Captured by the Elves Ch. 03


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"The tingling you've been feeling. It gets stronger and stronger, and some people hear a beautiful song that only they can hear."

I waited. Wondering if I was just slow. As if it were some innate defect of mine to overcome.

"I'm sorry," I said.

I thanked the gods.

"Very strange," said Landa. She untangled herself from me, and stood up. "We've done this many times before. Not every elf that Teagan and I sire is perfect, but it does work."

"Something is wrong," said Teagan. "I don't like this."

She got dressed, and left the bedroom.

Landa watched her leave, and sighed. She stretched, and told me to get some sleep. She left me there in the room. I was the loneliest creature on earth then.

I woke later. Still tired, but grateful to have been left alone. Landa and Teagan could've kept at me all night, but the disappointment had been too much for them. I wanted to go back to Braith. Not for my safety. I was convinced that Landa would prefer me more as a servant rather than a corpse. No, I was concerned more for Braith. Even after what they said about her. Perhaps I wasn't the only one that ever held her affection, but that wasn't all that different from human relationships. Better than some I knew.

I stayed in the large bed for a time. Wondering if I was being watched. Did they really think that I was a spy? I wished that I had that much control. Yet, I didn't change even when they were so sure that it would happen. I believed that swallowing Teagan's cum would be the last thing that I ever did as myself. A whole life would have ended right there. I felt at my body. Checking everywhere for the slightest change. There was nothing. I was sore from Landa, but that was all.

The look on Teagan's face...she could've killed me, and easily so. I was suddenly worried that would be her agenda once they concluded whatever other business they had.

My vision came back to me: the run through the woods and almost reaching the barge. I didn't even know if it existed. The animals and the very plants in the forest were dangerous. If I got lost I was dead. I rolled over in the bed, and looked at the drapes covering the main room. There were no noises from that direction.

Was the map still in there?

Stealing it was too much of a risk, but if I could study it for even a moment I might know how to make it to the human areas. If they were like my human commanders they marked the areas outside of their control and which enemies were where.

The house was quiet aside from the insects of the night and the crackle and sputter of the torches outside. I got out of bed—my feet making the wooden floor creak in pain. I silently cursed. Waiting for one of the sentries to come check in on me.

There was no one.

I carefully crossed the room to the drape-covered exit. My hand touched the fabric cautiously. Then I went through it. No one was in the larger room. I went to the table in the center as quick as my feet could take me. Being so thin had advantages.

The map was gone.

Damn it! The map had been right there. I missed it. My brain struggled to remember what little I had seen. It wasn't enough. Not for anyone trying to move with any accuracy. I needed reference. I needed the map.

It couldn't be far away.

Then I heard it. A distant sound at first, but even so I could tell that it was intimate in nature. In such a tightly knit community one was bound to hear very personal things. I heard the moaning and the crying.

I creeped to the edge of the outer drape to hear it, and followed it down the side of the building. It was close. I knew it was going to be a mistake to investigate it. That was so clear, but at the same time I felt that I couldn't be honest with myself if I didn't investigate. I wondered if someone was being hurt., that wasn't possible.

The sentries that had been outside were gone. I followed the noise even farther to the edge of the settlement. There I found an ancient building partially made of stone: another house like Braith's. This one looked much older and nowhere near as frequented. A cracked wooden door was ajar with some faint light escaping the confines. I should've gone back to the bed. Morning would come, and I would return to the relative safety of Braith's house. I had something of an occupation at that point, and the promise of a life.

I didn't have to go into that house.

The layout wasn't all that different from Braith's. There were multiple wooden tubs in the main room. Ovens to burn the dried moss and a series of cauldrons on chains to hold water. All of which were covered in dust. The ovens were cold. Years of water spillage had ruined the floor of baked-clay tiles. Braith's floor was of an altered design, and had drains running down the sides like small gullies. It was an improvement over this one technically, but there was something about the design of the whole bathhouse that struck me as more than just old. I'd been in the capital when I was a boy. My family were merchants, and the nobles couldn't get along without them, so by circumstance we were allowed see some of the grand things here and there. Near the great cathedral there were ancient ruins from the time before our country had a name. The design and craft in that old bathhouse reminded me of those wrecked buildings. I could only speculate who had assumed whose residence.

The light I'd seen from the outside belonged to a few sconces on the wall. Barely burning—if only to give off the slightest light. There was nothing to make those noises though. I knew Braith's house well by then, and this was close in nature. The tubs in the center dominated, but other rooms branched out. In the rear would be the residence. I listened for a moment, and the sounds were there beckoning to me.

