Captured Kitten Ch. 05

Story Info
Kate experiences an evening full of humiliation and pleasure.
5.7k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/11/2021
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(This is not a reluctance story. It is Non-consent. Proceed with caution and enjoy ;)

I pushed down my fear, got up off the couch and walked over. The leash from earlier swayed as it dangled between my naked breasts. I hovered for a moment in the doorway between the two rooms.

Mal came over and guided me to the table with a hand on my back.

"I'll give you a choice pet. You can either sit at the table." He beckoned to my seat from earlier with the dildo still affixed to its center. "Or you can kneel here. At my feet." He purred as he pointed to a spot beside his place at the head of the table.

God why had I said that when he was punishing me. Was I ever going to live that down? But at least he was offering me a choice for once. I shuddered at the thought of anything entering my sensitive pussy so sank to the floor.

Mal patted my head, and took his seat, digging into whatever he had made with gusto. I wondered whether I would have to ask him again to feed me. When he showed no sign that he was even aware of my presence I sighed and relented.

"Will you please feed me Master?"

"Very good pet." Mal said between bites. I heard a dish scrape on the table and a moment later he held a fork full of pasta towards my lips. I opened my mouth and closed it around the food. It was an interesting dish. It seemed to be a cold pasta Mediterranean meal with creamy sauce, subtle spices, bits of chicken and vegetables mixed in. It was surprisingly good. A moment later he held up a glass full of water and let me drink my fill.

"Did you enjoy your show?" He asked as he took another bite.

"Yes." I lied. It was very hard to enjoy anything he gave me. And saying that I had, felt like defeat. But I had to play the part. Though I couldn't bring myself to say anything else.

"I couldn't believe that first couple." he said with a casual ease. "Blue and red wallpaper? Who was he? Spider man? That was an insane choice."

I wanted to quip back that he wasn't exactly the authority on sane choices. Though I had to admit to myself that it had been hideous wallpaper.

Dinner continued and the more he talked to me like this was a typical couple's evening meal, the less angry I felt. But I wanted to stay angry inside. So instead I stayed silent. Thankfully Mal didn't force the issue. Instead he kept speaking about the show as if everything was normal. He prattled on about the designs he liked and joked about the ones he didn't. If we had been a normal couple on a date I would have found him charming and funny. But we weren't a normal couple, I reminded myself. He was a kidnapper and I was kneeling at his feet waiting for bites of food like a begging dog. So hot. My subconscious whispered.

At that traitorous thought I abruptly decided that I didn't want to eat anymore. I wasn't full. But I also wasn't willing to participate in his charade a second longer than I had to. I began to stand. Then a firm hand grasped my hair and pulled me back down to the floor.

"We haven't finished yet, Kitten." He said with a commanding tone and held up another fork full of pasta towards me.

"I'm full." I said, turning my head away from his hand.

"You haven't even eaten half." He replied sternly and waved the fork in front of my face. "Open up."

"I don't want anymore." I said, feeling defiant again.

This at least should be one thing I get to decide for myself. I felt his other hand wind into my hair and hold my head still as he once again brought the fork towards my lips.

"No!" I exclaimed and pushed the fork away.

But I had pushed too forcefully and the fork slipped out of his hand and clattered on the floor. The sound seemed to wake me up. And I suddenly realized my stupidity. His hand remained in my hair and a terrifying silence seemed to stretch out and fill up the room. I began to shake.

"I'm sorry master." I said quickly, with my gaze glued to the floor.

I couldn't bear to look up and see the no doubt terrifying anger in his eyes. He stood slowly, then his hands were taking my own and locking them together behind my back. He held my neck and pushed my face down towards the noodles that had been scattered on the tile.

"Clean up your mess." Mal's voice didn't sound angry, he sounded stern and exasperated. As if I was a spoiled petulant child throwing a tantrum.

I hesitated over the food on the floor. My stomach turned. It was one thing to suck his cum off the couch but this was worse somehow. The floor was pretty clean. But this close to it, I could see tiny specks of dirt and dust scattered across the tile. His hand was unrelenting though. And seeing my hesitation only made him push harder.

