Can't Handle Me


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She gasped. "That... that may... have been... the best... sex I have... ev-ver... had."

He could only nod his head, and hoped he would survive long enough to take a shower before collapsing.


Annabelle 'Bell' Rae (Walker) Mendelson watched the film from their first 'post Plan' night like a coach reviewing her team. She saw how he reacted to her and how she reacted to him. She noted that there were times when she was pretty demanding, and saw his expression near the end when he was laughing, and she regretted that she was a bit too involved at the moment to appreciate it with him.

She rated their performance as a solid C+, with an E for Effort. They accomplished the main goal, mutual satisfaction, with some room for improvement. He was obviously uncomfortable with the power tool, so they would try the dildo saddle next, or something a bit less 'construction chic'. She also felt that she would probably benefit from a little more warm up, so her big finish with James inside her would be even bigger. They probably should have used toys for a bit after the rest break to get her back in a higher gear. Some of this would come as James kept up his workouts and better diet, some would come as they worked on their verbal and non-verbal communication- like that bit where she was just trying to get him to slow down and prolong things, but he mis-interpreted it and stopped altogether for a little too long.

But mostly, the incredible blonde busty toned sex goddess was satisfied, and happy. They had taken a leisurely shower together, and fell asleep in each other's arms, and she felt no desire to 'finish herself off' for the first time in too damn close to two decades. She sighed and stretched and had a glow the rest of the day.

'Mother of a college student' Bell was still the hottest, sexiest, MILFiest mom around, but the other women did not feel quite so intimidated, quite so unable to handle her. The last few girls Will brought around were genuinely welcomed. Her clothes got more socially appropriate and Will and the neighbors no longer had to deal with those overstuffed, undersized bikinis, to Will's chagrined relief and his friend's disappointment. James was doing significantly better at work, without even really working harder and she was doing well at school. They were able to help Will with his college costs more than they had ever hoped for, barely touching their working moneys or investments. James was shaping up and was already benching almost as much as Bell could. They were also developing hobbies together and separately.

James and Bell had mad, wild, extravagant sex at least one night a week. The fact that satisfactory sex for her usually meant a couple hours set aside for the task limited their ability to do it on work nights. Nonetheless, that number steadily increased as the Plan grew to fruition. By the time Will finished up his first year of college, James' flexible hours at work and his improved stamina meant that the two lovers often made love in different rooms and at any convenient hour. They put the toys and slings and chairs through their paces, and James had eaten pretty much every food imaginable off or out of her at some point.

They invented the 'Orgasm Game' in which James scored for every orgasm he brought her to outside of the actual sex acts. They played their first round at the movies when he casually lay his hand on her thigh, then began to move it around a bit. She patted his hand, giving him encouragement. Soon he was following the edges of her skimpy panties under her light dress and she was cooing lightly, leaning a bit heavier against him.

Quickly double checking their privacy, he slid his hand ever so slowly along her smooth thigh, slipping under the fabric as he did so. He loved feeling her shiver like that, and the tactile sensation of the goose bumps it raised. For several long teasing minutes, he just stroked around and right up to her panties. She agonized over removing them until James finally began to stroke lightly on the fabric. She had to bite her lip lightly to keep from moaning out loud. They felt her covered folds grow damp. James began to massage her lower lips through the thin material, pressing it into her as much as it would allow. She shifted her hips again and spread her legs more to allow better access. As the action on the screen picked up, James slowed down and teased her with broad, soft pressure and gentle movement on her entire vulva. It felt wonderful, but she wanted to just grab his hand and shove it all the way in, for crying out loud!

He kept teasing her with alternating speeds, pressures, and attention to her lips or hard clit through most of the movie. Finally he worked a finger under the edges of her wet panties and she nearly came from sheer relief. He had to work at it a bit to get enough room, but he finally slowly sank his index finger deep inside her. He just left it there at first, then began to squirm it around before working his ring finger in as well. He worked up some speed, just enough to barely hear her make little squishy, slurpy noises and her hips began to move. Then the evil man used the side of his hand to apply pressure to her waiting clitoris and she slapped her hands on her lap to hold him there as she shuddered through a strong but nearly silent orgasm. Hearing gasps or chuckles around them told her she was not as discrete as she thought she was. With the help of James' fingers that were still gently moving, she had another smaller climax. Contrary to their usual movie behaviors, they sat through all the credits as she came down and recollected herself.

