Can There Be Peace Ch. 05


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Karen looked at Red, "You will do as I command or you will be buried alive here." She spun on Baby Girl, "And you're going to do it even If I have to hold a gun to your head. No more bullshit games Sandy." She put her hands on her hips, "Me chief. You little Indian or you dead." When they didn't move or respond she giggled, "If that's the way you want it you better pick a direction and start running, I might miss." She turned and walked upstairs and to the house. She grabbed one of the shotguns and a box of shells. Returning she smiled and pushed each round in with a loud click. When it was full she cocked it and leveled it at Sandy's chest. "You will do as I command or die." She heard gasps and cries of no but her world was focused on Baby Girl's face.

"You would kill me after all we have gone through together?" Baby Girl asked softly looking into Karen's eyes. She suddenly realized Karen had drawn a line in the sand and she was standing on the wrong side of it. "Damn you Karen, damn you... okay you win.

Karen tossed the shotgun to Baby Girl and turned towards Red. Suddenly she knew how to handle the girl and closed her eyes. She made a fist and raised it over her head and pointed at her with her other hand. Though she opened her eyes she was reliving a memory, something her mother said and did to her after her father raped her. She began speaking in a low guttural voice slowly repeating the words her mother used and channeling them towards Red. She heard whispering behind her but ignored them even when they called out her name. Instead she continued until she reached the end.

She could feel the storm, the blackness about to break and come crashing down on Red. Not looking back, she commanded, "Scalpel!" hearing drawers being thrown open Karen lowered her fist and opened it. When the blade was placed in she brought it up to her other hand and looked closely at Red. The girl looked like a frightened rabbit, "You know what I said, what I called. Obey without fail or I finish it."

Suddenly Red fell to her knees and clung to her Mistress's ankle, "Please Mistress, I'll be good, don't damn me," she blubbered.

"Very well, I will give you another chance Red. Join your sisters." Karen waited until Red hurried and stood with the others before speaking. "If my life is in danger, as it was the other night when you wanted me to go to the hospital, then yes you must speak up. But when it is not, you damn well better learn to soldier. Hanging back okay I give you that, you were worried and kept quiet while I prayed. But the I don't want to ends right the fuck now." She paused, "You will show me the pleasures you enjoy. Let me live them with you before branding me."

Karen paused a long moment, "Then you will show me your painful pleasure need." She looked at Little Bit, "Take me as far as you wish I would take you before branding me." She looked around until her eyes rested on Baby Girl, "I have been much deeper than all of you combined could dream of." She gestured around the room, "Everything here she used on me." She walked over to an old cardboard box that had on magic marker, Karen's Toys written on it and brought it back.

Setting it on the table she looked around and said, "My toys, as mother liked to call them. She was proud of how I took a man from another woman. But despised that it was me that took him from her. She couldn't kill me, but she did make me suffer from the moment I was raped till the day she died." She looked at Baby Girl, "My only peace was escaping with you or going to my grove and she ripped those from me along with my life." Turning back, she upended the box and spilled the items out. "Metal Chasity belt to be worn always." She tossed the evil thing to Cat, "Note the metal nubs that constantly tear at the wearer's clit. Inflatable butt plugs and dildos. Alligator clips, electrodes, other ways to have fun with electricity. A cattle prod for girls too slow or stupid."

She lifted up a black rubber dildo with little cones all over it. "Her favorite, the porcupine. Get fucked with this little baby and you won't ever forget it. She turned it on and it buzzed in her hand. "She loved this one. She loved hearing her little girl scream in pain." She looked at Little Bit who looked worried, "Want to see how it feels?" She looked at Cat, "How about you?" She rounded on Baby Girl, "But for you I would turn it all the way up like she did." Karen turned it all the way up until it was vibrating so fast the little cones of hard rubber were hard to focus on. "But wait, there's more it does." She gave the handle a little twist and suddenly nails shot out a good inch from the tip of each cone. She turned off the vibrating part and tossed it to Cat, "See you can still see my blood on it if you look close."

Karen swept everything off the table, "Pain? You five have no idea." She pointed at Sandy, "Remember Back in 7th grade when my period was so bad it stained my jeans and they had to call mom to come get me?" She pointed at the porcupine and said, "That was my flow. That what was causing me to bleed not my period. She had ripped it out of me just before school without retracting the spines first."