I couldn't stop him from pressing my face into the cold pasta on the ground. I felt it squish against my cheek and forehead. A small sob escaped me and then I opened my mouth. I lapped up a mouthful of pasta, tasting the cool tile and mysterious bits along with the food. His hand didn't relent. He only allowed me enough room to maneuver the food into my lips ensuring that my face would get covered. I could feel the sauce spread all around my mouth and face. I tried not to chew too much and just gulped down everything in front of me.

"Get that tongue into the grout. You're not done until that floor looks clean enough to eat off of." He chuckled.

Anger warred with the arousal stirring in me. That bastard was loving this. But I obediently pressed my tongue in between the tiles and shuddered at the cold abrasive feel of the grouting. His hand didn't leave my head until every bit of food and sauce was gone and the tile was shining cleaner than it had been before my moment of defiance.

Finally Mal's hand left my head and I got onto my knees again. Now my face and even some of my hair had bits of food on it. I longed to wipe myself clean. But my hands remained locked behind my back. My tormentor picked my plate off the table and placed it on the ground in front of me.

"Finish your dinner." He said. And went back to his own. I looked up at him, my face covered in food and disbelief. He looked back at me with that expression that could freeze salt water.

Humiliated, I hung my head and bent down towards the plate struggling to maintain my balance with my hands still fastened behind me. At least now I wasn't eating off the tile, I reasoned with myself. Then I shuddered at the realization that I was somehow grateful to be eating off of a plate on the floor with no hands.

The rest of dinner passed in silence aside from the sound of my plate scraping across the tile. It was actually more difficult to eat now because every press of my tongue and nudge of my head scooted the dish around the ground. But after a ridiculous amount of effort it was finally empty. Still I wasn't allowed to stop until it was as sparkling clean as the floor.

After dinner he fed me a glass of water and made another glass of whiskey for himself. Then he led me back into the living room by my leash. As he settled into the couch I began to sit down on it as well.

"No." His sharp tone made me pause. "Couches are for good girls. Have you been a good girl?" His voice sounded like he was talking to a child.

"No." I whispered. He yanked slightly on the leash.

"No, what?"

"No master, I haven't been a good girl."

"That's right. What have you been?" he asked patiently.

"I've been a bad girl."

Mal nodded and pointed to the carpet in front of him. I kneeled down in front of him on the ground internally fuming. From his pocket he removed a small key on a chain. Then he reached behind me and I heard a click as the cuffs released. Mal pulled me forward by my leash and positioned me on my elbows and knees instead. Then he leaned back and I felt his feet come to rest heavily on my back.

I shook with repressed anger. This bastard was using me as a footstool!? I wanted to yell to cry to beat the crap out of him. Then I felt a twinge inside and realized with horror that this too was turning me on. Not enough to make me want to stay here in this demeaning position. But enough to make my pussy wet and my heart fill with shame.

He didn't make a sound. I glanced up and saw him idly scrolling on his phone as he enjoyed his drink.

Without the tv to distract me time seemed to drag on for eternity. Then it hit me. The phone. A plan began to take shape in my mind. He had a cellphone. All I had to do was get a hold of it and dial 911. I didn't even need the pass code. I could just hit the emergency button on the screen and tell the operator what was going on.

My heart soared. I had a plan. I hadn't felt this happy since I had been captured. I smiled to myself even as my arms shook with the effort of holding this position. Visions began to fill my mind. Visions of this monster in handcuffs. Visions of him being put in a police car. Visions of him being made into his cell mate's prison wife. I suddenly felt stronger than ever. I could do this. I could escape. I just needed him to forget and put his phone down for one minute. Then I would be free. A small traitorous part of me twinged with disappointment by that idea. It seemed my pussy still somehow ached for more.

After what felt like ages Mal finally removed his feet from my back. I moved to stand but he held my leash tightly so that I couldn't budge an inch. His hand wandered over my back and between my legs. At that moment if I could have run I would have. It was one thing for me to know what I was feeling, but I couldn't let him know too. Yet there was no stopping his fingers from slipping into me. I heard a chuckle from above.

"Well well well. Are you a horny little Kitten?"

I wanted to shout that I wasn't but instead I held my tongue. There was no denying it now. I hung my head so he wouldn't see me blushing.

"You see Kitten. Even when I'm punishing you, your body understands that this is its purpose. I knew I had chosen well."

