Car Wash


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"True dat," I said, twisting the end of the big nozzle on my hose and pushing forward on the top handle to start wetting the side of the Land Rover that faced my house. I had thought it looked pretty clean before we began, but the platinum gray color evidently hid a lot of dirt--dirt I could now see as it darkened the water running off the sides.

After a few moments of rinsing away the easy dirt, and purely by total, unintentional accident I am sure, Willa's spray lifted high over the hood and hit me full in the chest.

"Oh! Sorry!" Willa exclaimed with a grin that looked not one iota like it was apologetic. "Oops?"

"No problem," I replied easily. The spray had actually felt pretty good. We were in a bit of shade, but it was still ninety-five, easy. Probably hotter. But I wasn't about to let it go without some fun. "But be careful. Karma's a bitch..." I said darkly, twisting the nozzle of my hose from Shower to Full Stream. Pushing the lever back on, I demonstrated how powerful a weapon of retaliation I possessed by directing the stream quite noisily against the side of the car. I wanted to hit Willa with it, but I didn't have a read yet on just how these girls ticked.

"Yikes! Sorry," Willa said again, with a few shreds of actual contrition this time, and I twisted the nozzle back to Shower.

"Careful, Willa," Reggie said, standing to place the bucket of overly sudsy water on the hood of the car. "Before you eye me like that any more and let your spray wander my way , I'm sure Owen will let me play with his hose, should your aim make retaliation necessary," she added darkly.

This girl could play with my hose, alright. Again, not the time yet to make that joke.

Willa and I both set down our weapons of water war, grabbed sponges to slop soapy water on the car, and set to rubbing.

"So, what do you do Owen, that you own your own home and can have Fridays off? In the restaurant business?" Reggie asked as she squatted down to work at the bugs in the front chrome grill.

I smiled. "We haven't been properly introduced, I guess. Assistant Professor Owen Voss, PhD, Senior Research Fellow and professor of physics at the University," I said with elaborate formality. "I have 22 days until my classes begin again, so I can still take a day off during the week over the summer."

"Well, la di da," Willa laughed.

"Oh cripes," Reggie groaned. "It'll be all science talk from you two now."

"You are studying Physics?" I asked Willa, across the top of the Rover.

"Chemistry," she said in reply. "And before you ask, real chemistry. I'm not one of those hapless Pre-Med types dallying in the field. I want to be an actual scientist."

"In a derivative field," I, Mister Physicist snorted in mock dismissiveness.

"In your dreams," Willa shot back at me, leaning over against the windshield to scrub near the center. I leaned over on the other side, using my greater reach to get where she could not stretch. "I like to think of Physics as a mere pre-requisite for the study of Chemistry," she said loftily.

"See what I mean?" Reggie asked the canopy of the oak tree. "This'll go on a while. I swear..." She looked across at Willa, who was straightening up since I was getting the middle for her, and Reggie halted what was sounding like an entertaining rant brewing up. "How long have you had that bathing suit, Sis?" she asked casually.

"I bought it just before we came down here, why?" Willa replied, scrubbing the side mirror.

"Nothing. It's just that mashing your boob against the wet car there has changed some of the properties of the fabric," Reggie said slyly.

How in the hell could I have missed this? My horn-dog eyes had let me down.

Willa had indeed had to press her left boob quite thoroughly against the wet, sudsy car as she worked on the windshield. The fabric of the triangle obstructing my view of her large and lovely tit, while still firmly in place, was not doing a very good job of obstruction at all anymore. I could, for instance now know for certain that her aureoles were dark, perfectly round, and had a radius of just under three centimeters. I even got some nice observational data about the crinkled texture of those aureoles, as well as the petite but quite hard protruding nipple, all through the way the surprisingly thin and suddenly translucent fabric now clung to her flesh.

Things sort of froze for a moment or two. Time didn't seem to stop or anything, just none of us reacted for a breath or two. Then Willa shrieked in embarrassment, and grabbed at the bikini top, pulling to break it away from how it clung wetly to her flesh, then letting it slap back as loosely as she could, considering the size of its cargo.

