Carnival of Delights Pt. 03: Noah

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Noah finds himself at the mercy of a cruel daddy.
5.3k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/03/2021
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Out of the four boys caught Noah, by far, would be considered the sweetest. The twenty-one-year-old had grown delusional of his soft looks and who they attracted. Running with the alphas in the school had perhaps convinced him he was seen as one. If he ever gave into his curiosity he would have known he was the prime image of a sweet young man needing to be ravaged. His soft blond hair gave for an easy grab, his full lips gave hint at a sweet seal, while his tight physique would only looked good forcibly bent down for another man. It was a Friday when he had found out what he was truly meant for. Watching his stronger friends be subdued and assaulted had brought out a submissive nature he hoped would save his life.

When Noah was taken out of the cabin he found himself being ushered to the heart of the fair. He had been brought to one of the games and found his stomach churning when he read the sign "Wack-a-Mole." He knew how the game worked, he played it as a child many times. His confusion was how you would incorporate a living person in it. That answer came when he was brought to a line of spanking benches in a row. Each bench had a colour upon it and before he could gather what they all were he was placed at one with a green spot. His cries were rewarded with laughter, and it seemed the others abducted for such a game also shared irritation with him. They had all been forced into this hell and there was no sense in wailing about it. In the end he resigned to his fate and found himself strapped in place.


Noah sat trembling in place wondering what was going to happen. There was no way he could tell time but assumed he must have been strapped to the bench for an hour or two before commotion was going on around him. The smells around teased him with fond memories of fried foods and carnival rides. His tears started when he realized he had become the ride. He knew he was going to be beaten but couldn't stop pondering on what other twisted things were headed his way. In the cabin there had been many comments about his young body. When they sodomized him with the dildo there were cruel jokes on who was going to love his hole next. He was a prize of some sort; his imagination wouldn't quite let him delve into what that meant but he knew none of it was good. Before the day was over he was sure he would be taken by some strange man. His tears flowed like a river of salty sweetness down his face as he tugged against his restraints.

The others around Noah had grown frustrated with his girlish weeping. It was not without reason, the silent men would have been crying if they knew what was heading their way. Sadistic men roamed the carnival hoping to inflict as much pain as humanly possible. They had a vengeance against youth and sought to handle it by bending those they could not be to their will. Damien was no doubt one of the worst.

Damien Black, the ex marine who was as physically capable as the men he hunted brought more than a chill of fear to the ones he targeted. Since his twenties he had always had a sinister joy in watching the look of pain upon a pretty face. Now in his fifties he had accumulated wealth that would let him seek out his desires and a partner he could share them with. The young man moving by his side was once one of the men Damien unleashed his cruelty upon. Although months of subservience wore him down and he found a dark fantasy that could not be tapped by any other. Reid adored his daddy and there wasn't much he wouldn't do for him. Once he accepted his role he found life had moved by easier. His daddy would never neglect any of his needs, nor forget a punishment if it was necessary. Gifts weren't scarce either and currently he was set to enjoy one of them. The carnival was always a tradition that had grown to be one of his favorites.

Damien's dark eyes scanned the fair grounds. His excitement had his attention moving every direction trying to figure out where to start off. He couldn't withhold the smile as he watched his boy enjoying some cotton candy giving a wide smile of appreciation. Reid was anything but rude so he tried to keep his attention to the attractions he thought his daddy would enjoy. It was endearing to see the hazel eyes dart to the games before resuming attention to the one who brought him here. Finally, Damien grabbed his partner looking to the games.

"How about your daddy tries to win you one of these prizes."

Reid's hazel eyes lit up, "Are you sure?"

Damien nodded causing the young man to jump up and down with glee.

"Thank you daddy!"

"Which one of these games caught your attention kid?" Damien asked running a hand over his partner's light brown hair.

"No one in Wack-a-Mole yet. How about I get to show them how strong my daddy can be."

A sinister smile came over Damien, "You always know how to please your daddy."

Perhaps the only solace for Noah was that he wasn't the only behind to feel Damien's hand. Eventually his sobs had died down and it was when he was silent had the cruel top moved up to the game.