"No." I couldn't help but whisper.

"What's that pet?"

"No. It's not my purpose and I don't like this. It's just... this time of the month I always get turned on." It was a lie. But I couldn't let him think he was right.

Mal laughed.

"Is that so? You really expect me to believe that? I should punish you more for lying to me. But it's late and I still have to clean you up, you messy girl." His hand affectionately ruffled my hair. "I'll let it slide tonight. Only because you're lying to yourself just as much as me right now."

He got up off the couch then and pulled me to my feet as well. His hand went to my chin and lifted my face to meet his eyes.

"But don't forget Kitten. Things can always get worse for you. So it's in your best interest to come to terms with this fact. You want to be mine."

Then he turned and led me out of the living room and up the stairs again. As he walked ahead of me I followed as far behind as I could. I was led from the hallway into his bedroom and then once again we were in the opulent bathroom from earlier. I gulped as Mal pulled me towards the large tub. He didn't let go of the leash as he bent over and started the tap.

"In." Was his command and he pulled the leash towards the tub as he spoke, leaving no room for a decision on my part.

It was almost better when he physically forced me to do things. Nothing felt more intimate or demeaning than when he demanded me to act on my own.

Once again I noticed the key. It was just a flash as he dragged it out of his pocket then he turned me around and unlocked my cuffs from each other. I looked at the cuffs and realized then that the single key hole on each one didn't release them from my wrists; it only released them from each other. A shiver passed through me as a terrifying question occurred to me. Were these ever supposed to come off?

When I didn't move to get in the tub. Mal lifted me up and placed me inside it. Then he pushed me down until I was sitting in the bottom. The water was warm and pleasant. He took my wrist and clipped the manacle to a ring I hadn't noticed on the inside of the tub. It seemed the rings on the side of my manacles could be easily clipped to anything and only released with the key. Then Mal repeated his actions with the other cuff securing each wrist to a ring. I was too tired to fight him. Or at least that's what I told myself. He began to remove his shirt as he watched me. Suddenly I couldn't hold back my questions any longer.

"Do these ever come off?" I looked at the cuffs when I spoke. This question was easier to ask than the one I truly feared.

"No." He said simply as he took off his belt and pants.

The sight of him naked was something to behold. He was broad shouldered and tall. Muscles covered him though not enough to make him look overly built. Just enough to suggest power and speed. I almost smiled at the sight of his naked body with several deep red gouges I had made across his biceps yesterday, and the bite mark from today.

I frowned and looked away as I realized that I liked the sight of my marks on him and for reasons that went beyond just vengeance. I liked that others would see those marks on him and assume they'd happened in the throes of passion. They would assume he was with someone. Like some perverse version of a wedding ring.

Then his words cut through my momentarily wayward thoughts. He said no. He said he was never going to take the cuffs off. I gulped again. The restraints rattled as my wrists pulled unconsciously at them. They were never coming off. They would always be there reminding me and anyone else that I belonged to someone. Like some perverse version of a wedding ring. Whispered my cruel subconscious.

"What about the collar?" I whispered, though I already knew the answer.

"No." Mal replied again and stepped into the tub.

He kneeled between my legs. And I pulled them towards my body. He smiled wolfishly and grabbed my ankles separating them so that he was between my knees and could keep them from closing. My breath caught. The question I really needed to ask danced on my tongue.

As if he could read my thoughts he leaned forward and held my face in his large hands.

"Ask it, Kitten. You know you have to."

"Are you ever going to let me go?" The words came out in a breathy whisper.

For a moment he didn't respond. He just let his gaze bore into my own. I realized that his eyes weren't totally brown, at the centers they had flecks of yellow and gold.

"No." He said again with a look that might have seemed sympathetic if it weren't for the hunger in his voice.

I broke eye contact between us and stared at the ceiling above me. Tears swam in my eyes. This was too much.

"Would anything change your mind?" I whispered.

He sighed as he moved and leaned forward over my face. His lips pressed against mine. For once he was soft with his kiss. I felt a heat flare within me but I didn't move. I didn't respond. He paused and whispered his answer against my lips.