It took them a couple near-misses to work the kinks out of the Game, but it had become one of James' favorite parts of the Plan. He upped the ante by getting her some 'stay in place' toys like Ben Wah balls or a small vibrating egg that used a remote he kept in his pocket. One time, they were at a play when he excused himself to the restroom. When he returned, he sat behind and to the side of her without her knowing it and triggered the remote to the lowest setting. He almost laughed when he saw her jump just a little bit, then again when she tried to discretely look around her. He played 'hot and cold' with her, turning the buzz up as she looked closer to where he was, then down as she looked away.

The little minx figured it out, though, when she caught him in the corner of her eye. She began to milk the game, turning it back on James. She would slowly move her head towards him, then snap it back towards the stage, then quickly shoot a fast look over her shoulder and back in a heartbeat. James was struggling to not laugh as he gave in and moved next to her. As they left, he ramped her up and finished her off by hand in the car while still in the parking lot.

Something else they discovered was mutual grooming. Bell had kept herself either completely bald or just wore a small patch 'down there' since college. She usually did it herself or when she and a girlfriend would have a spa day. One day, James surprised the hell out of her when in the middle of a pleasant session of cunnilingus, he stopped cold. "Hmmm... stubbly, huh? You know, I never really thought about how you did this... Come on." He brought her to one of the 'sex chairs' and had her get comfortable as he excused himself for a minute.

When he came back, he had a bowl of warm water, her shaving cream and razor, some oil and lotion, a washcloth and a couple towels.

"Now, Mademoiselle, we weel shave vou's beautiful poo-say," James said in a terrible French accent. "First, ve prepare zee area, like zo."

He gently rubbed some warm oil in, making Bell sigh and relax. Then he laid the almost hot washcloth on her and let that sit there as he massaged her whole groin region gently.

"Voila! Now, zee foam." He squirted some foam on his fingers and worked it in, adding more as needed. "Zen, zee ra-zor..."

He scooted in to get a good view of the job, carefully taking small strokes and washing the blade after each. He had her shift position a couple times to reach everything, and even had her raise up to do around her rosebud.

Every time he cleared a strip, he would stroke it to make sure it was smooth, and it was driving her crazy. Whenever she would have an involuntary motion, he would stop for a moment, taking extra time cleaning the blade or something. After the agonizing teasing, he was finally done.

"Now, zee washcloth again," and he used the warm water to carefully clean everything. "Ve vill check to make zure that ve did a proper job..." and he used his tongue in broad strokes to verify that she was properly denuded. "Zee Grande finale! What iz Mademoiselle's plezure? Zee lotion or oil?" He rubbed the selected still warm oil on, making sure to work it in carefully, getting her all squirmy again.

She pushed him over and fucked him hard then and there, not caring that she spilled the water on their carpet. She repaid the favor the next day, ever so carefully grooming his cock and balls, and cleaning up some stray patches, like the thatch on his shoulders. They ended up getting some easy to wash 'oil-safe' sheets and larger bottles of body oils to lube one or the other up for wrestling or just slippery foreplay. (They made the rookie mistake of lubing the both of them once. They changed tactics when they both pretty much squirted off the bed.)

The hidden cameras caught much of their activities during this period, and they greatly enjoyed reviewing the action but James added still photography to the mix, belatedly realizing just how much bell liked to pose sexily. It started with their little 'point and shoot' digital, but it was not long before they had a decent digital SLR. They even took a photography class together and had framed photos of some of their nature or architectural shots in the other rooms.

The more private shots often got blown up and mounted in places that offered some protection from prying eyes- inside the cabinet or closet doors, for example. A big one of her all nice and oiled up on a black satin sheet was prominently displayed on the inside of the main closet door. James all oiled up and posing like a Greek god was inside the toy closet door and the two looked great together when both doors were open. James jokingly referred to them as 'Beauty and the Beast' although he was pretty proud of how he looked lately.

