Carol & the Carpet Guy Ch. 05

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Harry goes back to Carol's house.
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Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 04/17/2024
Created 08/27/2022
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When I got back to the shop twenty minutes later the whole crew was washing their equipment in the truck bay. I parked my van and got out.

"Hey guys!" I shouted.

Ivan, the big, young Russian kid was the only one who looked. Joey, a fat, middle-aged guido, Eddie and Jamal, both our token black dudes, Pedro, a short Guatemalan, and David, a good looking young white guy like me, and owner of Luster Carpet Cleaning all continued cleaning their equipment in the bank of sinks along the back wall. "I just fucked the tits off a rich lawyer's gorgeous blonde trophy wife!"

Everyone stopped talking and working. Silence descended. They all looked at me in various stages of shock.

Joey suddenly shouted, "Yeah, Dog! I knew you weren't fucking gay!"

All the guys except for Dave and Jamal burst out into loud applause, laughing, whistling and shouting. Joey looked over at Jamal and screamed, "You owe me fifty bucks, Jammy!"

Jamal just smiled, shook his head and went back to cleaning his vacuum.

The ovation ended and everyone began working again except for Dave. He looked a lot more shocked than anyone else had. His mouth still hung open. Finally, he took a few steps toward me and pointed a long handled scrub brush at me. "Be fucking straight with me, Harry," he yelled. "You are NOT talking about Carol. Carol fucking Joyce? Jim Joyce's wife? You were there today, right?"

Suddenly, I realized David must know them personally, and I had truly fucked up letting that info out.

Banging some housewife was a common thing that everyone had bragged about in the shop at night. It happened at least once or twice a month. All of them had done it except me. Even David had recounted a sexual exploit or two in the past six or seven months I had worked there, and he was a straight-laced professional, supposedly a 'happily' married newlywed with an infant daughter.

Thinking quickly, I said, "No! Not that stuck up cunt. I fucked her neighbor. Some chic named Peggy."

"Peggy?" David asked, grimacing in obvious disbelief. "You mean Peggy O'Brian, the skinny redhead next door?" He shook his head. "Her husband is a cop, Dude. You said a hot blonde, a lawyer's wife. Holy fuck! You banged Carol fucking Joyce didn't you? Just admit it."

He had me. I shook my head and shrugged, at a complete loss.

Dave laughed and clapped his hand to his forehead. "Holy god damned shit! You did! You fucked that AMAZING blonde piece of luscious ASS? Jesus Christ, Dude! You are a fucking GOD!"

His elated reaction eased my nerves. I shrugged in surrender, smiled and nodded.

Everyone else had begun paying attention, witnessing David's unprecedented outburst. David barely ever smiled or raised his voice. His looking about to explode as he celebrated and laughed at the news of that housewife getting seduced.

"What's she look like?" fat Joey asked. "She's pretty?"

"Pretty?" David shouted, still animated as he waved his big brush around. "No! That woman is fucking drop dead gorgeous and she's smoking hot, too! Everyone at the country club drools over those big tits and that perfect ass! Everyone! But nobody I know has ever tapped that. Oh my God this is fantastic!" He took another couple steps toward me, his eyes delving deeply into mine. In a much quieter, but very intense tone, he said, "Harry, you fucking stud, you are going to tell me every minute detail, every fucking word spoken and every fucking drop of fluid exchanged." He shook his brush at me, grimaced and added, "And I shit you not when I tell you that if you leave anything out - ANYTHING - I will fire your ass on the spot. Do you understand me?"

I nodded, smiling at his empty, but amusing threat. The other guys gathered around like moths to a roaring flame, eager to hear all the juicy details.

(See Carol & the Carpet Guy chapters 1 through 4 on this site by Hofeeder).

The first couple minutes I spent describing what Carol looked like to the guys. David kept chiming in and elaborated with his cupped hands miming the size of her big tits on his own chest, how skinny her waist was and how curvaceous her hips were. His cartoonish mimicry of all her body parts as he moved around in front of the whole group of horny guys brought leering smirks and amused smiles to everyone's faces including mine.

Dave held his hand up at about her five foot six or seven inch height and then used both his hands to show her long, thick waves of platinum blonde flowing hair, caressing his own shoulders and swooning with his eyes closed in rapture as he mocked wistfully playing with Carol's beautiful white locks as if they were hanging down on his own shoulders.

When I explained how I, the 'never-shit-where-you-eat' professional among them, had finally decided to fuck a horny housewife after seven months of resisting temptations, not one of the crew could look away.

