Can There Be Peace Ch. 06


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Zapping her nipple Karen screamed through tightly closed lips. "Fuck that hurt," she said handing it back and looking at Red.

She lifted her tee and did the same and screamed into her fist. "God damn Mistress that hurts a lot." Red said. "Come on let's go," She wrapped an arm around Karen's waist and headed for the door.

They were in the hall when she heard the nurse say behind them, "Stop you can't leave until the doctor sees you."

"We're just going down to the lounge and back," Red said turning her head. She lowered her voice and added, "Think she believed it?'

"Not a chance in the world," Karen replied softly.

They made it to the stairway when they heard running feet behind them. Getting through Red slid to the floor and used the opposite steps and her body as a block, "Down two flights Mistress. Parking lot is to the left third row, fifth slot is the truck. Make it to it and you'll be home free. I'll hold them off here as long as I can."

"No dear," Karen said smiling at the orderlies. Red was right they were big and looked pissed. She waved at them with a smile and said, "Think you're bad enough to take a Ranger? You look like a pair of MP pussies to me."

"Come on back to bed. You shouldn't be wandering around." One of the men said.

"It's Staff Sergeant and I think you are in for a nasty surprise," Karen replied seeing the other four girls come out of the elevator and look towards the orderlies. "Come on, let's dance." She motioned for Red to get up and once the girl moved out of the way she opened the door. "Come and get me, you fucking pussies. Because that's the only way I'm going back."

Karen smiled as the pair came forward and her girls rushed in her direction. She wondered how the hell had Cat gotten the combat shotgun in the front door and Baby Girl had the 9 mm pistol held low at her side as they walked quickly towards them. "If I were you I would get on your knees with fingers interlaced behind your head before my team blows your brains out."

One of the orderlies must have heard something because he half turned to find Cat holding the shotgun in his face. He turned back and slowly dropped to his knees, "George do as the nice Staff Sergeant says," He said interlacing his fingers. He had seen plenty of patients lose it before in his time at the VA hospital but none of them were armed. Sure, as hell the soldier behind him would pull the trigger in a second if he didn't comply.

George heard a soft click behind him as Steve said for him to kneel. Gulping he knelt and looked up at the Staff Sergeant. "Staff Sergeant, we are only doing our jobs. Please don't shoot."

Crouching down Karen looked at the two men. "You two will kneel here for ten minutes while we leave. Pass on that they can just send me the bill and I will deal with it. If you don't stay right here. I will allow the pair behind you to kill anyone who follows and then I will personally find and kill you both. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Staff Sergeant," first one and then the other man said.

"Good, remember your side and I will remember mine. Failure is not an option gentleman." Karen said. Standing she wobbled a bit and started down the stairs with Red and Darkstar helping her. Walking backwards in front of her was Little Bit who made sure she didn't miss a step.

Cat moved to stand before them with the shotgun, "Go make sure the path is clear and bring the truck over. I will follow." She waited until Baby Girl had left and said coldly, "If it were up to me, I would kill you both right now. But it is the Staff Sergeant's call."

She held down on them until she heard Little Bit's voice yelling up, "Come on Cat!"

"Count to one hundred, if you try and press charges they will disappear. Holding a Congressional Medal of Honor has its perks. Better for everyone if you say you couldn't find the Staff Sergeant in the stairwell." Cat backed up and turned to run down the stairs.

After a distant slamming door George looked at the other orderly, "We never found her. Agreed?"

"Agreed, I think that last one would really kill us given a chance."

"She would. Major Stevenson always took care of her troop." George replied. "I served under her while at Bragg and she was loyal to a fault." He paused and then said, "That one with a pistol had wild eyes too."

"Yea. I about peed myself when I heard her click off the safety." Steve paused and then said, "Think it's been long enough?"

"How about we check out the roof?" George replied getting up. "She might have run up there."

"True," Steve replied getting up.

In the truck Karen asked, "Where the hell are we and is the mattress inflated?"

"Atlanta and yes Mistress," Baby Girl replied.

"Find a Walmart and stop. I need to lay down and we need a way better than yelling through the little window back and forth for communications." She closed her eyes and said, "You did good back there, Red." She opened them again and looked at the girl, "So good that I think it might be best if you ride in the back with me."

"Are you sure Mistress? Wouldn't someone like Cat be better. She knows more about medicine than I do." Red replied quickly.

"Cat can come back if she wants, but I thought you and I could have a little chat and snuggle." Karen replied with a little smile.

"Yes Mistress," Red replied softly.

"If you're worried about falling out or being bounced around I will be happy to tie you down," Karen added her smile getting bigger. "Who spent most of the time talking to the doctors?" she suddenly asked.

"I did Mistress," Cat replied.

