Can There Be Peace Ch. 11


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"I'm fine Mistress really," Red said. "Give me a little ice and I will be up and running in the morning."

"And I'm the tooth fairy," Karen replied. She drove up to the house with everyone riding along. Getting out she stopped the others and said, "I want to run an idea past you and need your feedback sisters. If we are lucky, all Red did was twist her ankle. But it could have been worse." She paused and looked them over, "We need to widen the trail to about four foot so two people can pass without issue. That means we need to buy a chain saw. That much I know," She paused and looked them over, "Anyone disagree yet?"

When no one replied, Karen continued, "The next step is leveling out the path. While the tractor would work it seems a bit big to me. My thought was to buy a four-wheeler and a cart it can pull. Then get a load of gravel, use the tractor to load the cart, drive the four-wheeler and spread the gravel by hand. In addition, if someone hurts herself, she can ride back in the cart rather than walk or be carried back. Sounds like a lot of work to me, but I can't take chances someone really gets hurt. If you can come up with an easier solution, please do."

"Why not just have the person who is being passed stop and step off the trail?" Red asked.

"Because I know me, I would step off the trail and keep moving forward instead of stopping. If I would, I know everyone else here would after a while," Karen countered. She paused, "We all know I am going to finish cleaning the other trail to the mine entrance." She looked at Baby Girl, "You know I'm going to get bit." Baby Girl nodded and looked down. "I have been many things, but lucky is not one of them."

"Why do you have to clear it sister?" Little Bit asked.

"Because it's like the trap door was... to find out what is at the end of the trail," Cat said. "Karen can't let it go. I know I couldn't but also know that I could never disarm them."

Karen looked at Lilly, "While I know I will survive anything that hits me, I would rather not have to walk home after catching a piece of a mine again."

"So we clear wide enough for a four wheeler. I don't know if we need gravel or not." Sherry said, "I really like how peaceful it is running through the forest. A gravel path seems... wrong," she said finally.

Okay so we get a four-wheeler, cart, and a chainsaw." Karen said. She looked at Baby Girl, "Finding a four-wheeler and cart is your issue. Make sure you get something for working and not a sport piece of crap. Also get a wench for it just in case we need to pull something out of the way."

"Leave it to me," Baby Girl smiled. "Once I check off the others, they can drop me off at a dealership. I did some work for the owner and his wife so they owe me."

Karen said after glancing at Sherry for her nod. "Doll take Darkstar, Eva and Little Bit with you then." She looked at Cat, "You're stuck here ordering things we want."

"Sister, go on line and form a company. You need three sister's names and SSN's. Once it is formed get an LLC for it. That's only fifty dollars or so. We need the company's name by the time we do the transfer of ownership so hop on it." Sherry said. She went to her car and got a little notebook, "Mistress you first,"

Karen wrote out her full name, birth date and social security number. She handed it to Baby Girl who wrote her information on it. She handed it to Sherry, "You had better also be on it Sherry. You're going to be our Chief Financial Officer after all."

Sherry wrote her information down and handed it to Red, "You too sister." She looked at Karen, "If you add everyone when you are setting it up it makes it cleaner." She turned to Cat, "The only title you need to put with a name is Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer next to Karen. If you have a question, any question, call me."

"Don't worry sis I got it and I will." Cat said taking the pad and looking at it. She looked up and said, "Um, I have a question. Eva and Lilly don't have last names or SSN's.

"Just leave blank or Green as the last name. I have no idea what to do about a number though," Karen replied.

"Hmmm... Leave that part blank or drop their names if the form won't let you leave it blank. The point is to get the company set up before we transfer ownership," Sherry said. She looked at Karen, "You will have better tax breaks if a company owns the club."

"If you haven't figured it out by now, I should say your little gift is part of me and living. Like Santa it knows when you are good and rewards you." Karen smiled and looked at Doll, "Right?"

"By thought deed or action. Yes, Mistress, my love and big sister." Doll replied with a dreamy smile.

She smiled and then pointed to the ground before her. As the other girls started to kneel, she stopped Red from getting out of the truck, "You can stay there." You have been good girls today so far and should be rewarded so cum for me now.... Keep cumming... don't stop even when you pass out." She watched as each slumped or fell over. Even Red in the truck fell sideways across the back seat. After a moment she said, "Stronger my loves." With that said Karen went inside and got herself a cup of coffee after drinking a few sips she topped it off, and poured one for Red. Going back outside she said, "God I really love watching you girls lose it on command. I bet you love it just as much. But we have things to do so wake refreshed and happy."

