Carmen's Gift

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Stepmom gets drunk with her stepson.
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It was one in the morning when I finally made it home. I had wanted to go to Florida to celebrate Spring Break and my twenty first birthday all at the same time, but my wallet said fuck you, so here I am. I parked beside my stepmom's old 1968 Volkswagen van. It served as Carmen's mobile massage wagon. And it was a welcoming site even though it was painted hot pink with a big yellow peace symbol painted on the side with the words "Happy Hands" painted below it.

Needless to say I was bone tired from the six hour drive down and there were no lights on in the house which meant my parents were asleep. They always go to bed early. So I grabbed my suitcase and I headed to my room which was around the back of the house it had been the old pool house. But my stepmom Carmen had the bright idea to fill in the pool and make it a Zen rock garden, which looks pretty nice. So dad and I turned the pool house into my bedroom.

I followed the white gravel path around to the back and stopped dead in my tracks at the site that lay before me. The pool house... my room... had been painted... hot pink! "What in the FUCK?!" I gasped in shock, dropping my suitcase. This had to be Carmen's fucking idea! There's no way I'm standing for this crap!

I walked over and began banging on the patio doors. Pretty soon the lights came on in the living room and Carmen came running into the kitchen. She was still tying her robe when she came to the door. Her blond hair was a mess and her blue eyes had a sleepy look about them. Yep I'd woken her up but I was too pissed off to care at the moment!

Dad came in behind her armed with his Glock forty five. Now that concerned me since dad sucked at shooting the damn thing. I should know because we used to practice at the range together and he shoots at everything but the damn target.

"What the fuck is going on?" he shouts.

I guessed that they couldn't see me because the patio doors were tinted so I knocked on the glass again which startled Carmen and she yelped. Dad turned on the outside flood lights and because the damn things were mounted over the doorway it nearly blinded me! Thankfully Carmen recognized me, before dad started popping off rounds.

"James!" She exclaimed, quickly unlocking the door and sliding it open and she pulled me for a big hug. The feel of her big tits against my chest kinda put me at ease and excited me all at the same time. I'm gonna tell yeah boys she's got these tiny little tits and they stand up so nice and firm and her nipples there the size of my thumbs and they stick straight out! I'll tell yeah now the sight of them will make your dicks as hard a brick.

"Dang it James why didn't you call us and give us a heads up that you were coming?" dad snapped lowering the gun...thankfully.

"Because I wanted it to be a surprise, besides it's my birthday and I figured I'd spend it home." I said.

"Well you certainly accomplished that!" dad grumbled. You might be getting the picture of mine and my dad's relationship. He's an asshole!

"Ah shut up, Stan, it's our son's birthday and he deserves to celebrate it at home!" Carmen growled back at him. Dad rolled his eyes and then she turned to me, "It's okay, James."

"It looks like, I'm not the only one to get a shock." I said and pointed at the pool house. "What the hell is that?!"

"Watch your mouth when you're talking to your mom, boy!"

"Oh Stan will you shut up, please?!" Carmen snapped then she turned to me and giggled, "It's my massage and yoga studio, baby. Doesn't it look nice?"

"When did all this happen?" I frowned.

Carmen frowned as well and she turned and looked at dad. Then she popped him hard on the chest, "Stan!! Do you mean to tell me that you didn't inform, James of our plan?!"

My old man suddenly looked sheepish, "Ahh, I...I forgot, sweetheart. I'm sorry."

Carmen shook her head, "You've been forgetting a lot lately! Except for how to find your way to the golf course! How could you have forgotten to tell our son about this?!" she snapped. "No wonder he's shocked, this is all your fault not his!"

Dad hung his head, "I'm sorry, baby."

She shook her head and then turned to look at me again, "James...I don't know what to...?" Her eyes filled with tears. "I know this must be hard for you and I certainly didn't want it to be. But Nelly Belle (her van) broke down on me and I had no place to take my clients and..." Tears started rolling down her cheeks.

Now I suddenly felt bad because Carmen was crying.

I took her in my arms and held her to me, "Wait mom it's okay. I didn't mean to upset you. It's just that I've been on the road all day and I'm so tired."

"Do you mean that, James that it's really okay?" She asked taking my face in her soft hands.

"Yes mom I do." I said and forced a smile. It still sucked but it wasn't worth making her cry over and she was right this was dad's fault. I gave him a hard look and he glared at me.

