Caribean Beach Encounter

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Wife and husband accosted on the beach.
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April was awakened by the sensation of waves lapping at her toes. She struggled to open her eyes. She was laying under a lone palm tree. She was looking up at a half Moon that was almost directly overhead. Although some stars remained visible, it was obvious that it was nearly dawn. She had passed out at some time during last night's... encounter.

April struggled to remember what had happened to her. Her mind was compromised by the lingering effects of alcohol and marijuana. She only gradually became aware of the sensations in her groin. She was feeling a bewildering combination of pain and lingering pleasure. She reached down to gently feel her vulva. She lifted her hand to examine the fluid that coated her fingers. Even in the light of a half-moon, she could see that the fluid was white rather than red. Her pubic hair was saturated with dried and drying semen! She gently explored herself. Far more semen was slowly seeping from between her distended labia. She didn't need to be a rocket scientist to deduce what had happened to her.

April felt another wave lapping at her heels. She finally recognized the sounds of the ocean and the once again familiar, tactile sensations of Caribbean sand under her back and butt. She really didn't need her PhDs in Astrophysics and Astronomy to understand that the tide was coming in.

Memories of last night began to coalesce. Alfred had taken her out to dinner at that charming little restaurant that they had remembered from their honeymoon two decades earlier. It was little more than a vintage Airstream travel trailer that had been converted into a mobile kitchen with tables and awnings set up around it for outdoor dining, but it was actually on the sandy beach. Since all of the beaches on the island were topless, the restaurateur encouraged women to remain topless at his establishment.

April had remained topless during their leisurely dinner as she and Alfred admired the sunset. Unsurprising to them, their conversation had wandered into the more arcane areas of solar physics. The abruptly declining luminosity of the sun in the Ultraviolet and X-ray portions of the electromagnetic spectrum heralded an impending ice age. Unfortunately; the politicians were to obsessed with global warming propaganda to listen to the warnings from the solar physics community.

After it became dark, April and Alfred had danced together to music from a vintage jukebox. The lingering remnants of tan lines on her bare, pendulous breasts had accentuated her large, dark nipples and aureoles that had gyrated so wildly in response to her movements. She had danced lasciviously to entice not just her husband but everyone else.

Of course the sight of April dancing had provoked the attentions of that group of young men. All were in their twenties rather than in their teens. All had been blessed with jet black complexions that suggested that their ancestry was pure African, unadulterated by European genetics. They had obviously been locals rather than American or European tourists. April had not been to conceited to understand that a woman her age wouldn't have provoked the lusts of these much younger men if she hadn't been White.

Alfred had looked on nervously as April allowed the younger men to dance closer until they were pressing their bodies against hers, lasciviously rubbing their prominent bulges against her. They had rubbed their nearly naked genitalia against her naked thighs as well as her nearly naked buttocks and vulva. She had felt the fabric of her bikini becoming moist. Her dancing with the local men had evoked memories of the pillow talks with her husband. They had agreed that such scandalous scenarios that were so arousing to both of them should remain merely fantasies, not realities.

April had not protested when the hands of the young men began to explore first her hips, then her butt, then her bare breasts and finally her vulva. She had reveled in the debauchery. She had been the dancing queen, although no longer young and sweet and seventeen. She had danced with a succession of the local, younger men, either in pairs or trios. She had been intending to be a tease, leave them burning, and then be gone.

At some point, the hands that had been caressing her butt and vulva had grasped the ends of the strings on the bows that secured April's bikini bottoms. She had finally began to protest as the strings were pulled, loosening the knots. Alfred had belatedly intervened. Her bikini was suddenly gone, leaving her naked. Her husband had collected her beach bag with her things then took her arm to gently usher her away from the restaurant and the frustrated young men who had become so obviously aroused.

The twilight became brighter. April panicked momentarily as she looked around her. She relaxed when she noticed Alfred laying on the beach a few yards away. The steady rise and fall of his chest reassured her that her fear that their situation would escalate to violence had been unwarranted. Almost as reassuring, her husband hadn't abandoned her. She wasn't certain that she could have condemned him if he had.

Another wave surged in to lap at April's calves. She could now recollect Alfred leading her away from the restaurant towards that narrow sand spit that was fully revealed only at low tides to access this tiny, isolated island. Her nudity, concealed only by the shroud of partial darkness, had only accentuated their romantic walk on that narrow beach with surf at either side. Although they were barely above sea level, the moon had been half way around the Earth then. Because of its proximity, the tidal forces exerted by the moon were stronger than the tidal forces exerted by the far more massive Sun. Just like the parting of the Red Sea, the low tide had parted the waters of the Caribbean, revealing the sand spit that led to their private paradise.