I crept along the wall, and found a recess there with a hole worn through into the bedroom. A few candles lit the room; sitting atop long-rotted furniture. It was just two elves having sex in private, I thought. My mind turned to the missing sentries. Had they chanced abandoning their posts for a chance to be intimate? Yanitza had been one of them. I had fond memories of our time in the tub. She had been nearly as gentle as Braith had become. I wanted to be with her again.

Braith was right: I was becoming something else even without physically changing. Was it the elves that did it to me or was the seed always there, and the elves just watered it? I knew what they watered it with.

When I finally got a better view into the room I realized that I had been almost right: it was three elves having fun. It was like looking back at what happened to me earlier in the evening. This time it was Landa being pleased with a mouth, but it wasn't Teagan's. The tall blonde was busy mounting the person sucking Landa's cock. I thought it was another elf at first. A cursory glance would do that, but as I studied the person I realized with horror that it was my lost friend Brendan.

My last memory of my best friend had been our desperate attempt to run out of the woods to safety. All the others, who survived the creatures of the forest, had been taken by the elves' arrows. I'd never seen Brendan fall that day, but I couldn't fathom how he'd survived.

I stopped myself before I could cry out to him. They would hear me even if they were busy. The recess wasn't much of a hiding place even in the dark.

Brendan pulled hard with his mouth on Landa's large organ. I was ashamed to be watching him, because I knew that I had looked the same way earlier. Brendan had been the person that I liked the most growing up. So many life choices had been inspired by him. I wanted to keep the old memories of my friend forever safe in my mind.

The elves had captured him as well though. At some point they found Brendan, and sentenced him to the same fate. He sucked at Landa's cock like a hungry slut while Teagan was making sure that his mouth wasn't the only thing being filled up.

"You love this, don't you?" said Landa. "No, don't answer. Keep sucking."

"I think I might like this one more," said Teagan, between her thrusts into Brendan's ass. "At least his body is trying to cooperate."

I hadn't noticed at first, but Teagan was right: Brendan was different. The formerly broad shoulders had narrowed, and his hips were wider. Even his face looked more feminine.

The change was a real thing.

Teagan reached around to Brendan's cock. He'd always been a large specimen. I'd seen it plenty of times in the past as we bathed in the rivers. I couldn't believe that such a masculine person as Brendan, who other young recruits looked up to, was suffering the effects of the seed, yet I wasn't.

"You've been strong so far," said Landa, cupping Brendan's face as he serviced her. "They make strong men where you come from. We tried to finally turn your little friend earlier. He's quite the little imp, that one. Gorgeous though. Tell me, Brendan, how did you ever stand being friends with him and not want that pretty face? You were so manly before. You could've made him your submissive. Your loss, I suppose. He must be close after what we did. Braith will likely turn him soon."

"If she doesn't, then we may have to discuss things," said Teagan. "I won't tolerate having a male here for long."

Teagan moaned, and picked up speed—pounding Brendan's ass with her cock. Landa was a tinge subtler, and held Brendan's greedy mouth to her own cock.

She said, "Don't be so negative. I believe in people and their willingness to change. I think of him as a 'her' already. Taking him has been so wonderful. You'll understand when you change, Brendan. Speaking of which, have you thought of a name yet? It's fine if you can't decide. The new you will be more willing to make choices. She'll be perfect. Oh...I' it comes, Brendan. Accept my gift, and don't be afraid."

Landa came into Brendan's mouth. I knew from personal experience that her load of seed was large. Brendan handled it. He swallowed immediately—unlike I had done.

Teagan wasn't to be outdone. She cried out, and grabbed hard at my friend's newly feminine hips as she came inside of him.

Brendan took it well. I wasn't sure that I could be so stoic. I knew these women by then, but this was something else: special or at least different.

I knew how much Teagan came. The elf chieftain could impregnate an entire village with her passion. All of it poured deep into Brendan.

Th elf women were briefly lost in the delight of their orgasmic release, but then they retuned. They waited with anticipation for any results. Earlier that day had been a disappointment for them. They had given me their best during our threesome, but hadn't succeeded. Landa withdrew her softening cock from Brendan's mouth just a moment before he cried out.

"Just splendid," said Landa. "How do you feel?"

"It hurts...," said Brendan. "It's hurts..."

"Let it happen," said Landa. "You feel it, don't you? The call of Angehahla? It's your true self trying to get out."

"No! I don't want this. Please, don't do this."

"It's far too late, darling. You were already changing before. For some the change is nigh instant. You've held on for long enough. It's time to come home now."

He shook his head—doing his best to hold out, but then looked about at something I couldn't see.

"I hear voices," he said.

He said nothing else.

Brendan arched his back and cried out. What had been the last traces of a masculine voice became that of a woman. The alterations to his hips and face completed. Teagan stared in fascination as Brendan's ass became delightfully plump and feminine with her cock still inside it.

