Captive Until Dawn


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He grinned slightly, still not quite sure. But then zipped his pants up once again putting his now flaccid cock away.

"Ya can put yur shirt back on," he told her. Sharon did, though not wanting to hurry in doing it, afraid that such an action would give doubt to her lie of having climaxed.

A short time later they both heard Bill returning to their camp. She watched him approaching holding onto a stringer of fish. Bill was carrying her fishing pole as well, and it was obvious he had taken it with them when they had left the place they'd first found her.

He stopped short however as he came within a few feet of her, realizing that Willy had for whatever reason removed her blindfold.

"Willy! He demanded. "What have you done?"

Willy glanced at his father with a surprised and confused look on his face.

"I din't do nuthing Pa!" He exclaimed defensively. "Ask her...she'll tell ya! I din't tuch her!"

"That's not what I meant." Bill said lowering his voice. "I meant about the blindfold."

Though Willy seemed relieved he was still in a fugue as to why that would be of any importance.

"She knows what we look like now Willy. You remember what happened to your mother? Now because she knows who we could happen to her too!"

Willy looked almost sad now, even a little frightened perhaps. And Sharon was once again in fear of her life, now more than ever before. She had no idea of what they were talking about of course, but she feared that she had now somehow forced Bill's hand, and that her own fate was suddenly sealed.

"It wasn't his fault," she said. Having no intention of telling Bill what else had happened between the two of them either. There was no telling how he might react to hearing that on top of everything else.

"I know," Bill said slowly. "But it just makes everything worse...much, much worse."

Throwing the cleaned and gutted fish down by the carefully constructed fire pit that was prepared and ready to light, Bill came over and stood before her looking down at her and obviously considering to himself what it was he should do next.

"You really don't understand anything. And I'm sorry you've gotten mixed up in all this. I really am." He turned to walk back to the campfire and begin fixing their dinner.


Once again he spun around to look at her.

"Guess I shouldn't be surprised. It was only a matter of time before that slipped out in addition to everything else," he added.

"Why don't you tell me what really is going on here. I think I at least have the right to know that now."

Sharon watched him remove a single match from the matchbox he had taken out of what appeared to be a well stocked first-aid kit. He'd already prepared a small pile of thinly shaved wood, having another stack of only slightly smaller twigs and branches ready to add to that one. Lighting the single match, he carefully held it to the small pile of tinder until it caught, then he nursed it, adding the only slightly larger pieces until he had a small sized fire going.

"It's a long story," he said suddenly.

"That's ok...I'm obviously not going anywhere."

He threw her a quick knowing look as though to confirm the truth of that for her.

"My sons dying," he began. "Obviously, you can see that."

She wanted to ask him why on earth he would bring him here if he was dying, why he didn't, or hadn't taken him to a Hospital for help, but she allowed him to continue on explaining it instead.

"He's been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Frankly, I'm surprised he's even lived this long. The Doctor's gave him maybe six month's even less to live."

Sharon spoke. "That still doesn't explain why you've come up here. Why not seek out some other kind of help, something..."

His look cut her off from continuing.

"About five month's ago Willy witnessed a murder. Someone high up in the Government, he...actually we...were supposedly given police protection. We were also told that if Willy testified, he'd be given the best medical attention possible. Anything that could be done...would be done for him, especially as time was against us, and the State had a weak case without his testimony. After the trial, and after whatever medical attention could be given him, we'd then be put in the Witness Protection Program...Willy, myself...and my wife."

Sharon could hear the trembling in Bill's speech as he fought to continue telling her the story.

"But they got to her first...killing my wife, and almost killing Willy and I at the same time. We managed to get away, taking what little money we did have with us, and simply disappearing as fast as it was possible for us to do. At first, I wasn't sure where it was we could go without them finding us, and they nearly did find us once again, but we were lucky enough to have seen them first as they burst into the motel room we'd been staying in. Willy and I ran, and kept running all night long until we stumbled onto this small ranch. Whoever owned the place had gone out for some reason, so no one was there when we robbed the place, took what we could, what we needed. Including two of the horses that we'd found there.

