Carla's Pursuit of Loyalty


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"What do I do with this?" she asked him without a hint of emotion in her voice.

"That's for your hands," he replied, his pants already off and his hard cock in his fist. Carla was not surprised to see it, and she didn't bother looking for any details.

She sat next to him and just looked bored, staring ahead. His couch was really fucking ugly, she thought. Somehow it suited him. His hands started fondling her almost right away, sliding over her tits, gripping her shoulders, yanking her hands behind her back. She just sat there and let herself be manhandled. He tied her hands behind her back with the belt and made her tilt uncomfortably while he did that. Carla just didn't care anymore. Erich, why? She nearly cried. The belt got ratcheted tightly.

The older man said, "Just watch the front door when he walks in. He'll want to see this."

She did. She looked right at the door handle, focused right on it. She hoped it would turn any second now and stop this from happening. But the door just stood there, nothing moving on it.

He leaned her over and lowered her whole body onto his lap, spending a few moments positioning her mouth just right. It was unimaginatively selfish. Carla had experienced it before, just never this cowardly. If Erich wanted this so bad, why couldn't he be here right now? The old man started fucking her mouth, never fully appreciating that she got her teeth out of the way. She stared at the door waiting for Erich to open it and visibly sanction using her like a whore, telling her it's okay. She was doing this for him.

"Yeah, this is what he wanted," the older man said, enjoying himself, "he wanted me to feed you my cock."

She imagined what her boyfriend might see when he opened the door, whether his curiosity was exactly what he imagined. She was leaned over the older man's cock, hands tied behind her back, wearing nothing but the pantyhose and an absurd shiny tiara, with his hairy cock sliding mercilessly in and out of her mouth.

"Just like this," he muttered and kept fucking her mouth, "you like daddy's fat cock, huh?"

The door handle never moved. She focused on breathing and felt his hand reach inside the pantyhose, touching her pussy. He slapped it gently and played with her lips, noisily slipping his fingers in and out. He obviously didn't know or care where the clit was, and Carla didn't care. She just wanted to see the door open and Erich would see what his ugly fantasy really looked like, and he'd either be happy or have a freakout and either way it could all end. She stared at the door, willing it to move, but nothing except the old man's cock did. She didn't want it, she got nothing out of this but emotional blackmail. A stranger was fucking her mouth, and it wasn't the first time this happened to her.

"Yeah, this is just how he wanted to take it," the old man said and kept going. Really Erich, a fucking tiara?

Carla swallowed some built-up saliva and just stayed detached, watching the door handle. She made him do all the work, leg and hip action generating all the movement while she laid there mutely, taking it for her boyfriend.

"He was so into your little blue dress for your birthday." It was Halloween, Carla thought with a touch of annoyance, not a birthday. And it was a checkered white and blue dress, like in the Wizard of Oz movie but hypersexualized. Her boyfriend was shit for details.

He kept fucking her mouth at his pace, "Yeah, you're substituting for him right now." She wished he'd shut up. She knew all this. You got three holes, pick one and just fucking get it over with and shut the fuck up, she thought angrily.

Minutes went by with him still sporadically jabbering, the door handle still didn't move. He started to get rougher fucking her mouth faster. She was swallowing saliva faster, making feedback noises that obviously turned him on. She never got his name, didn't care to know it. He grabbed handfuls of her hair and was using it as a handle, pumping her head up and down on his cock. Please, let the door open soon.

"YEAH YOU LITTLE WHORE," he yelled and started fucking her mouth so fast her vision was nothing but a rattled blur. Where was Erich? "EAT MY COCK," he kept going. Why hadn't Erich come to stop this, to save her, she thought as a torrent of sperm flooded her throat. "SWALLOW IT YOU SLUT!" He kept fucking her mouth so messily that she couldn't help but let it drip out the corners of her mouth. What cum remained in her mouth, she swallowed.

In record time she got dressed, somehow feeling protected by flimsy cloth.

In the guest bathroom she wiped her smeared makeup and fixed her tussled hair. She was sniffling, partly because of the physical discomfort, partly because she was on the verge of crying. She'd gotten sweaty despite not doing anything but taking it for fifteen minutes. She wanted to cry outright but wouldn't give the old asshole satisfaction of knowing how miserable she felt before she left. She couldn't believe Erich hadn't showed up yet after all this, and she was being kicked out to the curb already. Her cell vibrated and she decided not to look at it until she was out of the house.

The walk to her car a block away was a reminder of her shame, and she held her hands crossed tightly, crying slowly. She'd been abandoned and carelessly thrown to a wolf. When she met her boyfriend for the first time in that beautiful arboretum she thought everything would turn out differently and the shock of realizing nothing changed for her was so crushingly disappointing. She was so much more than a pussy and a pair of tits but time after time guys revealed their dissenting opinion with their dicks. She couldn't help it that she was beautiful and the emotional toll of being used as chattel added up over the years. She sat in her car and looked at her phone in the silence and realized it was flooded with text messages from her boyfriend.

"where r u?"

"baby im so sorry couldnt do it"

"u were right"

"u went hme?"

