Captive Banshee - A Halloween Story


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I was sleeping nude, so I pulled my pants on before opening the door. Marie was standing there in an open robe. Beneath the robe she was wearing a white satin teddy. The nightie was more functional than sexy. The bottoms looked like oversized boxer shorts. The top was more of a T-shirt than anything else.

"What's wrong?" I asked wearily.

"We were wrong about Dark Night," she answered. "I used an app on my phone that puts the phases of the moon on my calendar, but it isn't accurate. Tonight is Dark Night."

"Shit!" I said loudly. "Do you think we still have time to go out and try to find the Banshee?"

"We don't have to," she said as she stepped into the room.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because," she began. Her voice changed at this point. To my astonishment so did her hair... and her eyes... and her body... and the clothing that she was wearing. "Because she already found me."

Marie-- or whatever she now was-- stepped into the room. She had lost several inches in height and a considerable amount of weight. She now had very dark hair and dark eyes which seemed to stand out against the paleness of her skin. Her clothing was diaphanous with a hint of green to the gauzy material which covered, but did not hide, the petite body beneath.

"Are you allowed to tell me your name?" I asked.

"You may call me Koleen," she answered.

The beginning of the name sounded a bit harsh. "I assumed that is spelled with a 'K'?" I asked.

"In your English, yes," she answered as she walked over and sat on the bed. She then patted the bed next to her and said, "Come, sit, talk with me."

"Are you a Banshee?" I asked as I stood before her.

A pulse of energy jolted me almost like the shock wave of an explosion and rocked me back so that I had to brace my feet to remain standing. "Do not call me that!" she screamed. I don't know how the rest of the inn wasn't awakened by her voice.

"I am sorry," she said after a few moments. "You don't realize what you are saying."

She paused and took a deep breath as if to compose herself and then explained, "Yes, I am a bean-sidhe. But that merely means that I am of the Fay and can claim the fairy mound as my home. I refuse to be what you call a Banshee. I am more than that!"

Again her voice had risen in pitch and volume so that the glass in the windows seemed to rattle with her screech. She looked at me, then giggled sightly and said, "Don't worry about the rest of the inn. We are contained within this moment and they are unaware of us."

She again patted the bed alongside her. This time I decided that I might as well get close. She could probably kill me anywhere in the room-- or for that matter, anywhere in the whole country-- so being close was no more dangerous than being far away.

"Tell me your story," I said softly. "Maybe there is some way I can free you."

After we stared at each other for a few moments in silence, I coughed slightly and said, "Marie told me that Shane O'Callahan trapped you or tricked you or something. Is that true?"

"Shane O'Callahan" she said and then spit on the floor beside the bed... "Shane O'Callahan betrayed me. I was young and naive and he took advantage of me."

"Do you mean he made promises to you," I asked, "and then threw you away once he had his way with you?"

"No," she shouted, "I mean that he made promises to me and then refused to have his way with me."

"I don't understand," I said.

I was being honest. I had no idea what in the hell she meant. I expected her to explain, but instead she asked me, "Do you know why you humans are ticklish?"

Now I was totally confused. I just stared at her. "It's sexual," she continued. "Or more accurately, anti-sexual."

I just shook my head slightly as she smiled at me. "In a small child," she explained, "everyplace that a soft touch would bring out sexual feelings in an adult, instead creates laughter. It is a human's primitive way of preventing sexual activity before the body is ready. The laughter discourages the male from continuing sexual advances. Once most humans are mature, the ticklish areas become places were a soft touch-- under the right conditions-- creates a sexual response in the body."

"But some people are very ticklish their whole lives," I said.

"Exactly," she responded. "Even most of them, however, lose their ticklishness once they are aroused."

"But some do not," I added, "and I assume that is important."

Her voice became very serious, almost sad, as she explained, "The Fay are not ticklish. Our young females do not laugh when a male touches them sexually." Her whole body slumped. "Instead, our whole bodies appear to change. We appear to be old, withered hags."

She laughed softly. It was a light, silvery, hollow laugh. "That is much more effective than laughter at driving away a male."

She straightened herself and turned to fully face me. "To put it in terms you can understand," she said. "I am one of the Fay who remained ticklish once I matured."

"And Shane promised to make love to you?" I said. It was more of a question than a statement.

"Yes," she answered. "He promised to be my..." She used a Gaelic word that sounded like a mix between a roar and a cough while you were trying to spit.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I don't speak Gaelic. I don't understand."

"It means 'power giver,'" she explained. "Unless I fully become a mature Fay, my powers remain childish. There is much I can do as a child Fay, but there is much more that is currently beyond me. Shane promised that if I came with him to the Americas and made him prosperous, he would be my power giver. I promised that I would stay with him until he was rich."

