Can There Be Peace Ch. 12


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She smiled and headed out with Sherry, Red and Cat. Again she got in the back seat and forced Red up front with Sherry, "Sherry go by the Foxy Lady, run inside and buy an owned collar for Joyce."

"You're going to make her yours?" Cat asked.

"She was mine before I finished with Lilly," Karen countered. "She needs someone to guide her, Little Bit?"

"Doll," Cat said looking at her. "What do you think Sherry?"

"I agree, Doll, her sister, should guide her."

"I thought they didn't get along," Karen said.

"Doll dressed her and explained what each piece did and how it kept her bound. In the end Joyce was begging for it to be tighter and the addition of nipple clamps since she didn't have piercings." Cat said with a laugh. "You should have seen Doll's jaw drop when she asked for some. It turns out Joyce loves to be bound and painful pleasure already."

"And here I thought I was leading her in that direction, she must be in hog heaven." Karen laughed. She sobered up and said, "Mary is coming Friday so I can lead her through her memories of mom's mind fuck. But hear me now, anyone suggests that she should get a gift from me will get her own gift in the form of a 9mm bullet."

Cat was about to make a joke but saw something in Karen's eyes and the apparent silence by Sherry and Red made her change her mind. She made a mental note to ask them about it when she heard Karen's voice in her mind, "Trust me it would be better for you if they told you instead of me."

Aloud Karen said, "When we get to the bar, before five, order a dump truck load of gravel, I think that's about 3 cubic yards more or less. Also rent a bobcat with a bucket and set up delivery. I've decided that we will lay gravel down on the path and use a bobcat to help clear once we drop what trees or saplings we need to drop."

"Okay Karen," Cat replied. "Sounds like a good idea."

"Sherry tomorrow, I want you and Cat to go through your bills so you can pay everything off. Then get rid of all your stuff or if it's better than what we have at home, swap it out. We can give the rest to good will. Pick out some clothes and keep your slinky nylon and heels and take the rest to good will also. How long do you think it will take to close out your business?"

"Without leaving everyone in a bad way, one-month, Mistress. But that would only be one or two days a week's work."

"Okay you can have everyone other than Red and Joyce, assuming she stays, to help you move things tomorrow once you deal with bills and such. If you need to go into work, then do the move when you have time. I can keep everyone busy on the trail."

They arrived and found Jane inside talking to the bartender. Walking up to him Karen asked, "Do you have the list of items you need?"

"Yes Miss Karen," the bartender replied. He pulled out a pad and said, "I put items I really need up top and stared. The rest would make my life easier but I can do without."

"Not if I can help it," Karen replied handing the pad to Sherry.

"Is there anything you need to make your life easier Jane?"

"Jane?" the bartender asked.

"Jane," Karen said pointedly looking at him.

"Um... I'll just be over that way," he replied moving to the other end of the bar.

She looked at Jane who looked embarrassed. "I take it he didn't know. Well he does now," She looked at Cat, "See that Jane has some latex jumpsuits like what I am wearing. Black, dark reds blues or purple. Instead of heels, she needs steel toed boots, black. Black fingerless gloves and perhaps a waist clincher. Think bad ass instead of sexy." Karen smiled, "Girlfriend, you are going to love the feel of latex. Trust me."

"I do," Jane said softly.

"So what can I do to make your job better?"

"Other than BG leaving that shotgun home you mean? Nothing Miss Karen," Jane replied.

"Miss?" Karen asked.

"Somehow it seems wrong calling the owner by her first name," Jane replied. She lowered her voice, "Now you can do something about the manager."

"Oh?" Karen asked.

"Go check out his office now, you'll see what I mean. If anyone can put a stop to it, you can," Jane said softly.

Karen smiled and went to see the bartender, "What has the manager been doing? Tell me now and I won't fire you. If I have to walk back and find you have been covering for him, I will bury you in the parking lot after letting Baby Girl play with you."

"He's been banging high school girls in the afternoon for drinks for as long as I have been here," the bartender said. While he knew Karen was a coiled snake, Baby Girl would kill him without a thought. He knew damn well that the night she charged in with a shotgun had not been a joke on an old friend. Tiff had told him the woman had tried to shake Karen down a couple weeks earlier. Yea Baby Girl was ready to kill that night and only Karen had stopped her. The smile Karen gave him as she headed towards the back raised the short hairs on the back of his neck.