"You'll ride in the back also. At least until I find out everything that happened since I stroked out." Karen paused, "I really hate to ask, but what happened to our guest?"

"I turned her into a fuck bunny," Baby Girl said glancing over at her. "We were pressed for time and frankly I hated that fucking bitch with all my heart. More than I hate Carol."

"That works for me." She reached over and patted Baby Girl's leg, "Yea she was a bitch."

"Before Baby Girl did her thing I got her account numbers and with a little help from Tom paid everything she blackmailed the doctor for and then sold all her shit and gave him the rest of the funds. I hope I did right Mistress." Cat said from the back seat.

"That's what I would have done. How much did he end up with?"

"Just shy of two hundred thousand," Cat said.

"Good girls." Karen said closing her eyes. Opening them again she said, "We still have to deal with your screw ups, but that can wait until later. No more guests until I am up to par. There are a few I would love to mess with, but I'm not well."

"Ya think?" Baby Girl said from the driver's seat. "You're white as a sheet and frankly look like hell."

"As least I don't look like death warmed over." Karen said. "When you all go in, be sure to buy some cokes or something. And someone grab a big thermos and fill it with coffee. God I would kill for a good cup right now. A really special blend with five flavors." She paused and then said, "Are you going to need me to drive some?"

Baby Girl laughed, "No I think we can manage it."

"Good then how about pulling over somewhere and let me go rest," Karen replied. After stopping at a gas station, she, Red and Cat got into the back. Lying in the middle with them cuddling on each side of her she said, "So shall we deal with the bad news or worse news? Cat, you're up."

"Mistress you had a brain aneurism. Most likely from the fall which resulted in you bleeding in your brain. They medevacked you down here and you had brain surgery to relieve the pressure. After surgery you didn't wake up or when you did it was the goddess only and they thought you had gone nuts. That was a week ago. It's now been ten days since you passed out in the driveway." Cat said all at once. "We all thought you were in a coma and no telling when you would wake up."

"Limitations, long term effects?"

"I don't know the answer on either point. We seemed to check out rather fast." Cat replied.

"Okay, when we get home I will have the doc look me over. He may be a small-time country doctor who is bent. But he knows his medicine." Karen paused and then said, "Cat I what your word you will keep quiet and out of this next part. I will explain as I go but if you interfere I will personally toss you out the back."

"What did I do?" Cat asked holding up her hands in mock surrender.

"Nothing and I trust it will stay that way." Karen replied. She looked at Red, "You did good back there helping me get out Red and that says a lot for you. However, what you discussed and tried to talk Darkstar into is much worse."

From her other side Cat asked, "A coup d'état? Ahh shit Red, how could you?"

"It seemed like the only choice we had sister. Mistress was gone to Never Never Land and of us five I knew most about worshiping the goddess." Red said not meeting their eyes. "I only wanted to save us."

"By killing me," Karen said softly. "You know that is the only way to become High Priestess Red. You once said you can call a duck a dog but don't expect it to play fetch."

"I wouldn't have killed you, Mistress you know me better than that." Red said softly as she cried. "Kill me if you will, but please believe me on that account. I thought that since we lost our Mistress, at least through the sisterhood we would be able to still be together."

"Karen, you can't really believe Red would kill you. Baby Girl might in a fit of rage, but not Red." Cat said softly.

"I know Cat and yes I know you weren't talking about my death at your hand Red. But still the same it is troubling when you hear someone talking about replacing you while your supposedly in a coma." Karen paused and pulled the girl close, "I'm not going to send you away or kill you dear but you know you need punishment. Can you at least see that?"

"Yes Mistress," Red said clinging to Karen.

When they stopped, Karen made sure Baby Girl and Little Bit rode in the back with her. She wanted to make sure they wouldn't go off on Red. She sipped her coffee and smiled, "While not everyone tinkled in it, this lets me know all is right with the world." She handed the coffee to Baby Girl who took it sipped and handed it to Little Bit. It was their ritual now, she thought to herself. "Girls, there is something I need to talk to you about," she started.

"We already know Mistress," Little Bit said softly.

"Karen, it's my fault," Baby Girl said not looking at her. "I was talking to Red yesterday that without you we had nothing. We were nothing," She said in a soft voice, "I screwed up again Karen. Punish me instead of her."

"What are you going to do to Red?" Little Bit asked in a worried tone.

"I don't know... I just don't know," Karen replied. "She has to be punished. On one hand she tried to overthrow me and in the end to become high priestess would have to had kill me. On the other, I don't think she thought it through and without her I would never had made it to the stairwell."

"Whipping of some sort," Baby Girl said. "But I'll take it instead of her. I started it Mistress, I'm to blame not little sister.