As an effort to banish the embarrassing condition, it was sub-optimal. First, the fabric went right back to clinging as soon as it touched her body again, just as translucent as before, save for a long wrinkle across the front that was fully opaque, but which did little to conceal, and nothing to ruin, the view. Second, as she pulled it away from herself in the futile attempt to reset its concealing properties, I had gotten a full and unobstructed flash of what she wanted to hide.

God Damn, that was a nice tit.

"Damn you, Reggie," Willa hissed, finally realizing that her hand was the only way to block the view of her nipple. The fact that she was clutching a sponge of soapy water to her breast left me with a certain level of anticipation for when she inevitably removed it. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I did! The second I noticed!" the slender sister protested, tossing her wavy hair around on her shoulders.

Willa turned to me. "And you! A gentleman would have said something," she said officiously, but with no real heat in her words. She did not particularly sound like the kind of victorian young lady who cared about The Gentlemanly Thing. She did, obviously, care about the lack of a heads up, however.

"Hey! I didn't notice until Reggie finally said something," I objected, simultaneously defending myself and throwing Reggie under the bus for entertainment purposes. Willa grimaced, and threw her sponge at me, splashing me with suds when it struck me square in the chest. I could live with that, since it got rid of the visual obstruction over that once again soaked left breast.

But my underbussing worked, and Willa turned her hose on Reggie, who was almost instantly wet all over. Unfortunately, her bikini was better engineered, and lost none of its opacity. It did stick harder against her body, and even with the confusing pattern, I could see a little pair of pokies betraying their presence against the now slick fabric.

Reggie somewhat ineffectively tried to block the spray from Willa, and appealed to me. "A little help here?" she called.

"Sure," I said. Willa's eyes widened at the nozzle in my hands, but I just winked at her and trained my own spray on Reggie! Willa laughed in approval. She had a gorgeous smile.

It was not as gorgeous as the one Reggie flashed momentarily at having been gotten, before she started spluttering when I washed my stream over her face. "That wasn't what I meant," she protested.

"Oh, sorry," I said, and twisted the nozzle back to Full Stream. Now I was blasting Reggie. She twisted away... and in so doing, the stream caught the edge of her top and dislodged it.

Believe me, I did not miss the second appearance of a nipple to occur the day, especially with this one being fully out in the open, except for spraying water. Neither did Willa, who giggled evilly. Reggie did miss it for several seconds, though. Several seconds for me to appreciate what I was seeing.

The breast was absolutely not as big as Willa's, but man, was it a scoop of mammary perfection. It jiggled and bounced as she squirmed against our twin streams of hose water. The nipple was as delicate as Willa's but even more proud above the delicious curve it surmounted, and it and the surrounding aureoles were damn near bright pink in color.

But then, as Willa's spray passed right over her breast, Reggie's nipple appeared to register that it was being hit with water directly, not through fabric. "You bitch," she growled at Reggie. "You really needed to tell me about this," she complained, shooting her hand out to block the stream of water, instead of simply covering her breast with it. I approved of that strategy.

But Reggie turned to me, still not covering herself. "And you! You did that on purpose with your... mighty hose!" Then she grabbed her top and finally jerked it back in place. Fortunately, she was still more resentful of Willa. "But you should have told me, Sis! I was just hanging out there!"

I nodded. "I agree, Willa should have warned you." After all, I'm just a guy, we are not wired to tell girls to cover up nudity, especially high grade prime like this. "She should be punished," I mused, and turned my hose toward Willa.

It was back on Shower mode, but she was also soaked in seconds, and her top let me ascertain that indeed her right aureole and nipple were just as sweetly formed, positioned, and erect as the left.

Then Reggie had to ruin things. "Willa, why are we fighting? This is all the fault of Owen and his mighty hose."

Okay, all this repeated teasing about my mighty hose had been all right in my book so far, but I sensed I was about to be in trouble.

I was right.

I'm intuitive like that.

As if they had coordinated it, Reggie lunged from the front of the car with her soapy sponge and began to rub it in my face and over my head. Willa was around the back of the Land Rover with her hose in a flash, and I was suddenly under assault from my flank. They might not be twins, but even stepsisters of the same age could develop telepathy, apparently.

I tried to cover up and protect myself, spraying them both with my own nozzle in an attempt to fend them off. In seconds, we were all sopping wet, with suds all over us wherever the water was not actively running.