Sharon sat mesmerized as she continued to sit listening to his story. It sounded almost unbelievable, but she also knew he was telling her the truth.

"We rode up into the mountains after that, with the horses it made traveling a lot easier, and also allowed us to get up into areas that most people wouldn't be able to do themselves. Eventually, we stumbled on to this place. Remote, and from everything we'd seen, uninhabited and certainly near inaccessible. Finally, we felt safe. And as time went by, we did fairly well for ourselves. There's enough game here to allow us to eat, especially after what little food we'd stolen and taken with us had run out. And I didn't think that Willy would last even this long anyway. Since there wasn't anything that really could be done for him, I wanted to keep him with me, keep him safe, and take care of him and be with him when the time did come."

"But why me?" Sharon asked. "Obviously you must have known I wouldn't have anything to do with any of this. Why on earth did you do what you did to me?"

"I'm sorry about that." Bill said glancing over to where Willy was now laying down asleep on an old blanket.

"We'd gone out to check the traps. Though I was close by, Willy spotted you and began moving off in your direction. I couldn't yell at him, I didn't want you knowing we were even there. I was sure he wasn't going to hurt you or do anything to you, just curious to actually see someone, especially a woman...a nearly nude woman at that, laying there on the grass. But then...I saw him racing towards you and I realized then that he'd somehow gotten it in his mind that you were possibly there to hurt us, or were perhaps one of those who were still out there looking for us. Willy reached you just a split second before I did, and I had no choice but to try and keep you out of this as much as possible until I could figure out what to do with you."

Sharon considered the story he'd told her for a moment, and decided that he really had been telling her the truth of it after all.

"Why didn't you simply tell me all this in the beginning? I wouldn't have told anyone who you were, or even where you were."

"Because I couldn't trust you. I was pretty sure you weren't looking for us, but one of the people who showed up at the motel... was a woman. And she did look a lot like you. And because of that, I think Willy thought you were her initially."

Bill had finally placed several strips of fish over a wire-meshed screen he'd laid over the fire and began turning them.

"The tumor is having some kind of affect on Willy's memory, his actions. As you can see, he's mentally deficient. He might be twenty-eight, but he's acting like he has the mind of a thirteen year old. And he's been progressively getting worse each and every day, especially lately. " He added. "And I've noticed that whatever is happening, is happening quickly now. He's been sleeping longer and longer, his mood swings back and forth, and he seems to drift in and out of reality and fantasy. I'm beginning to think he doesn't have too much time left."

Sharon was looking over in his direction too. Watching him sleeping all curled up in a fetal position.

"After he dies, I'm going to go back, turn myself in and make myself available to testify to the few thing I do know myself. I'm not sure how much good it will do, but maybe describing the people that killed my wife, and tried to kill us at the motel will give the Police something to go on anyway. I don't care if anything actually happens to me now, but I wanted to give Willy whatever time he had remaining free from fear, and certainly free from death by someone else's hands."

Turning the fish over one more time, Bill stood up and walked around the fire, came over and then sat him self down beside her. To her surprise he reached over and undid her bindings.

"I had every intention of letting you go. I hope you know that. I wanted to keep you from knowing who we were, from being able to describe us, or know where we were exactly until I could have a chance to decide what to do. They really are out there, still looking for us. Only a week ago we spotted a party of men...and one woman up here in four-wheel drives scouring the area. They had guns...and it certainly isn't hunting season. Now I guess, it really doesn't matter any more. It's too late to try and take you back. In the morning, we'll take the horses and get you back to your campsite. But you need to promise me you'll leave. Promise me you won't say a word to anyone that you ever saw us, or that you know anything about us."

Sharon shook out the tension in her arms and legs, standing up, grateful at finally being able to stretch as she pondered over everything that Bill had been telling her.

"I can help you," she said. "If you'll let me. Maybe there is someone we can talk to, someone we can convince that will protect you, and more Willy."

