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People abducted from roads in the Oregon Coastal Mountains.
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Thank you MalenaLynn for taking the time to help me perfect this story. I feel so much better having a second opinion on things. I'm also going to get the punctuation marks added to my keyboard someday.

In this story I used some real locations. Everything else is total fiction. With a twist of lime. Please enjoy my adventure...


Hello. My name is Ann. I'm thirty five years old. I'm five foot three inches tall maybe fifteen pounds heavier than my doctor would like.

I was driving from my home near Portland Oregon to my parents' home near Bandon Oregon for a visit. I was on highway 38 between Drain and Elkton traveling to Roseburg to take highway 101 down to Bandon. I had planned to depart from work so I could drive in the evening to get home. Of course my boss had other ideas, and after five hours of overtime, it was closer to eleven at night than six in the evening.

I had passed through the tunnel and was approaching the big hill near Elkton when this blue-green glow enveloped my car. I let off the gas and leaned over the steering wheel to look up trying to see where the glow was coming from. The motor made a cough cough noise and quit. That had me looking at the road, and then my gages. It all looked normal except that blue-green glow. It was then that everything went dark.

I woke up in a crowded room. I quickly noted I woke in a crowd of naked people. Worse I woke up nude in a crowd of naked people. I sat up attempting to cover myself and the bed I had been on began to sink into the floor. I scrambled to stand up and cover myself as naked people laughed at my problem, Assholes. Mind you I had never been fully nude even for my gynecologist. Yes, she had seen this bit and that bit, but never all of it at the same time. Same for lovers, a peek at this a glance at that, a flash as I dart under the covers in the dark of my bedroom. I was mortified.

A door sort of appeared at one end of the room and some inquisitive people started looking into the next room. At the other end of the room a woman screamed. The wall was moving, people began backing away from the moving wall tripping over others that were sitting on the floor. Someone panicked and began running through the crowd knocking me down. The next person to panic stepped on my arm. I could hear the snap of a bone and then the pain hit. I screamed and more people began to run for the doorway. People kicked me and stepped on me. I could not get out of the way of the stampede.

A man stopped next to me. He was not tall and not attractive. He was fat. He stood about five six with a round face and grey hair fringing his ears, and a reddish grey beard. He braced himself to take the impact of the crazed people running into his back, and stuck his elbows out to encourage people not to cut back into me. He put out a hand to help me up. I instinctively reached up to take that hand but my hand flopped over at an odd angle, and the pain hit anew.

His eyes went wide with shock seeing my broken arm flop around. He bent down and grabbed me under the arms. Pulling me into his chest he stood up then set me on my feet. He began to walk me diagonally across the room. He walked away from the moving wall over to a corner not near the doorway. Once we reached the corner he stopped and looked at my arm. I think he muttered something about not having a splint. He took my broken right arm in his right hand. He stepped up behind me and pulled my arm into my body just under my tits. He gently held my wrist so that my elbow was caught against the inside of his elbow. The broken part of my arm rested on his arm. He rested his left hand gently on my left shoulder. Oh, God, we were still nude and standing close. I could feel his manhood against my butt as he walked us closer to the doorway. It was like waiting in line at a grocery store. Except I was nude, and the nude guy behind me was standing so close that I could feel his cock hardening as we advanced to the exit. He had not spoken a word to me. If he had not been so careful with my arm I'd have been running away from him screaming about a pervert. I shuffled forward another step and realized my butt was rubbing against him with each step. Maybe he is just human.

** Dice **

Hello. They call me Dice. I'm of average height with obvious male pattern baldness. I am a little overweight at a bit over three hundred pounds. I'll be sixty in a couple years.

I love dice games from Backgammon to Yahtzee and everything in between. I was on my way home near Coos Bay from an invitational backgammon tournament in Eugene. I had done well placing fifth against over two hundred competitors. It was midnight and I was exhausted so I pulled off of the road at a wide spot near a river. I took a nap in the car.