Footsteps were moving around him and he craned his neck to try and see who it was. His position had made it impossible however and he was only left with the words of those around. He knew it was bad when a few around had started sniffling. Whatever he was here for was going to happen. He began to shake in his binds as one of the carnys explained the game.

"We have five minutes, ten minutes and fifteen. Ten tokens per every five minutes. You are free to use your own implements but we ask you stick with paddles, canes or your hands. You will notice large coloured markings by each of the bottoms, when you see the light shine you have ten seconds to hit the bottom with the matching colour. Points will be giving for bruising, amount of hits and screams, beat the high-score you get a prize."

Noah jumped when a hand came across his naked behind.

"Good ol' green here is as tight as they come. We have a cozy setup in the back tent where this cunt can be yours. Good luck."

Noah's only response was a plea for release. He hadn't resorted to screams like before but hoped a sympathetic whimper could sway the hearts of those around. A tear rolled down his cheek when the opposite happened. He heard a giggle of excitement followed by a moan of longing.

"Win him daddy!"

Noah did everything in his power to stop his limbs from trembling; glancing to the side he realized he wasn't the only one. From his peripheral he caught the glow of lights and music started up. The game had started.

There was nowhere to run, nowhere to turn as he waited his abuse. His mind immediately began to run to the extreme porn he and his friends would turn on for a dare. By the end of the video the girl would be crying, bruised and unable to walk. When a scream came from his left he nearly jumped out of his skin. He found himself whimpering as well, wondering what made so much noise when hitting the skin. The man continued shrieking for another few seconds before he stilled. Tears were streaming down his face and his entire body coated in a sweat. There was no time for Noah to relax as another shriek was heard.

Damien worked with ruthless skill as he beat the tender asses red. With each smack of his paddle a body would pull away while simultaneously letting out a scream that caused his blood to race south. Blue turned to yellow and he found himself moving for the next awaiting behind. Reid was now clapping his hands and cheering with glee as a squeal came over the tent. He laughed along with his partner and watched as the light turned green. He was lucky, it was only one step to the left. He brought up his paddle bringing it across the unmarked flesh.

Noah screamed as a burning sensation overcame his left cheek. He could feel his muscle flinching from the hit and a bruise slowly growing from the spot. As he sucked in a feeble breath he was struck again. This time his cry escaped as a plea for mercy. He tried to kick at the one hitting him only to receive another strike. He howled out feeling his vocal cords strain. It was now could he feel a deep imprint of the wood hitting him. His poor trembling cheeks were rewarded with another strike causing him to jerk away. It seemed attempts at escape were handled with more pain, but he couldn't help it. The force alone caused his body to lurch forward. Then it was over. He hung limply trying to catch his breath as the man at the very end of the line began crying for an end.

Noah was now left trying to put the pieces together. He had never felt such pain before. It even seemed to trump his humiliation leading him to forget why he was here. The only thing he knew was he wanted a warm blanket and to curl up. He again raised his head to try and read the faces of those around. Everyone looked as distraught as him. Tear stricken faces were mumbling for an end while their sadistic tormentor showed no signs of mercy. Noah's moment of silence finally came to an end when he felt something else land on him.

Damien's eyes shone with excitement as the shrill scream the young man let out. Now that he worked each ass with his paddle he decided it was time to bring out the cane. The metal rod was often too intense for the biggest pain slut and was sure would get the reaction he craved. The one he was currently hitting seemed to have the prettiest voice of them all.


One last lash made it across Noah's ass before Damien moved on. The young man lay shaking in his binds near convulsions. The leather his skin had been rubbing on had now become slick with sweat while his ears ringing from the screams. He let himself hang in the high of his pain. Unsure how to handle the time passing or deal with his racing thoughts. Only such a cruel world would see to it he landed in such a place. His haze was broken as the light shone green one more time and Damien moved in.

His pain escaped in both hiccups and screams. It was odd but he could swear the warmed up skin was starting to accept the abuse. Grunts were now leaving him as a large hand moved over his ass again and again. Once again the light turned colour and his attacker moved on.