She faced away from them as she undressed, "So please give me the little peace in my life I need. Let me feel loved, needed, and the painful pleasure I came to need to feel complete." Not looking at them she laid on her back on the table. She heard Red say, "Open your mouth," and opened it to receive an inflatable gag. It was pumped up and a blindfold put in place. Only then did they bind her arms and legs.

"Mistress now that you are helpless we have something to say and you have to listen." Baby Girl said. "Each of us would rather die than to see you suffer. I know nothing we can do will make up for what that bitch did to you, but we will try our best. So please don't go off the deep end again when we have a hard time doing as you command. We know you are the boss. Not a one of us debates that. However, with that said, we also worry about you. Your health both physical and mental."

Cat stepped forward, "Now some ground rules, remember safe words? Well here they are. One finger up means slow down. Two means you have a request, not an order, a request. The middle finger means stop right the fuck now." She smiled at her sisters, "We will do the best we can but remember none here has used a branding iron before." She bent down and kissed Karen's cheek, "Enjoy Mistress."

She expected each girl to have a turn, instead one mouth latched onto one breast, another a different breast, two were kissing her legs and one her cunny. So much stimulation caused her to roll from one orgasm to the next. Soon she was lost in a haze of pleasure and shortly afterwards felt the first branding. Had she not been so deeply gagged she would have broken windows. She was strongly tempted to stop them but while one had been burning her the other four changed placed and continued making love to her. Again she became lost in pleasure and shocked back by the second branding. While it hurt like hell it wasn't as bad as the first. After the second she lost count, every time she would become lost and they would brand her again.

Was it three or four she wondered muzzily when she heard Baby Girl say, "That's the pleasure side Mistress. Any last requests before we continue?"

Karen held up two fingers barely remembering Cat's safe signal. She felt the gag deflated and removed, "I know what I said, but can we have a break?" she croaked. She heard them whispering but not what was said.

"You can have a break for water and to go to the bathroom. However, we feel your arms should be bound in an arm binder and ankles in hobbles. If you cannot agree Mistress, then say so and we will just call it a day." Baby Girl said as she removed Karen's blindfold.

"Agreed," Karen said finally. "Though I would have agreed if you said I had to pee here in place as long as I can have some water."

"We thought about that, but don't want any of us getting infections." Red said.

"Speaking for myself, may we stop for a while? My nerves are frazzled at worrying I would mess up everyone else's brands when I did mine," Cat said softly.

"How did the vote go Cat?"

"Even two for two against one needing to talk to you before she decides." Cat said.

"Could someone get me a bottle of water and a straw while I speak to the sister who needs help deciding?" Karen said. She paused and then added, "Pull up a corner and talk to me."

"Mistress, I understand the pleasure side and I can even understand wanting to be bound so you can't be tempted to guide us in the process. But why do you need us to hurt you?" Tiffany asked. "I wondered about my sisters before. But now thinking about it, I wonder about you. What is your crime that you feel you must be punished for?"

"Tiffany, for six years I lived in one sort or another constant pain. When I got used to one thing, she did something else, never a constant type. I ended it by killing my mother. I thought I was free of pain then I got shot and found a measure of peace in the knowledge I was going to die. But I lived, I couldn't face this world so I stayed in as my family, my army family died off one by one leaving only Sandy, a woman broken inside worse than I am." Karen paused and sniffed back unshed tears, "I thought with her, Cat, another broken soul, and myself I would find peace and be whole. But it was not to be, still there was something missing in my world. Along came Little Bit, Red and you. Now there are six of us here and I am as lost and alone as I have been my whole life."

She heard gasps from other places in the room and sighed, "I thought that if I came near death under your hands and the hands of your sisters I might be able to continue living. Find a purpose to live once more."

"I'm sorry Mistress, that won't work. If it did I would be first in line to cause you pain." Tiffany said caressing her Mistress's cheek. "No, you have to suffer along with the rest of us. Though I have one correction for you, you are not alone. Lost possibly, but not alone." Tiffany stood and began releasing the bonds holding Karen down. "We are with you, we are one now and bound together in a way I did not believe was possible. I'm still not sure I dreamt your circle and us swapping memories but I remember them as if they were mine. Even that god awful rape. What your father did was far worse than what mine did to me." Removing the last, she said, "Kill me if you must, curse me if it makes you feel better, but I can't hurt you to make you feel alive."