Karen with Red, Cat and Sherry following went back to the kitchen and his office. She took one look around at it and went to the two men back there. One, the chef, was an older man while the other had to be a college student, his red glazed eyes said he was stoned. She marched over to them and slapped the kid, "You're stoned, get the fuck out of here. You're fired!" She turned to the chef, "You have until closing to get this place cleaned up. At which time your salary will double. Or you can quit now."

She turned her head, "Cat, you, Baby Girl and Red will help him. In addition, Little Bit, Darkstar and Doll will help depending on the crowd. I will pass on that there will not be any food service tonight. I want it white glove clean by closing or pick a direction and start running now." She paused, "Red if your ankle starts hurting rest it."

"I don't have proper cleaning supplies." He said to this force of nature before him.

"Sherry take him to Walmart and buy everything he needs." She looked at him, "I bought this place this morning and while I expect you strive for perfection I understand the realities of life. We will talk at some point tonight about what you need to make your life easier other than a stoned dishwasher." Karen stared hard at him for a moment and said, "Look do the best you can, I will make it work but if the inspector comes in I want him to find a kitchen cleaner than his one at home."

Karen turned away and looked at the kid still standing there, "Are you still here?"

"Please don't fire me I need the money," the kid replied.

"You will be clean the whole time you work for me. What you do afterwards is your own business. But before and during I will fuck you up if you show stoned again. You have one chance. Impress Cat here and if she agrees you are not worthless I won't fire you." Karen turned away while shaking her head and headed to the manager's office. Finding the door closed she opened it and walked in. There she found he had a girl who couldn't have been a day over 19 bent over the desk and was fucking her from behind. She lifted her phone and took a picture and said, "Cat, call the police."

That got his attention and he stopped. Turning to her he said, "You're going too far Karen. Now get the fuck out of my office."

"Nope, you're toast. I bet anything this girl is damn sure under age to be in a bar." Karen smiled coldly. "You will go to jail and become someone's bitch. Good luck getting a job when you get out or keeping your marriage intact."

"You can't touch me, it's my word against yours. Anyways Tom the owner is a golfing buddy." He countered as the girl tried to scoot out.

Cat blocked her, "No you're not going anywhere. I bet your parents will love hearing about this."

Karen smiled like a shark, "I own this bar. I bought it this morning. Anyways, I have photographic evidence and you're still wearing a condom with her DNA on the outside. Not to mention the used condom in your trashcan."

"You can't hurt Daddy! I won't let you," the girl said swinging at Karen.

"Your own daughter?" Sherry said incredulity.

Karen blocked the swing without thought. It was only then that the girl's words sunk in. She pointed at him and raised her fist. Seeing red she began the spell she had threatened Red with a lifetime ago. "Blade," she said coldly while staring at him when she reached the same point. She reached back to take it. Instead of a blade he felt the barrel of Sandy's shot gun.

"Let the police handle him Karen. I will do what I promised I would if you finish it," Baby Girl said from behind her.

Not turning Karen said coldly, "Do you know what he has been doing? And you want to let him go?"

"I know and no I'm not letting him go." Baby Girl said. "Karen we both know that if you finish it, I will be forced into killing you. I'll not let another like her loose on the world."

She turned her head and looked at Sandy, "You know I really hate when you are right. Very well you win." She lowered her hands and said, "Give me the shotgun so I can deal with it before the police come." She took the shotgun and stepped behind the bar. She found a shelf with a hand gun and put it next to it. Looking at the bartender she said, "Keep that safe for me until after the police leave."

"Yes of course Miss Karen," the bartender replied.

She went around the front and sat down, "Give me a Jack on the rocks and make it a double." She took a deep drink of it and felt it burn all the way down. A few minutes later a cop came in and Jane pointed her out to him. "You called in a complaint mam?"

"My name is Karen O'Malley and I just bought the bar this morning. I went to inspect the kitchen and talk to the manager only to find he was fucking a minor in his office. If that isn't bad enough," Karen showed him the pic she took. "I just found out that the girl in question is his daughter. I want him out of here and behind bars. You can pass on that I will go over the books with a fine tooth comb just to make sure he wasn't robbing the place blind."