"Oh James thank you!" she exclaimed. "I just love you so much! Thank you. Thank you THANK YOUUU!!!" she started kissing my cheek and rubbing those tits on me again and I just didn't want her to stop. But my dad certainly did, since the little robe she was wearing came open and she was now rubbing her bare tits against my chest. I could actually feel her fat pink nipples through the thin tank top I was wearing. Hell yeah!

Dad took her by the arm and hauled her back "Damn woman give him a breath will ye!"

Carmen blushed and gathered herself and that's when she noticed that her robe was open. She didn't hurry to close it either. Lets just say my mom is a nudist at heart so she certainly didn't care about her tits showing and I certainly didn't either. But dad was another story, "Close your robe Carmen our son doesn't need to see his mom's tits."

Carmen smiled at me, she knew I liked them but she tied the robe anyway to please dad.

"So where am I bunking tonight?" I asked.

"I have a room already set up for you, James." she picked up my suitcase and grabbed my hand, "Come on I'll show you!" she beamed and practically dragged me through the kitchen. I saw my dad roll his eyes.

"I'll see you in the morning, son. Before I leave." he frowned pulling the sliding door closed and locking it.

I gave him a thumbs up and let Carmen lead me down the hall her plump yet tight ass twitching side to side. She'd picked out one of the larger of the three guest bedrooms and had set it up exactly the way I'd had my room set up in the Pool house. My trophies were on top of the chest of drawers, my double bed was on the opposite wall so it faced the window and she hung all my Ozzy posters in the correct order. She'd even updated my entertainment system too with a new fifty inch flat screen and DVD player! "Oh hell yeah!" I exclaimed grabbing the remote and plopping back on my bed. "How did you talk dad into this?"

Carmen smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed, "James you know good and well that I can get him to do anything after a good massage. You know that." she winked.

I laughed, "Oh yeah he's a sucker for a good hand job."

"Oh my goodness, James!" she busted out in a fit of giggles and popped my foot.

"All shit aside, mom I think it's wonderful how you've set everything up." I winked.

"I'm so glad you like it, honey. I knew you had your eye on this bedroom before your dad forced you to take the pool house."

I smiled, "I guess it was his way of getting me out of the house."

She shook her head, "You two were always at each other's throat."

"He still acts like an ass with me." I said.

Carmen nodded, "I don't know why he acts like that with you honey, I really don't."

"I'm not worried about it, mom. I really wanted to spend my twenty first birthday with you not him."

She leaned over and laid her head against my chest, "Ahh that's so sweet baby, thank you."

Damn my body was reacting to the warmth of her body and my cock was getting stiff. "So mom how's business going since you moved into the pool house?"

She smiled, "Oh James, it's taken off like wild fire and my clientele come to me as opposed to me going to them. I save money on gas and wear and tear on Nelle Belle."

"So are you still doing those special Yoga sessions?" I smiled.

Carmen blushed, "James?!" she giggled and shook her head. "I only did that for a little while, just to build up my clientele." she winked.

The special Yoga session as I've come to call it is where Carmen does Yoga in a little red Euro bikini. And OMG it was so fucking hot too. After the session she gives the client a deep tissue massage but minus the happy ending she wouldn't take it that far. But she would allow them to give themselves a happy ending as she watched. How I knew about it is I heard my dad telling one of his buddies about it; Jack I think his name was. Well dad sent mom to his house for one of her special yoga sessions. It was one of his ideas to help mom build her business since Jack knew a lot of important people. I think mom may have had sex with the guy after his massage.

"I don't do that anymore, James. I run a reputable business, honey."

I gave her a sideways smile.

"Well I do!" she said raising her right hand.

"Well that's a damn shame!" I said.

Carmen gave me a curious look, "And why is that?"

I just smiled, "I was thinking maybe you would give me one of those special yoga sessions as a birthday gift."

She laughed and shook her head, "Oh James!" she started to walk toward the door.

"Wait!" I said.

She turned and looked at me and folded her arms, "What?"

"Oh nothing. I just wanted to see you turn around, is all." I chortled.

Carmen rolled her blue eyes and shook her head, "You really need to stop acting like this with me, James. I'm your mother, remember?"

I smiled, "Let me see your breasts, mom."

"James...?!" she giggled.

"Please mom." I pleaded with both hands clasped together.