Fifteen minutes was normally the time required to break a record, but it was fair to say Damien had an arm like no other. Ten minutes was plenty of time to ensure his mark was made. His cruelty had brought his points up quickly and when the bell rang alerting the game was over he turned to see Reid jumping up and down.

"You did it! You did it! Look Daddy!"

Damien turned to see his score outranking the one needed for first prize. He couldn't stop the prideful smile as he looked to the ass he would be taking. The carny then took a step forward congratulating him.

"Haven't seen a man swing like that in a long time."

Damien chuckled, "My arm's going to thank me for it tomorrow. Curious to see what my prize is."

"Yes!" The carny said clapping his hands together, "As beautiful as they come. He was almost brought to the raffle so you've definitely got your money's worth."

The pain had made it difficult to process. Noah had finally pieced together what was being spoken when he felt his restraints undo and a rough hand yank him up. He stumbled to the side nearly falling over as the carny held the scruff of his neck. He brought his hands down trying to cover himself. The carny then smiled and whispered to him.

"Don't even think of running. The man who beat will have no problem chasing you down, then you'll be real sorry."

The idea of running hadn't dawned on him, his legs wouldn't even stop shaking. He nodded his head expressing his understanding. Not allowing the pit in his stomach to pull him to the ground he turned around to face the one who won him.

Seeing two men in arm caused another wave of nausea. The younger one was smiling at him the way he's seen girls do with shiny trinkets. The man who undoubtedly brought such pain merely nodded his head in approval. The sinking filling in his stomach grew stronger and now panic was flowing through his veins. He didn't know how to describe it, but he was sure this is what deer felt like in the presence of wolves. Grey hair was slicked back giving a striking contrast to the dark eyes boring into him. The man's build was what he expected a body builder or superhero to have. When a tear trickled down his face the man let out a malicious smile.

"You weren't kidding when you said he was pretty."

"He's almost as pretty as me!" The young man said with great excitement.

"Indeed he is," the older one sighed.

Noah let out a whimper taking a step back. He did not want to be locked away with this couple.

"We will bring him to the back and get him ready for you," the carny said.

"Wonderful! My boy and I will just be getting a drink. We won't be more than fifteen minutes."

"No problem sir, see you soon."

Noah felt his head hang in shame as the two men about to rape him walked off. The pain and exhaustion had subdued him while his earlier experience told him what fighting would lead to. He gave wide eyes to the carny praying for an end to the pain. The man smiled and pointed to a tent tucked behind the game stand.

It was cozy, and to his shame he found himself moving to a large pillow set upon the ground taking a seat. The carny simply chuckled. His docile attitude seemed to be understood as he was allowed to quietly sit and eye the tent he was in. Thick pillows, carpets and duvets were everywhere. A few towels could be seen along with a large bottle of lubricant. Again his nature was not to run but watch nervously. When he saw a pole with a long chain and collar attached his nerves hit.

"Please don't let him hurt me that much again," he whispered softly.

The carny smirked bring over the collar, "Perhaps if you give him this sweet attitude he won't."

Noah had nowhere to run and no one to help him. He should have started a fight, should have used this moment to try and get some leverage. Yet the collar was secured on his neck and he allowed it to be locked into place without a fuss. When the carny commented on how he was a good boy he even had a tinge of excitement. Perhaps being a good boy would work in his favor. He eyed the carny then the bottles of water.

"Suppose even I would need a drink after that."

He was sure to give a thank you as the water bottle was handed to him. The carny then gave an almost sweet smile. Both seemed to sense he would cause little trouble so the carny took his leave to attend to the other guests. Noah sat in silence waiting.

He wasn't sure which was worse, the knowledge he was about to be raped or sitting in silence and waiting for it. Sitting was a bold statement, he was curled on his side allowing his ass some time to breathe. He looked over his shoulder gently touching the growing bruises. He winced as his fingers traced over the growing welts and black marks. He was in so much goddamn pain. He knew being spanked could hurt but his entire body wracked with exhaustion he never deemed possible from a sex act.

"Awe. Poor thing he looks so sore."

