Carla Finds Nude Travel Tricky! Pt. 01


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Carla shifted her position in the pool, checking to see if she could see herself in any of the mirrors as she changed location. After much trial and error, she found a spot where at least some of her head and shoulders showed up in each mirror. All the mirror image Carlas she saw surrounding her were a little too low, so she got off her butt and knelt in the same spot, sitting on her heels, raising herself just enough to see a little bit more of herself in each mirror. One final adjustment, leaning very slightly forward with her hands resting lightly on her thighs, altered the view at three of the mirrors to include her boobs, which her latest adjustment in position had raised just above the surface of the water.

One final change brought about by Carla's new position wasn't visible to the naked eye, but was immediately noticed by the naked Carla. What felt like the main source of hot water for the pool, pouring out from a narrow gap between two stones on the wall behind Carla had previously been providing her with a vigorous lower back massage. The powerful stream of hot water was now passing between her feet, performing a similar service for her pussy!

"Oh my God, I've wandered into some kind of weird-ass porno art installation!" Carla thought, "I wonder if whoever came up with this has a camera set up somewhere around here?" She looked all around but didn't see any sign the area was being monitored, eventually deciding she was just being paranoid. She relaxed and enjoyed the jet of water rushing over her pussy, experimenting with small adjustments in her posture to maximize the effect it was having on her. She looked around at the various mirrors, becoming even more aroused as she saw her reflections gazing back at her, mouths hanging open and boobs rising and falling as she began panting.

Watching in the mirror directly in front of her as her right hand groped her breasts and pulled on her swollen nipples, she groaned as she thought about how the people across the river had watched her. "What would they think if they could see me now," she wondered, shocking herself by wishing they could! The sensations added by shifting her left hand to gently rub her clit finally sent her over the edge, falling happily into an intense orgasm. She watched herself come, then closed her eyes as she felt a second wave building. She kept her eyes closed through her second orgasm and for several more minutes, smiling as she slowly came down to earth.

Carla was still lingering in a daydream about roaming naked in a forest until the sound of a woman's voice asking, "Are you okay?" snapped her out of her dream and back to her current reality, being naked in a pool of hot water in a forest. Her reality was different from her dream in another significant way; as she awakened, she realized she was still kneeling in a pool of hot water, still naked, but was no longer alone! A stout grey-haired woman and a skinny man, both wearing bathing suits, were standing on the trail a few yards away.

"Yeah, um, I must have nodded off for a few minutes," Carla finally answered. Their smiles and the knowing looks they traded made Carla think the couple had seen or heard more than they were letting on. She belatedly remembered that her boobs were still in clear view and dropped down so only her head and shoulders were above the surface of the water. "Really, I'm fine, I was just a little disoriented for a minute." she told them, hoping they'd move on.

"Okay, then, we'll be off," said the man, standing still and focused on Carla despite his wife already starting to move, "Unless you're done with this pool."

"For goodness sake, Dennis, give the girl a bit of privacy!" the woman scolded her companion, we can go to another pool! But Miss, If that cargo truck in the parking area is yours, you don't want to linger too long. The sign warning about vehicles being towed after sunset isn't kidding, the county is pretty strict about it."

"Thanks for the warning," Carla replied, "but aren't you worried about getting towed too?"

"Nope," the woman answered, smiling, "We live just down the road, and they don't bother looking for people back here as long as they're quiet and don't have campfires. More interested in the income from towing and collecting fees, I suppose."

"Thanks again!" Carla said, watching the couple head off on the trail she had taken from Lookout. "Damn, I'd better get going, the sun is already pretty low," she thought, and with those two on the trail I took to get here I'll need to find another route back to where I left my clothes!" She reluctantly climbed out of the pool, picked up her phone, put on her shoes and headed down the trail they had come from, assuming it would lead her to the main trail, and then back to her clothing.

Reaching the main trail in just a few minutes, Carla didn't doubt she'd be able to get back to where she'd left her clothes in plenty of time to get dressed and reach her truck well before sunset. When she'd walked for over fifteen minutes without seeing anything familiar her confidence began to waver. Another ten minutes of walking didn't get her to where she needed to be, but when she started paying attention to the location of the rapidly setting sun she eventually realized she had been walking in a loop.

