Car Service

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A young woman has a memorable ride home.
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Another typical Friday night.

While her friends were all out partying and blowing off steam from a busy work week, Erin was working late, as usual. But this was life as an ambitious associate in a bustling law firm. Erin knew the game well. A self-made woman who worked her way through college and then busted her ass to graduate top of her class in law school, Erin was rising fast on the track to partnership. She was single-minded in her focus and nothing was going to stop her. Not even her insecure supervising partner who threw every roadblock in her path, trying to keep her down. His latest attempt was an "emergency" research project he handed her at 6 o'clock. While that asshole was piling his wife and kids into the Tesla for a weekend trip to the Hamptons, she was researching and drafting late into the night, so that the partner could forward her work to the client first thing Saturday morning, taking full credit, of course. She hit the send button, emailing the memo at 1:15 in the morning, and gathered papers to review over the rest of the weekend.

Now, she was standing impatiently in the lobby of a silent office building, waiting for the car service to pick her up and drive her home. Where the fuck were they? She was tired and impatient. How busy could a car service actually be on a Friday night? She peered out in the dark. The business district, packed with people during the day, was now an empty canyon of dark skyscrapers. Everyone had left for the weekend. Well, everyone but her and the cleaning crews who were emptying the trash and vacuuming the carpets.

After 10 minutes, the black Cadillac SUV swung around and stopped in front of the building. The night security guard looked up from the security camera monitors. "Your car is here. Try to enjoy the weekend, sweetie."

Erin bristled at being called "sweetie." She glared at the security guard for a few seconds, as if to say, I'm not your "sweetie," you lazy fat rent-a-cop. She walked out of the office building to the waiting car. At least, the firm is paying for car service, she thought to herself. Imagine having to take the subway from downtown all the way back to her apartment on the Upper East Side. She opened the rear passenger door only to find the seat piled high with boxes.

"I am sorry. I thought there would be no more calls for passengers tonight. I bring packages to the courier to make extra money. There is room up front for you or I can call for another car to take you." The driver spoke with a thick Eastern European accent.

Trying to control her annoyance, Erin gritted her teeth. "No. It's fine," Erin answered as she opened the front passenger door and slid inside.

"It's good. This car is very comfortable. I can put on massage seat for you, yes? You want cold? Or heat?"

Erin slumped back in the thick leather seat. "No, no. This is just fine."

She kicked off her heels and ran her toes over the floor mats, worn but still thick and cushioned. She stared out the window as the driver pulled away from the curb and began heading uptown. The neon lights flashed by. Erin looked down at her phone, flipping through her friends' pictures of the night out. Erin just prayed the driver would not try to make any small talk.

No such luck. After a minute or two, the driver broke their silence. "I am Alexei. Nice to meet you."

His booming, deep voice nearly startled her. She looked over and answered, "I am Erin. Nice to meet you, too." She hoped that would be enough talk, staring at her phone.

Alexei was a massive man. His hair was cropped short, which made him seem bigger and more menacing. Even in his black driver's suit, she could see his neck tattoos peeking over his shirt collar and the Cyrillic lettering across his fingers as he gripped the steering wheel with his huge hands. Even in this big SUV, the steering wheel seemed so tiny compared with his giant hands and thick fingers. He was the antithesis of the men she saw in the office every day, bookish, skinny men ignored by girls in college who now make themselves feel important by yelling all day in their nasal voices and telling everyone how many clients they now have.

"Why you work so late? In my country, young people like you go to bars and clubs on Friday night, not working late in office. Woman like you should be dancing, not sitting alone in office. Doesn't boss know this?"

Erin sighed. "Don't even get me started. I was supposed to be out with friends. But then, right at 6 o'clock, my boss gave me an emergency assignment to do. So, I had to cancel with my friends and work."

"Why did he do this? Doesn't boss know you need to have a life, too?"

She knew why her boss fucked up her weekend. There was no emergency. Nothing that could not have waited until Monday. But, her boss was a vindictive little prick. And he was still pissed about the firm banquet last month. The fuck got drunk and made a pass at her. He cornered her near the bar, suggesting that it would be a "good career move" to check out his hotel room upstairs. She politely declined and walked away. Later, he saw her laughing with a couple other women associates, and the insecure asshole assumed she was laughing about him. Even though she explained the next day that her laughing had nothing to do with him, he has been a complete fuck, trying to make her life miserable. Erin stared out the window, lost in thought.