I woke up in a metal walled room with well over a hundred other people. Some of these people are sleeping on beds that look like they are solid pedestals rising from the floor. We are all nude. I sit up and swing my feet over the side of the bed and the bed begins to sink into the floor.

Some people are openly staring at attractive people. Some people are strutting around like peacocks showing off their stuff. Some are red as beets and trying to cover themselves. I am not at risk I have enough "dunlap" -my belly done lapped over my belt- that no one is going to stare at me. I begin to make my way to a wall so I can lean against it.

I get nearer a section of wall with open places for someone to sit or lean against it. It begins to move! It is moving toward me. People begin to scramble away from it looking back at it in confusion. When suddenly a woman screams and fear flashes through the people nearest the wall. Five or six of them begin to run through the crowded room. In seconds almost everyone in the room begins to run towards a door I had not seen before.

I see a woman knocked down by a panicked man then another fleeing person steps on her and another kicks her. I move to her and block people from her so that she can get up. She looks up at me and I reach down to help her up. She reaches for my hand and her hand flips over at an odd angle. Her arm must have broken when she was stepped on. I look to her face and see fear then pain washes away that fear. She screamed. I needed to get her up or we would both be crushed. I reach down and grab her under her arms. Someone pushed against my back and almost toppled me over on her. I pull her in close to my chest and lifted with my legs before letting her back down on her feet.

My goodness she felt nice against my chest. I shook that thought away and looked around the room. There is about ten feet of clear space near the moving wall. Most of the crowd is funneling through the door. There is a big man near the door knocking down people that push into the crowd. It looks like reason is coming into play. The corner off to the right side of the door is less crowded, that becomes my goal. I move the girl with the broken arm across the room to the corner where I plan on looking at her arm. People were calming down, and we safely got to the corner, and I looked at her arm. I gently probed her arm wishing for some kind of splint. The closest thing I could think of was my arm. I moved behind her and placed her elbow in the crook of mine then took a gentle grip on her wrist so that the break was between my hand and my elbow. I then pushed her arm across her body under her generous breasts. I put my hand on her shoulder and tried to maintain a little distance between our hips. I could walk that way and had to step into her space. My belly pressed into her back. If only that was all of the contact. When she took a step her butt flexed and brushed against my dick. It is funny how the brain works, with each caress of her butt I also noticed the softness of her breast resting on my fingers.

Here I was trying to do the right thing and I'm getting a stiffy. It dawned on me I had not said a word to the poor girl. Of course now I was too embarrassed for introductions to be a good idea. Then I thought maybe if I ignore it she will not notice. I want you to know being two decades older does not automatically make a guy more confident. The only reason I did not let go of her was the fear of hurting her arm. I was her splint and sling. No nurse or doctor was stepping up so I was doing the best I could. But, oh hell, every move she made translated into my cock growing harder. The more she moved the harder it got. Trying to ignore that I moved with her and prayed not to get my face slapped.

** Ann **

He held my arm so carefully but his cock bumped against my butt more and more insistently. I heard him mumble some words but he never spoke to me. The hand on my shoulder let go only to fend off someone getting close to me. He would say, "watch it she is injured" and if they stepped away he put his hand back. One guy crowded closer and he said, "Final warning" the guy defiantly pushed into me and in a flashing stab of fingers the pushy guy started coughing and turning funny colors. My self-appointed guardian with a stiff cock never looked back as we moved along the line to the door. A few steps further down the line I hear a whisper in my ear. "Sorry" I had no idea how to reply. Sorry for the stiff cock or sorry I may have killed that guy? I put my left hand on the back of his right hand, then moved it and gripped his wrist gently pulling in to reduce movement of my arm. It had hurt when it jiggled from being bumped. Eventually we made it to the door and stepped into a long hallway.