When Red woke up she didn't know where she was at first. Then it came to her and she sat up and smiled at Karen offering her a cup of coffee. Taking it she said, "Thank you," She sipped it and closed her eyes in bliss as the porcupine wiggled inside her. "I love it when you command me Karen." She opened her eyes and asked, "Is that wrong?"

"It is when you lose the belief that I am your older sister." Karen replied softly.

"You will always be my older sister. High Priestess, the sisterhood we have will make sure of that." She looked down, "I know I'm going to be a bad girl and upset you but I can't lie, I see you as my Mistress and owner too."

"That doesn't upset me Red," Karen said. She closed her eyes and searched for any hurt at that idea. "Funny, it really doesn't bother me." She took Red's coffee cup and set it on the front seat floor of the truck with her cup. "Do you think if I help you up we can walk to Sherry's car?'

"Yes Mistress," Red replied feeling the dildo wiggling in pleasure. She slid out of the truck and held her bad foot up off the ground. With Karen's help she got in and seated in the front passenger seat. "You ride up here Karen and let me ride in the back with Lilly."

"No, you ride up there, it is better for you up front until we have Doc check it out." Karen replied. She went and got the coffee cups and brought them back. Handing Red hers she said, "So what do we do about the path?"

"Truthfully? Widen it and lay the gravel down. If you don't do the gravel, any little nub of a stump can trip us up. I know how much everyone loves the forest as it is, but if we are going to jog that path. we have to do it right or abandon it all together." Red looked down, "I know it's a pain and will cost a bloody fortune, but to keep you and my sisters safe I would spend anything."

"Same here," Karen said softly. "I lost my last team, I'm not going to lose this one."

"Karen, sister, Tommy's death was not your fault. It got to the point where he saw everyone other than Little Bit and I a threat." She paused and looked into her coffee, "No, he saw everyone a threat including me. Even as we talked he sat in the corner of his room not able to face the world. He blamed himself for the ambush, that much I know."

He isn't alone on that idea. If I had been on the ball, I could have seen the IED before it went off." Baby Girl said coming up. "Oh, I know we were fucked the moment we walked into that ally. But my heart blames itself."

"How in god's name did you survive San... Baby Girl?" Karen asked looking at her. "I have you and my sisters and I am clinging by my fingernails."

"Two things, I kept busy and I knew sooner or later you would return." Baby Girl paused and then said, "The nights were every bit as bad as you are having now. However, I had Meowzers to talk to. He didn't help with my issues, but he kept me from losing my mind totally."

Karen looked at Red and then back, "Ok so what your saying is on top of taking makeup tips from him, I need to talk about my fears and other issues while he gives me his nightly makeover."

Baby Girl laughed, "Can't hurt."

Karen smiled, "Speaking of makeover," Will you do my makeup tonight but less like a dom?"

"I might be able to do something," Baby Girl said looking at Karen.

She smiled and turned back to Red, "Tonight, you will be in a hobble dress and your running shoes assuming you're not in a cast." You will sit or kneel under the table so make sure to bring a towel."

"I'll buy you some knee pads sis," Baby Girl laughed.

"No thanks, the little pain is a gift from Mistress and something to be relished as opposed to be bypassed," Red replied handing Baby Girl her coffee cup.

"I hadn't thought of it that way," Baby Girl said slowly. "Good idea sis, thanks."

Karen saw Lilly and Sherry coming out and handed her cup to Baby Girl, "I would say each step thing, but I don't want you having an accident. But wait until tonight, I am going to make you lose it."

"Sure Staff Sergeant, feel free to try anytime. We both know I can outlast you." Baby Girl laughed as she walked back to the house.

Karen got into one side of the cramped back seat and said, "When she, Cat and I were coming back, I told them to have a little orgasm with each step. Each orgasm would be stronger than the last. Cat lasted about a hundred yards before falling face down." She shook her head, "I looked back and there was Baby Girl smiling at me. I asked what the hell or some such and she replied that when her Staff Sergeant gave an order, she would follow it until she dropped dead."

Karen paused and then added, "Back while in the army, I always ended up eating Sandy's dust." She looked at Red, "She could have given our little gazelle a run for her money. I bet if I had the pair do a race off, Little Bit would lose in the long run."

"You should do it," Red laughed.

"No, the one thing I will never do is pit one against another. Against me is fine, I don't mind losing and frankly I will be proud when I end up eating everyone's dust. But the other way? All it leads to is hurt feelings." Karen replied.

"Well said and so true," Lilly said.