There was minimal artificial light pollution on the island let alone smog to obscure the night sky. April was a professional astronomer. She was famous for her research on stellar stability as well as star formation. She routinely utilized the Very Large Array radio telescope at Magdalena, as well as the instrument at Arecibo before it was destroyed, to study nebulae, Pulsars and Quasars. Even she could be emotionally overwhelmed by that view of the heavens.

Undeterred by any sense of propriety and practicalities, they had exploited the darkness to make love on the beach just as they had made love alfresco that night decades ago when they were newlyweds. April had once again been unprepared. Although she was in the more fertile phase of her cycle, it really had been no oversight that she had neglected to pack her diaphragm for their second honeymoon.

As was often the case for married and committed couples, the knowledge that April was unprotected had been no deterrent. The risk had accentuated their arousal. However; it was no longer a question of when rather than if she wanted to get pregnant. After her miscarriage, they had agreed that their family was complete. Alfred had even scheduled an appointment with his urologist to get a vasectomy the week after they returned home. This second honeymoon was not just his final reprieve from his impending sterility but hers as well.

As the moment of truth arrived, Alfred had obviously been vacillating. April was on the wrong side of forty. The probability of pregnancy was actually minimal. The risk was actually not much greater than for a much younger couple who were diligently using condoms. This second honeymoon was their final opportunity to procreate. April was actually disappointed when she felt Alfred's penis withdrawing rather than remaining inside her as he had that magical night two decades earlier. He was barely in time. However; he recklessly spilled his seed in her pubic hair and gaping labia rather than safely on the barren sand.

As the sunrise became more imminent, fewer stars remained visible. Soon only Venus and the moon were revealed to April. Another wave rolled in, this time past April's widely parted knees. The sensation of the ocean lapping at her thighs inspired April to rise up on her elbows so that she could survey her nude body. The unreasonably large breasts that had so often inspired other women as well as men to question her intelligence, education and competence, lulled to her sides against her ribs. In spite of the demands of their academic careers, they had not only procreated, they had procreated above replacement level. Unlike most of their colleagues, they were not Darwinian failures. The bruises and hickies on April's breasts were a horrifying reminder of how last night's encounter had escalated.

April struggled to rise up further on straightened arms so that she was resting on her hands that were splayed out behind her. She could finally see her vulva. The sight of the copious quantities of semen that matted her normally jet black pubic hair was alarming.

The young men had been reasonably polite when they first accosted the maturing couple as they were cuddling, savoring the afterglow of their love making. However; the young men had made their intentions very clear. Two of the largest of the young men had stood close at either side of Alfred. They were both taller, heavier, more muscular and obviously far stronger than her husband. Alfred would not have had any hope of prevailing against only one of them much less two. The tacit threat had been undeniable. Fortunately; the offer of the marijuana joint, truly a cigar, that had been offered, reluctantly accepted, then repeatedly passed around had deescalated the encounter.

When the first of the young men moved to position himself, April had known that resistance would be futile. She would comply. The fact that she was unprotected was irrelevant. April had parted her thighs reluctantly but willingly. The anguish on Alfred's face had been heartbreaking. Although he was obviously overwhelmed with humiliation, jealousy and anxiety, he was grateful that she was absolving him of his husbandly obligation to protect her virtue.

That first, black penis that loomed over April had already been rampantly erect. She noticed that that first, black penis was much longer and thicker than Alfred's. That first, black penis was also unsheathed. That first, black penis was uncircumcised in contrast to her husband's pale penis. She was certain that she would be inseminated again, again and yet again.

Alfred's obvious anguish as he watched April reluctantly parting her knees and spreading her thighs, opening herself in acquiescence to her fate, had been heartbreaking. Although she was submitting under duress, she felt guilty about betraying her husband. "I love you," she had assured her husband as she felt the bulbous glans probing between her labia. Alfred had finally ceased struggling as she felt that first, pitch black penis fully penetrating her in a single, unrelenting, almost brutal stroke.

April was surprised that the penetration of that penis was not more painful. No doubt her vagina remained relaxed and lubricated from her recent copulation with her husband. The thought that the black penis was also being lubricated by a few traces of Alfred's semen that had soaked her pubic hair evoked a prayer of hope. However; as the younger man began to thrust into her, she was shamed by the realization that her traitorous body was responding to him. She had known from talking with the campus councilors about discipline policy that the instinctive responses that so often humiliate women who are coerced or compelled to submit were no cause for guilt. Arousal enabled women to survive much worse ordeals without severe injury.

Resistance to her instinctive arousal had been just as futile as resistance to her fate. April had been ashamed when she felt herself climaxing as that first of the young men rutted with her. Perhaps as a result of her own obvious pleasure, his ejaculation had been hastened, abbreviating her ordeal. However; Alfred's obvious dismay as he watched and listened to his loving wife reaching orgasm in response to the onslaught had been heartbreaking. Unfortunately; he would have to endure his shame.

