Captives, Slaves, Killers Pt. 01


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The figure in black snorted and hooted. It whistled like a broken kettle. Was that some sort of language? Evidently, because another figure garbed in identical manner crowded into the cell. Between them they half carried, half dragged Aste`Rey Mherr out through the hatch. The air in the corridor was slightly cooler than in the fetid, stinking cell. There was a little more light, too. She peered about trying to make sense of what she saw.

The deck was clearly composed of gravity plates sans any sort of aesthetic covering. The walls were utilitarian. Some were painted, others were bare carbon composite. There were several of the black clad creatures about. Crew, she supposed. She was just wondering where the android was when her guards passed through a hatchway into what had to be some sort of shower room. The hatch sealed and water began to mist the air from tiny heads on the ceiling. The water was cool, but not cold. One guard let her go and fetched a plastic bottle of something orange. The other dropped her on the floor and fetched a large brush. Aste`Rey Mherr waited, thinking they would let her loose to clean herself. She was mistaken.

The orange stuff in the bottle turned out to be soap with a strong chemical scent about it. The guard squirted a stream of it on her abdomen and then up to her breasts, targeting her nipples for some perverse reason. The guard with the brush stepped in and began scrubbing, quickly building a thick lather. He too paid special attention to her nipples, the bristles harsh and painful. She whined a weak complaint and the guards hooted at her. The brush was forced between her thighs. Bristles tore at her diamond and her sensitive slit. She had no strength to resist. Roughly they rolled her onto her side. More soap. More hard scrubbing. One grabbed her tail and held it out straight for the other to clean. One held her head and the other washed her, getting soap in her eyes, a bitterly burning irritant. Soap went up her nose and made her sneeze and cough. Some got in her mouth and she retched, spilling the meager contents of her stomach. They forced her up on her knees with her cheek against the floor and scrubbed her backside. The most denigrating thing she endured was when one of them inserted his finger deep inside her and washed her out with the stinging soap. She bit her lower lip to keep from crying out. She would not give them that satisfaction.

When it was over, after the guards had hosed her down using tepid water, Aste`Rey Mherr was dragged into a small compartment where hot air was blasted over her until she was dry. Her fur was completely disarranged, but it was clean. The guards carried her back to the cell and dropped her on her face.

Still woozy from whatever drug they had hit her with, Aste`Rey Mherr peered around the cramped cell. The light was still dingy yellow. The ceiling was still too low. The floor was bare. It was all clean. One thing was missing, though. The Human was gone.

She crawled to her corner, unsure how she felt about the absence of her alien companion. She had grown accustomed to his steady breathing. His presence, alien and enemy though he was, had been a small comfort. At least she had not been alone. She lay her head down and closed her eyes. Until Marilyn brought her food there was nothing to do except sleep.

Moments later the hatch chimed and opened. In came two of the black clad guards carrying the Human. The Human was so large that both guards had to carry his torso and there was real danger of his head banging on the floor. The guards took care to arrange the Human in his usual place before departing without so much as looking in Aste`Rey Mherr's direction. She raised up as much as she was able and looked hopefully at her cellmate.

"Are you awake?" she asked.

Getting no response she ran her eyes over him. It looked like fresh bandages had been applied. All the blood and dirt had been washed off and now she could see constellations of bruises scattered across his fair skin. Who was this male that he had been so battered and torn?

Well, they were both clean. And their cell was clean. And she was getting food regularly, though it was not particularly satisfying. Her eyes snapped to the Human. When was the last time he had eaten? How long could such a male go without food or water? She looked at him, and though she did not wish to, she felt compassion. Would he starve to death without regaining consciousness? What a shame it would be.


In her dream the creatures in black came for her again. She tried to resist but her body would not respond. She could not even hiss. The creatures hooted and snorted and whistled and they dragged her out into the corridor again. More of the black clad creatures were there and all made sounds she could not understand. Her head lolled back and forth and some of the creatures patted her cheeks or stroked her fur. Several cupped her breasts, causing her to purr appreciatively. One tweaked her nipples which made her jump, her reaction muted and sluggish. The one with the gorget, the one she had kicked when they took her captive, appeared at her side. It shoved short fingers between her thighs, probing for her diamond. In spite of the indignity, Aste`Rey Mherr moaned with desire. When its fingers clamped down on her protruding sex, pinched and twisted, pulling hard, she almost screamed. Hoots and whistles filled the air and there was a scuffle. Pain, like jagged slivers of glass, remained.

