Carl, meet Joan Pt. 04


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"Yes, I know about her anatomy."

"And, you're OK with that? Are you gay?"

"Yes, I am more than OK with it, and no, I am not gay, I just happen to love your daughter!"

Joan looked at me and her eyes got huge.

"I didn't tell her that we'd said that!" she said worried.

"You love my daughter?" came her mother's voice through the phone. "You barely know her - though I guess you 'know' her pretty well!"

"Look, Mrs. Avery, Joan and I have been getting to know each other for a long time now - in a fairly unconventional way, meeting for dinners once a week for months now. I know that our official 'dating' time has been short, but consider that we got to know one another without all the usual tensions of that kind of courtship dance. By the time we dated, we already knew a lot about one another!"

"And did you know the was originally a boy? Are you just into some kind of kink?"

"Mother!" Joan jumped in.

I looked at her and put my hands up to say, "No, it's OK!" then replied to her mother's questions.

"No, at first I did not know that, we were just getting to know one another. Basically she only told me that when I was practically begging her to go on a date. Only then did she trust me with the knowledge that she is a trans woman, and I decided to ask her out anyway! And, also, no, I don't think I am into any kind of 'kink'!"

"Then I think you must be gay!" said Joan's mother.

"Mother! Please!" Joan said. Again I tried to calm her a little.

"Well, no, I don't think so, I just fell for a charming, beautiful, intelligent woman who happens to be trans. By the time of our first date we already knew things about one another that some people spend months or even years learning."

"Things like what?" her mother asked.

"I know that her eyes a a gorgeous green with a hint of blue, I know her birthday, her favorite color, her favorite movie, that she was Summa Cum Laude at MIT for her undergrad and kicked it up from there getting her master's degree, and by the way, I keep telling her that she should do her doctorate, too. That you spent summers going to Ocean City and she still hates swimming in cold water. I could go on, but I hope you get the point. So, by now we are pretty happy together!"

"Happy in bed together? She said you've been staying at her place?"

"Well, yes, I have been staying at her place, but I will not discuss any details!"

"You, too? That's what she keeps telling me!"

"Again, Mom," Joan jumped in, "do you give out details about you and Dad? Did you tell Nana about your bedroom activities?"

"Well, again, Mrs. Avery," I replied, "I don't discuss those kinds of details with anyone - what we do in that regard is only our business. Now, I think that you and I can get to know one another this weekend, how about it?"

"I suppose you want to stay there while I am there, too?"

"Mrs, Avery, I do not want to make you uncomfortable in any way. I am going to leave that question to the two of you to work out. I am fine with staying at my own place while you are here if that eases your mind."

There was a silence on her end, and Joan shot me a look.

"We will just see, then, Carl. We will see. But thank you for listening to me. I look forward to meeting you on Saturday!"

"OK, Mom?" Joan said, "What time do you think you'll get here on Saturday morning?"

"Why, do you need time for a tryst before I get there?"

"Maybe we do!" Joan replied.

"Oh dear! I shouldn't have asked. OK, I'll see you about 11 am. Maybe have some coffee for me after the drive?"

"Alright, Mom, we'll see you then. Goodbye!"


"Bye, Mrs. Avery!" I threw in at the end.

She hung up.

"Why would you give in to her?" she immediately asked me.

"About what?" I asked.

"If you want to be here, then she just has to get used to it - we are adults!"

"Look, I can't argue with your mother the way you do - especially when I'm just talking to her for the first time. Besides, one little concession while she's here doesn't hurt too much if it eases the tension. It's only one night."

"I know, but now that I've had you here, I'm greedy, and I want it all the time!"

She looked at me and I could see the tension in her shoulders relax.

"Why is it that you can charm my mother over the phone, and I can only argue with her?"

"Let's get my mother on the phone about something, and I bet you can charm her more easily than I can! You and your mother have that closeness where you love each other, but you can push each other's buttons."

"I know. And she really has been supportive in my transition, even though I know she doesn't understand it all. Still, better than my dad. But not as good as you. How did I ever find you?"

"You know that you charmed me the first time we met. The way your eyes lit up when you smiled and shook my hand."

"Oh, bullshit!"

"Seriously, you captivated me right off the bat! I asked you out for a drink that first evening, remember?"

"Yes, of course, and like a fool I shot you down," she replied.

"Yes, you did."

"You didn't try again, though, I had to talk to you."

"Yeah, I was still licking my wounds from the first time! I thought about approaching you, but I guess I figured you'd had a bad break up or dated some creepy stalker, and I didn't want to seem like a creepy stalker."

"Well, I'm glad I talked to you, even though over the next several months of our 'friend dinners' you relentlessly asked my out like a creepy stalker dude!" she teased.

"If I was so creepy, why did you keep going to dinner with me?"

Suddenly she got more serious.