I watched—covering my mouth so as not to cry out. Brendan's chest heaved and swelled. It gave way to a large pair of perfectly formed breasts. His hair didn't grow, but it would only be a matter of time. Her ears had even developed the slightest of points to them. No one from back home would ever believe that this young woman had even been my friend Brendan.

Teagan finally withdrew her cock, and she and Landa gave their newest convert some space. Brendan remained prostrate on the floor. His or now "her" breathing was heavy. A thick sheen of sweat covered her body.

"I feel much better," said Teagan, retrieving her clothing from the floor. "I was worried that this day was going to be a waste."

Landa didn't bother getting dressed. She found her way to a chair to rest on.

She said, "Only you could consider the wonderful time we've had today to be a waste."

"Life isn't just about fun. We have some real concerns here now. At least this one was a real soldier. Once she's adjusted We'll have another warrior."

"I know. I know. I'm not dense."

"I hope not. I need you to be at your best."

Landa said, "I don't take our people's future lightly, and I'm always on my game."

Landa turned, and I was certain that she looked right at me. She only smiled.

The woman that had been Brendan struggled to get up from the floor.

"This isn't right," Brendan said. "This isn't real."

"Stand up," said Teagan.

Brendan rose on shaking legs—still trying to get used to her new body. She was like Landa and Teagan: a tall female elf in every way except for the male parts between her legs.

Landa looked away from my direction, and settled on Brendan. "You're no longer a servant," she said. "However, life isn't easier as one of us. We expect more from you. You're one of us now. Do you understand that?"

Brendan looked about for a while. No salvation was apparent. "Yes," she said. She was crying. "I can't go back like this. Not like this."

Teagan went to her, and grabbed Brendan's now slender shoulders.

"Stop crying," she said. "Don't insult the gift that we've given you. The forest is filled with the bones of hundreds that would give anything to have what you have. To have Landa and I sire you is an honor. I expect our daughter to be a leader one day."

Brendan stopped crying. Her mind was quickly trying to adjust.

"Now," said Teagan. "Tell us how your new body—your real body feels."

Brendan took a moment to flex her nubile limbs. She hadn't lost any of her former self's height. She said, "I...I feel great. Stronger, but light. Like I can do anything."

"I knew that she would take to it," said Teagan. "If only her friend were the same."

"That will be resolved," said Landa.

"Brendan," she said. "You'll need to choose a new name soon. We'll help you if it proves difficult. Follow Teagan. You've earned a better place to stay than this ruin. We have faith in you, so please, don't disappoint us."

"I won't," said Brendan. And I wondered how much of my friend was still behind those big brown eyes.

Teagan led Brendan away, and I was left watching Landa rest for a time. I was about to sneak away when she spoke.

"Did you enjoy watching us?"

I almost pissed myself realizing that she had seen me.

Landa continued, "You don't have to come out of hiding. I should've known that you'd explore. So now you've seen what happens. It's much faster sometimes. Teagan and I was once captured a group of human treasure hunters. We converted them all in one glorious afternoon. I suppose that was a different time though."

I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

"You are truly special to resist. I don't remember how long I did. I know that you're scared, but it's for your own good. Even your friend is with us now. It's the only way. Please, save us the trouble."

I quietly left in the dark, and set out back to Braith's house. I wanted sleep to come soon, and for some dream to take me far away from reality.


Author's Note: Thanks again for your interest and time. I hope you enjoyed. There is still more to come. I have seen messages about continuing some of my other stories, and they are on my mind. Life is busy and there is a ton of writing to do, but I will get to them. Please rate the story and leave a comment.

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ShortyMacShortyMacabout 1 year ago

Oh my this just keeps getting better and better. Where is the planet of She Elves I want to go there. 🤤

You’re doing such a great job with this story, you keep upping the game… Now you get 15 hard stars.


enwaluenwaluover 2 years ago

I would like to convert him in to a sissy,nuts almond size and her clitty reduced to a minimum.

RodimusMikeRodimusMikeover 4 years ago
Why is he resisting?

I mean to be able to turn into a Beautiful Elven Shemale would be blessing,and to be with not just Braith,but also Landa and Teagan and others would be a dream come true.Besides if he doesn't hurry up Landa and Teagan may end up killing him cause they don't trust him.

I just wish he would submit and let the change happen,he would be so much happier that way,and maybe Braith would marry her/him and she would love him enough to let her/him fuck her in the ass and let her cum so their bonding could be complete.This story is too precious let her/him die by arrow,so please convert her to an Elf Shemale.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Take your time

I Love what what you have going here and would hate to see it rushed

notbreckenridgenotbreckenridgeabout 6 years agoAuthor

Working on it. Rough almost done.

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