"It's too late for that now." Bill said, shaking his head no. "Nothing anyone could have done for him anyway. Like I said, inoperable. The tumor has spread too far, grown too big, especially now. No...he's dying, and it in all likelihood will happen any time now. After that...after I've buried him and taken care of him, then I'll go back...then I'll see if I can do anything to put these bastards away that killed my wife, ruined our lives..."

They ate dinner after that. But it was obvious that Willy had grown worse. He refused to eat, preferring to sleep, unwilling or perhaps not wanting to respond to anything even when Sharon tried coaxing him to sit up and take some nourishment from her.

As the night grew dark, they kept the campfire small. Tucked away inside the small little cove of tree's protected as they were by the surrounding hills, Sharon found herself sitting next to Bill huddled up together in one of the few remaining blankets they had left after ensuring that Willy was comfortably covered himself.

Above them the night sky twinkled with a billion tiny white pinpricks of light. Huddled together, Sharon finally felt herself growing drowsy. Exhaustion finally catching up to her along with the realization that she wasn't in any danger, never really had been. And even more strangely, that she felt some sort of affection towards this man, a man who looked a lot like Willy though only a slightly older more mature version of him. She felt safe now, comfortably wrapped in his strong supportive arms, her head resting on his chest as she listened to the beat of his heart and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Sharon awoke a short time later. It was still late, still dark. But Bill had somehow managed to get up without disturbing her. She looked towards the shack, if one could call it that and saw a small candlelight burning inside. She realized then that Bill must have carried his son inside and made him a little more comfortable if that was possible.

She walked over towards the door and saw him sitting by the bed of soft fur branches that had obviously been made some time ago. Bill sat stroking his son's head, running his fingers through his hair, watching him sleep. Feeling her presence perhaps, he glanced up and saw Sharon standing in the doorway looking at them.

"How's he doing?" She whispered.

"I don't know," Bill said shaking his head worriedly. "Just asleep I guess...but he seems different somehow."

Sharon saw the tears filling Bill's eyes and walked into the room towards him. He watched her approach, but also saw her shiver involuntarily as she did.

"You're cold," he noticed. Besides the thin blanket, all she had on was the denim shirt that Bill had given to her to wear earlier.

"Come on.... I think it's late enough...and safe enough to build up the fire a little bit."

Bill led her back outside and quickly got a much hotter stronger fire going.

"Oh...that does feel good." Sharon admitted sitting down on the ground. Bill had placed one of the horse's saddle blankets on the ground next to the fire so that they would have something to sit on at least.

"Better?" He questioned her.

"Much!" She responded. But she saw that Bill still had a far away look in his eyes as he sat there beside her.

She reached over without thinking and touched his cheek. Turning his head towards her, she leaned over and kissed him.

Startled, Bill started to move away from her, but in the next instant, pulled her towards him wrapping her once again within his arms and hungrily, urgently kissed her back.

Sharon began to lean back, pulling him with her as she did. It was crazy, even insane perhaps, but he needed comforting, and she needed to comfort him. Bill fumbled briefly with the buttons of her shirt, but then as the wild frenzied need and desire for her overtook him, he simply tore at it, popping off all her buttons with the effort and finally revealing her breasts.

Sharon placed her hand behind his head and guided him to her, she felt his lips brush and then tenderly kiss her rapidly hardening nipples. He began to devour her with an urgency that was fueled by months of abstention and loneliness, the likes of which she could not even begin to imagine.

With her hand she reached down between them, felt his hardness beneath his pants as it quickly stiffened even more so at the touch of her hand. She caressed him through the material as he continued nipping and sucking her nipples alternating back and forth between them. Sharon fought at his zipper, but Bill sat up, then standing as he removed his pants. Now as nude as she was, his stiff erect cock so wonderfully, so erotically displayed before her, she reached up, clasped him, and drew him towards her where she gingerly licked at the tip, licked away the little droplet of juice that she had squeezed out, quickly producing another as she continued squeezing him, licking at the fleshy spongy head of his cock.