** Dice **

We were moving nicely only occasional people pushing. This guy tried to push his way between us. My hand was resting on her shoulder it was only a little way to hit the guy in the throat just below the Adam's Apple. There was a look of shock then fear that came across his face. We moved on a couple steps he started turning a bit red in the face. By the time we had moved on some five or ten feet he was on his knees and looking a bit blue in the lips. No one bent over to check him. I quit trying to look because the girl with the broken arm whimpered every time I turned enough to see that far back. The man I had hurt must have been shoving a lot of people because the last I saw people were stepping around him to stay in line. As we passed the doorway the guy guarding it gave me a thumbs up. I guess he saw what was happening. Beyond the doorway was a long hallway with no doors. I kept a close eye on what was happening because there were only about thirty people of the sixty or seventy that had entered the hallway. About ten people in front of us a wall began to glow. Then a door opened. The man tried to continue down the hall but a bar about an inch in diameter shot across the hall. He tried to go under the bar but another shot across half way between the first and the floor. He called to the woman in front of him and she came back but when she tried to reach through another bar shot across narrowly missing her finger tips. They spoke quietly for a moment then crying both turned away, and he stepped over the threshold and the doorway shrank until the hole was invisible. We continued slowly down the hall. Eventually a light shown on our left and I pulled her jumping through the doorway and into a room.

** Ann ***

As we inched our way down the hall I could tell it was some kind of sorting. I could not see any rhyme or reason to it an obvious couple was separated, total strangers paired up. When a door opened the fat guy snatched me over the doorway before I even realized it was there.

The room was dark. A little spark of a light near the ceiling almost glowed. It was as if a single star shown in the sky on a moonless night.

He must have figured I was getting nervous being alone with a naked guy rubbing his dick against my butt. He said, "My name is Mick but my friends call me Dice."

A few smart ass answers flowed through my brain. I was a good girl and just gave my name, "Hi. I'm Ann my friends call me Ann."

This guy Dice with the dick poking me in the butt suddenly stepped even closer then took my left arm and guided it under my right.

He whispered, "Rest your hand on your good arm near the elbow and hold onto your bad arm as far over as you can. I will find a place to sit or lay down and be back." It hurt when he let go of my arm. He then moved me to a wall and promised in a whisper, "I'll be nearby. Do you want me to continue talking as I explore?"

"No. Just don't leave me alone." I put my shoulders to the wall and tried to puzzle out why I said that.

He moved away along a wall slapping his hand on it. Thwang, thwang. He turned a corner thwung thwung that sound repeated until the next wall. Smack, smack.

I put my two cents, "Sounds like you are slapping concrete."

He made a non committal man sound. The walls continued to make the meat against a concrete wall sound the rest of the way around the room. He stopped just before he reached me. He then took a couple steps around me and began slapping the wall where he started. It made the same meat on concrete noises.

I heard him mutter, "They figured out what I am trying to do."

My eyes were beginning to adjust to the minimal light. I could see a couple shadows near the center of the room. He must have seen them as well because I could see a dark spot moving to them.

"Chairs," I heard him say.

"Can we sit please?"

Without answering he crossed the room to me and began guiding me to the chairs. They resembled recliners permanently reclined more than chairs. I made him sit and then help me onto the recliner so we could both brace my arm. We finally settled on me sitting on one of his legs, his left arm pinned between his body and the back of the recliner. He had his right arm bracing my right arm. I had my left hand holding his right arm so we would both have to fall asleep before we would let go.

** Dice **

I am such a glutton for punishment. After exploring the room I found these odd couch-chair things in the middle of the room. I let Ann talk me into sitting on one with her on my lap. About twenty minutes later my left arm began to tingle. An hour later my entire left side from toes to fingertips tingled with ants crawling over me. Ok, there were no ants but it sure felt like it. It seemed like days but was probably only minutes later I made her stand up. As soon as she did this red light enveloped me and the ants feeling disappeared like dust being rinsed off in a shower. When the light died down I traded places with her and the red light came on again.