Into a small room they dragged her and took off the restraints, letting her free for the first time. She flopped weakly. About her neck one locked a wide collar and through her body ran a tingling sensation. The creatures retreated, sealing her in.

Dazed, she rose to her feet, bracing her hands on the walls. Her legs did not want to cooperate at first, weak and cramped from long confinement. Music played. Pleasant music. The rhythm made her want to sway her hips and soon she was moving in time with the beat. She performed an ancient dance she had learned as a girl, The Calling of the Seasons*, and from some far off place she could hear cheers. The light in the compartment changed, it was brighter and rotated colors, slowly running through the whole rainbow. The music's tempo increased and her movements changed to suit it. She tossed her head and snapped her tail. Her feet stamped and her legs kicked and for no reason at all she shook her rump as if a favored male were watching. Cheers came through to her more clearly and beyond the walls of the compartment, beyond the changing lights, she could see rows of dark figures. Some held up hands. Some held up placards. She ignored them. The important thing was the music and her dance. For the moment she was free and she would make the most of it.

Aste`Rey Mherr felt herself become aroused, her diamond warming and becoming rigid. The heat from her loins spread. Grasping her breasts she pinched the distended nipples, pulling them until it was painful then letting go so that her breasts swayed and jounced. More hoots and cheers. More waving hands. More placards. Another change in the music.

Now she was all but burning. She needed release. Had to have it! Yet she did not touch herself. She swayed, ground her hips and gyrated to the music, thrashing her tail and slapping her hands on her ass to make it sway. More noise from the distant crowd. More movement as placards dropped and others were raised. She screamed in lustful joy and smacked her swollen sex, sprinkling the floor with her juices. The scent, her scent, filled the small compartment and she reveled in it. Between finger and thumbs she pinched her distended diamond, now savoring the hurt. When she let go she savored the relief and cried out, moaning for a lover who was not there. She slapped her sex again and drove into a new dance. A dance of passion and violence. A dance that spoke of lust and hunger and need and ended with her kneeling, thighs spread wide and her fingers diving into herself, working her slick flesh with fury! She howled over the cheers of the distant crowd and climaxed, convulsing, spraying a stream across the floor and the transparent wall. She collapsed backwards, shuddering, still crying out with the power of her climax and then, only then, did her dream fade away.

Aste`Rey Mherr jerked up from the deck, heart racing, panting, unable to catch her breath. She was in the cell. Her bonds were still in place. The Human lay across from her. The light was dim as always. The heat between her thighs was incredible. Her fur was damp and warm.

"Only a dream," she whispered. "Haven't had one like that since you were a girl."

Almost amused she bit her lip and tried to get comfortable. Her arms and legs were tired, as if she really had been dancing. Why had she dreamed of the crowd? Old tales of ancient times before jZav`Etch had learned to fly drifted up through her memories. Slaves taken from distant lands had been sold in markets. The females had been displayed naked and sometimes abused before the onlookers. That had to be where her imagination had come up with the crowd.

Settling once more onto her side she looked at the Human and wished he were awake. The worst part of her confinement was the boredom. With nothing to occupy her, Aste`Rey Mherr could only think or sleep and she wished to do neither just now. If she only had something to read, that would be enough. Unfortunately she only had the Human to look at. She ran her eyes over him for the millionth time. Nothing new. His naked body, though not objectionable, she had become inured to. Nearly hairless, battered and scarred, his bruises were turning green here and there. Nothing new. Wait! THAT was new.

Aste`Rey Mherr felt herself become warmer and her already slick sex became ever the slightest bit more slick. The Human was erect. Forger and Builder, Makers of all things! The Human was magnificently erect! She licked her lips, unable to tear her eyes from the turgid length of flesh. She squirmed uncomfortably, wishing her hands were free. This was so bizarre. Why was she reacting this way? It was a Human!

