring the other's in all the ways they were meant to. Their bodies didn't know or care that they were related; all that mattered was the feeling - and the feeling was amazing. How could it be so wrong and yet feel so good?

Josh started to slowly thrust in and out of his younger sister. He leaned in and kissed her lips; she blushed more and kissed back. His tongue danced across her lips, asking for permission; Julia obliged, opening her mouth and greeting his tongue with her own. Somehow, the kiss felt even more intimate and taboo than everything else.

Josh pushed her tanktop up and off of her breasts. He used one hand to support himself while the other roamed up her bare abdomen and chest until finally cupping her breast. He massaged it gently, dragging his thumb over her pert nipple a few times, trying to make it even harder.

Julia moaned into her brother's mouth in response to his touch. This moan spurred him on, and he began to thrust in and out of her a little more quickly. He broke off their kiss and they gazed into each others' eyes as they fucked each other in the small tent. The look of drunk pleasure on Julia's face sparked something deep within Josh, enhancing the sensations.

It was as though it had clicked that the look of pleasured agony on his little sister's face, and the soft moans that occasionally escaped her lips, were all because of him. It was all because of his most intimate organ interacting with her deepest depths; places that were supposed to be reserved for boyfriends or husbands. Places intended for reproduction. In fact, in spite of their relation, both of their biology was doing everything it could to encourage them to breed.