Noah jumped at the excited voice. He couldn't get to his feet yet so he turned his head to look at the two entering. He realized how much of an injured lamb he must have looked curled up on a plush pillow. When those dark eyes locked onto him his limbs began to shake. The large man took a step forward and he found himself recoiling away.

"Please," he whimpered.

"I know," the man purred. "Haven't heard someone scream like that in ages. Your poor ass must feel like hellfire and now some strange man is about to fuck it."

The words caused Noah to wince and his reaction made the large man smile. Again, that powerful voice was heard causing his body to lock in place. How could a tone command such dominance that it caused his head to lower in submission? Was he really such a slut?

"Lucky for you your ass gets to go to my boy."

Another giggle of excitement and he watched the young man move with glee. He eyed the large man unsure where to start. He had thought his body was earned by this muscular god, not the punk trailing at his heels. He was hit with both relief and aggravation. There was no way he could handle whatever this man was packing between his legs, but he couldn't deny the humiliation in being fucked by such a meek looking person. He finally got the strength to get to his feet and moved away.

He momentarily forgot who he was dealing with. The large man grabbed his chain and ripped him back. Noah's feet were lifted off the ground as he was yanked backwards. He hit the soft floor with a thud coughing as a strong foot took place on his chest. With teary eyes he looked up to the man.

"My boy is going to fuck you and fuck you well. I beat your ass blue for fun, imagine what I can do if you piss me off. Now crawl over to that little pink pillow, bend over and wait for some cock."

His oversized lips formed a pout and his eyes shone with tears. Despite the humiliation racking throughout he nodded his head.

"Good boy,"

There was that chill of excitement again. The foot was removed from his chest and he rolled onto all fours. His eyes found the plush pillow he was tucked onto before and he proceeded to crawl onto it.

"Look at him go!" Reid called with excitement.

Damien's eyes remained glued to the bruised ass as it moved across the floor. The sight was getting to him, with each crawl a little pink bud would reveal itself aching to be taken. It was almost a shame his boy was going to take it. He ran his hand over his cock licking his lips. He would join, and Reid's ass was impossibly tight. Deciding he was going to start in his partner and finish with a shrieking slut him he nodded to the young man. Reid knew what to do. He moved to the table grabbing the lube while simultaneously fiddling with the buttons to his pants. Soon enough he was stripped from the waste down grinning at his awaiting prize.

Noah was resorted to a trembling mess as the young rapist sauntered over. A hard cock poking at him caught his attention first, it wasn't anything porn sized but slightly larger than himself. After he was done looking to the rape-stick he moved to the physique of the young man. The body he was looking at reminded him of himself. Muscular but nothing anyone would consider over whelming. It was enough definition to entice looks but petite enough to make a fun grab. Thoughts of kicking sense into the young attacker shook away when dark eyes narrowed on him. He simply lowered his head and arched his back.

A nervous breath escaped him when he heard the pop of a cap and felt something cool and wet rubbing along his hole. His shaking intensified as he imagined an engorged cock eager to press inside. The bruising on his backside did not help his case because the moment a hand was on it he let out a gasp.

"Please, be gentle."

"You're lucky, I'm not daddy."

A mushroom head was now sliding against his virgin hole and he bit his lip. It was going to happen now. Any bit of pride he had left was going to be ripped away. He bit his lip, clenching his ass hoping for a merciful time.

"When you get the head in wait for me," a deep voice growled out.

Noah couldn't hear the response, it was muted by his scream. The dildo had stretched his ass but he found since the hours after the assault his hole snapped back into a tight little crevice. The soreness the dildo left had not disappeared however and returned with an excruciating stretch as his ring was forced open. He was left bucking which caused his rapist to grab his bruised cheeks and push the rest of the head in.

He was now taking laboured breaths as his hole tried to accommodate the member inside. His tearful eyes finally opened when he felt footsteps and he turned to see daddy... or the other attacker approach. His heartbeat seemed to increase as this hunk began to unbuckle his belt. Noah proceeded to shake his head reminding himself of the situation. He had been kidnapped, he was being raped... excitement and arousal would not be the proper response. He had failed to hide his gulp when the pants and briefs had been dropped.