I proceeded to tell them everything I did to her on her bedroom floor and then how I blackmailed her for anal. As I described the anal pounding I gave her tight virgin ass on her and her husband's bed, they drank in every detail with wide eyes, gasping, chuckling and cursing.

Carol talking to her husband on the phone as I fucked her hard in the ass got them especially riled up and rowdy. Ivan smacked himself in his own head repeatedly as big fat Joey rolled around on the floor in hysterical fits of laughter. "YOU CORNHOLED HER WITH THE FUCKING HUSBAND LISTENING!" He screamed laughing. "SHE BEGGED FOR YOU TO CUM IN HER ASS!" More laughter, tears flowing. "YOU ARE OFF THE FUCKING HOOK, DUDE!" He held his big belly as his laughter finally trailed off. Gasping for air, he wiped tears from his eyes and said, "I can't take any more. Stop... just fucking stop."

When I finished up by telling them how she ran out with my check made out for double our daily rate, and looked at me with her big, pale blue eyes, asking if I could please come back again tomorrow, Joey laughed some more, still laying on the floor and the whole crew cheered and applauded.

David actually hugged me.

Pulling back, he took me firmly by both shoulders, looked deep into my eyes and said, "We are ALL going with you tomorrow." He gave my shoulders one shake, let go and spun around to the rest of the crew. Pumping his fist in the air, he shouted, "Guess what tomorrow is guys? Say it on the count of three....ONE!...Two!..."

The whole crew shouted, "Gangbang Day!" and jumped up and down hugging each other and patting each other on their shoulders.

When they calmed down, I said, "Yeah, I don't think she'll be down for a gangbang, guys. Sorry."

The whole crew seemed to deflate. "No gangbang?" Ivan said in his Russian accent, looking devastated.

"Nonsense!" David hollered at me, his face twisted into a scoffing grimace. "Of course she'll be up for one. I'll call her tonight when her husband is sure to be home." An evil grin formed on his face. "I guaran-fucking-tee Carol will greet us all with wide open legs at her house in the morning. Just leave it to me, gentlemen." Dave turned and went back to his wash bay. "Everyone get back to work. I want to lock up the garage early tonight."

I followed him. He began scrubbing his chrome, shop-style vacuum cleaner.

"What the fuck, Harry," Dave said, seeing me come up behind him. "That means you, too. Get to work. Go clean your shit!"

"What the hell are you going to say to her," I asked, ignoring him.

"Oh," he said, that evil grin returning. "I'm hoping she answers the phone. I am going to ask to speak to her husband about the security footage I just took from your vacuum security camera today. I'll tell her it's very serious and I need to discuss it with him privately. Then, of course, I'll let her coax the lurid details out of me... about how she fucked my employee. After that she will agree to fuck every single one of us to get her sex tape back."

"That's stupid!" I frowned at him, shaking my head. "We don't even have fucking cameras in our vacuums!"

He chuckled and shrugged. "But she doesn't know that."

"It's completely ridiculous. She'll never believe you."

"Just go clean your shit, Harry. Let me take care of the thinking around here. You would be shocked what a cheating housewife will believe, especially one married to a rich guy. It's called paranoia. Believe me. She'll fucking believe me. Now hurry up and get to work. Chop! Chop!"

After I finished cleaning my equipment, and everyone else had left, I heard David on his office phone.

"Hello, Mrs. Joyce," he said, and my ears perked up. I quietly approached his office door, listening. "This is David Maynard, the owner of Luster Carpet Cleaning Service. I have to speak--"

He stopped and listened to something Carol was saying.

"I am so glad you're satisfied."

Another long pause. I walked into his open doorway and peered in at David. He held the phone to his ear and flipped a pen over and over, tapping it on his desk.

"Yes, Harry is one of our best--" David listened and chuckled. "Yes, he told me you wanted him back again tomorrow, but there is another very serious matter concerning the security footage from the hidden camera in his vacuum cleaner. That's why I'm call--" David paused only for a moment. "Yes, all our carpet guys have a security camera equipped in their vacuum cleaners. We pride ourselves on keeping our cleaners professional, so we monitor all their jobs for their protection and yours. What I saw on his particular camera footage from today, though, was--" He paused. "Yes. I just finished watching it, and, to be quite frank, it was shocking... and disgusting."