"i was kind of curious n thought wanted it"

"but but when it came to it it tonite"

"just couldnt get myself to do it"

"realized its not fro me"

"u there?"

"ill never ask u again so sorry to waste ur evening like that"

"it was just a dirty fantasy"

"so glad we didn't go"

"sorry late u must be asleep"

"hope u get some sleep"

"ttyl gn"

She screamed in rage. She cried. Waves of everything washed over her. Disappointment. His emotional betrayal. Her physical betrayal. A long year of loyalty, of dutiful obedience, thrown away so quickly. She was tricked into showing up here and he'd coached her for weeks, months, kept driving toward it. He was relentless chasing his nascent perversions, and then his hesitation just... he sent her to be used like a whore. And was it her fault now that she obeyed him? It's what he wanted! He kept saying it!

She felt horrible about letting an old man fuck her mouth, cheating on her boyfriend. She felt so disgusted with herself, with everything. Erich wasn't supposed to be the bad boy. He was supposed to be the sweet community pool lifeguard, with straight As. Not like the others, not like the crowd she ran with once, her abusive boyfriends letting their friends fuck her, use her like a piece of meat, like a cum receptacle, using her as payments. She was done with years of abuse, of being slapped around, of being yelled at for no reason, of being used as currency. The reputation. The videotapes. Piss and cum and bruises.

And yet right now all she felt was that she'd fucked up again after a clean run, that she betrayed Erich and that he could never know about this. So she cried. She drove home, then she cried again.

Weeks went by and she was sullen, mopey. Her boyfriend thought she was on the rag and that served as a wonderful excuse not to talk about her feelings, what'd happened. The break from sex was refreshing too, she felt. She let him think she just went home annoyed that night and nothing happened. God forbid he see the fruits of his sick fantasies, she thought. He couldn't handle that. And as annoyed as she was, she still loved him. She didn't want him to get hurt, or blame himself. She focused on work, pulling late shifts. Schoolwork started looking interesting to her even, morning classes at the community college. She might pull a couple of B's. Nowhere near graduating but she was trying.

One evening she left the ratty restaurant where she worked and walked right by a parked Jaguar. It reminded her of that night and absurdly of how her one intersection with wealth was having to hide her piece of shit car so it wouldn't be seen next to a Jaguar. Same green colored Jaguar, huh.

"Hey sexy," she heard an ominously familiar voice and turned to find the older man standing next to the curb.

She fumed. How'd he know where she worked? Erich must've talked more than just about her Dorothy costume.

"Can I buy you a fancy dinner?" he asked. Carla opened her mouth to tell him off or scream or something but then stopped herself. "Just a dinner," he said. She was hungry, perpetually skipping meals and not just for her figure, and it was a fancy dinner, not just dinner. She decided to make it an expensive dinner, a small token of her dissatisfaction.

"Yeah, okay. You can buy me a fancy dinner," she said defiantly and he held the door open for her. She'd never been in a car this expensive before and she felt underdressed in her black leggings. She was supposed to wear black pants for work, but everyone got away with it. She let him ask empty questions, never answering. Fuck his conversation. She was hungry.

He took her to a fancy Portuguese restaurant and she was amazed they let her in dressed as she was. He ordered a dozen raw oysters and she rolled her eyes when he mentioned them being an aphrodisiac. That was a myth, and fucking corny. Oysters was how you got true heavy metal. She sipped an expensive red wine and ordered seafood, easily the most expensive part of the menu. And ... delicious, her mouth was watering at the thought.

He kept trying to talk to her and she didn't even have to pretend to look bored. She was bored. When she looked at him, all she saw was tuition bills and missing calories they could have paid for earlier. He gave his name and she forgot it just as fast because he was nothing to her. Her stomach gurgled and the oysters arrived, and they were surprisingly tasty. Semi brackish, medium sized. Chilled perfectly. She had to admit, she was enjoying this. A rare delicacy. Not the healthiest, but, once in awhile it was fine.

"Yes, I'm enjoying the oysters," she reluctantly admitted. It was a rare fragment of a conversation she allowed him.

"You're beautiful, you should be enjoying the better things in life," he told her. She rolled her eyes but recognized an honest compliment when she got it. It made her feel slightly warmer toward him, but still a couple hundred Kelvin away from thawing.

Her plate arrived just ahead of his and it was loaded. Lobster tails, lobster claws, sauteed shrimp, crab claws, mussels. Some random green thing in the middle. She salivated, realizing just how hungry she'd gotten. She decided not to wait for him and dug in, discarding the vegetable. The food was beyond scrumptious, all deliciously prepared protein in malt vinegar and garlic sauce. Something she wouldn't feel too guilty eating once in a blue moon.

He started arguing with the waiter, angry at something that she didn't care to pay attention to. Sent something back to the kitchen. Royal asshole. She called it.

"So he never showed up and won't talk to me anymore," the older man broached. So at least some good came of this, Carla thought. She managed to protect Erich after all. He droned on about how they knew each other and she felt sick. The hint of predation was disgusting, a family friend trying to tempt Erich into sucking cock. And still might. She sipped her wine quietly.