"Miss, are you ok?"

Alexei's booming voice snapped Erin out of her own thoughts. "Oh, yeah, yeah, I am fine. My boss just really needed the work finished in a rush."

Realizing that she would not be able to avoid small talk, Erin smiled and looked around the car. It was worn, but big and comfortable. It was clean with only the faintest hint of cigarette smoke, well disguised with a pine tree air freshener. She saw the foil of a pack of cigarettes peeking from the center console. Motioning towards them, she asked in almost a whisper, "Um, Alexei? Do you mind if I have one?"

Alexei let out a booming laugh. "Oh. It's good. I thought you were going to be mad about smell of smoke in the car. It is against rules. But, yes, of course. May I join you?"


Alexei slid two thin white cigarettes from the pack and held them between his thick lips." He fumbled in his jacket pocket for a few seconds, pulling out a beat up brass Zippo lighter. Although his hands seemed massive, he was very agile. He snapped open the lighter, striking the flame in one fluid motion without ever taking his eyes off of the road. He lit both cigarettes, flipped the lid closed, and returned the lighter to his inside jacket pocket. He took a gentle drag on both cigarettes, making sure they were lit, and handed one to her.

"I am sorry. They took fucking cigarette lighter from car, so we cannot use her. Treat us like children."

Erin smiled. "It is ok."

To be honest, seeing a man light a cigarette for her was a turn on. Erin liked an occasional cigarette on the weekend, but anytime she lit one with a group of friends, some whiny guy would go on and on about how dangerous cigarettes were, how bad they smelled, and didn't she know how evil Big Tobacco was. Even if there was a guy smoking at the table, a request for a light would mean nothing other than that the guy would flip the lighter to her to light her cigarette herself. Alexei was old school. A real man. Erin took a long drag and relaxed back into the seat.

At the same time, Alexei had thoughts of his own. From the corner of his eye, Alexei watched Erin. She was a pretty, tiny woman. Her long brown hair was tied back in a professional-looking ponytail. She had dark brown eyes and long lashes. Erin hardly wore any make up, except for light pink, glossy lipstick. His eyes moved lower. She wore a dark blazer and matching pencil skirt that showed off her toned legs. The top buttons of her white blouse were open just enough for her lacy white bra to poke out. He thought, wow, for a tiny girl, she had great tits.

"U-U-Um, Miss? Do you want music? I can play what you like."

"No, this is fine. And please call me, Erin."

"Ok, Miss, ummm, I mean, Erin."

Erin was surprised how this hulking, giant man had turned into an embarrassed schoolboy, who was just caught ogling a girl. It made him seem more human.

"Where are you from, Alexei? I am trying to figure out your accent."

"I am sorry. My English is getting better. I am from Russia."

"Oh wow, near Moscow or closer to St. Petersburg?"

"No. I am from village in East, and South closer to Chechnya. Do you know this place?"

"Not really. I don't know much about Russia. What made you come here to America?"

Alexei got excited. Most of the time passengers would ignore his small talk, staring at their phones, pretending he did not exist. "Oh, I love this country. I always want to come to USA. I came to be a fighter in UFC, but knees are bad. So, I stay and get different jobs to make money."

Alexei continued to tell Erin his story of coming to the United States and the different jobs he had. There were so many. Loading trucks. Packing meat. Construction. Doing odd jobs for the old Russian men out in Brighton Beach. He saved enough money to get a little storefront gym out in Brooklyn to train kids how to fight, not to become professional fighters, but to stay away from drugs and gangs. To make extra money, at night, he drove this car and took packages to the couriers from all over the City.

Looking over at the entrance to the expressway, there was a stream of red brake lights. Traffic was at a standstill and in the distance, Alexei and Erin heard the siren of an ambulance.

"There must be accident. We take local roads, yes?"

"You are the driver. It is ok with me. You choose."

Alexei made a U-turn and steered the big SUV down a few side streets. Soon they were moving easily through the business and industrial districts. During the day, these streets would be filled with people. But, now it was a dark ghost town, eerily silent. Erin looked out the window at the silent warehouses and factories. Honestly, she felt a little nervous and uneasy. Her nervousness took Erin by surprise. Usually, she was the one in control. But now, here she was, in a car moving through the isolated streets with a dangerous-looking man she did not know. She felt a little helpless.

Alexei could sense her nervousness. He understood people. This woman who controlled everything in her life was now dependent on him.