Up until she showed him the picture the officer was taking anything she said with a grain of salt. But he knew the girl, she was friends with his daughter. He called for backup and a Detective to come out. "I assume you have more than the picture as proof."

"Yes he had a used condom in his trashcan and when I walked out here to calm down, he was still wearing the one he was using. Everyone else is back making sure he and his daughter don't leave via the back door." Karen replied.

A minute later another officer and man in suit showed up. She watched as first the manager and then his daughter were led out in handcuffs. Over the next hour, men came and went from the back. Other than Cat and Sherry, the rest of her girls came forward. She realized Joyce wasn't bound and raised an eyebrow. She laid out one hundred dollars and said to the bartender, "Bottle of Jack and some ice."

He only looked at the cash and reached under the counter and lifted a half full bottle of Jack green label. "You still have this one Miss Karen. Did you want a new bottle?"

"No, that one will work fine," she replied grabbing it and her glass before heading to her booth. Sitting down she said, "Baby Girl, would you have really shot me?"

"Yes Karen, we all would have died right behind you but you would have gone first." Baby Girl replied not looking at her. She raised her eyes and met Karen's, "I gave you my word Karen."

"I still hate when you are right," Karen replied. She closed her eyes, "The kitchen is closed. I need all of you with the exception of Joyce, help the pair working clean that place up. I will inspect it at closing time. Fail and you had better pick a direction and start running." She paused, "I know you're working the tables also but that is really a pig sty back there."

She looked at Joyce and frowned. Turning back to Baby Girl she said in a low voice, "Speaking of Joyce I seem to remember saying I wanted her gagged and in an arm binder."

"Well she said she didn't want to wear them," Baby Girl replied.

"Oh?" Karen said looking at Joyce.

"Don't you think we are beyond that Karen?" Joyce said.

She felt as if the girl was trying something and shot a hand out and gripped her neck, "Wrong! See my true form human..." As the girl gasped Karen dove into her mind and found the girl had low level telepathic abilities and mind control. "You are so fucked," her mind slammed into the girl's. Still gripping her by the throat she dragged her to the bartender and said, "Shotgun!"

Wordlessly he handed it to her and watched Karen drag the girl out while holding her by the throat one handed. "I don't get paid enough for this shit," he said to no one.

Baby Girl followed behind and watched as Karen bound her and tossed her into the back. "Karen, what are you doing?"

"Keys now!" she said holding out her hand.

"Karen what is going on with you? First the manager and then poor Joyce." Baby Girl said. Suddenly she found the shotgun pointed at her head and Karen's wild look.

"The manager was fucking his daughter you stupid cunt! If that wasn't bad enough, you let some bitch who talked Doll into believing she had a twin into making you and your thin brained sisters into disobeying my commands. Now give me the keys to my fucking truck or I will kill you here and now Sandy." When Sandy didn't move Karen pointed the shotgun in the air and pulled the trigger. As the blast echoed through the town she lowered it and said coldly, "The next one will blow your brains out."

Sandy backed up and after about five feet turned and ran back into the bar. She returned a minute later holding her bag and the keys. "I'm going with you."

"Fine, but if you interfere I will kill you." Karen said coldly. She got in the passenger side and when Sandy got in said, "I mean it Sandy. I will blow your brains out just after I kill her." She sat with her hands on her lap for the drive back. When they reached the house Karen looked at her, "Go back to the bar Sandy, I don't want to have to kill you. But I can't trust anyone around that bitch in back. She's a telepath and mind controller."

"What are you going to do to her Karen?"

"What you don't know you won't have to deal with," Karen said getting out and going inside. Sandy didn't dare move as she watched Karen come out with a couple claymores and a pistol tucked into her belt. A few minutes later she came back for the girl and while keeping her blindfolded leaned her against the truck. "I booby trapped the stairs top and bottom. So leave or come with me and stay out of my way."

"I... I'll be good," Baby Girl said getting out of the truck slowly. She felt the rage rolling off Karen and knew she was on thin ice by staying.

Karen dragged the girl to the elevator with Baby Girl following and took her down. At the base she shoved the girl forward and turned on the cold water twice while looking at Baby Girl, "Now flushing will set off the charge. There is no way out. Strip and bind her to the wall." Karen said pushing past Baby Girl and lighting the forge. She kept an eye on Baby Girl as she did as commanded. Although she cut her eyes towards Karen, she didn't make a move other than doing as directed.