Carmen rolled her eyes and shook her head, "You and your father are just alike." she said, and with that she untied her robe and opened it wide.

My mouth dropped like it did the night of my eighteenth birthday, when she flashed me her tits as a birthday gift to me. Dad didn't know about that, nor does he know that she let me jerk off while looking at them.

I reached into my gym pants and grabbed my cock and mom's eyes went wide., "James? Honey you're not going to do that again are you?"

"I don't remember you having a problem with me doing the last time." I said as I pulled my shorts down. And she certainly didn't in fact she watched me awe struck like she'd did that night.

She pulled the door closed and her expression softened, "Go ahead, James." she giggled and walked over to the foot of my bed. She slipped her robe off and pushed her hands under her tits and lifted them and caressed them all while looking down at me and she had this look on her face that could rival any porn star. Goddamn she looked hot!

I started stroking my cock until it was hard as steel.

Carmen moaned and sighed as if she were being fucked.

"Oh MAN! Take your panties off mom."

"No I will not young man."

"Please...oh fuck...Please!"

She smiled and rolled her eyes, "Well since it's your birthday..."

I knew I could get mom to do anything when I start to beg.

She had on a pair of white cotton panties and she bends over and thumbs them down and stands up straight and spreads her arms out to her sides.

The sight of mom puffy blond bush just took my breath away. It was untrimmed and untamed, a real lady's bush.

"Yes mom. Oh fuck yes!" I started thrusting my hips pushing my cock between my hands and oh man the friction was incredible. I enjoyed masturbating so much in fact I could fuck any woman I wanted to and right now I was fucking my mom. Though it was all in mind but in my lewd fantasy I had her legs pinned up behind her head with his pussy thrust upwards and I'm just frog fucking the hell out of her.

"You're soo big James! Soooo very big!" she moaned in one of the sexiest voices I've ever heard.

"Am I bigger than dad?" I panted, jerking away.

"Oh yesss darling. I only wish that your father was as long and thick as you are."

"I wish I could put my dick in you and fuck you like a slut, mom." I was jerking my cock faster now as I talked dirty to her.

Carmen's eyes went wide and she actually blushed at the statement.

"I'd give it to you, mom. I swear I would!!" I'm so close now.

"Oh goodness, James. So your telling me that you would fuck me... your dear mother of all people?"

"Yes Oh yesss I would. I'd drill your pussy so fucking hard, mom." I said nearly breathless now as I jerked my cock faster and faster. "Oh FUCK! I'm so CLOSE." I cried out.

Carmen hurried around to the side of the bed and she bent forward and positioned her face just a few inches from my cock. "Go ahead baby, give it to mommy. Let me have it all!" she opened her mouth wide. The very site of her positioned over me like that sent me over the edge and I came and I came hard too. My cum shot forth like a geyser and Carmen caught it right in her mouth. And what didn't get in her mouth splattered against her lips and chin.

Mom raised up and looked down at me and I watched in amazement as she used her fingers to scoop the excess cum into her mouth...and there was plenty of it since I'd cum like a bull.

" taste so nice, James!" she said and I swear I think I saw her shudder.

"Holy shit, mom you're a cum vamp!" I said breathless.

She giggled and licked her index finger, and looked at me, "A what...?"

"A cum vamp. That's what we call the girls at our school that enjoy eating cum. They want suck a dick but they'll let you cum in their mouth!"

"Well I guess I certainly fit that description. But I do love to suck cock as well." she winked.

"That's something you're gonna have to prove to me, mom." I smiled.

Carmen rolled her eyes and stood up, "I better get to bed, I have a group coming in tomorrow. And you know what that's like. You'll have to fix your own lunch."

I shrugged, "No problem, mom."

"Goodnight sweetheart." she leaned in and kissed my cheek and I could feel my wet semen still on her lips.

"Same." I said.

She yawned and walked out closing the bedroom door behind her. I laid back on the bed still flabbergasted by what Carmen had just done. It was a site to behold seeing her take my load like that. I drifted off to sleep and I dreamed about Carmen sucking my dick!

I got up around 11:30 the next morning with the sun peeping through my window. But that wasn't what really awakened me. It was the sounds of laughter coming from outside my bedroom window which faced the pool house. I got up and pinched the blinds so I could see out and I was shocked to see a group of four guys sitting around on the benches at the entrance to mom's yoga/massage parlor for lack of a better title. They were dressed in white terry cloth robes and each of them carried a towel about their shoulders.