One of the greatest tools they had discovered was fantasy play. In one story, James guided her through the imagery of a skiing trip in the early spring. Most of the crowds were gone, and the days were cold in the morning, but surprisingly warm in the afternoons. Their skiing had brought them to a clearing off the beaten path where the trees blocked their view of the lodge or runs. The sun shone warm on them as they kicked off the skis and kissed while unpacking their picnic. After eating, they lay back on a big back of fluffy recently fallen snow, luxuriating in the warm high-elevation sun.

They were peeling layers off one by one, and Bell was laying back on her jacket, huge breasts covered by a thin thermal top and a couple straining sports bras as James leaned over her and began to kiss her and massage her breasts. As her nipples struggled to dent the confining material, he slipped off her top and the bras so he could chew on her nipples. They relished the sensations of her thick rubbery nipples between his lips and teeth and she was soon shuddering in pleasure and the tingling sensation of individual snowflakes drifting on her hot skin. James a small handful of snow and rubbed it on whichever nipple he wasn't chewing, sending shocks through her body that seemed to terminate in her clit.

They slipped off the rest of their clothes as they kissed each other all over. James was soon at her hot pussy, alternating his licking and sucking with drizzling soft snowflakes in it to cool it off. It did not take long for her to reach a shivering orgasm, and James just kept pushing her to another, then another until she was a hot moaning mess. Then he climbed into position and thrust himself into her welcoming folds.

The intimacy of the sex was enhanced by the sensations of the warm sun, cool breezes, and dusting of icy flakes on their sweaty bodies. It was as if all of nature herself was working to bring the two to a powerful climax. Afterwards, the two lay there until they cooled off a bit too much, at which time they adjourned to a nearby and conveniently empty hot tub for Round Two... and Three, then their room for Four and Five.

James had a hidden talent for this and Bell would feel like she was really there, especially since James used a little crushed ice and their recently installed Jacuzzi to make the story feel more real. Bell tried, but she just was not as good at storytelling as James was. She reflected about the personal growth that showed. It was not long ago that knowing there was a sexual activity she was not a master of would have infuriated her.

Very happily married Bell was devastated that she had never considered fantasy and role playing as part of her tool kit before, when James brought it up. It just reminded her again that she never really thought about the mutual pleasure of her partner before. They had accumulated a nice assortment of costumes, wigs, and props for different games.

Annabelle checked her school uniform one more time. Black hair in pigtails? Check. bubblegum? Check. Thick red lipstick? Check. Pink bra visible under tightly tied white blouse? Double check. Ultra-short plaid skirt, sexy lace panties, stockings, and adorable white tennies with pom socks? Check, check, and check. She knocked on the Headmaster's office door.

James wondered what the hell was going on. He was in the den working on stuff when someone knocked on the door. When he opened it, he was stunned at the sight of the tall, incredibly sexy vision he saw before him. It was obviously Bell, after all, it was in their house and there are not a lot of tall, gorgeous women with size H chests, but the dark hair and outfit made him pause.

'In character' Annabelle looked shy and dug a toe in the carpet. "Mr. Headmaster. They said you wanted to see me?"

It was all James could do to not laugh. He cleared his throat. "Yes, Miss Walker, correct?" She nodded in a teenager-y way somehow. "Come into the office and have a seat. Now, what seems to be the problem?"

"Well Sir, I'm not entirely sure. I know I have been having problems focusing in class lately, but there was also that incident in the cafeteria."


"Yes sir, when my blouse slipped and I sort of... flashed everyone?"

"Ah, THAT incident. I see. Well, ah... " It took James a moment to figure out what to do next. "Yes, Right. So, according to the Student Handbook, I believe this calls for some capital punishment. I believe ten spanks are in order."

Bell's eyes opened wide at this for a moment. She planned on seducing the headmaster for grades but she could roll with the blows, pun intended.

James moved to a straight chair and pulled it in the middle of the room then sat down. "Well, young lady? We don't have all day. Assume the position." Annabelle laid over his lap. James gave her a quick slap on one tight buttock. "Come now. You know better than that. That will cost you another spank. Drop them. Now." Bell shuddered at the forcefulness of his voice.

Annabelle stood up and made eye contact with James and she slowly, sensually slid them down her long silky legs. "Please Mr. Headmaster! Be merciful! I beg you!"