Little Bit nodded, "Same here. If you want rough play with us being tops to your bottom. Fine, let me work up my nerve. But that? Not only no, hell no Mistress."

"Mistress, Tom went through the same thing. The exact same thing as you are feeling." Red paused and looked down, "I will do as you ask only because talking to and loving him as hard as I could didn't save him. I can't lose you too."

Karen looked at Baby Girl and Cat who both could or would not meet her gaze. "You win... But how do I keep going? Cat? Baby Girl? I can't put my life into the hands of another and hope I don't screwed over. I damn sure can't throw you girls to the wolves. Guide me please because I am about to lose my shit completely."

"Mistress..." Cat said looking up when it was apparent that her sister wasn't ready to speak. "No you can't throw yourself at the feet of a stranger and hope she doesn't fuck you up worse." She paused a long moment to gather her thoughts before continuing, "Instead of learning independence while growing, you were under the thumb of a woman I would kill on sight given a chance. Because of that, you had to learn hard and fast and it is no wonder you are falling apart now. In a high stress situation, you take command. Like it or not, you are a natural leader."

Again, Cat paused and looked at her sisters, "I agree that Karen needs release time, time to be one of us. Look me in the eye and tell me you didn't wish it was you bound in her place during the pleasure section? Tell me you wouldn't want to have her and the rest of us take you down the rough and rocky road." She turned back to Karen, "Karen, if you want to be bound and fucked roughly then I will do it. Not because you want to feel alive but because I would do the same for any of my sisters."

"Baby Girl? Love? How did you survive the seven months while I was still in?" Karen asked. She could tell Sandy was going to explode and she was going to catch hell.

"Mistress," Baby Girl said softly looking up. "I survived knowing sooner or later you would return. I knew I would feel alive under your strong control. That thought was the only reason I am still alive." She paused and looked away, "Karen, I know what you are going through. But what you seek is not the answer. It only leads you deeper into madness." Still facing away, she said softly, "If you want to become her... then I will follow you into the darkness. But I cannot and will not help you become your mother."

Baby Girl turned back and said, "Do you really want my advice Karen? Or do you want justification for self-destruction?"

"I always want your advice. It's the anger and fuck you I ain't going to do it, I have issues with."

"Yea well I have anger management issues like someone else I could mention," Baby Girl replied. "However, my advice is to take all that crap from your toy box and burn it. Secondly, allow us to brand you five times over because you already know all about pain. Finally let's get some lunch while we think and discuss how you can be our mistress / sister without losing our way."

A thought suddenly occurred to her. "I do not know if this will work but I would like to try anyways." Karen stood and bent over the table. "I want you, each of you to take some of the evil toys on the floor. Toss them in to the forge, say the words, I take away your bad pain and give you loving pain in return as you brand me."

Red stood, took the porcupine and an evil looking butt plug and tossed them into the forge. She rested her hand on Karen's rump and spoke softly, "Goddess, grant our sister peace." She added louder, "Karen, I take away your bad pain and give you my loving tender pain in return." She took out the pain brand and pressed it into her Mistress's other thigh. Stepping back, she put it back in the forge and moved to one side.

It was almost as bad knowing they were coming as it was not knowing as each of her girls, her lovers and soul mates branded her. When the last one, Baby Girl finished she tenderly kissed above the now deep and ugly looking wound. She looked up and added, "God, please grant Karen some peace."

Red stepped forward and placed her hand on the back of her Mistress's head and again spoke softly in a foreign tongue. As she lifted it away Tiffany asked, "What was that you said sister?"

"A blessing in Romanian." Karen replied looking at Red. She waited until they bandaged the two brands and gathering up her clothes they went up. She sat at the dining table and looked at the girls eating silently. Finally, she said, "Shall we discuss the elephant in the room or shall I go rest?"

Cat looked around and even under the table before looking at her Mistress. "What elephant in the room?" She paused a moment then added, "Oh I get it now... you mean you don't you, Mistress."

"You don't look like an elephant to me," Tiffany said and giggled.

"More like a charging rhino," Little Bit added laughing.