"No let me," Little Bit said quickly. "Red is in this mess because of me. I brought her to you."

"Okay whipping it is. Thirty strikes. What whip would you use Baby Girl?"

"Oh god not that one Mistress. Thirty would kill her." Baby Girl replied meeting Karen's eyes.

"No not that one. Only is (change "is" to "if") she had really planned my death would she get a taste of that evil thing." Karen replied. In fact, she already knew what she was going to do and use. It came to her as Baby Girl made a case for Red. "Each sister, if she agrees to it, will take five lashes from a wide tailed whip instead of Red getting them."

"I offer to take all of them Mistress," Little Bit said.

"Same here," Baby Girl added.

"So do I," Karen said. "I just can't figure how to whip myself with one properly."

"No Mistress, you will not hurt yourself again." Baby Girl said. "We went through hell without you. I will be god damned if you think I am going to stand by and let you."

"May I point out two things before you get too carried away?" Karen asked. "First of all, I am your sister under the goddess's eye. So, pee on you. Secondly I said if I could figure a way to do it." Karen replied calmly, "Remember me chief, you little Indian." She paused a long moment and then added, "I know you mean well but some lines in the sand should not be crossed."

"I am not crossing a line. I am stopping my Mistress, friend and lover from hurting herself." Baby Girl replied just as calmly.

"Would you like to try talking sense to your sister?" Karen said looking at Little Bit.

"Sure," Little Bit said with a smile. She locked eyes with Karen and then said, "Sister, you are not well enough to take five lashes from a feather let alone a whip." She smiled, "Okay done Mistress."

"Well since you put it that way, I guess I will have to hold off punishment until I am well." Karen replied. She looked at Baby Girl, "That solves that." She took another sip of the coffee and relaxed for the rest of the ride home.

Arriving at the house Karen was surprised to find a bunch of boxes piled up by the front door. "Looks like your orders are in," she said going to the back porch and sitting down. "If you could make some coffee and put everything up, I'll be on the porch. I would like to talk to you five before you get lost in playing dress up."

About twenty minutes later they all filed out with Cat leading and holding a coffee cup. Once they kneeled she said, "In case Baby Girl and Little Bit didn't blab, I have decided on Red's punishment. She will receive thirty lashes with a broad tailed whip. Any of her sisters can decide to take five of those lashes instead. However as Little Bit put it, I am not in any condition to deliver the punishment so it is on hold until I am better."

"It was also mentioned you planned on taking five yourself Mistress," Darkstar replied.

"Under our goddess I am your sister. Since this was sisterhood crime, I can claim five lashes." She stared at Baby Girl and added, "Or I could be a bitch and say fine I will take all of them with the weighted tailed whip because it was my recklessness that led to it in the first place." She looked around, "Anyone else care to question it?"

"I wasn't questioning your choices Mistress. I was just asking if it was true."

"I know dear," Karen replied. "Since I am on light duty, I would like to relax as much as possible." She paused, "You on the other hand will work on your endurance. Though I bet you five haven't had a good orgasm since this started."

"No Mistress..." Baby Girl replied softly.

"Well at least that's still intact." She said softy. Standing she led them inside and said, "You may dress me properly and then show me what you girls bought. If I approve, each outfit you show, you can have a good girl orgasm that will leave you out cold. If not, then you have to watch your sister's cumming hard while you suffer." She smiled, "Now dress me."

And now for my disclaimers which were inspired by JimBob44 and acup. Thanks for the inspiration.

Yes, I never met a comma or ellipse I didn't like.

Yes, it jumps around too much.

Yes, it's in the wrong category.

Yes, it's too long.

Yes, it's too short.

Yes, this is stupid shit.

If you want a perfect story go find one written by Mr. Data.

And, yes, I suck.

Go have yourself a warm and fuzzy day.

BTW, you only get to comment on spelling and grammar if you are volunteering to be an editor. Those comments and rants will be deleted, you've been warned.

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KaereniSisterKaereniSisterabout 6 years agoAuthor
First vs Staff Sergeant

It was pointed out to me that because Karen only had 8 years in service and was a squad leader, she would more than likely been a Staff Sergeant. After researching it, I came to the conclusion that I was wrong to set her as First Sergeant.So, I went back through all the earlier chapters and changed her rank in an edited version submission.

I thought I had put a note at the top of this chapter about the change, but I guess not. So on that note let me say that I'm sorry about the mistake in rank and not saying anything about the change.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Karen started out as a First Sergeant, then in this chapter you demoted her to Staff Sergeant. That’s quite a drop in rank or was that you correcting a mistake from earlier chapters? Great job on the succubus intro, truly inspired writing.

I’m looking forward to more chapters...

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