"Because I sensed something in you - like you were exactly NOT some creepy stalker dude. Do you know how many times I got 'this close' to telling you about me? But I was afraid. I did tell two other guys who had seemed interested in me, but they both immediately blanched and then called me a freak and left. We have to be careful in revealing who we are - a lot of trans women literally get killed. Still you just kept asking me out on a date, like a dog with a bone, you just wouldn't let go."

"So, do you wish I had just let it go?"

"Oh, hell no!" she replied, throwing herself into my arms. "You are quite literally the best thing that has happened to me since I transitioned. Now, I am a huge ball of mixed emotions - I have never, literally never, been this happy, but I am so scared of waking up and finding out that I was just dreaming."

I looked straight into her eyes, and cupped her face in my hands. I kissed her with all the gentle passion I could figure out how to pull off.

"I told you from the start that I never want to hurt you. I told you last night, and I meant every word, that I am so in love with you. I guess I always had a hope, or maybe expectation, that I would find a girl, well, a woman, that was 'just right' for me, and damn if it didn't happen. And now that you are here, I can't imagine, hell, I don't even want to imagine a life without you being at the center of it. We'll have to struggle with regular life things just like any couple, but I don't want any of those things to ever come between us!"

"Life things, like what?" she asked, a bit of a shake in her voice.

"Like when the brilliant you gets a better job offer in New York or San Francisco and we have to figure out how to pick up and move, or one of our parents gets sick and how we deal with all of that."

"Oh, OK. Whew! I was afraid you meant like having an affair or something!"

"Are you planning on having an affair?" I asked her, though I was pretty sure she meant me.

"No! I meant...well, I mean, didn't mean that I think you will, but...what happens if you get tired of this and want to find a cis-woman, with a vagina and a uterus?"


"You know, one day you may want to have children, and you know I can't do that!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I said, "When did we start talking about children?"

"Carl, think about it! You want to be a daddy someday, right?"

"Hell, I don't know, I never thought about it! I'm way too young to think about that!"

"But you will - not now, but someday!"

"What about you? Do you want children some day?"

"I don't know - but I know that'll never happen!"

"How about adoption, or surrogacy? If that's what we want - one day in the far off future, we can deal with it, but we can burn that bridge when we get to it!"

She just looked at me.

"You do realize what you just said?"

"Yes, I know, I mixed the metaphors - I did it on purpose. I wanted to make you laugh and lighten things just a bit."

She just looked at me, still not smiling.

"But still," she kept coming back to it, "what happens when you decide you want a real woman?"

"I found her," I said, looking at her.

"But this," she said, gesturing toward her crotch, "is not what you had in mind when you thought about raising a family one day!"

"No, it's not, you're right about that. But this, this wonderful woman is what I found, and I am the luckiest guy on the planet. All the rest is just details, and if you'll give me a chance, or give US a chance, we'll work through the details."

For a while I just held her there.

"I'm sorry," she said to me.


"About getting so nervous and insecure."

"It's OK. It's clear that I've never been through what you have been through, and are going through, so I will do my best to understand and be patient. But you see, you truly have captivated me, and as your captive, you are stuck with me!"

She looked up at me and kissed me.

"Stuck, am I?" she asked.

"Yes, and it's your fault for being so charming and beautiful and intelligent!"

"You really are corny, you know that?"

"I'm just being honest. There is no where I'd rather be!"

"Damn it!" she said, jumping up suddenly.

"What? What did I say wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing! But with all of this, I forgot about putting the chicken in the oven!"

I looked over and saw smoke starting to come out of the oven door. She quickly opened it and pulled out a smoking, blackened hulk that looked vaguely like a chicken.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" she was saying.

The smoke alarm started going, and I quickly tried to wave a towel at the alarm to quiet it. Soon her cell phone was ringing.

"Yes, Frank, I just burned something in the oven, it's not a real fire!"

She hung up and I looked at her.

"All of the apartments' smoke alarms feed in to a central alarm - he was just checking since, I guess, burning supper has happened more than once! Oh, shit! Now what are we going to do?"

I looked again at the blackened chicken, and at Joan.

"How about I order some Chinese for delivery and we just relax a bit. We had quite a conversation here, and I think we need to just chill."

We ordered food and while we waited she changed into sweats and a t-shirt.

The buzzer rang and Frank's voice came over the intercom telling us that the food was here.

I walked down to get the food and pay the bill.

We ate our supper and cleaned up and we sat on the couch together and she mindlessly scrolled through Netflix looking for something to watch. She put her head on my chest, and I let my hand wander over hers.

Her breathing grew steadier and then I noticed the remote fall from her hand. It clattered to the floor and she woke with a start.

"Nice to know I have that effect on you!" I said as she looked up at me.

