Caribbean Cruise


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"Sorry I'm late she said to everyone at our table. I got turned around and ended up at the other dining room. My name is Ann," she said reaching out her hand. As the steward pulled her chair back I told her I'd ordered a bottle of wine. "I'll get my own bottle if you don't mind," she said ordering a bottle of something I'd never heard of.

The one thing I did notice, she wasn't wearing her wedding rings. "You're not wearing your rings?" I asked.

"Why should I? We haven't been husband and wife in many months, why continue the charade?" she asked.

I didn't have an answer. "Can we talk after dinner?" I asked.

"Why, what would be the point? You've already made it perfectly clear to me not to bug you on the cruise and I'm going to respect your wishes. To bad Kathy couldn't join you," she said as she ordered dinner for herself.

She talked to everyone at the table but me. The single guy at the table couldn't take his eyes off her and I was getting a little annoyed. I was going to say something but was beaten to the punch.

"Ann, would you like to hit the club tonight?" Andy asked.

"Love to," she replied. Why don't we get out of here and take a walk around the ship and talk," Lisa said as she got up from her chair.

I was going to say something like," what the hell do you think you're doing with my wife?" but remembered my last conversation with Ann and kept my mouth shut. I'd screwed up for the second time.

Did I spy on her? Not really. We just saw each other once in a while as I did the tour of the nightspots. I watched her dance not only with Andy but about three other guys. I wasn't much of a dancer, but was going to ask her to dance a slow song, but she was always tied up. About 11:00 pm I lost track of her. I check out all the clubs and even walked the entire deck but couldn't find her. About midnight I went back to our cabin, she wasn't there either. As I lay in bed I heard voices outside our room at about 2:00 am. I heard her enter and go directly into the bathroom. I heard the sink water run, the toilet flush but thankfully no shower. She turned off the light and I saw a naked silhouette slip into bed. I was going to say something but thought better of it.

Ann was up and gone before I got up. I was dressed and heading towards the Lido deck when she came through the door in her work out clothes.

"You want me to wait for you?" I asked.

"No need. Maybe I'll see you later," she said as she headed for the bathroom and I out the door. I ate breakfast alone and just people watched for the next hour. I caught a glimpse of Ann with someone across the dining room and tried to find her, but she was gone by the time I'd gotten there. Two hours later I saw her by the pool on a lounger.

"That suit looks great on you," I told her sitting on the lounger next to her. She just glanced at me and continued reading her book. "Are you ever going to talk to me?" I asked.

Just as I thought she was going to answer, a tall guy walked up and told me that I was in his seat. He stood about 6'4" and must have been 250 pounds at least. He was about ten years younger than me and was growing impatient. I got up and walked away as I watched Ann start to talk to him.

When he started to put sun tan lotion on her legs and back I thought I was going to lose it. "That's my wife, keep your damn hands to yourself," I wanted to run up and tell him, but I didn't. I couldn't watch anymore and left.

I did a hell of a lot of walking around on the ship and started drinking about 3:00 in the afternoon. By dinner I was soused. I changed and made my way down to the dining room. Ann again made her grand entrance in a strapless number and everyone could see she was braless and smoking hot. I was on my second glass of wine when Andy asked what Ann was doing tonight.

Before she could even speak I stood up and shouted that she was my wife and to keep his fucking hands to himself. Everyone at our table and all the ones around us went quiet as everyone now looked at me. A man in a dinner jacket came over to me and whispered to me that I had to leave and as he put it, "right now."

I was escorted out of the dining room and informed one more such outburst and I would be banned from any of the dining rooms. "Sir, I suggest you sober up and get a good nights sleep," I was told. And I ended up doing just that, but only after two more drinks at the bar.

What time Ann got in, I hadn't a clue. I just knew that she was gone when I came back from breakfast. We were in port and I decided to walk the town. I thought I saw Ann on the dock but wasn't sure with so many people milling about. I hit the tourist's shops and bought a few tee shirts for the kids. You know the ones with all the stupid sayings. I went back aboard ship, dropped off my stuff and went looking for Ann. When I saw her and Andy heading up to the topless sun deck I gave chase. She'd already removed her top and was putting lotion on her breasts when I walked up.

"We need to talk," is all I said.

"Are you sober?" she asked.

"Yes God damn it," I replied.

"Andy be a doll and get me something cool to drink will you?" she said in her sweetest southern voice. Andy looked at me and headed down to the bar.

"What the hell are you doing Ann?" I asked.

"Leaving you alone, like you told me to do." She replied as she put more lotion on her shoulders then moved down to her chest again. "I wouldn't want to get these puppies burnt," she told me.

"Talk to me Ann, what's going on?"

"Nothing, you've got Kathy and as you put it, you don't give a damn what I do or with whom. Isn't that what you said?"

"I know what the hell I said and why. And if it wasn't for you fucking Roger, we wouldn't be having this conversation anyway," I told her.

