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He put the picture back in the folder and threw the folder across the room. He went and sat on Kelly's couch and closed his eyes. He felt Kelly sit next to him and wrap her arms around. For the rest of the night they just sat together without speaking. The next morning they both called in sick, and went to visit a divorce lawyer that Kelly knew about.

"I'll try to make this as quick and painless as possible," said Sherri, Brad's new lawyer. "You have no kids and hardly any assets. The only thing there is to fight over is her medical bills."

"I'll pay them," said Brad.

"Why," asked Sherri"

"You got yourself deep into debt, for her," said Sherri. "And how did she repay you? By acting like...well you know," she said. "Anyway this should be easy, if she tries to fight it, we just threaten to release the file, and let everyone know what she is," said Sherri. "I'll have the papers ready in a couple of days."

Over the next few days, the situation went from bad, to very damn bad. Ramona was served the papers, and tore them up. She not only refused to sign them, but to even read them, or get a lawyer. She told Sherri, that she would fight the divorce with everything she had, and that it would never happen. She did finally propose a legal separation, which could after a year had passed without being resolved start divorce proceedings.

In exchange for this she asked for marriage counseling sessions, and for Brad to return home so they could try and save the marriage.

Sherri threatened to change the reason for the divorce to infidelity, which would destroy Ramona's good name, and that the evidence could possibly be leaked.

Ramona laughed in Sherri's face, and told her to come up with something that mattered.

"I told you," she snapped, "I will do anything to prevent this. If you need to go to Rome to tell the Pope I'm a whore, I'll buy you a plane ticket. But no one especially not you or that redheaded slut are going to take my man without a fight," she said.

She also refused to hear any other offers until she had a chance to talk to Brad.

"That is one mean and smart bitch," said Sherri later to Brad.

"If I were you I'd take the meeting," she said. "It will look bad in front of the judge if you refuse to communicate with her."

Brad found himself in Sherri's office 2 days later face to face with Ramona.

"Why are you doing this to us?" she asked.

"You did this to us Ramona," he replied evenly.

"OK, I got a little out of control, I drank too much and I ignored you," she said.

"That's a reason for you to get upset, I understand that," she continued. "But it's not a reason for you to throw away 10 years of our lives together." she said seriously

"I love you Brad, you have to believe me," said Ramona.

"You forgot about, lying to me, and cheating on me, and tearing my heart out" said Brad. "You did a lot of things I never would have thought you capable of. You had no regard, whatsoever for my feelings Ramona." he said. "It was all about you and what felt good to you."

"But Brad I had cancer, you don't know what that's like," she said sadly. And after getting over it, I wanted some time to just explore life," she told him. "After beating something like that you need to reassess your situation. Your priorities and views change." she said

"Ramona, I can understand what you're thinking, but you're wrong" said Brad. "But now you'll have all the time in the world to explore, to your heart's content. I'll no longer be in your way. You can be the biggest slut in the world, you can fuck whole rooms full of guys every night and no one will care." Brad stood up and began walking away, as Ramona started to scream at him.

"Brad you can't just walk out on me, what do you mean I'm wrong," she screamed.

Brad sat back down in his chair and motioned for Ramona to retake her seat as well.

"Ramona, you, didn't have cancer," Brad said seriously.

"What?" she began, as Brad held up his hand to silence her.

"We, had cancer!" he said, with tears beginning to form. "I was there every fucking day in the hospital," he snapped. "Only it was worse for me, you felt it, but they gave you drugs for the pain," he said. "I had to sit there and watch the person I loved most be ravaged by it. Powerless to do anything, but I had, to watch it. There were times when I felt so guilty, that I'd have done anything..." said Brad.

"If I could have taken your place, I would have," he said. "And I couldn't, but I never left your side," he told her. "I had to pretend, to be cheerful so you could keep your hope, and your spirits up," he said, "But inside, I died a little bit, everyday."

"Every night, when they'd make me leave you, I'd go home and just cry for hours" he said. "I was so afraid of losing you and us not spending the rest of our lives together. Then every morning I'd have to put my cheerful, confident face back on. When it was over, after going through it as you put it, I was just as ready to explore and have some fun," he said. "But the person I wanted to explore with, was occupied with drinking, and apparently men other than the husband who went through it with her." He told her as she looked down at her feet.

"And one of us had to work, to start repaying all of your medical expenses" he said. "So you got a new body and a new outlook, I got hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt." he continued. "You got new priorities, I got a cheating wife." he told her. "You got a new viewpoint, but from the direction you were viewing, you probably didn't see how you were hurting me," he said. "You got to explore, I got my heart broken." said Brad.

"You claim, you love me, how do you think I'd feel when I heard about all of the guys you were fucking?" he asked. "I'm sure they're all great guys Ramona. Where were they though, when you were in the hospital?" he asked again.

"The cancer may not have killed your body, but the aftermath definitely killed our marriage," he said seriously. "Maybe it wasn't the cancer, maybe it was just you," he said in a quiet voice. "Sign the damned papers Ramona. I have nothing left to say to you, ever!"

Brad left the room. Ramona sat in the chair for a long time and just cried.