Arriving at Doc's office, Karen and Lilly helped Red walk while Sherry hurried ahead and opened the door for them. Even though they were early she saw Mary working the front counter, "Hi Mary," Karen said with a smile. "Got an extra patent for Doc," She added. Lowering her voice, she said, "How is everything?"

"Wonderful," Mary smiled. She looked down, "There is one thing though."

"What?" Karen asked worriedly.

"Why didn't you make me yours?"

"Because I don't want to take you away from Doc. He's too good a man for me to hurt him like that." Karen said tenderly.

"But couldn't I be both?" Mary looked up.

"We could go to an exam room and discuss it," Karen said with a smile. Together they followed Mary as she all but bounced to one of the exam rooms. Once they had Red up on the exam table, Karen took Mary in her arms and kissed her deeply. "I claim you as mine also, to be shared always with John. Now dear, in a few days, I want you to come over and visit so we can play properly. I would take you home with us today but I have a bad girl to help become good first."

"Don't you think Mary deserves a little gift?" Lilly asked.

"Yes, but it has to wait," Karen replied. She nuzzled Mary and said, "You wait here while Mary and I go see Doc first." She shot a look at Lilly to make sure the woman knew she was upset.

"Me and my big mouth," Lilly said sitting in one of the chairs and holding her head in her hands.

Sherry sat beside her and stroked her back, "I was about to say the same thing sister, you just beat me to it."

"I bet she has her gift before we leave," Red said looking towards the door. "I know Karen's fear but she will see it is groundless."

Karen waited outside the door while Mary went down to see if Doc could speak to her for a minute and to give him a heads up about Red. As such she heard the three talking and realized Red was right. Opening the door, she peaked her head in and said, "Okay so I know you're right but I have a right to worry. Doc has been a good friend and deserves his happiness." She came all the way in and began removing Red's shoe and sock. She stopped and looked up at Red, "How would you feel if Little Bit suddenly came to us and said, "I found someone else... bye!"

She stood and walked forward until she was right beside Red's head, "If you think that's bad..." Karen bent forward and whispered in the girl's ear. "Now put yourself in Mary's place, after ten years of hell that my mother did to her. You finally get back together with the man you love, you worship him and spend the night making love. Then the woman who helped you get over the past gives you a gift, a living piece of her in the form of a dildo with cones. Live how good it feels as it fucks you roughly the painful pleasure pushing you to new heights of orgasmic bliss."

Karen let her get into it and smiled, "Yes love, live it feel my gift fucking you, making love to you." Again, she paused, "Now you need to remove it so you can make love to your husband."

Red was lost in Karen's description and mewed in pleasure as orgasms rolled through her. Suddenly she saw herself reaching down to remove it so her husband could make love to her. The thought came to her, she was about to make love to a man. She felt the quills slam into her cunny walls and screamed in pain and horror as the rape came back in full force."

Karen slapped her hand over Red's mouth as the girl screamed in pain and her eyes got large. "Let the thoughts go," she said. "Say it with me now, I'm a good girl." She kept repeating the sentence until Red calmed down although she still had a wild look in her eyes.

"Oh my god what have we done," Red whimpered. Even though the quills had retracted her mind was still reeling from the experience.

"What did you say?" Lilly asked concerned.

Before Karen or Red could answer, a nurse came in and asked, "I heard a scream. What's wrong?"

Karen quickly said, "I tried to remove Red's sock and she screamed in pain."

The nurse went over and looked up at Red, "This might hurt a bit." She slowly removed the sock and looked at the black and blue swollen ankle. "Dr. Smith will be with you in a minute." She looked at Karen and her eyes got large, "Goddess?" She dropped her eyes and knelt on the floor quickly.

"Just Karen, sister," Karen replied. "Correction, soon to be sister." She looked at Lilly, "Will you show Sherry how to test and mark a new sister. I need to talk to Doc for a few." She smiled at Red who was still looking wild eyed, "Be calm Red, you are my good girl." She left the exam room and walked down to his office. Knocking on his office door, she smiled at the nurses at the nursing station and went in.

And now for my disclaimers which were inspired by JimBob44 and acup. Thanks for the inspiration.

Yes, I never met a comma or ellipse I didn't like.

Yes, it jumps around too much.

Yes, it's in the wrong category.

Yes, it's too long.

Yes, it's too short.

Yes, this is stupid shit.

If you want a perfect story go find one written by Mr. Data.

And, yes, I suck.

Go have yourself a warm and fuzzy day.

BTW, you only get to comment on spelling and grammar if you are volunteering to be an editor. Those comments and rants will be deleted, you've been warned.

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