"Your right, I was wrong and broke it off when I realized he couldn't solve my problems; only I could," she told me. "I tried to talk to you after wards but you were already banging Kathy and no longer needed me. So I just started my own life, the kids and me. I left you alone and figured you eventually talk to me or divorce me, one of the two. So now where do we stand? I haven't a clue, but I'm not so sure I want you any more either. So enjoy your cruise and do whatever you want and I'll do the same. So if you don't mind, my drink is here and I'm a little thirsty," she told me.

I walked down to the purser's office and asked if there were any other rooms.

"We have two other rooms available. One is a suite and the other you'd have to share with a single gentleman," he told me. I took the later because paying for a suite wasn't in my budget.

My stuff was out of the room within a half hour and moved into my new room. I was putting my stuff away when Bob walked in the door.

"So you're my new roommate he asked. My names Bob," he said shaking my hand.

"Tim," I replied.

We have early dinner and told me it was the opposite dining room I'd made such as ass of myself the previous night, thank God. Bob was about fifty-five and recently widowed.

"My wife was suppose to join me, but she died of cancer in December of last year and my kids forced me to come on this trips saying it would do me some good, and it has."

We talked for the next five hours straight. We had dinner together and walked the deck for the rest of the night. I told him my story and he told me what a dumb shits we both were.

"You don't solve your problems in the arms of someone else and you should have confronted her as soon as you found out. You're not any better than she is," he told me. "I would kill to have my bride back. I miss her so much I sometimes want to die just so I can be with her. Even in the worst of times we had together, it was better than being without her. I'm not going to preach to you because you already know what the right thing to do is. I only hope it's not too late for the two of you."

We hung out for the next two days. I read, he slept and we even went to the floorshows together. I was on the direct opposite schedule of Ann and was glad. This way she couldn't break my heart by flaunting herself in front of me.

When I woke that morning, there were three days left on the cruise from hell. Or, should I say two and the last one where we were off the ship by 10:30. I took a shower, got dressed and we headed to the dining room. Bob and I were just having coffee when Ann walked up.

"I thought you left the ship. You never came back and it took one of the ship stewards to track you down for me."

I stood up. "Bob this is Ann. Ann this is my new bunk mate Bob," I said as he rose and shook her hand. "Ann I told them I didn't want anyone to know where I was. I'd embarrassed myself enough on this cruise," I told her. "So if you'll excuse us, we're about to have breakfast and you must have a full dance card for the day and evening anyway," I said sarcastically.

Ann started to tear up and Bob raised to his feet just enough to smack the back of my head.

"Owe. Why did you do that?" I asked.

"Because you're a dumb shit. Can't you see that she came to talk, not to listen to the same crap she has for the last few months," Bob said out loud. "So if you two don't mind, I'll leave you both so you can either work it out or call it quits, because it's time you do one or the other," he said walking away.

"I guess you should sit down Ann. Have you eaten yet?"

"No not yet. Where have you been?" she asked.

"With Bob, pouring my heart out while you've probably been having the time of your life," I told her.

"You were such an ass the other night, just like in January. You don't own me. I'm not some damn possession that you bought and paid for. I'm your wife, your equal partner," she told me. "I came within a heart beat of leaving you for good in January. I hated you for what you said and the way you did it along with embarrassing me in front of all our friends. I haven't been able to face them since," she told me.

"Alright I was wrong, but that doesn't excuse you for cheating on me with Roger," I said getting angry all over again.

"I said that I screwed up. Pam and I started going to the gym and since I drove all the time, I'd pick her up and drop her off. I didn't want to come home to you, so I'd sit at her place and talk to her. Roger and Pam have an open marriage and he'd always tell me how great I looked and what a dumb shit you were for not seeing it. It was a couple of weeks later, we'd had a few glasses of wine and I felt real grungy from working out. Pam asked if I wanted to take a shower and she led me upstairs. I was a little giddy and when Pam stepped into the shower with me, things got more than a little interesting," she told me.

"Just a second," I told her as our waiter dropped off our food. "I don't think I want any stranger hearing about our personal life," I told her while starting to eat.

"Well Tim, Pam came in and we were soaping each others backs when her hand moved between my cheeks to my pussy. It had been so long and I was so damn horny and I just let her continue with my eyes closed. Believe it or not, I was thinking about you when Roger came into the shower with us."

"I see you ladies started without me," he told us as he now started working on my front as Pam did my back.

"I climaxed hard. It had been so long and it felt so good, I just let them continue," she said starting to cry. "The next thing I knew I was on their bed and they were both working on me again. Roger was eating my pussy as Pam kissed me and worked on my breasts. It wasn't real I kept saying to myself until I got off again and Roger moved in between my legs. Tim I just closed my eyes and he took me. He wasn't any better or worse than you. All we did was fuck. Luckily he wore a condom and by the time he finished I was crying. Pam held me for the next hour and told me it was ok, but it wasn't."

"Ann, I don't understand why you kept going back. I can understand one slip, but time and time again? I can't see how you can say you loved me and still kept fucking Roger," I told her.