As soon as the first of her antagonist's rose to his feet, a second had positioned himself between her thighs. This second penis was also larger than Alfred's as well as unsheathed and uncircumcised. Not wanting to prolong the assault, April had eagerly orgasmed with the second and even the third man that accosted her. She knew women, including some of her students and even colleagues who had indulged in such group encounters. They were referred to as gang bangs or pulling a train. April was becoming a locomotive.

April had eventually became fatigued. For a time, she could no longer take pleasure from the unrelentingly rampant thrustings of these virile, young penises. Fortunately; her vagina remained relaxed rather then tensed. More young men had gathered around to take their turns with her. All had taken a second and maybe even a third turn with her. April had actually become grateful that the vigorous thrustings of each of those penises had been lubricated by the copious inseminations of its predecessors.

April was granted a reprieve when she once again orgasmed in response to an invading penis. Although she was ashamed to find herself climaxing again and again with each successive antagonist, she made no effort to resist. Eventually; she had passed out.

As April leaned on her splayed hands, she watched another wave flow in. The waters which surged past her knees were channeled by her parted thighs so that they washed against her sex. The sea foam reminded April of semen as it soothed her sex. However; as the wave receded, it was obvious that it had washed away some of the semen from her sex.

April remained partially reclined with her thighs wantonly parted so that wave after wave could surge between her thighs against her exposed vulva, between her distended labia, and even into her gaping vagina. She eagerly allowed the waves to caress her sex. In spite of, or really because of her scientific education, she had never rejected the religion that her parents had instilled in her. As wave after wave washed away the semen, she prayed that the salt water would somehow penetrate her cervix to kill the many millions, perhaps even billions and billions, of sperm that had invaded her unprotected womb.

The sensation of the ocean waves continuing to surge against April's vulva and into her distended vagina provoked her arousal. She reached down to rub her clitoris while holding her labia open. She welcomed the salt water that she hoped and prayed would not only wash away the semen but kill the remaining sperm and disinfect her vagina. As she orgasmed again, a stream of semen was expelled from her vagina.

As April's arousal subsided, she realized that her husband had awakened. Alfred had been standing behind her, watching as she shamelessly exploited the incoming waves to help her masturbate. She blushed with embarrassment. He didn't comment much less chastise her.

The couple sat together in the shade of that lone palm tree, watching the waves roll in between April's splayed legs to caress her exposed sex. April continued to massage her clitoris as she held her labia apart so that the salt water could surge deep into her vagina. As she orgasmed again, another spurt of semen was expelled from her womb.

Alfred seemed to be reassured by the sight of the semen spurting from April's vagina. He hugged her to comfort her. Finally; he kissed her. His comforting gradually morphed into lovemaking. He was surprised and uncertain when he felt her guiding his penis to her abused sex, but he didn't refuse her. In spite of the lingering discomfort, April climaxed again. Alfred had attempted to withdraw, but she had desperately embraced him with her thighs, restraining him. She was rewarded by the sensation of her husband's penis spasming as he ejaculated inside her.

Alfred and April cuddled together until his flaccid penis withdrew. She prayed that God would enable Alfred's sperm to miraculously prevail over the sperm of the much more virile, young men. They then sat on the beach as they waited for the tide to go out.

Although they could no longer see the moon in the brightening sunlight, April knew that it was gradually moving from the zenith as the sun rose higher above the horizon. Although the sun was rising higher, the combined tidal forces of the far more massive sun but the much closer moon were decreasing. It was almost noon when the tide finally receded.

Eventually; Alfred offered April his hand to assist her as she arose to her feet. Although he had salvaged her beach bag with her beach cover up and bikini top, her bikini bottom was nowhere to be found. After corralling her breasts then slipping on her beach cover up, she took the arm that Alfred so gallantly offered her. They carefully walked across the still water logged sand spit to get to the peninsula.

As April walked back past the restaurant and beyond with her husband, she realized that her beach cover up was far to short to be decent. The fishnet fabric didn't conceal much anyway. When they left the beach, she provoked the disapproving stares of passersby. They walked on, resolutely ignoring the attentions of passersby.

When they got to their bungalow, April showered then lingered in the bathtub. Alfred then showered. They collapsed on the bed together. Alfred finally said, "happy anniversary April."

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BobvyBobvy10 months ago

Fabulous story. I would hope they returned for a second night of fun.

auhound49auhound49about 1 year ago
Ahhhh, nothing as hot as preg risk sex!

I wonder if she caught or now, ended up with a black baby in her white belly?

I very much do enjoy your stories. Keep up the good work, you are much appreciated.

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