She pushed her mostly empty plate away, appetite instantly lost. It was time to end this dinner. He talked for awhile more and she just sat there, uninterested in what he had to say. The check arrived and he put several hundred dollar bills in the presenter and started getting up.

"Aren't you going to wait for your change?" she asked. How could people be so flippant with their money, it was crazy. She couldn't understand that.

"No, they work hard enough." Her respect for him went up by a notch for consideration of restaurant workers, but it was still in the dogshit needle range.

He drove them back to her car and parked. Just as she unbuckled herself, he loosened his belt and pulled his cock out, already erect.

"Now I'm gonna feed you dessert."

She started walking out of the car without a glance when he yelled after her.

"Get back in here or I'll tell your boyfriend what you did."

She froze. Tears started forming in her eyes and she wiped them off, frustrated. Why can't this nightmare be over? She regretted so many things, just couldn't put them in a proper order. She got back in the car and closed the door. So that's how it's gonna be, she thought. Fine. She leaned over to put her head in his lap. She wasn't sucking his cock, she was making him work for it. She wanted to show no enthusiasm, a primal messaging of sorts. Disinterest, so he'd get bored and move on. But it backfired within minutes.

"Love how submissive you are," he said as he was fucking her face again. "You love my fat cock, don't you?" So that was the wrong tact apparently. "You nasty slut!" He slapped her ass a few times, so unimaginative. He kept talking and wouldn't shut up. Carla just wanted this moment over. "You can't get enough of daddy's big cock, can you? Huh?" Meh.

He asked, "what would your boyfriend say if he saw us right now?"

She snapped inside, angry at this circus, at her boyfriend. Erich should hurt, she thought. Her being honest with him exposed her past but it wasn't meant to be a license. She was just offering honesty and getting none in return. She started sucking the older man's cock like she meant it, hoping Erich would see this. Hands-on. No more passive face fucking. Five PSI. She hoped Erich boils in fucking water like a crab when she tells him later.

"Thanks for letting me suck your big cock, daddy," she said sarcastically between changing hands and hoped there was a God, that Erich would show up and see this right now, or that at least this old pervert will tell Erich the things she said. "Please give me your dessert daddy," he thought she begged. But it was pure disdain.

She was so angry with her boyfriend. Is this what he wanted? She'd show him how disappointing his fantasy really was. She was so tired of making all the time in the world for him and getting nothing in return. "Yeah, he bought me oysters and they got me all horny, Erich," she imagined telling him while he cried, "it was the oysters, stupid. Of course I had to let him fuck me because he bought me oysters, Erich," she was angry at his naive understanding of the universe, of sexuality. His cheapness. Fuck it, she loved sucking cocks. She loved being used. Maybe rich grandpa will pass her around. Maybe he had a horny friend his age, and she'll just be their little fucktoy on the side. Whatever. She was so done with Erich. He didn't deserve her.

He started grunting, suddenly overwhelmed by her attention. He didn't have long. She never stopped sucking his cock, not even a slowdown. It was a militant blowjob, forced and unrelenting. She wouldn't let him gently pull her off his cock. He had to use his whole strength to force her head off, almost literally pry her off his cock, he didn't want to cum just yet and she was on a mission, pumping it in her mouth like an expert.

He pushed her against the seat and held her against it with one hand and tried to pull her tights off with the other, surprised she didn't wear underwear. He only got them a few inches down. This chick was so wild, he thought. He desperately struggled to move out of his seat, leaned over the center console and reached for the passenger seat controls. He managed to slide the seat back and recline it and Carla offered no help whatsoever. She noticed he had a ring on his finger, so a married dirtbag.

She folded her legs out of the way, resting her crossed feet by the passenger side mirror. Her ass just barely hung out of her tights like some kind of a delicious apple, her pussy and asshole in plain view for him. By time he was finally on top of her, halfway hovering across the center console, she blurted, "pick any hole" and it startled him. He hadn't expected her to be this bold and it was so clumsy piling on top of her trying to enter her. She was so incredibly flexible.

Fuck her asshole boyfriend, Carla thought. Is this what he wanted? For her to be fucked without a condom by ugly grandpa? In a car, like a fucking streetwalker? His cock pressed against her taint and she wondered where it would go, up or down? It ended up in her pussy and he started fucking her hard, surprised at how wet she was. So young, a rare taste of youth for him. And he finally got a hold of a real slut, he was excited beyond belief. She was so wasted on that confused boy.

She just stared at him, blank faced. Within ten pumps he grunted and tried to prolong it but there was no saving it. He came in spurts and collapsed on top of her, squishing her legs against the door. She just laid there partly buried under his flab and used some of his cum for lubricant, sticking a few fingers in and out of her ass. When he got off her finally and leaned back in his seat, he just watched her, mesmerized. Fuck, Carla was sexy.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Beautiful writing

I never comment on any of these. I do my business and go. But your writing style here? Absolutely marvelous. You’re an actually good writer and that’s hard to find. Really great job on cultivating your style!

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