With little time left before sunset, she took a risk and left the trail behind entirely, setting out through the woods in what she was pretty sure was the direction of the road she'd been driving on, hoping to reach the open field between the parking area and the trail she needed to take to retrieve her clothes.

The sound of vehicles on a road somewhere ahead confirmed her current approach, but the sky was darkening quickly. When she reached the open field and could see the restroom building and parking area beyond, Carla was beyond relieved to at least know where she was. There was still a tiny bit of blue in the sky, but she was sure it was well beyond sunset.

Carla walked through the field a few yards away from the treeline, heading to the main trail she had first used to enter the woods. After several hours mostly under a canopy of trees, walking in the field with no cover nearby made her acutely aware of her nudity, especially when she saw a few cars pass by. She had just reached the trail she was looking for when she heard the sound of a large truck NOT passing by, but slowing down and pulling into the parking area across the field. A moment later she saw the flatbed tow truck maneuvering to line up with her truck!

Carla had finally made it to a place where she could remember the way to her clothes, but she knew it would take a few minutes to actually find them in the dark woods. Not knowing for sure exactly how many minutes retrieving her clothes would take, or how many minutes it would take the tow truck driver to hook up her truck and haul it away, she decided that collecting her clothes would have to wait; keeping her truck from being hauled away had to be her first priority. She trotted out to the restroom building as quickly as her Crocs allowed, and peeked around the corner of the building.

Her heart skipped a beat when she saw how fast the driver was working. He already had the flatbed ramp angled and extended to the truck's rear tires and was about to hook cables to her truck's frame. She was no expert but she was pretty sure if she'd gone for her clothing first the truck would have been long gone by the time she made it here. She shouted, "Stop!" from her hiding place, straining to be heard over the sound of the diesel idling.

"Who's there?" the driver yelled, whirling around.

"That's my truck, unhook it, please."

"Park's closed, the signs warn about being towed after sunset."

"But it's not my fault, I got turned around and lost on the trails through the woods. I didn't mean to still be here this late," Carla replied.

"Okay, but my boss will be ticked off, he drove by 15 minutes ago and sent me out after he saw the truck. He's already on his way to open his lot up for me to bring it in. Go ahead and take it, I can tell him it was gone when I got here."

"Thanks, but I can't go yet, I had to leave some stuff behind back on the trail to get to you before you took the truck," Carla replied, "It's kind of important, I really can't leave without it."

"Jesus, you're getting to be a pain! I'm already bending over backwards just letting you take the truck after coming all the way out here! And why are you hiding behind the building, anyway?" the driver asked, obviously annoyed by Carla's odd behavior.

"Yeah...I'm sorry about hiding, but, well, it's kind of embarrassing. The stuff I left behind, that I need a few minutes to go get, it's my clothes, all of them. I'm just asking for a few minutes to run back and get them!" Carla pleaded.

"So you're telling me that you're running around out here bare-assed, and that's why you expect me to just leave your truck? Prove it or I'm going to do what I was sent here for!" the driver grumbled, expecting her to respond to his calling her bluff by coming up with some other lame excuse for not being able to leave yet.

Carla weighed her options, both of them pretty awful.

Option 1- she could stay hidden and have her truck towed off, then go find her clothes and walk or hitch a ride into whatever town her truck was headed to, call a cab to get to her truck, and pay some exorbitant fee to get the piece of junk back.

Option 2 -- she could show the driver that, yes, she really was naked, and hope he'd hold off on towing her truck long enough for her to get to her clothing, get dressed and get back to the parking area.

She decided Option 1 had too many unknown variables; Where was he going to take her truck, how soon would she be able to get it back, and at what cost? "Option 2 it is!" she thought, deciding one more person seeing her naked that day wasn't such a big deal if it let her get on with her life. "It might even be kind of fun to see the shock on this dude's face when he sees me!"

"Okay, if you insist, I'm coming out!" Carla shouted, quivering a bit as she stepped away from the building and into the glare of his truck's lights. She walked a few feet in the direction of the driver, then stopped, using her right forearm to be able to block the glare and see him clearly, "Believe me now?" she said, shaking a little as she saw how he was looking her over.

"So you weren't bullshitting me about being naked," he said, "what exactly do you want from me? I can't just leave your truck here, if I don't bring it in, it damned well better not still be here if my boss comes by again!"