"Mmm, it's a sign that I am fully at ease with you," she replied. "Can we just go to bed and sleep?"

"OK," I said. "Boy, like an old married couple, just trundling off to sleep!"

We each took our turn in the bathroom. When I came out, I turned out the bathroom light, and found her on the bed, naked with little electric candles "burning" on the nightstands.

"Change your mind about sleep?" I asked.

"Just some nice easy stuff, but I can't help myself in wanting you!"

I dropped my boxers to the floor and climbed in next to her.

"Nice easy stuff?" I asked, "what did you have in mind?"

"Just this," she said as she pushed me onto my back, and pushed my legs apart.

"Knees up, and feet on the bed!" she said.

I pulled my knees up and she slipped her legs under the crook in my knees and slid herself forward until our butts bumped and then she reached down and took both of our cocks into her hands.

"I like your big cock," she said, sliding her hand up and down my shaft. "I like how it looks with mine just like this! Like two little versions of us - you nice and tall holding onto me!"

Her hand was slowing moving up and down. The two pinkish, purplish heads were just next to each other, the sensation of the two together and her hand pumping felt terrific.

"This is a contest," she said.

"What kind," I asked.

"Whoever cums first gets to lick all the cum off the other one until the second one cums!"

"What if we both cum together?"

"Then we both win!"

"I think we both win, either way around!"

She slid her hand up onto my cock alone and began to pump me.

"Hey! That doesn't seem fair for a contest!" I protested.

"Yeah, I've been fantasizing about this waiting for you to come out of the bathroom, and I was too close to cumming!"

I reached down and grabbed her cock.

"I like making you cum!" I said to her.

"You just want to see me licking cum off of you!"

"Well, yes, that sounds quite hot to me, but then, maybe you just want to see me licking cum off of you!"

"Yes, that's hot, too!"

She kept pumping me, and I kept pumping her.

"I liked it when you were pumping both of us," I said to her.

She again took both cocks in her hand and pumped. The feel of our cocks together felt so good, and she got us in a rhythm. I sat back and enjoyed the sensations and watched her face. She was looking at our cocks and not at me. She closed her eyes and her head went back a bit. She opened her eyes and looked at me, looking at her.

"You're beautiful!" I told her.

"Shut up! You just say that because I'm giving us a handjob!"

"You are, indeed, and it feels great! And you are beautiful!"

"Carl?" she said, "I'm getting close, are you?"

"Not yet!" I fibbed.

Again she let go of her own cock and focused on mine.

"Come on, Carl, cum for me!" she said, looking now right at my face.

"You know you can make me cum, girl!"

I reached for her cock again, too.

"Can I make you cum, too?"

"Yes, you know you can! I don't want to cum too soon!"

"Cum now, baby, I'm gonna cum too! God, Joan, I'm gonna cum!"

"Me, too, baby! Cum Carl - let's cum together!"

A jet of white shot from her cock and landed on mine and as she pumped her cum onto me I lost it, too and shot cum up in the air. Some of it landed on her belly and tits and on my hand and on her cock as her cock continued to spew out. My head went back and I lost myself in my orgasm.

As both cocks got down to dribbles, I opened my eyes again and looked. My hand was covered in cum from her, from me, who knows?

I looked at her and grinned.

"We both win!" I said. I lifted my hand to my lips and licked off the mixture of fluids, and then presented it to her and she licked, too. I took her hand from my cock and drew it to my mouth, too, and sucked her fingers into my mouth. As I did, she also sucked my fingers into her mouth. I pulled her to me and we enjoyed a cummy kiss. I then leaned down and licked cum off of her breasts and when I could not bend far enough to get to her belly, I moved my whole body, licking up trails of cum, and then down onto her now soft, but cum covered cock. I loudly sucked it into my mouth and ran my tongue over it, and down across her balls.

"We taste great together!" I said.

She pulled me back into a kiss, pushing her tongue into my mouth.

"Yes, we do! And yes, we both win!"

As we kissed we both fell back on the pillows. She rolled herself up on top of me.

"You, sir, are amazing!" she said and kissed me again. "The things you do make me feel so loved and wanted!"

"One of these days, I will be able to convince you that you are so loved and wanted. It's not something to 'make you feel' it's something to make you know that you ARE."

"Carl, just hold me like this! All night long!"

"OK, happily. Though I may not be able to move in the morning!"

"Good, then you'll just have to stay in my bed forever!"

"It'll get awkward meeting your mother this way!"

"Shut up, you big oaf, and go to sleep!"

"I love you, Joan!"

"I love you, too, Carl!"

We fell into a satisfied lovers sleep, with me hoping to be able to convince her that I meant it forever.

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LordkalvenLordkalvenabout 1 year ago

I hope we can get more. This is a good series and should keep going.

stevecd50stevecd50about 1 year ago

great story cant wait for more

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