To calm herself, Erin spoke. "Wow, I've never been here at night. It is so quiet."

"Yes, it's true. I like the quiet here. I usually wait here until I get a call to pick up a passenger. It is good. Don't be scared."

Alexei moved his right hand from the wheel to Erin's leg, as if to reassure her it would be ok. His hand was warm and huge. Even if he was hoping to calm her, the effect was the exact opposite. Erin felt even more helpless. She was completely at his mercy.

Alexei's own instincts kicked in. After all, a fighter learns to sense and feel what his opponent is thinking, to know when they are scared and when they feel weak. A fighter knows at that moment how to seize control. Alexei knew he had control. He tightened his grip on Erin's thigh and inched up slightly higher.

"You ok?," he asked. Alexei's voice was deep and assertive.

Erin stammered, "Y-Y-Yes." A little gasp escaped her lips as he squeezed her leg.

Alexei slid his hand up higher, lifting the hem of her skirt. Smiling slyly, he asked, "Still ok?"

Erin wriggled a little. Unable to speak, she just nodded. His hand moved up again. "Still ok?" Again, she nodded.

The fear and feeling of helplessness mixed with adrenaline made Erin almost dizzy. But, at the same time, she could not deny that the feeling of danger was turning her on in ways she never felt before. The street lights began to spin in Erin's mind and it became harder and harder to concentrate. Alexei's fighter instincts had taken over. He pushed Erin's skirt up and slid his thick index finger along the crease in Erin's white panties that outlined her perfect, tight vagina. Gently, he stroked her up and down until he could feel the wetness soaking through. He eased the SUV into a quiet alley and brought it to a stop in the darkness.

"And tell me now, Miss Erin. Are you ok, now?" His ice blue eyes stared directly into hers.

Any resistance Erin had left in her melted away. All she could muster was a half-answer, half-moan, "Uh-huh."

With that Alexei leaned over and kissed Erin hard. She opened her lips instinctively only to feel Alexei thrust his tongue inside her mouth. She could taste the cigarette smoke on his breath and he kissed roughly, passionately. At the same time, Alexei reached across her deftly, finding the seat control and lowering her seat back so that Erin was nearly laying down in the soft, cushiony leather. She was his and both of them knew it.

Without breaking their kiss, Alexei and Erin both began removing her clothes. She wriggled and twisted her way out of the blazer while Alexei's thick fingers opened the button on her white blouse quickly, maybe too quickly, as she could hear a few of the mother of pearl buttons pop and bounce down the center console into the dark recesses between the seats. Erin pulled her blouse off and reached behind her unfastening her bra. Once loosened, Alexei grabbed it, pulling it free from her shoulders, allowing her firm 32 C cup breasts to fall free. The cool night air and excitement caused her nipples to draw tight and become erect.

Alexei broke the seal of their kiss and lowered his head to her breasts, taking each one into his mouth in turns. His thick lips tightened around each nipple as his tongue flicked quickly back and forth, up and down. Erin moaned. Fuck, she thought, this is crazy, but feels so fucking good. As he kissed and sucked Erin's breasts, Alexei continued to hike up her tight pencil skirt until it was less a skirt and more a belt, exposing the lacy, white thong panties that matched her bra. Erin wiggled and tried to remove her panties in the cramped front seat of the SUV. Not willing to wait any longer, Alexei grabbed the thin elastic waistband in his meaty fist and pulled hard until the elastic snapped and the torn pieces of what used to be Erin's panties broke loose into his hand. He slid his meaty fingers up and down her slit, which now glistened with her own wetness. Always a "good girl," Erin fought to stifle her moans, but her breathing grew ragged.

Alexei paused as if to step back and take in his "prize." Erin was stripped nude in the front seat of his SUV. Her body was tiny but perfect, firm breasts, a flat tummy, a puffy mound with only a tiny soft patch of brown hair, which now glistened with her own juices.

He leaned in for another kiss and Erin surrendered willingly. As he pushed his tongue into her mouth, he opened her legs wider and slid a thick finger inside of her. She was so small and tight and she could feel him stretching her inside. He began to slide his finger in and out of her, while teasing her clit. Erin could not resist moaning, lifting her hips to meet each thrust of his hand. The air in cabin of the SUV was thick with the scent of her sex and the windows fogged with their body heat.