David paused again, smiling fiendishly and silently trying to suppress his evil laughter. Getting control of himself, he forced his face and voice to stiffen. "No," David said, "Harry doesn't know the camera is in there. None of our cleaners are aware of our security cameras. That would defeat the purp--"

I could here Carol's voice as she shouted, "You had no right to film anything in my home! No fucking right!"

"I'm sorry you feel that way, but legally we have every right to-"

"My husband is a fucking lawyer! And we will sue your fucking ass off if you don't destroy that tape immediately!"

David looked up at me and grinned his evil grin. He gave me a thumbs up. "I do not think you want your husband to see this tape or even know about it. Am I right?"

There was a long pause. David let out a sigh. "Please stop crying, Ma'am. I am sure we can work this out so everyone will be more than happy."

He paused and shook his head. "No," he said, "It's not about money." I could hear Carol's strained voice pleading, but couldn't make out the words. "Twenty thousand is a lot of money, but I wouldn't even take a hundred grand." David looked up at me, grinning like the devil. "What I want, Mrs. Joyce, is the same thing you gave my employee on that tape."

David listened for a few seconds, nodding. Then he shook his head and said, "No, no, no, you don't get it. You're not just fucking me." He chuckled. "I have five other horny guys who work here besides Harry, and you, Mrs. Joyce, are going to fuck all seven of us..." He paused listening and nodding, then said, "Yes, at the same time."

I heard Carol scream through the phone. "ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?" Then I heard a loud click.

David lifted the dead receiver off his ear, looked at me and burst out laughing. "She'll call back." He hung it up on the base. "They always do."

"You've done this before," I said, shaking my head.

"Shit yeah!" he said, smiling and leaning back in his chair. "This is the third housewife I've hooked."

I had heard Joey bragging about this, but I hadn't believed a word he said. Now I knew it was true. "You and the guys all fucked them? You had a 'Gangbang Day'?"

He nodded, grinning broadly as if barely able to suppress a fit of laughter.

"You went to their houses with the whole crew and fucked two other housewives? Jesus, Dave. That's really fucked up."

He nodded looking proud of it, a gleeful smile on his face. "The first time, shit," he said. "That was the best. She was a smoking hot latina. Her name was Rosa Vasquez. Mrs. Vasquez had only given Eddie a blowjob, but, after I blackmailed her into earning a fake sex tape from our secret vacuum camera, she invited me and four of the guys, including Eddie, to go back to her house the very next day. We gangbanged that hot young hispanic bitch right on top of her rich husband's billiard table. We filled every fucking hole!" He chortled, adding, "And billiard tables don't have any holes."

He laughed even harder at his own joke.

"What about the second time?"

"Oh, shit! That one was good, too. She was a redhead, very pretty. Her name was Jennifer Morgan. Husband's a doctor up in Boston. She paid for a room at a seedy little motel." He chuckled and shook his head. "Didn't want all six of us in her house, I guess." He shrugged. "We banged that chic for hours. She kept begging for more. Eddie and Jamal are like fucking machines, by the way. They must have cum in that bitch like five times each. It was unbeliev--"

The phone rang. David picked it up. "Luster Carpet Cleaning. This is David."


"Yes, of course, Mrs. Joyce."

Longer pause.

"I can agree to that."

Another even longer pause.

"Sounds like a plan, Carol. Thank you. I just want to tell you that I'm happy we could... Hello?" He held the receiver out, smiling. "Well, she hung up."

"What did she say?"

"She wants just you at her house tomorrow, nobody else, for the whole day."

"And you agreed to that?"

He smirked and nodded. "Absolutely, she said she would arrange to come to our shop one day next week and take care of the rest of us, so yeah. I agreed to that."


"Nope," David said, "Quite typical, actually." He hung up the phone. "Looks like you get one more day to enjoy fucking that tight asshole. Make sure you enjoy it now. After Eddie gets done fucking her in the ass she'll be able to shit out a fucking Volkswagen without noticing. I'm serious. That guy packs a fifteen inch double wide and he certainly loves breaking tight asses wide open. Both Mrs. Vasquez and Mrs. Morgan would be able to testify to that. They probably still feel that ass pounding he gave them. Seriously, after what I saw Eddie do to both their asses... they probably both wear diapers now... not a fucking joke. It was brutal."

I stood there at a loss for words, my mouth hanging open.

Dave shrugged. "It's okay, Harry. We always make him go last. He works the video camera until we're all finished and then we put them on their bellies and he brings in the big gun." He jumped up from his desk, grabbed his keys and said, "You want to see the videos?"

I nodded, still speechless.