"Damn, Rick I didn't know yoga could be so intense!" One of the guys closest to the window said. He was a bald portly fellow who looked to be in his late sixties.

"Oh bullshit, like you were concentrating on the positions, Charlie." Rick said punching his arm.

The big man laughed, "Well I kinda stopped trying after she began doing the "Downward facing dog" position. My dick got so fucking hard seeing that sweet bare ass of hers sticking up in the air like that. It made me want to just stand up and slam my dick inside that little asshole of hers!"

The guy named Rick chortled, "Shit it was the "Low Cobra" pose, I was about to lose my fucking mind on. It made me want to crawl under those little tits of hers and start sucking those juicy nipples!"

I stepped back from the window in shock. Was Carmen doing naked yoga? It sure as fuck sounded like it or how else would those guys know what her nipples looked like? Did dad know? Hell it was probably his idea. What the fuck?

Again I stepped close to the window to listen in. I wanted to hear more.

"What in the hell is taking Howard so fucking long?" Rick said looking down at his gold Rolex watch. The watch had to be worth over ten grand. "The asshole has been in there for over thirty minutes! How is that even possible.

"Yeah, you would think he would have popped his load by now." Charlie laughed. "Her little mouth feels just like a cunt when she's going at it. Hell I didn't last ten minutes the last time she did me." Rick smiled.

"Ten minutes?! Shit I didn't get to five!" Charlie huffed.

"Damn Charlie!" Rick laughed and clapped him on the back.

"Whatever, dude. And you know what the bitch swallows like a good little whore too. Every fucking drop!" Charlie said.

Rick busted out laughing, "You know one time she let me cum all over her face and come to think of it she ate it then too. A fucking cum whore is what she is, dude!"

"Agreed, she's never let us fuck her pussy but she'll suck a bone dry."

"That Stan's a lucky man." Charlie said.

"Yeah he is, but I hope he doesn't kiss her at the end of the day." Rick said and the duo busted out laughing.

The door opened on the dojo and a tall geeky looking fellow stepped out. He was fully dressed and wearing a black Georgio Armani suit. The suit alone was worth over three grand. Were all these fuckers rich? If so then...way to go mom! At least she was selling her services to the upper class.

Mom stepped out right behind him and was wearing a short purple and black Kimono that barely covered her ass. The guy who I assume was Howard turned around and gave her a big hug and he reached behind her and grabbed her ass. The guys all cheered at that. Then he turned around and walked away. Some of the guys were giving him high fives and fist bumps as he passed.

"The cocky fucker. Look at him acting like a king." Charlie chortled.

"Well you gotta hand it to him he did last his thirty minutes." Rick smiled.

"Ah shut up!" Charlie said and he stood up and walked over and Carmen stepped aside to let him in.

Carmen smiled and looked towards Rick and that's when she saw me peeping out the window. She frowned and turned and stepped back inside.

I shut the blind and stepped away from the window not really knowing how I felt about the situation. But then what's it any of my business?

I went to the kitchen and fixed myself a sandwich but when I took the Mayo out of the fridge I saw that it was separating and upon closer inspection I can see lipstick around the rim. I put the lid back on and tossed it in the trash.

About that time my dad steps into the kitchen dressed in his golfing clothes. "What's up, James?" He said opening the fridge and grabbing a beer and I couldn't help but look at him.

Dad looks at me, "What?"

"I thought we might hang out today, I mean it is my birthday, dad."

"Yes it is and happy birthday to you by the way, but Frank is coming by to pick me up. We had this game planned before you showed up unannounced last night."

I nodded and shrugged I didn't really care anymore. He was never one for celebrating my birthday. Hell I grew up feeling like I'd been a mistake for most of my life and to tell the truth, if it weren't for Carmen being there for me I would have most likely been out getting in trouble or doing drugs. Stan the man should have used a fucking condom if he hadn't of wanted a kid.

Dad took a swig of his beer and walked over and looked out the patio doors. "Carmen's busy this morning." He looked down at his watch.

"So I guess your cool with whats going on in her Dojo, huh?"

"And why wouldn't I be. She making bank, James."

"So it's all about the money, right?" I said smartly.

He turned and looked at me, "No it's not about the money son. It's about your mother's happiness. And it gives me a fucking break." he smirked raising his beer.