She rooted around and finally found a dusty branding iron and put in the forge with the other irons. She pointed off to one side and said, "One move Sandy and your toast." She went to the girl on the wall and smiled coldly, "Since you like pain, I'm going to grant your fondest wish." She looked back at Sandy, "Isn't that what she told you inside, she wanted more pain?"

"Yes Mistress," Baby Girl said softly.

"That's what I thought," She took her time using various whips on the girl up to and including ten strikes with the scourge. "What, all screamed out?" she said with a laugh. "Mother taught me what to do to bad slaves when they won't scream anymore for her entertainment." She looked at Sandy, "Did you ever see it?"

Baby Girl shook her head no. She didn't trust herself to speak.

Karen laughed and released the girl before dragging her over to the table. Strapping her face up with her arms and legs extended, she giggled. "Time for your brands. First your mark of slavery." She reached in and pulled out several before finding the slave branding iron. She burned it into the girl and smiled at her scream. "Now the mark of a pain slave," she said as she burned that into the opposite hip.

Turning to Baby Girl she said, "Did you know over in the middle east that a thief had their hand chopped off, a person convicted of adultery had a notch cut out of their ear. Can you guess what mom did to a man who tried to control her?"

"Cut his dick off?" Baby Girl asked in a little voice.

"Correct, and what do you think she would do to a woman who tried the same thing?" Karen asked.

"I don't want to know," Baby Girl closed her eyes.

"Oh no, you wanted to be down here, you'll damn well watch every moment of it." Karen said striding over to her. "Answer the question."

"Knowing your mom she would pull her clit off with a pair of pliers," Baby Girl said in a soft voice while looking up at her.

She walked back to Joyce and looked down at the girl, "You should have left the moment you realized what you walked into. Hell you should have run when you had the chance." Going to the forge she pulled out another iron that looked like a circle with a diagonal line through it. Holding it up she said, "This marks you as a runaway and bad slave. All who know will know you are not to be trusted." She burned it into the girl's belly just above the pubic bone.

She looked at Baby Girl, "If you're not careful you and your sisters will earn one also. Then you will be sold."

Baby Girl flinched as if she had been struck. She knew Karen was riding the edge but being branded a bad girl and sold... better to die and get it over with.

Karen looked down at the girl, "One last gift..." she laughed. "From the Great Mother to you. You could have done so much good with your gift." Going over to the shelves she reached up and pulled down a dusty wooden box. Returning she placed it on the table and lifted up a blood red silk scarf. Kissing it she placed it around her neck and reached into the box once more. She lifted out a blood red shawl and kissed it before placing it up over her hair. Finally, she pulled out a black obsidian dagger with leather wrapped and tied around the handle.

Kneeling Karen held it up and said, "Mother allow me to work your will and right a wrong." Standing one more she looked fully at Baby Girl and winked slowly.

Baby Girl's eyes got large but she made no move other than that.

Turning to the girl she gripped the dagger in both hands and began chanting softly while looking up towards the heavens. She lowered her eyes and looked at the girl who was staring transfixed at the dagger. In a quick movement Karen slammed it into the girl's chest and chanted. Joyce screamed in pain and passed out.

She reached into the girl's mind and convinced the girl that the dagger was invisible and imbedded in her chest, any bad thoughts would cause it to slice into her heart and kill her slowly. Karen kissed the dagger and replaced it. Then she removed the shawl, folded, kissed and placed it back into the box. Finally, she removed the scarf, folded, kissed and placed it on top of the shawl. Closing the box, she replaced it back on the shelf before turning back to look at Baby Girl.

Healing the three brands Karen said, "Salt her wounds and put her into the box."

"Restraints?" Baby Girl asked not understanding what she just watched.

"No I have something better," Karen replied. She went over to a box labeled locks and grabbed a big one. Putting the keys in her purse she waited until Baby Girl had the girl positioned in the box and salted her wounds. That caused her to wake and scream in pain. "Isolation until I am ready to deal with you. Be glad you got the dagger instead of buried alive," she said slamming the lid closed and locking it. She pulled the pistol and pointed it at Baby Girl, "Are we going to have a problem?"