As car washes on a hot day went, this was ranking right up there. Right. Up. There.

But then suddenly, they broke away from me simultaneously. We all grinned, suds in our hair. I tried to get out in front of the situation by observing, "We really are not getting the car clean like this, are we?"

"No," Reggie said, "the back and the sides haven't been scrubbed at all!"

"And I think we don't need your Powerful Nozzle, and all the problems it causes anymore, Mr. Doctor Professor," Willa said sternly. "Toss it back in your yard, then how about you get in and clean the windows on the inside?"

"Yeah," Reggie added. "All while we stay out here, safe from your ability to cause trouble."

Things had almost gotten crazy there for a second, but sanity seemed to be restoring itself. I was simply glad that it was just my hose, and not me, that was being dismissed.

"Hey!" Willa yelled, as I went to open the driver's door. She tossed me a towel from a table in the carport. "Don't get my upholstery wet!"

I caught the towel, and laid it over the seat before I got inside, closing the door behind me so they could use the hose some more. Water sprayed all over the outside, sheeting the windows in water. I started with the inside windshield, while they started together at the rear. Even through all the water, I could see them still fussing at each other back there. They were keeping it far too quiet for me to hear what they were saying, which gave me an uneasy feeling for my fate when I finally emerged from the vehicle. Were they fussing, or plotting?

I was done with the windshield and dash as the two started working their way up along opposite sides. I looked to my right to see Reggie squatting by the front passenger door, giving it a good sudsing. I smiled her way and she smiled back before scrunching up her face and shouting, "Willa! What the hell do you think you are doing?"

What Willa was doing was working on the roof of the car right beside and over me. She was stretching out as she worked, which meant squashing her translucent bikini-clad boobs against the window right beside me with each stroke.

If I had thought before that the bikini was a bit see-thru when wet, it was damned near transparent when pressed wetly against glass.

As I said, I'm not given to freezing up around hot chicks, even naked hot chicks, but this situation had me fully bemused, and I just sat there staring. It was all I could do while it lasted.

"What?" Willa called out innocently. While she replied, she stopped scrubbing, and just left her chest pressed firmly to the glass, a foot from my face.

Reggie was still staring through the window she hadn't started on yet, past me, at Willa's rack where it was making me so happy. Then she stood up and looked at her sister over the top of the car. Or I assumed she did. I could see neither of their faces. But I could hear them.

"For the record, I'm just scrubbing doubly hard in two places at once," Willa said smugly. "I'm being efficient."

"Yeah? Maybe I'll be efficient too," Reggie proclaimed, and now I found my vision arrested upon the other side of the car, as she squished her tits all over the driver's side window. Her bikini still casually resisted transparency, but the breasts they contained definitely squished marvelously against the glass. But Reggie remained unhappy. "I'm still at a natural disadvantage here, not to mention a wardrobe one."

It was now official, and pretty much out in the open, I was being fucked with. At this point, stuck as my eyes were on Reggie's tasty morsels, I had begun to desperately attempt to figure out which of them was the ringleader here. Apparently, I had ten days to see, if I could identify her, how I could get her to drop the 'with' in 'fucked with'...

"Aww, thank you, Reg," Willa said smugly, wiggling her tits extra hard against the glass. I couldn't miss it.

Reggie pulled away from her side and I saw her look down at the glass. "Eww! Bird stuff over here."

I looked closer. I couldn't see any birdshit on the front passenger side window.

"It'll mess up my bikini if I clean it this way," Reggie complained to Willa. Then she calmly pulled both cups aside, tucking them up under those beautiful handfuls, and rubbed the bare flesh of her tits all over the glass.

I almost fell over, trying to get past the stupidly huge center hump to clean the glass inside over there.

Willa just shrieked in outraged laughter.

Before I could make any headway over the console, Reggie swiftly pulled away from the glass and tucked them away again. "Got it," she called smugly to Willa.

I again could see neither face, and if they were still talking, it was too quietly to be heard inside the well-soundproofed passenger compartment of the Land Rover.