"I was still angry at you and Roger knew all the right things to say is all I can tell you. You were the one who made me stop. I finally got it through my thick skull that what I'd done was killing my marriage and I called Pam and told her no more. I was going to confess to you and started to when you slammed the door in my face one night. I figured I'd trashed my marriage but I still needed you and my kids. I still went to the gym, but came right home and hung out with them. By now you'd already taken up with Kathy and I decided to say nothing, what could I say, and to see where we'd end up," she said finishing her coffee.

"I figured this cruise was to be our last days together as man and wife but when you shot me down in the car, I figured it was already over. I haven't done anything with anyone on this cruise. A few people saw my boobs, but that is the extent of it. I wanted to make you jealous so you'd fight for me, but my plan didn't work out very well," she said finally finishing. "So Tim, how do we end this? Do we go out in a blaze of glory blasting away or do we just walk away quietly into the night? I'm done, you decide."

"You know what Ann? We took an ok marriage and trashed it. It wasn't great before but it had a lot of potential. You killed it and I buried it, so to speak but I think there's still hope for us if we're both willing."

"I'm ready to give it another shot if you are," she told me. "But only if it's just the two of us, no outsiders."

"Agreed," I told her. "Give me a hand, I need to get back to where I belong," I said grabbing her hand.

After moving my stuff back into our cabin, we never left the cabin until we hit port. We ate in the cabin and spent the nights on our balcony reconnecting. We both had a lot of healing to do but were willing to try again.

"By the way, if I haven't said it yet, I absolutely love your new body. You look fantastic," I said looking at her in her yellow micro bikini. "When I saw you that first night at dinner, I wanted to drag you back to the room and have my way with you," I told her.

"Why didn't you?" she asked. "Oh that's right, I was in the teasing stage that night," she said as she undid her top. "Maybe if I'd worn this to dinner we wouldn't have wasted four days of the cruise," she said now untying one side of her bottoms as I got rock hard. "We've christened both beds and the shower, that only leaves one area left," she said grabbing me and slipping her tongue in my mouth. "It might be a little windy but what the hell," she said leading me out on the balcony.

As she stood leaning against the railing, I ate her pussy until she screamed for me to stop. I turned her around and took her from behind as I held her breasts. The sounds of the waves hitting the ship muffled her screams but not quite all of them. When she dropped to her knees to finish me off in her mouth I thought I'd never stop cumming. We did it twice more that night on both the bed and on a chair on the balcony.

The following morning we had just time enough time to gab a bite to eat before disembarking. I opened the door just as our next-door neighbor opened his.

"I want to thank you for last night," he told me looking behind him at his wife. "My wife got so turned on when she heard the two of you going at it she attacked me. We made love all night and when I though she was done, she heard you two start again. She told me if the two of you could go all night so could we. If you guys ever decide to go on another cruise let me know, I want to get the cabin next to yours," he said with a smile.

"Who was that?" Ann asked.

"Just someone who is happy we made up," I said kissing her.

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Anita71Anita71about 1 month ago

Sweet,and a nice story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

"You don't solve your problems in the arms of someone else and you should have confronted her as soon as you found out. You're not any better than she is.."

===> Exactly. They both should have just split and moved on. She made a terrible choice but his behavior nearly caused her to dovirce him anyways. What he said was really bad. It showed her that he had no respect for her, he belittled her, and made her think he did not desire her. Of course what happened by continuing her escapades for another six weeks (mid January through end of March) a couple of times a week, was really bad. She had checked out of the marriage and was cheating regularly with Roger or Pam or both. By the time she was ready to come clean and try to heal the marriage after breaking it off with Pam and Roger, she blew it by being just as mean and sparky to her husband had been a couple of months earlier. Hence she drove him into Kathy's arms and they screwed constantly right up until the cruise. And she stupidly did nothing herself yo co front him probably out of her own guilt. They are both asshats. He never should have said what he did. She never should have fallen that first time, but worse should have confessed and maybe they can get counseling. But Roger sweet talked her and she really killed their marriage. Of course the husband was a moron and an asshat by not confronting her and regularly balling Kathy. How dumb. No communication. But then again, if he didn't have a revenge affair, he would have confronted her and they would be divorced. Readers can debate who is worse. Probably the wife for taking things to the next level of treachery first. But again she was ready to divorce him in January. The things he said were vile. Then again she never gave him a chance to apologize and the cold war started as she looked for comfort elsewhere. When she realized she was now the villain and destroying their marriage, it was too late. So yeah her being "worse" is not some huge leap in infamy. They were both asshats and the widower on the cruise ship called it right in his statement quoted above. Honestly neither should be married to each other. Both deplorable. 4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Stupid ending. She is such a bitch to handle. She keep lying as well. He found semen traces on her panties,but she said they wore condoms. Pathetic plot.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

She claims Roger wore a condom so whose semen was in those black panties he found?

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Fantastic story. Realistic and not populated by the perfect man-children that LW writers produce like widgets.

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