Alexei began to toy with her. As her body became accustomed to his finger, he slid his hand out of her and pushed in a second finger, stretching her more than she had ever been. He could feel her twitch inside as she struggled to take the size inside her. Her juices, now thicker, glazed his fingers as he continued to finger-fuck her until she accepted both fingers easily. Erin writhed and moaned, offering no resistance. He controlled her rhythm, faster, slower, gentle, harder, his thumb working back and forth, up and down against her clit. Erin's breathing became more shallow and her body began to tense involuntarily. Feeling her tightening around his hand, Alexei quickened his pace. Erin's legs began to tremble and her stomach grew hard. Her moans grew louder until she shuddered hard with a deep, intense orgasm, her pussy contracting and releasing around Alexei's fingers. Alexei withdrew his fingers, but kept his hand tight over Erin's pussy, using slight pressure to coax her through several hard aftershocks.

"Alexei, fuck me. Please."

With that, Alexei opened his door and pulled Erin like a ragdoll across the front seats and onto the desolate street. She was startled and embarrassed, completely nude in a dark alley. He pulled her by the hand, almost half-dragging her, her bare feet sloshing through puddles from the earlier rain, to a small opening between the buildings. He stood in front of her. Without heels, she felt small compared to him. He was giant and she was so petite. She could feel herself almost cowering in fear and anticipation.

He took Erin's face in his hands and pulled her in for another hard, forceful kiss. And as he broke their contact, he pressed on her shoulders, directing her to her knees. He spoke firmly, "suck me."

Erin gasped again, surprised by his directness. In any other situation, if any man had ordered her to suck his cock, Erin would have told him to go fuck himself. But, here she was, her mind lost in feelings of fear, embarrassment, shame and excitement. She slid helplessly to her knees and obeyed. She unbuttoned his stiff white dress shirt, exposing her massive muscles covered in Cyrllic tattoos. She then opened his thick leather belt and then unbuttoned his trousers, letting them fall to his knees. Even in his boxers, Erin could see his massive bulge. Oh fuck, she thought.

As she pulled down his underwear, Alexei's massive cock sprung upward. It was bigger than any Erin had ever seen, nearly 9 inches and thick and veiny. The head was nearly covered by his foreskin, but she could see the ridge of his head outlined under the skin. Erin had never seen an uncircumcised penis before. She reached out and took him in her hand, barely able to close her fingers around him. She pushed back gently, pulling the foreskin from the head, exposing the large pink knob, the tip already glistening slightly.

"Suck it."

Now docile and obedient, Erin leaned forward and took the head of Alexei's cock into her mouth, opening wide to accept its size. At first, she managed to take only a couple of inches in her mouth, rolling her tongue on his head, tasting the few drops of precum already formed. She inhaled deeply, taking in his strong musky scent. She moved back and forth, sucking him. Alexei placed his strong hands on the back of her head, guiding her. With each movement, he pushed deeper into her mouth. As he reached the back of her throat, Erin gagged slightly, tearing up.

"That's it. Good girl. Relax. Breathe through nose."

Alexei continued to pull her gently but firmly, sliding the head of his past her gag reflex and into her throat. Erin's eyes widened as she could feel his penis going further, expanding her throat, pushing in deeper. Deeper. Deeper. Until she felt his coarse pubic hair against her lips. Alexei held her firmly as his cock now filled her throat, her neck bulging. He held her tight as she felt unable to breathe. After a few seconds, just as Erin began to struggle, Alexei released his hand from the back of her head and slid back out of her mouth. Erin gulped at the air, tears streaming down her cheeks.

After allowing her to catch her breath, Alexei grabbed her by the head and pulled her back in, this time more quickly. He took complete control over her movement, rocking her head back and forth, pushing his massive cock in and out of her throat. Erin sputtered and gagged, her moans turning into broken, guttural sounds as he fucked her face. Once again, Alexei released her and allowed her to breathe freely.

As Erin regained her breath, Alexei slid his hands under her arms and in one fluid motion lifted her from her knees until she was completely off the ground. Erin wrapped her arms around his neck as he lowered her onto his cock, allowing her own weight to force his size all the way inside her, stretching her, filling her. Erin whimpered as she wrapped her legs around his waist and he began to fuck her. He grasped her ass in the palms of his hands and began to raise and lower her body onto him, as Erin rocked her hips. He filled her completely, feeling himself bottoming out against her cervix each time he lowered her onto his cock.