Sadly, they did appear to have been talking, and the subject had been that it was time to 'let me of the hook.' Both of them suddenly were casually just washing the car in as non-arousing a way as two smoking hot nineteen year-olds in soapy bikinis, one of which was still translucent-ish, could.

I was sad to be off the hook. I had liked that hook. That hook had been a helluva wonderful hook.

I now had ten days to identify if either was interested in more than teasing me, which of them that might be, were I so lucky to discover that either was, and then take advantage of that interest. My mind began to sketch out ideas and plans as I cleaned the dash.

Maybe it was a lot less time than that, I fretted. Once Ron and Gina returned, the two girls would likely have a lot less time to fall prey to my machinations. And I wanted to stay on my neighbors' good side anyway. They appeared to have different ideas about their daughters that about each other.

Again, this was if either of these girls was in fact actually interested. The way they could turn the play off so easily was not promising. I might just be a target of opportunity for their own amusement. I was, depending on how you looked at it, fifty percent older than they were.

I got the rest of the inside glass clean up front. But when I got out, Willa slid into the backseat before I could, snatching the towel from my hands on the way. Reggie got out some drying towels, and sweetly handed me a brush and a can of tire shine.

To pay for my show, I was to be given the grossest job in washing a car...

Worth. It.

This had been the highlight of my summer so far, and I had bought a house a month and a half ago. Seriously. I set to the tires with gusto.

While I worked, about the only thanks I got was Reggie's tendency to work on the side of the car I was on, and to bend over away from me as she dried her sister's vehicle. Her ass was absolutely to die for. And the back of that high cut bikini bottom was even higher cut in back. It wasn't really a thong, because the center strap was always fully visible, but it still showed off about seventy percent of the taut, vibrant, tanned expanse of her small but perfect buttocks.

I was fortunate, actually, to be crouched down beside the tires. My shorts were still pretty wet, and they clung. If I were standing around upright at this point, the girls would not be the only ones showing things off.

But my experience was clearly winding down, and that realization was good, because it helped other things wind down too before I would inevitably need to straighten up. Reggie and Willa were talking to each other through an open door, discussing their evening plans. It was clear, though not pointed at all, that their plans did not include the continuing presence of Owen Voss.

Fair dues. I had been more than adequately compensated for pitching in.

About the time I was finishing the last wheel, Willa climbed back out of the Land Rover, and Reggie stepped back to examine her work.

Honestly, the car gleamed. Tits must make excellent buffing tools...

"Thank you, Owen," Reggie said brightly.

"Yeah thanks," Willa added. "My girl looks great."

"It was fun, and I needed the cool-down," I replied, though I had not, perhaps, really been cooled down... I looked at my watch. "And I think I still have plenty of time to get my trellis up today."

I stepped nimbly over the hedge, and began to disentangle my hose from its clutches. "I think I'll have to wait for tomorrow to go buy vines, though," I observed, to myself as much as to make conversation.

"Oh you can't do that," protested Reggie quickly. "Not in the afternoon!"

I was about to ask why, when Willa swiftly added, "Yeah, we need to return the favor and help you clean that dusty Buick you have over there!"

"See you about two?" Reggie resumed, somehow intuiting that I wasn't going to argue about this new agenda item. Then they both waved and headed into their house. That was quite a sight to see. If Reggie's tits were smaller than Willa's, they were still awesome. Likewise, if Willa's ass was slightly larger and softer-looking than Reggie's, it was still also riveting.


Well, well, well.

I had a bounce in my step as I took the two trellis panels out back to nail them to the fence.

I lost the bounce pretty quickly, when in my distraction, I hammered my thumb three different times. Certain anticipatory thoughts helped my aim to wander.

I had three nights to see if I could fully hit it off with one of them before their parents got back. If it was doable at all, I was increasingly certain that it was doable in three days.

Then I decided that what the hell, I was just fantasizing here. With only two of them, three days sounded like more than opportunity enough to hit it off with both!

That's when I hit my thumb for the third time.


Sleep was not easy that night. Getting much accomplished over the next morning was likewise difficult. But I did manage to get the replacement knobs attached to my cabinetry at last. The mindless task was as complicated as I could handle. With those bikinis still in my mind, and my thumb still throbbing a little, I was not letting myself go anywhere near power tools!