"I understand; I just need long enough to get my clothes, get dressed, and get back here. I promise you I'll be gone as soon as possible. Twenty minutes should do it." Carla replied.

"Twenty minutes! I'm already going to have to explain to my boss why it took me a half-hour more to NOT tow you than it should have done to actually do it. Fifteen minutes is the best I can do, by then either you drive it away or I'll have to take it."

Carla set the timer on her phone and ran off at high speed, heading for the trail into the woods she had used earlier in the afternoon. Everything looked different with only some moonlight to see by. She slowed down to make sure she didn't miss the first trail. Walking and using her phone as a flashlight she found it, a little farther into the woods than she expected.

Going just a little bit faster she quickly came to the next trail, her quicker pace leaving her with almost ten minutes left. She tried to estimate how long it would take her to get all the way back to her truck; as long as the third trail wasn't much farther she figured she would have time to collect all of her clothes. At worst, if she was short on time she could always turn back with only her shorts and t-shirt.

As she remembered it, the third trail hadn't been too far beyond the second one, but her memory of its location had been formed when the sun was high in the sky, when she hadn't been in a hurry, and when she was fully dressed. Under severe time pressure, in the dark, and naked, finding the third trail was taking a lot longer than she'd expected. She was getting pretty nervous by the time she finally found the third trail, but was feeling pretty good about her earlier decision to hang up her shorts and shirt on a branch next to the trail, fairly close to where the third side trail branched off from the main trail. With only a bit over seven minutes left, she'd barely have time to grab the two closest items and race back to her truck, still in the nude. She expected the driver wouldn't mind giving her an extra minute or two if he could spend it watching her catch her breath and get dressed.

Carla scanned every tree branch anywhere near where she remembered hanging up her shorts and shirt, but all she saw were empty branches. When she reached the pool at this trail's end she not only hadn't found the two items she had hung up along the trail but didn't see any trace of her bra and panties anywhere in the vicinity of the pool. "SHIT!" she shouted, "where the fuck are my clothes?" She could only think of two possibilities; either someone had stolen them, or, she had to admit was more likely, hurrying in the darkness she had missed one of the trails branching off from the main trail. She was thinking about where she might have missed the right trail until she thought to check how much time she had left. She gasped as the digits counted down below 5:00.

Carla instantly knew she had no choice but to give up all hope of leaving the park any way except naked; there simply wasn't time to double back and try searching another trail, and no way to be sure her clothes were even where she had left them anyway. The only question now was whether she'd be driving her truck, with at least some control of her situation, or, she shuddered just thinking about it, hiking stark naked toward whatever town the driver was towing her truck to. She took off, running at as fast a pace as she thought she could maintain. Her anxiety level rose to borderline panic when she remembered having stowed her wallet in the truck's glovebox!

As Carla dashed out of the woods into the field she glanced at her phone, seeing seconds flashing by with no minutes left, she picked up her pace. A strong searchlight on the roof of the tow truck lit up her route, helping her avoid a few potholes. She was glad for the added light, even though she was sure the driver's motivation for lighting her up like it was daylight had nothing to do with helping her out. Seeing that he wasn't about to drive off with her truck right away, she slowed to a walk with thirty feet left to go.

She walked up to the driver, hands on her hips, breathing hard and with sweat pouring off her. "Well, you're more or less on time, but don't seem to have any more clothing than when you left, what happened?" he asked.

"I don't know, they may be gone or I might have missed them," Carla panted, "can I have some more time?"

Standing next to her truck he replied,"I'm honestly sorry, but no. My boss called me while you were gone, asking where the hell I was. Either you drive away or I have to tow it; which will it be?"

Carla just glared at him, unlocked her truck's door, and climbed up behind the steering wheel. He offered her directions to a commercial district about twelve miles down the road where she could buy some clothes and wished her good luck.

"I'll need more than good luck to get out of this mess," Carla mumbled as she pulled out of the parking area, not at all sure where she was headed. "Getting my hands on some clothing, that would help," she shouted, unable to stop laughing.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

What an exciting adventure!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Just wanted to say how much I appreciate how much time and effort you put into your stories. Thank you. I eagerly await your next tale.

dou1t2dou1t2almost 3 years ago

She should've blown the tow truck driver for more time or someting!

zooliciouszooliciousalmost 3 years ago

LuckyDave strikes again. Great scenery and fun as Carla stumbled into mess after mess.

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