Kelly was waiting for Brad outside the lawyer's office. She could see that the meeting had been a rough one, and he didn't need someone to add to his depression. He was upset and not feeling very good about himself or anything in general.

As they headed for Kelly's car a 2003 Mustang SVT Cobra, Kelly threw Brad the keys. Brad loved that car. The 2003 SVT cobra, was also known as the terminator. For a long time it was the fastest production model Mustang ever made.

"Take us home," she said smiling at him. "Eventually your divorce will be granted whether she signs the papers or not."

"Can we just drive around for a while?" asked Brad.

"No," said Kelly. "We have the rest of our lives to spend driving around. Right now, you're hurting and I need to keep you nourished," she said.

Brad pulled into the parking lot of Kelly's condo. They got out of the car and walked into the building. Brad did take a lingering look over his shoulder at the car.

It really would've been fun to drive it for a while longer. Kelly had opened the door and gone inside without him. As he watched her slowly walk across the room, he noticed that she'd taken off her coat already and dropped it on the living room floor.

She continued walking away from him towards the stairs leading to her upstairs bedroom, as she walked she took off her blouse and turned and looked at him with a smile playing across her lips. As she mounted the first step she shucked off one shoe and then the other. Halfway up the stairs she shinnied out of her panty hose and dangled them off of one delicate finger and just stood there motioning for him to follow with the same finger. She turned and continued slowly walking up the long staircase and when she reached the top she pulled her skirt off and left it there. Brad was amazed at the amount of pure alabaster skin on display. For the first time in weeks Brads nether regions were signaling him that he was alive. He quickly climbed the stairs picking up the discarded clothing as he walked. He didn't know why he was picking them up, he just did it.

When he reached the top of the stairs Kelly hadn't left, she'd waited for him, but she had been busy. In that secret manner known only to women and circus contortionists Kelly was reaching behind her and unsnapping her own bra. Freed from their restraints Kelly's breasts shot forwards and jiggled causing Brad's already painful erection to again increase in both size and hardness. Brad was having trouble breathing as he looked at her and even more trouble thinking.

Kelly stood in front of him and slowly dropped her tiny panties exposing her beautiful body to his feasting eyes.

"Come and get it" she said and took off running down the hallway.

All of a sudden Brad understood the words of the great American spokesman George Clinton (no relation to Bill except attitude) in his great creation "Atomic Dog."

"Why must I be like that, why must I chase the cat," It was all so clear now.

Brad chased Kelly down the hall and into her bedroom. There he found her waiting for him on the bed. She got up on her knees and stripped him slowly. She took her time and licked each new body part that was revealed as his clothing joined hers on the floor. As the pile of clothing grew, closer came the time when they too would be joined only more completely than their clothing.

"Kelly I..." began Brad before she silenced him with her finger.

She knelt before him taking his member in her hands and gently tracing the outline and veins with a finger. Then she slowly licked the entire shaft starting by swirling her tongue very gently around the hole in the head and then down the shaft. She licked each if his balls and then tried unsuccessfully to get both of them in her small mouth.

Then she tickled them while she traced her way back upwards towards the head.

Brad was already tingling. In all the time they'd been together Ramona had never sucked his dick. She thought that doing it was vile and disgusting. He wondered if while drunk, she'd sucked someone else's.

Kelly's mouth swallowed the head of Brad's dick and she started bobbing her head up and down, taking more of him in with each stroke. She looked up at him with lust in her eyes and tightened her grip a little, to give him more friction. Then she spit on his dick and started again. It had been so long since Brad had experienced any kind of sex that he knew he wasn't going to last very long and just as he was about to cum, Kelly squeezed the vein under his shaft and stopped him. He gasped for air, and then watched as she climbed up him until they were eye to eye. She kissed him softly and gently for a few minutes with her legs straddling his. Then she raised her hips and impaled herself on his dick. Slowly she moved down his shaft until she had him completely within herself. Then she started to ride him like a fucking pony. It only took her about 10 good strokes before Brad was screaming "Kelly I'm gonna cum!"

She just looked down at him and said "Let it go baby, I want it all."

Kelly's vagina was a lot tighter than Ramona's and she knew how to work it.

Where Ramona was soft and submissive during sex, Kelly was wild and crazy to the point of being scary. Ramona let Brad fuck her. She simply spread her legs and let him take her. Kelly on the other hand fucked Brad back, matching him stroke for stroke, she was animated and loud. She was both a participant and a cheerleader at the same time. She used her body to let Brad know that she was his, anyway he wanted her, any time he wanted her, and he wanted her a lot. They fucked, they screwed, they did everything they knewed. (Sorry, I couldn't resist) And in the end Kelly got what she wanted, she got Brad's mind off Ramona and the past and onto her and the future.

Kelly's first husband had cheated on her so she knew that some men will cheat on anyone, even someone as beautiful as she was. She remembered what he'd told her when she'd caught him for the third and last time? "Pussy, no matter how pretty the package it's wrapped in, gets stale after a while and you need to find a fresh one."

She'd thrown him out right after that and hoped for a long time to find someone who would love her and treat her like she was special. She was sure from the way he'd treated Ramona that Brad was that guy, and she lucked up when his marriage failed. Ramona's loss was her gain, and she'd spend the rest of her life treating Brad the way he should be treated.