She let lose with a screaming wail that caused me to put my hands over my ears. "And now I am trapped by that promise," she sobbed.

"Wouldn't his death have freed you from that promise?" I asked.

"Mine, yes," she answered. "But his, no. If I were mature, then I would have the power to break free. But I am not. I agreed that a human male would be my power giver and unless a human male gives me power, I am bound here until I, myself, die."

Another shrieking wail erupted from her mouth. "And Fay live for a long, long time," she cried out in the same wailing shriek."

She looked intently at me. Sobs were wracking her body. "On over two hundred dark nights, I have taken bodily form and sought a power giver. But what human male would mate with something as ugly as I am."

"I think you are beautiful," I replied.

"That is why I chose you," she said firmly. She sniffled back tears once or twice and continued, "You are special. You are perhaps the only one who can truly free me. I knew that I had to bring you here on Dark Night. But I don't have that kind of power as a child Fay."

She gestured to herself and said, "When Marie O'Callahan visited this place, I could feel a connection to her like to no other person. I was able to guide her and work through her to bring you here. And tonight I used her body to become truly corporeal."

She giggled slightly. "She thinks she is still in her bed asleep. All of this will be but a dream to her when she awakens in the morning."

"She is a descendent of Shane's," I said quietly. "But she feels that what he did was evil. That's why she is trying to free you."

Koleen was now lightly stroking my face with her hands.

"What is so special about me?" I asked.

"Do you remember when the leprechaun visited you a few years ago?" she asked in response.

"Danny is a little hard to forget," I replied.

"Have you ever wondered why you were able to see him when most mortals can't?"

"Never thought about it," I said. "I've seen so much weird shit, I just took it for granted."

"He stops by here every so often to steal beer from people in the pub," she explained. "And he told me what he did. He cast a spell on you so that you are able to see someone as they truly are regardless of how they present themselves." She paused and added, "He said you already did that as well as any human, so all he had to do was add a little leprechaun strength to your natural ability."

I started laughing. She was not amused. "Sorry," I quickly said before she could do something nasty to me. "I just realized why the face on the sign was so familiar."

She giggled slightly. "He thinks it is a bad likeness," she said.

She stroked my face again and continued with her explanation. "Leprechaun magic is very long-lasting," she said. "You will probably have that ability for as along as you live."

"How does that make me the one who can free you?" I asked.

She leaned in and kissed me. The warmth and need of that kiss sent waves of pleasure through my body. "If someone were to look through the door right now," she said in a breathy voice, "they would see an old hag with long white hair sitting on this bed kissing you."

She took a deep breath. "If that is what you also saw, I doubt that right now there would be anything pressing against the front of your trousers."

She was right-- on both. I've no great desire to make love to an old hag, and my prick was trying desperately to break through the zipper on my pants.

"I can't force you," she said quietly, "not even with the most powerful magic. For this to work, you have to truly want to do this." She giggled. "There is no danger to you. I'm not a succubus or anything like that. It will be ordinary sex..." she giggled again... "well, it won't exactly be ordinary. It will be fantastic."

She was again stroking my face. Her dark eyes were silently pleading with me. I shook my head slowly and her eyes and mouth went wide. She gasped loudly as tears began to form in her eyes.

"No!" I said suddenly. "I didn't mean I wouldn't. I was just trying to clear my head. This is so much to take in at once."

I took a deep breath and looked into her petite face. "Yes," I said. "I will make love to you if that is what you want. ... and if it is what is needed to free you."

She launched herself at me and locked her lips against mine. Suddenly we were naked in the bed. She was on top of me squirming her body against mine. Her nipples were rubbing against my chest like two marbles. Her tongue was slithering into my mouth. Her hands were running down my arms and onto my legs.

She brought her hands up onto my chest and pushed herself up onto her knees, straddling my hips. She then dropped herself down onto my prick, impaling herself in one swift motion. She gave a quick squeak as I drove through her hymen but then immediately began bouncing her body up and down on my shaft.

I tried to match her thrusts, but she was moving way too fast for me. I ended up falling back on the bed and letting her ride me like a living dildo. As she continued to bounce up and down, she began keening in a loud, high-pitched screech. It was at the point where I was expecting everything glass in the room to start shattering when she stopped suddenly at the top of a stroke and then drove herself down hard enough to almost knock the wind out of me.

Her wail changed to a drawn out, "Aaaaaahhhhh," that was a little bit lower-pitched than her previous screeching, but equally as loud. I don't know how I had held off as long as I did, but when she did that, I erupted within her. As soon as I climaxed, she shuddered and fell against my chest, holding tightly to me and quivering.

I reached up and held her as she finally relaxed down against my chest. "That was for me," she murmured. Then she began moving against me once again. My sweat-- and hers-- made her nipples slide against my chest as she pushed her body up and down against my body.