Sharon continued to suck and lick him until Bill grew too weak-kneed to allow her to continue. She pulled him onto the ground, rolling him over onto his back, she slid herself up atop him, and slowly eased himself into her where she enveloped him, surrounding him with her velvety softness.

They sat rocking together with one another for what seemed like an eternity. Sharon felt Bill's hard smooth cock sliding in and out of her with a slippery teasing thrill of passionate desire and need. She found herself warming to him rapidly. Realizing that all the unexpected, undesired teasing, had actually been building her up towards this moment. As Bill toyed with her breasts, tweaking her nipples and gently pulling on them, she began thrusting herself against him more forcefully, feeling his cock filling her pussy, filling her with unbridled desire and passion for this man. She moved herself so that her clitoris was stroked, touched and caressed expertly. Sharon felt the first trembling twinge of her orgasm begin, and this time welcomed it as it suddenly took her by surprise and washed over her in a near overpowering surge of ecstasy and pure raw emotion.

Even as her first orgasm slowly diminished, she felt Bill's begin. She could feel his thick hard cock suddenly throbbing inside her, felt it as his first powerful jettisons of cum began to fill her and bathe the inside of her cunt in a glorious display of hard felt wondrous joy. Bill's still ongoing orgasm triggered within her a second, and she joined him on the sea of orgasmic ecstasy that they floated on together.


The sun was just starting to come up when they awoke, still lying comfortably and secure within one another's arms. A second later however, Bill bolted up off of the ground and dashed towards and then inside the crumbling shack. Sharon sat up staring in his direction, and just as she was about to get up herself and go in after him, she saw him remerge, carrying the body of his son through the door.

"He's..." He couldn't quite finish saying it. "Dead!"

Tears streamed down Bill's face as he carried Willy past her and down along a nearby deer path. Sharon quickly followed him and moments later saw Bill as he lay his son down on the ground next to a previously deep and well dug out grave.

"Willy even helped me dig it out." Bill said sobbing. "Actually picked out the very spot where he wanted to be buried."

"It's beautiful," Sharon offered, still unsure of what she could say or even do as she watched Bill carefully place his son down into the pre-dug grave.

"As soon as I'm done here...we'll leave," he announced. "I'll get you back to your own campsite, it's really not that far away from here. After that, I'll head into town and give myself up to the authorities."

"I'm going with you," Sharon told him, not about to take no for an answer. "I'll be with you, no matter what." She told him adding. "And no matter what else happens, after everything we've been through together now, I'll be with you afterwards as well."

Bill looked at her with hope filled eyes, but concern, worry and doubt could be seen there as well.

" father is the Governor. I really will be able to help you. Trust me."

A short time later Sharon drove back down her mountain, Bill quietly sitting beside her lost in thought. "I really am sorry for everything that happened." He told her.

"Don't be, everything will be alright," she assured him. "We've both been captives, but we'll make it through this together."


Sharon placed a bouquet of wild flowers on the still unmarked grave. Bill had indeed been placed into a witness protection program just as Sharon had promised. But they'd secretly been meeting here now once each year for the past five years.

"Time to go," Bill told her extending his hand.

"Not before you've made love to me again," she admonished him leading him back inside the long forgotten little cabin.

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LeeLee420LeeLee42012 months ago

Hated the stereotypical hillbilly accent. The repeated use of the word cunt.

I am a woman and I enjoy cnc stories as much as any man but although some of these stories have wonderful plots, the writing is childish which tends to lesson the eroticism of the overall story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

was good could have done without the sex bit at the end spoil t it a bit

Yobo36Yobo36almost 10 years ago

Although they did "take" her and Willy was doing things without her consent. She sure was eager with Bill. Good story Many Feathers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

There you go again. Suck us in with suspence and lust and slap us with beauty.

jaqvertjaqvertalmost 13 years ago
Good story but it can be excellent if .

Bill and Sharon has a bit more build up and Willy didnt die so quickly. All in all a good read. Thank you for sharing.

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