She had to smile. At least the pair, Tiffany and Little Bit were bonding.

"Seriously I don't see an issue. You just need us to drive you nuts with pleasure be it tenderly or roughly. Works for me. I have to get past your need for bondage at the time but I can work with it." Red paused and looked at her sisters, "Anyone have an issue with it?" After a minute of silence, she looked at her Mistress, "Well glad we got that out of the way. Anything else on your mind, High Priestess?"

"Other than you and I having a long talk Red, yes there is." Karen looked around, "Baby Girl, I want you and Tiffany look online to for some yummy latex and heels for her. Meanwhile, a certain red head, Little Bit, Cat and I are going to add them to the account." She paused, "Tiffany, I know you have beautiful golden hair, but how would you feel about changing it? I want to be able to hide you in plain sight and hair will go a long way towards it."

"Mistress if it pleased you I would go bald."

"I don't think we need to go that far," Karen replied with a smile. She looked at the others and said, "Get dressed, we have work to do."

At the bank Karen went in with Red, Cat and Little Bit to see Tom. She first had those three set up to be able to sign on the account she made for Baby Girl before asking them to wait outside. Once she was alone with Tom she said, "Tom, I ran into a problem with Tiff."

"Oh?" he asked noting the change in her demeanor.

"Yes," Karen said. "I got to the part where she loved her daddy's cock and she freaked out and attacked me while trying to get away." She looked down, "I had to restrain and condition her to trust me completely before I got the whole story out of her." She looked at him, "Who was her real father Tom?"

"I... I don't know. Some diplomat back east. Why?"

"Because he raped her not once but several times. She was his fuck toy, his daddy's special little girl from her earliest memories until her mother divorced him." Karen looked at him with cold anger and said, "If I could find him I would cut his balls off and feed them to him." She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths to calm down. Opening them again she said, "Those memories are too strong for me to break Tom. In the process of trying to all I have done is make her cling to me like Velcro. I had to sedate her just so I could come talk to you."

"Well shit... I'm sorry Karen. What can I do?" Tom asked. He actually liked Karen and saw her as a daughter he hoped Tiffany would become.

"Since I fucked her up, let me buy her from you for what is in the saving account. You can disown her or something." Karen bit her lip, "I'm so sorry Tom. Maybe mom could break through her memories, but every time I try I make it worse."

"Karen you don't need to..." He started.

"Yes I do Tom. Dad always told me, Karen own up to your mistakes. If the rest of the world did the same we wouldn't be in the mess we are in now." She paused, "He would never forgive me if I didn't own up to my mistake now. Not with his best friend." Karen said. "I made a terrible mistake. Now just the idea of a being alone with a male, sends her into a blind panic. I fucked up. Let me try and make it right."

She knew she had him when he said, "Yes Don always said that. Okay Karen you win." He turned to the computer and began working and after a moment said. "The account has been changed over from your name to mine."

"Thank you Tom," Karen said standing. As he stood she went over and hugged him tightly. "You have always been a good friend to us and to me."

"Karen don't blame yourself for this. You didn't know." Tom replied already thinking of how to spend the money.

And now for my disclaimers which were inspired by JimBob44 and acup. Thanks for the inspiration.

Yes, I never met a comma or ellipse I didn't like.

Yes, it jumps around too much.

Yes, it's in the wrong category.

Yes, it's too long.

Yes, it's too short.

Yes, this is stupid shit.

If you want a perfect story go find one written by Mr. Data.

And, yes, I suck.

Go have yourself a warm and fuzzy day.

BTW, you only get to comment on spelling and grammar if you are volunteering to be an editor. Those comments and rants will be deleted, you've been warned.

Don't forget to vote!

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sbrydonsbrydonabout 6 years ago
Me too

Keep posting and I'll keep reading.

KaereniSisterKaereniSisterabout 6 years agoAuthor

Blame me for the errors. I got cocky and decided to publish it before my editor got to proofing Chapter 5.

Dont_miss_meDont_miss_meabout 6 years ago
Damn good...

Only issue I have with this whole thing is the spelling mistakes. In some cases, the misspelled words interrupted how the story was flowing. In other cases, it’s just damned annoying.

Don’t get me wrong I love where you’re going with this thread. If you write it, I’ll read it.

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