She called out as she bent over, enjoying the sensation of James getting hard against her crotch. James gave her a hard, but not overly painful slap on one side. Annabelle squealed a little but otherwise held her tongue.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Miss Walker. Did you forget to count? Let's try this again." Whack!

"Two!" Annabelle yelped.

"Now, Miss Walker. We count starting with one. Try again." And he smacked her again.


"Better, my child, but form and decorum are important. Remember, this is for your benefit. You will say my name, then ask politely for another so you may learn your lesson properly." He swatted her again. By now both cheeks had a nice glow and Bell was feeling squirmy again.

"Two, Mr. Headmaster. May I have another?" Swat! "Three, Mr. Headmaster. May I have another?" Swat!

By the time she got to nine, she was feeling it on both her ass and her cootch and James was rock hard. She stuttered out her request for another, then another and finally hit the last of the count.

"Very good, my child. I do so hate to have to resort to such actions, but we must maintain our standards, mustn't we? Here, now. Stand her for a moment." He left her there, unsure if she should... or even could, pull up her panties. None of the strokes really hurt, but the cumulative effect was... uncomfortable.

"Here we go." James came back in carrying some supplies. He dabbed her with a cool wet cloth. "I am sure you have learned your lesson. There is no reason to extend your pain. Can you sit, child? Here, try the couch. The leather upholstery may feel better than the cloth of the other chairs. And do let me take your panties. I doubt they will feel good against the sensitive flesh." He got her in a half-sitting, half-reclining posture on the big couch in the study and served her an ice tea.

James stepped back and looked at her, as if for the first time. "I say, Miss Walker, you are a... healthy... child, aren't you? You say you have had problems focusing on school as well? Can you tell me more about that?"

Annabell squeezed some tears in her eyes. "Oh, Mr. Headmaster! It is so hard some days! I mean, these big boo..., um... my chest gets in the way so much, and the other boys always stare at it. And I get so turned on... er, I mean... 'distracted' during class. Especially when the teacher is as handsome and strong as you. Oh... I apologize Mr. Headmaster! I didn't mean to be so forward!"

"Ummm, I see. A young woman for whom puberty has been so... 'generous', and whose nature is to be free and active, not cooped up in a classroom, perhaps?" Annabelle nodded. "Well, perhaps if we were to, as it were, take the edge off one's appetite? Would that help do you think?"

Annabelle nodded harder, large breasts bouncing along.

"It would be quite inappropriate for me, as your Headmaster, to, ahem, 'violate' you, of course. But there are other things that may help. Allow me to demonstrate."

James knelt down and began to gently blow on her overheated vulva, sending a shiver of icy need along her back. He licked the external labia with his tongue spread flat even as he massaged her inner thighs. James had a lot of practice by now and knew what Bell liked and correctly judged that she wanted a long build up.

He pointed his tongue and outlined the lips as she lay more flat on the couch and one of his hands worked towards her prefect exposed navel. He began writing the alphabet with his tongue while his hands softly rubbed her legs and tummy. He lightly chewed on and pulled the delicate tissues as one hand found her hard nipples. He barely noticed when she undid her top and bra for better access.

Schoolgirl Annabelle writhed on the couch under the well-practiced hands and mouth of her loving husband. It was official. He was better at stories, and she was better at acting. Still, he was darned good at this and wondered, for the first time, if she could handle him?

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Marklynda2Marklynda2about 1 year ago

Communication is the key to the 'sensuality in marriage' puzzle. I definitely agree that this is a much better depiction of a Loving Wife than the usual here, bravo! A well thought out and written story. I look forward to reading more of your work. As this is my first foray into your writing and the first story you posted here I have added you to my favorites list. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

PaladinInBlackPaladinInBlackabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you, mjf!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What an excellent story. A real loving wife. Initially I thought Annabelle was going to start cheating on her husband or demanding permission to to on dates with other men. Instead, she actually worked with her husband to improve both their lives. Really a different story for the LW category. Fantastic!


PaladinInBlackPaladinInBlackover 1 year agoAuthor

"He married a round heeled slut“ Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I personally don't buy into there idea that a girl who likes sex is a slut and a guy is a stud.

kirei8kirei8almost 2 years ago

He married a round heeled slut. Used up. Useless.

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