Despite having just cum, my prick once again became stiff and swelled within her. I began to thrust up against her and the second or third time I pressed up into her, she fell onto her side and pulled me over with her so that I ended up on top.

She bucked against me once or twice, but I didn't need any further encouragement. I began thrusting into her and she matched me thrust for thrust. I have often laughed at other writers who described the feeling of being inside a particular woman as sliding through warm honey. I will never laugh at that again. I can think of no other way to describe the sensations as we fucked. It was as if my prick was sliding through warm honey.

This time her wail when she orgasmed was a little more human-sounding. It was loud as hell, but it sounded like a woman's scream. She also sounded like a normal woman as she snuggled into me afterwards and made soft murmuring noises. I fell asleep with her in my arms.


The morning sun shining through the windows of my room awakened me. I gave a satisfied "Hmmmm" as I felt the warm body of a woman still snuggled against mine.

My murmured "Hmmmm" quickly changed into an excited, "Holy Shit!" as I looked down into a startled pair of sparkling blue eyes staring back at me.

"What... what happened?" Marie said as she pulled away from me. Her eyes darted around the room, finally stopping when she spied her satin teddy lying crumpled on the floor.

Holding the sheet tightly against her body, she said, "I had this weird dream. The Banshee came to me... No, the Banshee went inside me."

She looked around wildly, "I was her," she stammered out. "And she was me."

Her eyes became fixed on me, "And I... she... asked you to take her virginity."

"It was the only way to free her," I said softly. "I thought you would wake up in your bed this morning and think that this had all been a dream."

She relaxed back onto the bed and supported herself on one elbow so she could continue to look directly at me. "It's not like it was a nightmare," she said. "In fact, it was pretty enjoyable... in a really weird sort of way."

"Thank you... I think," I said.

I then supported myself on my elbow mirroring Marie's posture on the bed. "What happens now?" I asked.

"Koleen is free," she answered. "That is what I had to do.

"So do we just go home?" I asked.

"No," she said. "We are going to stay another night like we planned. Tonight we will have dinner together downstairs. And over steaks and wine and whatever the innkeeper has for dessert, you will slowly seduce me."

I remained silent. I wasn't sure that there was anything I could say that wouldn't end up getting me in severe trouble.

"Then," she continued, "after I wake up in your bed on Sunday morning, we will say our goodbyes and go home."

"Sounds like a plan to me," I answered.

Turning a light shade of pink, she then said, "Now close your eyes or something so I can get out of this bed and go back to my room. Then we will go downstairs for breakfast."

A half-hour later, both of us had used the bathroom-- I let her have first dibs on it. Then we went down for what was either a late breakfast or an early lunch.

As soon as we were seated Sean/Carlo came running up to us. "What in the hell did you do to the Banshee last night?" he shouted.

Both of us looked up at him. Marie sputtered something as she turned a deep red. I was a little clearer as I asked, "What do you mean?"

"She changed the sign again!" he yelled. He was obviously very upset. He put his hands on his head and moaned, "I don't know if this is good or bad."

"It is very good," Marie said quietly. "Koleen has been freed. She will probably leave you alone now."

"Except," I said, "she promised to return every Halloween-- actually on Halloween since that's what people around here expect-- and make an appearance at midnight." I smiled at him, "I think that is to make up for all the trouble she has caused."

"Oh well," he said in a much quieter voice. "I guess that's good news. ... But I'm going to have to change all the ads and menus again."

"Why?" Marie asked.

In response, he pointed out the window at the sign. The lettering was still green on white, but in old English lettering it said, "The Happy Bean-Sidhe Pub and Inn" The smiling face beneath the lettering was no longer the mischievous Leprechaun. Instead, it was a petite young woman with black hair and very dark eyes. There was a broad smile on her face, and over her shoulders you could just make out the tips of a pair of translucent wings.

"She looks happy," I said.

"If I remember my dream correctly," Marie said, "she has reason to be." She turned slightly pink as she looked into my eyes and added, "Hopefully by tomorrow morning, so should I."

I hope Bean Sidh magic is also long lasting.

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SatyrDickSatyrDick5 months ago


Top Shelf!

11/10 Happy Bean Sidh!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

No real sex, but well written enjoyable tale!

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago
a true Woman of the Faeries

May she live a long and Joy filled life

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Was just there

Was in Ireland in August with my whole family-14 of us from 10 to 74. Went physically onto my great grandmother's farm and to the church where she-Jeremiah and Bridgette- were married in Castletown Roche. You can imagine, then, what a pleasure it has been to stumble onto this lovely story. Many thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Superb, as usual.

5*, as usual. To the second anonymous reviewer: yeah, he knows Celtic folklore!

Just one minor quibble...shouldn't it be spelled "Fae"?


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