** Ann ***

We had fallen asleep on the couch. Dice woke me because his arm and leg were falling asleep. He helped me stand up and as soon as he let go of me so I could stand a red glow enveloped him. As the glow brightened he became fully erect. More erect than when he had been rubbing against my butt. He seemed to ignore it as soon as the red glow died down he rolled off the opposite side of the couch and waived for me to get on. As soon as I was on my back on the couch the red glowing light enveloped me. It got so bright I could see the walls clearly. The pain in my arm was instantly gone. I could feel the bones moving painlessly around, and felt a click as they lined back up. The glow now moved into to my arm. For a couple of minutes only my arm glowed. As the glow faded I felt hornier and hornier. I'm not sure if I said it or just thought it, "Just fuck me!"

** Dice ***

As the glow in her arm faded a bright spark flashed near her crotch. Then she moaned and spread her legs wide. In the dim light there was a glisten of moisture leaking from her.

She looked at me and said, "Fuck me!"

I pulled her to the foot of the couch and placed her feet up nearly on my shoulders. Reaching under her legs I gripped my hard dick and rubbed the tip up and down her slit. She bent her knees and placed the bottoms of her feet against my biceps then pulled her knees wide apart. My cock's head fell into the wanton opening. I began to push in about an inch then pull out about a half inch. After about the third repetition she began to glare at me as if I was torturing her somehow. As I pushed in again she dropped her feet off of my upper arms and circled them around my abdomen gripping me so I could not withdraw. She followed that by bending forward and reaching her arms between my chest and arms then sliding her hands up my back and gripping my shoulders. Using my cock as a pivot point she pulled her chest to mine. To keep my balance, and not fall over, I had to lean my upper body back a bit to counter this maneuver. As her body lined up over my cock she relaxed her grip and slid down my chest driving my cock up into her pussy. She allowed her body to slide further down. As my cock was not moving down it began to slide out of the nice wet home it had just found. I began to feel a bit of pain as my very erect member lodged deeply and vertically inside her tried to bend in half as her opening moved down past the point my cock attached to me. I grabbed her ass and lifted her back up before she ripped the abused tool off of my body.

I then saw the crazed look in her face and pulling her body close allowed her to slide down to the point I was in pain again. On the fourth repetition she screamed and flailed about a few moments then went limp. I lowered her onto her back and slowly continued my screw. About five strokes later her eyes fluttered open and a cat that got the canary look appeared on her face. She began to meet my thrusts and wiggle a bit before I began my withdrawal. I could not help but pick up the pace. I started banging into her harder in fast fluid strokes, then I pulled out slowly as she rolled her hips in small circles. Just before my cock slipped out I banged back in with a hard fast thrust. Each push harder, faster, trying to drive in deeper. A red blush began to creep down her chest and her nipples pushed out more. I could see that firmness creep across her chest tightening her breasts. They no longer bounced. Up until now her body moved and her breasts followed. I lost my control and pushing hard I ground into her then shot rope after rope of my seed deep inside her. She screamed out her orgasm. We collapsed then climbed up and slept on the recliner bed.

Later, in a corner of the room, we found a water fountain and cupboard with raw vegetables in it. Another corner had a shower head and a hole in the floor. I realized it was a shower toilet combo when Ann squatted over the hole and peed. When she stood up the shower began spraying a foam down on her. I watched with great curiosity. She took it in stride and began working the soap into nooks and crannies. The soapy water continued. She wiped the soap from her eyes and looked at me. She raised her arms and turned her hands palms up as she shrugged to show me she had no idea what to do. The second her palms were turned up steaming hot water began spraying down rinsing her. The look on her face was priceless. She began rubbing the fresh hot water into her 'nooks and crannies' soon she was well rinsed. With a grin this time she shrugged again the water stopped and a pipe lowered a large loop down. I could hear a woosh sound. Her hair streamed out from her head and the water that had been in her hair flowed out and was sucked into the ring. The pipe lowered the ring further and water on her body began dripping away from her to be absorbed by the ring. The ring moved slowly to the floor then just as slowly returned to the ceiling. Ann stood sexy and naked and dry.

It took us no time at all to figure out that the toilet was like a carwash for humans. If you used the toilet even to spit you were going to be washed.

With food, water and sanitary needs taken care of we had nothing to do but talk and fuck. We took turns telling our life stories. When we got tired of talking we screwed or slept.