"No. Never. "

Then he leaned back. I watched quietly as he picked up a bar of soap from a decorative blue dish on the edge of the tub. He lathered his hands and began to run them over my arms. There was enough water in the tub to reach the tops of my breasts. And its hot steam kept the rest of me warm. But I had never felt so exposed. Next he ran his hands over my chest taking a moment to lightly squeeze my nipples. Then he continued downwards.

"Don't-" I began.

"Shhhh." He interrupted.

I tried not to focus on him and instead I looked out the window at the moon hanging in the night sky. It was full. What did that old myth say? That people who lost their mind's howled at the moon. He lifted one of my legs out of the water and spent a moment washing it from between my toes to my hip. I almost giggled at the ticklish sensation of his fingertips on the soles of my feet. My leg tried to jerk away unconsciously. I bit my lip to keep from laughing.

He held my foot still and continued to run his fingers over its soul as I twisted. I heard a deep chuckle.

"Are you ticklish, pet?" he laughed. He continued to torment my foot. Until I started laughing out loud.

"Yes I'm ticklish! Please stop it!" He continued chuckling. But he did move on to cleaning other parts of me at least.

I closed my eyes. Why did he have to be this way? I wondered. Doing things that were so wrong and then intimately caressing me as if he was the gentlest of men. Was he a monster who only cared about his own pleasure? Or was he telling the truth? Did he truly think he was doing this for me? Did he think this was what I wanted subconsciously, did he think one day I would love him?

After Mal finished with my other leg he pulled a plug behind himself and The water lowered and drained away. Then his hand reached between my thighs. They clenched helplessly on either side of him. My eyes opened wide as I saw his shaving cream filled hands slather the slippery substance all over my small mound of pubic hair and between my legs.

I whimpered. He was going to shave me bare and there was nothing I could do about it. Arousal flared within me at the thought but so did anger. I had never shaved my pussy before. Once more he was carrying me down paths I'd never strayed. I wanted to beg him to stop but I knew it would be about as useful as asking a hurricane to calm down. Still my pride demanded that I try.

"Please don't, Master." I was horrified at how easy it was becoming to add Mal's self proclaimed title to every request and response. But I knew it was my only chance at making him listen. His hand paused as he brought the razor towards my pussy. He looked at me with a bemused expression.

"What's wrong Kitten? Have you never shaved your pussy before?" He purred at me.

"No I haven't. I hear it can get really itchy if you shave." I tried to reason.

"Only if you wear underwear or pants after." He leaned close to me as if telling a secret. "But I'm not letting you wear either of those ever again."


He chuckled. "Well I'll let you wear some lingerie or a dress once and a while."

Then he pulled my hips forward, placed one hand on my pelvis to hold me down and got to work. I bit back a groan as I felt him slowly and methodically remove every trace of hair from my mound. Next he pulled out each lip of my pussy and carefully removed the hair around them. To my further shock the razor then moved even lower and shaved all around my asshole as well. He used the shower head to rinse me off. Then his fingers began teasing my folds. I gasped at the sensation. Without its hair the flesh of my pussy was so much more sensitive. He moved again and with one hand he held me open while the other lightly pinched my clit.

Again I gasped helplessly and tried to squirm away. But Mal shifted and followed me until there was no room to get away. I could feel myself grow wetter beneath his fingers as he continued to coaxe me. One hand focused on my clit while the other delved into me with two fingers and then he began to poke a third finger in.

"No don- Ahhh!"

I gasped at the pinch and the sense of fullness. And then I groaned as I realized it didn't feel all bad. Mal beant his head and drew one of my nipples into his mouth. He sucked on it hard and I began to lose my will to fight him. My hips started to move against him. I couldn't help it. Then he stopped for a moment and took one hand away.

I wasn't watching so it surprised me when suddenly I felt a rush of warm water pouring into me. It was filling me up and overflowing around my inflamed nether lips and sensitive clit. I cried out wordlessly at the intense sensation. My hands clenched and unclenched.

When I looked down I saw that Mal was holding a shower head against my pussy. I felt the pleasure inside me rise up and spread out from my center, to the tips of my fingers and back again. His hand kept expertly rubbing my clit. I was so close. I felt my legs stiffen. Almost there. And then he stopped. The water stopped rushing, his fingers pulled away. I looked towards him with surprise and felt my hips helplessly reach towards him.