A few weeks later, Ramona still hadn't signed the papers and had no intention of doing so. She was trying to get an investigator to follow Brad around and catch him with Kelly so she could file on her own and maybe negate his divorce petition. In Ramona's mind, she could see that working, because they'd be even. She had her flings, he had his for revenge and they could get back together, the way they should be.

She just hoped it wouldn't take too long because she missed him so badly and she also wasn't feeling well. Nobody seemed to care about her any more. When Brad got home he'd sweep her up into his arms and make love to her. He wouldn't just feel her up and fuck her while she was drunk. And he'd take care of her and clean up their apartment, and make her feel good again. Above all else he'd make her feel special again, it might take them a while to get over this, but they would.

Then one day she happened to see Brad and Kelly in a restaurant together and watched through the window.

Kelly reached across the table and gently touched Brad's cheek. He held her hand in place and turned it around and kissed it. Her Brad was not doing what he was supposed to do according to Ramona's plan. He was supposed to be just fucking Kelly, just sex, like what Ramona had been doing. But Brad was clearly in love with Kelly. Ramona knew what she'd given up and became unglued. She ran into the restaurant screaming at Kelly.

"Get away from my husband you cheap cunt!" yelled Ramona.

"You threw him away, you fat bitch," snapped Kelly

"No, I didn't," screamed Ramona. "I was just having fun, I never intended for him to leave me."

"They have a saying in Polish," said Kelly "Tough-ski Shit-ski."

"You are not getting my husband," said Ramona.

"I've already got him," snapped Kelly. "He'd already be "my" husband if you'd just sign the fucking papers."

"Absolutely fucking never!" screamed Ramona again. "I'd kill you first."

As they watched, Ramona's face lost a lot of its color. She looked dizzy and unsteady on her feet. She sat down on the floor, and said that she didn't feel well.

When she regained her equilibrium, she left the restaurant.

3 months later Brad and Kelly were married. Ramona true to her words never signed the divorce papers. Her cancer had returned full blast and she was again hospitalized. She received excellent care but it wasn't the same. Without someone beside her to help her fight off the disease, she lost the will to live. She spent a lot of her time in the hospital asking for Brad, or writing him letters. She begged him to forgive her and take her back or just to come and visit her. He offered to visit if she would only sign the papers.

This time the battle against the cancer was short-lived and brutal. She wasted away over the course of a month and then passed. Brad and Kelly got married within hours of Ramona's passing. They had waited for so long that they didn't want to waste even a second.

Brad and Kelly attended the funeral. Brad spoke very eloquently and without rancor on how special a person Ramona had been and how much he had loved her during their time together. He didn't talk about the way things ended between them; only about the good times. He ended by telling the 4 or 5 people gathered there, about how his new bride and he had decided to name the baby she was carrying after Ramona.

Some nights as Brad sat in front of the fireplace or drove around in his 2012 Lacuna Model Mustang 302 Boss, he realized both he and Ramona had both been wrong. Ramona had said that "she'd" beaten cancer, Brad had believed at the time that "they'd" beaten the cancer. In reality Ramona simply became a cancer. From the moment she'd gotten out of the hospital she'd become a different person, loud angry, vile, and disgusting, she'd eaten away at everything around her and consumed or destroyed them. Her marriage and relationship with Brad and her family were all victims of the cancer she became. Finally when she couldn't have what she wanted she'd turned on herself.

Brad and Kelly lived happily ever after.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

So obviously written through the delusional eyes of a woman. Let's start with the fact that men don't use guilt, his whole letter to his wife was a guilt trip, showing he had little self-respect blaming himself. Also weak emotional men DO NOT attract beautiful women who want to help them whether emotionally or physically. After being destroyed by divorce caused by a cheating whore most real men never again trust women, they are broken inside and usually live the rest of their lives sad and alone. Why, because women are for one NOT attracted to sad emotionally depressed men, and add to that what women have zero clue about is how hard (meeting and dating) women is, and that's for men who aren't broken. You used so many feminized ideologies in this story a weak emotional man, a woman coming to his rescue, and karma dealing the revenge upon her. Cheating whores should be stoned to near death and made to live the rest of her life in a community where everyone knows who and what she is.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19692 months ago

good story about sad lives

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Ramona may have been one of the worst wives written about in this genre. And that's with wives who try to destroy their husband's lives so they can go out and have their new man in their life. You don't repay his kind of devotion with her actions.

pummel187pummel1873 months ago

Big_Tim99. You are correct, please please research a Dr Otto Warburg ( yes the banking family Warburgs) he cured cancer in 1931, he proved it using the scientific method, he received a Nobel prize for his work....

Also check out a YouTube video called. "Cancer the Forbidden Cures"

pummel187pummel1873 months ago

Like the fella once said "ain't that your pig of a wife". ...... "the place was a tabletop, they fucked her, and she fucked back". ........ "like the sailor said quote, your wife smells like the harbor at low tide "

Come on man you know that old children's song from the sea...... seven chipmunks sitting on a branch, eating lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch

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