David unlocked a draw in one of file cabinets and pulled out two video tapes. He turned and headed for his TV and VCR.

"Not here with you!" I said. "Let me borrow them for the--"

"Oh no! No way! These don't leave my office." He stopped in his tracks and stood looking at me and shaking his head. "If anybody ever got a hold--"

"Don't be ridiculous! Just give me them. I'll give them back tomorrow."

Dave stood there, still shaking his head and grimacing.

"Stop being such a pussy," I said.

Taking in a deep breath, he pushed it out his nose, blinked repeatedly and said, "You better get them right back to me, Harry. If anything happens to these fucking gangbang tapes I swear..."

I smirked, stepped forward and snatched the tapes out of his hand. "Shut the fuck up," I said. "Nothing's going to happen to them."


The next morning I arrived at Carol's house at nine o'clock sharp. She yanked open the door before I knocked, looked at me like I was the devil himself and said, "Get in here. We need to talk."

I walked inside, ready to let Carol in on Dave's big plan, maybe show her the gangbang tapes which I had brought with me into her house, and definitely save her from getting her ass destroyed by Eddie's fifteen inch double wide.

All I needed to do was tell her Dave had lied about the secret security footage. Then Carol would be off the hook, and I was eager to tell her. Knowing she must be stressed the fuck out, I really couldn't wait to reveal David's bluff and free her mind of that burden.

As soon as she shut the door, she said, "I was wrong about you."

"How so?" I asked.

"You are a low-life fucking scumbag."

I shook my head, smirked, and said, "Look, I didn't have anything to do with--"

She shouted, "I thought you were a decent fucking guy! You're a scumbag! Nothing but a lowlife fucking scumbag!"

"Wait, Carol. I have something very important to tell--"

Her voice shook and tears started flowing as she shouted, "I can't believe I let you cum in me! You're a dumb, fucking uneducated, stupid scumbag and now I could be pregnant with your idiot child!"

Even though I knew she was upset, those words pissed me off. I guess it was the accusation of me being uneducated that stung the most. It hurt because it was true. I prided myself on my intellect, but I had never earned a degree in college.

That didn't really mean anything. There are plenty of people without degrees who are smarter than people with them, but many people with degrees -- like Carol had just blatantly done -- used their educated status to declare themselves superior, and treat anyone without a degree as mentally inferior to them.

She had called me dumb and uneducated. It was probably the worst thing she could have said. At that point, I decided to let all the guys have their Gangbang Day and let Eddy wreck her ass with his fifteen-inch double-wide.

I would just sit back and enjoy the show.

As I was trying to calm myself down, Carol snarled at me and said, "You're nothing but a dumb, stupid ape, and I wouldn't fuck you again if you were the last motherfucker on Earth." She folded her arms. "Part of my deal with Dave will be that you won't be invited to their blackmail gang rape. I'm going to call him right after you leave and make that my only demand." She paused, looking pitiful, with tears falling and her lip quivering. There," she said, wiping tears off her pretty cheek with the heel of her hand. "Now just leave my house. Get the fuck out. I said my piece. We are done here."

I shook my head. Unbuckling my belt, I sneered at her and said, "Get on your fucking knees, you stuck up, Cunt!"

"Excuse me?" she said, taken aback at my angry tone.

"Get on your fucking knees and suck my dick." I whipped out my cock, "Get it nice and hard so the dumb ape can fuck you right up your educated ass."

"I will do no such thing!" She spun around and strode quickly toward her kitchen. "I'm calling the cops! I suggest you leave right this instant!"

"Call them!" I pulled my pants and boxers off as I shouted, "I'm sure your husband and the whole fucking Cumberland Police department will enjoy seeing the video tapes from yesterday. I have them right here in my hand. You look great, screaming for me to cum in your ass! Go ahead! Call them!"

I took off the rest of my clothes.

I couldn't see her, but I didn't hear her on the phone, either. It remained silent in her house for a maybe a full minute or a minute and a half.

Totally naked, I continued jerking off.

Carol walked back around the corner, a stony expression on her face. She stared blankly down at my dick. Dropping down onto her knees in front of me, she took my cock in both her hands, and then, still wearing that blank expression, robotically, opened her full lips in a ring and took my cock into her mouth.

She blew me mechanically, her unfocused eyes welling up with tears. After about a minute of her robotic cock sucking, the tears overflowed and streamed down both her stony cheeks.

I pushed her mouth off my dick and shook my head. "No. Take off all your fucking clothes, first."