She jerked her eyes away to focus on the ceiling. Only a Human. A male, obviously, but he was not dTel`Qohar. He was not even jZav`Etch! Impressive, though.

Her eyes found him again and found his erection. Yes. Impressive for a creature that was not jZav`Etch. Impressive, but was he at all attractive with his bruises and cuts and scars and his muscles and the hard planes of his face and the stubble growing on that jaw that looked as if it had been sculpted from stone?

Yes, actually.

But he was attractive only for a Human. She did not find Humans or any other alien race of interest. Wealthy matrons took bond servants to satisfy them, but Aste`Rey Mherr was only seventeen summers* and no matron and the recumbent Human lying across from her with his thick erection standing so proudly from his crotch was not a bond servant. His erection was really quite thick, but not as long as a proper penis. Nearly, but not quite. There were no points, either! It was just smooth and round. Well, not precisely smooth. There were features, veins and the like. Regardless, not a proper penis! Not at all. She was not attracted to the Human. Stupid of her to even think so.

With an effort she forced her gaze away from him. Not worth looking at, anyway. Wishing some distraction she began to hum a song that had been popular the previous year. She recalled dancing with her friends and drinking until they could no longer stand. Furlough after two Heem* of patrolling and several interdictions had been a necessary relief for the crew. She had awoken in a pile of her crewmates, all naked. All had been female, but there was no guarantee the males had not also joined in. Males never stayed long after mating. She could not recall what they had done together, but she had felt sated in every way possible. Now, she did not feel that way, but the memory of the song and her friends helped buoy her spirits.

She glanced over at the Human. His erection was still evident and showing no signs of dissipating. Loose fang! She rolled onto her back, painfully confined, and then rolled onto her other side to face the bulkhead. There! Now she could be alone with her thoughts. She glanced over her shoulder and snorted, forcing her eyes shut. For the sake of all that was holy! He was not that attractive!

Hunkering down into as comfortable a position as she could Aste`Rey Mherr hummed another tune she had liked and then another. When the hatch opened and the machine called Marilyn entered with her food she eagerly rolled over to partake of the two cylinders' contents.

"You look out of sorts," the machine said, going to the Human. "Bad night?"

Aste`Rey Mherr grimaced, not wanting to answer. She glanced at the Human. His erection was gone, thankfully. Thankfully? Yes! Thankfully. How disturbing had that been? Between her thighs her swollen sex twitched and she squirmed, trying to get more comfortable.

"Not speaking to me?" the machine asked, pulling the bandage from the Human's head.

"I am uncomfortable," Aste`Rey Mherr finally said. "I have been bound for days. My arms and legs hurt. Sleeping is difficult."

"They do not want the two of you killing each other."

"Then they should confine us separately!"

The machine laughed. It sounded like genuine amusement and not some sort of imitation.

"To them, this is almost wasted space," it said, indicating the cell with a gesture. "I have seen them pack six captives in here, naked, ass to crotch, with no care for whether they are male or female and none for whether they are all of the same species."

Six in this small cell? It was hardly enough room for two. Aste`Rey Mherr swallowed more of her so called food. She scowled at the bland flavor and recalled her thoughts after she had been brought back from her bath.

"Is he starving?" she asked.

Marilyn glanced at her and went back to tending the Human's injuries.

"Is he?" the girl demanded.

"Not starving," the machine said. "Losing weight, as are you, but not starving. I make sure to force rations down his throat with a syringe and fill him with water."

"Is his brain damaged?"

"Very slightly. A bruise, if you can believe it. Probably happened when he lost his ear. I finished crafting his new one, by the way."


"Another few Taq`a Mowl* and it will be ready to attach."

"When will he awaken?"

"Tomorrow, I think. After I put on his new ear. I have asked permission to do that tonight."

"I wish to thank you for getting them to clean this cell. And for my bath, though that was less than enjoyable, I am glad to be clean."

"I do what I can," Marilyn said lightly, her voice charming. "They may not clean again for days. I have requested a bucket. I think they will provide one. Just remember, if they provide something they can take it away to punish you. All this progress can be undone with a single incident. Finish your rations."

Aste`Rey Mherr did as she was told, though she did not like the idea of her captors gaining further control of her. Still, a bucket to relieve herself in was better than wallowing in her own filth. She would have to do something about the Human's filth, too. How bad would the stink get?

Marilyn finished with the bandages and stooped to recover the food cylinders. Something white dropped on the deck in front of Aste`Rey Mherr's face and then the machine exited the cell. She looked at the scrap and read, "Bide your time. I have plans. We need the male."

Aste`Rey Mherr's heart leapt in her chest! In spite of all her trepidations, in spite of her mistrust of the machine, hope flared. Could she escape? With help, maybe. She would need to be free of these restraints. She would need weapons. She would need a ship. But there was a chance! A possibility she had not dared hope for. She bent her head down and took the scrap into her mouth, chewed until it was nothing more than mashed pulp and then swallowed, savoring the odd tang of hope.


When they came for the Human Aste`Rey Mherr silently wished him well. With him gone the cell felt ten times smaller. It should not have and yet it did. Her heart sank and she sighed and propped herself in the corner, trying to recall poetry while staring at the ceiling. There was a darker patch near the corner of the ceiling and the bulkhead and she thought it looked like some sort of painted over burn mark. The words of the poem slipped from her mind as she continued to examine the patch. Why was it fan-shaped? Why did it look damp?

Squirming around she was able to worm her way across the deck. Shoulders protesting and hips complaining she worked into a kneeling position, her eyes a hand span from the discolored spot. This close she could smell it. Perhaps it was no more than the residue of the cleaners the robots had used, but she did not think so. The scent was familiar. Her sex twinged and heat began to spread from her loins.

"What in the name of the Armored God?" Aste`Rey Mherr threw herself to the deck and rolled until she was as far from the discolored spot as she could get. Her desires abated immediately, though her heart still hammered in her chest.

Eyes wide and staring she pushed herself more or less upright, sitting on her hip and propped against the bulkhead. They were drugging her! Drugging her with an aerosol! No wonder she had been having such bizarre reactions. That likely explained the strange dream, as well. And it might account for her unreasonable interest in the Human. What had the machine said? It had called the Human her mate and when she had denied it the machine had said, "Give it time."

"Give it time, indeed!" Aste`Rey Mherr snarled. Why had Marilyn not warned her? It could have included that in a note. It might have even said something. Hinted at what was happening.

What if the machine did not know these creatures were drugging her? Was that likely? It was possible, but was it likely? Though intelligent and possessing a high degree of autonomy, Marilyn was still just a machine. It could not know everything. And since it was clearly working for the black clad creatures it answered to them. Perhaps they had more control over it than Aste`Rey Mherr had believed.

"What if it has lied to me?"

Hope of escape vaporized. Hope for any sort of future disappeared and she collapsed, weeping in despair, wishing someone was there to console her, even the Human. Aste`Rey Mherr curled into her corner and cried herself to sleep.


Hoots and whistles tore her from disjointed dreams. Aste`Rey Mherr lifted her head and stared at two of the black clad creatures dragging the Human back into the cell. The Human's head did bang off the deck this time and the pair whistled and laughed. She glared at them. Treating wounded prisoners in this manner was barbaric. When the Hegemony finally encountered these creatures, the jZav`Etch would eradicate them.

Once the creatures were gone she wormed across to the Human. He lay on his side, his old restraints were back. She looked over his wounds, noting his new ear with interest. It seemed perfectly normal, though a dark red, darker than the rest of his flesh.

"Are you awake?" she asked, expecting no response.

To her surprise he moaned and his eyelids fluttered, though he did not rouse from his stupor. Tears welled in her eyes and she pressed her face to his chest, rolling her muzzle back and forth, desperately glad to have even this minor interaction.

"We are prisoners. Captives of slavers," she said softly, her voice hoarse from her crying. "I hope you can understand me. If you wake and we cannot speak... I do not know what I will do."

A mumble escaped his lips and a drawn out sigh. Aste`Rey Mherr drew her head back far enough to look him in the face. His eyes remained closed and his frame was slack, limp as if with great fatigue. The lights went out, hiding the Human from her.